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My amendments of Articles 69 - 77 of the Ethiopian Constitution

Post by BigBreak » 29 Jul 2024, 06:58

Article 69. The Status of the President of the Republic
1. The President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, hereinafter called the President of the Republic, is the Head of State and Supreme Commander of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces. He incarnates the national unity and assures the continuity of the State.
2. He is the guarantor of the national security, of the national independence, of the territorial integrity and of the respect for the Constitution, and for the international treaties and agreements. He shall, by arbitration, ensure the regular and harmonious functioning of the powers and organs of the State.

Article 70. Nomination and Appointment of the President
1. The House of Peoples' Representatives shall nominate the candidate for President of the Republic.
2. The nominee shall be elected President of the Republic if a joint session of the House of Peoples' Representatives and the House of the Federation approves his candidacy by a two-thirds majority vote.
3. A member of either House shall vacate his seat if elected President.
4. The term of office of the President shall be six years. He shall be eligible for re-election.
5. Upon his election in accordance with sub-Article 2 of this Article, the President of the Republic, before commencing his responsibility, shall, at a time the joint session of the Houses determines, present himself before it and shall make a declaration of loyalty to the Constitution and the Peoples of Ethiopia in the following words:
"I ........., when on this date commence my responsibility as President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, pledge to carry out faithfully the high responsibility entrusted to me."

Article 71. Powers and Functions of the President of the Republic
1. He shall open the joint session of the House of Peoples' Representatives and the House of the Federation at the commencement of their annual sessions.
2. He shall appoint the Prime Minister and decide whether to accept or reject the resignation of the Prime Minister.
3. He shall appoint, dismiss and decide on the resignation of the other members of the Council of Ministers following consultations with the Prime Minister.
4. He may dissolve the Council of Ministers at his own free discretion.
5. He exercises supervision over the formulation and subsequent implementation of the overall public policies of the country by the Council of Ministers.
6. He shall proclaim in the Negarit Gazeta laws and international agreements approved by the House of Peoples' Representatives in accordance with the Constitution.
7. He shall appoint ambassadors and other diplomatic envoys to represent the country abroad.
8. He shall receive the credentials of foreign ambassadors and other diplomatic envoys.
9. He shall award medals, prizes and gifts in accordance with conditions and procedures established by a law.
10. He shall, in accordance with law, grant high military titles.
11. He shall, in accordance with conditions and procedures established by law, grant pardon.
12. He shall discharge all other responsibilities entrusted to him by this Constitution and by the other laws of the country.

Article 72. The Status of the Council of Ministers
1. The highest executive powers of the Federal Government are vested in the Council of Ministers.
2. The Council of Ministers are responsible to the House of Peoples' Representatives. In the exercise of State functions, members of the Council of Ministers are collectively responsible for all decisions they make as a body.

Article 73. Membership of the Council of Ministers
1. All members of the Council of Ministers shall be appointed from only among members of the House of Peoples' Representatives but it is not obligatory to be a member of both the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives simultaneously.
2. The Council of Ministers is considered resigned under the following circumstances:
a. If the President of the Republic dissolves it at his own free discretion,
b. If the Prime Minister dies, resigns or is declared to be incapacitated,
c. When the House of Peoples’ Representatives meets on the first day of its current term following its election, and
d. When it has lost the confidence of an absolute majority of all members of the House of Peoples’ Representatives.

Article 74. Powers and Functions of the Prime Minister
1. The Prime Minister is the Head of the Federal Government and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers.
2. He shall follow up and ensure the implementation of laws, policies, directives and other decisions adopted by the House of Peoples' Representatives.
3. He exercises overall supervision over the implementation of policies, regulations, directives and decisions adopted by the Council of Ministers.
4. He leads the Council of Ministers, coordinates its activities and acts as its representative.
5. He exercises overall supervision over the implementation of policies, regulations, directives and decisions adopted by the Council of Ministers.
6. He selects and submits for approval to the House of Peoples' Representatives nominations for posts of Commissioners, the President and Vice-President of the Federal Supreme Court and the Auditor General.
7. He supervises the conduct and efficiency of the Federal administration and takes such corrective measures as are necessary.
8. He appoints high civilian officials of the Federal Government in accordance with this Constitution.
9. He shall submit to the House of Peoples' Representatives periodic reports on work accomplished by the Council of Ministers as well as on its plans and proposals.
10. He shall discharge all responsibilities entrusted to him by this Constitution and other laws.
11. He shall obey and enforce the Constitution.

Article 75. Deputy Prime Minister
1. The Deputy Prime Minister shall:
a. Carry out responsibilities which shall be specifically entrusted to him by the Prime Minister, and
b. Act on behalf of the Prime Minister in his absence.
2. The Deputy Prime Minister shall be responsible to both the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister.

Article 76. The Council of Ministers
1. The Council of Ministers comprises the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, Ministers and other members as may be determined by law.
2. In all its decisions and actions, the Council of Ministers is responsible to both the President of the Republic and the House of Peoples' Representatives.

Article 77. Powers and Functions of the Council of Ministers
1. The Council of Ministers ensures the implementation of laws and decisions adopted by the House of Peoples' Representatives.
2. It shall decide on the organizational structure of ministries and other organs of government responsible to it; it shall coordinate their activities and provide leadership.
3. It shall draw up the annual Federal budget and, when approved by the House of Peoples' Representatives, it shall implement it.
4. It shall ensure the proper execution of financial and monetary policies of the country. It shall administer the National Bank, decide on the printing of money and minting of coins, borrow money from domestic and external sources, and regulate foreign exchange matters.
5. It shall protect patents and copyrights.
6. It shall formulate and implement economic, social and development policies and strategies.
7. It shall provide uniform standards of measurement and calendar.
8. It shall ensure the observance of law and order.
9. It has the power to declare a state of emergency; in doing so, it shall, within the time limit prescribed by the Constitution, submit the proclamation declaring a state of emergency for approval by the House of Peoples' Representatives.
10. It shall submit draft laws to the House of Peoples' Representatives on any matter falling within its competence, including draft laws on a declaration of war.
11. It shall carry out other responsibilities that may be entrusted to it by the House of Peoples' Representatives and the Prime Minister.
12. It shall enact regulations pursuant to powers vested in it by the House of Peoples' Representatives.
Last edited by BigBreak on 29 Jul 2024, 07:36, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 182
Joined: 02 Sep 2016, 13:24

Re: My amendments of Articles 69 - 77 of the Ethiopian Constitution

Post by BigBreak » 29 Jul 2024, 07:03

My intention is to create a powerful presidency that will be superior to the prime minister and cabinet as a whole

Posts: 3243
Joined: 22 Jun 2024, 21:05

Re: My amendments of Articles 69 - 77 of the Ethiopian Constitution

Post by Dama » 29 Jul 2024, 07:31


Posts: 182
Joined: 02 Sep 2016, 13:24

Re: My amendments of Articles 69 - 77 of the Ethiopian Constitution

Post by BigBreak » 29 Jul 2024, 07:42

Dama wrote:
29 Jul 2024, 07:31
wrong, it no ways excludes women

Posts: 182
Joined: 02 Sep 2016, 13:24

Re: My amendments of Articles 69 - 77 of the Ethiopian Constitution

Post by BigBreak » 30 Jul 2024, 07:57

Horus wrote:
29 Jul 2024, 21:44
what do you think bro

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