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Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Selam/ » 03 Dec 2019, 21:11

That’s a curse passed on to them by evil Woyane thugs. Cruelty doesn’t fall from the sky. It rather rolls over from one savage to the other. Look how young the perpetrators are. They’re born and raised during the horrendous period of TPLF incumbency. They’ve lived the atrocity of the last three decades and they are now spending it in kind.
Fed_Up wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 20:37
The cruelty I saw in this video has no bound. How come humanity turned to such barbaric? Derg has done worst than this in Eritrea. The difference is there were no smart phone at the time to record it. However, I thought it ended there. The animalistic nature of some folks down south the border has never been consumed. Every sh!t that accumulated through generational rule we of Ethio get us to such barbaric time. Blame the former rulers and the pathetic thieves hiding Mekele rathole.

Revelations wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 18:15

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Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Ethoash » 03 Dec 2019, 21:19

Selam/ wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 21:11
That’s a curse passed on to them by evil Woyane thugs. Cruelty doesn’t fall from the sky. It rather rolls over from one savage to the other. Look how young the perpetrators are. They’re born and raised during the horrendous period of TPLF incumbency. They’ve lived the atrocity of the last three decades and they are now spending it in kind.
Fed_Up wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 20:37
The cruelty I saw in this video has no bound. How come humanity turned to such barbaric? Derg has done worst than this in Eritrea. The difference is there were no smart phone at the time to record it. However, I thought it ended there. The animalistic nature of some folks down south the border has never been consumed. Every sh!t that accumulated through generational rule we of Ethio get us to such barbaric time. Blame the former rulers and the pathetic thieves hiding Mekele rathole.
Revelations wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 18:15

u guys are virgin to civil war how ugly it is go to Yemen and Syria ... now you too idiot what r u suggesting u already called the oromo people animistic .. why not revenge let send the fed army and kill 1000 more why stop there kill 100,0000 oromo or Galla as u call them then every thing will be settled .. i wish u guys also posted how the Amhara killed 300 kumiz then only i will say u guys are fair ..

now i am not saving the video is void of crime but there were a lot of people try to stop the beating and they did the victim did not died but u see only one side of the story form the same video ... go head make more war u will get from your side

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Posts: 14498
Joined: 04 Aug 2018, 13:15

Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Selam/ » 03 Dec 2019, 21:47

Ungrateful Buda Woyane - My puppy writes better English and therefore you really have no other choice than using Amharic. Even the hyenas in Mekelle retreated to the heavenly language in the last couple of days in search of healing. Unfortunately, it’s too late for those mfkrs. The heavenly doesn’t cleanse the black voodoo spell casted by the evil frog for eternity.

That godless frog brought curse upon our people and country at large. Everything that he touched turned to sh!t. His communist party got buried after three decades of convulsions and turmoil. He emptied NBE’s bank and died like a dog with out using any of the money. Unable to do anything and earn a living, the cuckoo head woyane rats and senile members are now scrambling in the digital medium. 100 million people hate you. His cash cow METEC & EFFORT are in a shambles with the CEOs languishing behind bars. Dumas$ thug, I am born free and no body gives me my freedom. KIFU!

Ethoash wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 21:09
Selam/ wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 20:24
Buda Woyane - why did the frog get away with the theft of the century despite the high security in NBE? Nobody else has done it so far.
frog MELES introduce u democracy, introduce u to freedom of speech, and fed state.. in short make u human again .. for this u think he should be working for 3000 birr and his family die in poverty is that what you r saying .. yes, meles family might have billion so what they r royal family of Ethiopia he deserve it for sure Dr. Abiy also deserved royal family treatment i dont want to take away from them this

i will write in Amhric so that u can translated and understand my thought
የመለስ ሚስት የመጀመሪያዋ ልዕት ናት ስራ መስራትን የጀመረችው ከሷ በኋላ ነው የኦባማ ሚስት ስራ መስራት የጀመረቸው የሬጌንና የቡሽ ሚስቶች የቤት እመቤቶች ነበሩ። ቀዳማዊት ግን የቢልዬን ዶላር ካምፓኒ በማስተዳደር ትርፋማ አረገችው ምን አባህ ትፈልጋለህ።

እኔን በጣም የሚገርመኝ ቀዳማዊት አዜብ በቀበሌ ቤት በ ሶስት ሺህ ብር ደሞዞ እንድትኖር ነው ውይ የምትፈልገው።
በሶስት ሺህ ብር ደሞዞ የኮንጎ ጫማ ነው እንድታረግ የምትፈልገው። አንት ቡዳ ስለሆንክ እንጂ ቀዳማዊት እዜብ በድህነት መኖሯ ምንድነው የሚጠቅምህ ግን ሐብታም ከሆነች ፋብሪካ ተከፍታለች የመቶ ሺዎችን እንጅራ ተዘጋለች ። ግን ድሃ መሆኗ ምን ጥቅም አለው።

ሁሉ ነገር መነሻ ያስፈልጋል ። እናት ካፒታል ልትሰርቅ ትችላለች ፤ መሬትም በነፃ ልታገኝ ትችላለች ከዚያ በኋላ ግን የሷ ብርታት ነው ካፓኒዋን የሚያሳደገው ለዘረፈችው መቶ እጥፍ ብታድግ ለአገር ትጠቅማለች እንጂ ምን ትጎዳለች።

አሁን ብትሰርቅ የመጀመሪያውን ካፒታል ለማግኘት ስለ ። ለምን አንድ ብርም ት ሰርቃለች ብለህ ትለፋደድ ስለሚሆን ምስሌ ልስጥህ

ሲውዝ ምንም የወርቅ መህድን የላትም ግን በአለም ስባ አምስት በመቶ የሚሆነውን ወርቅ ታቀልጣለች ። እንግዲህ የወርቅ መሀድን ሳይኖራት እንዴት ይህንን ሁሉ ወርቅ ለመቆጣጠር ቻለች ስትል መልሱ በአብዛኛው ስርቆት ነው። ለምሳሌ ሁጋንዳ በጦርነት ውስጥ ሳለች በወርቅ ነበር ጦርነቱ የሚደገፈው ስለዚህ አለም አቅፍ ድርጅቶች ሁጋንዳ ወርቅ ባን አረጉት ግን ሲውዝ ዝም ብላ ትገዛ ነበር ። እሱ ሲገርምህ በጠቅላላ የደቡብ አሜሪካን የወርቅ በመግዛት በደም የተበከለን ወርቅ በማፅዳት ትታወቃለች።

እሱ ሲገርመኝ ደግሞ ዱባይ በወርቅ የምትታወቀው ሐርም የወርቅ ማህድን የላትም ዝም ብላ ከአፊሪካ ከኢትዬዽያም ሳይቀር የሚሄድላትን ወርቅ በማቀለጥ የራሷ ወርቅ አስመስላ ትችረችራለች። ማለት የፈለጉሁት ቀዳማዊ አዜብን በገንዘብ ለመክሰስ ከፈለግ በመጀመሪያ በሚሊዬን ብር ደሞዝተኛ ማረግ ይጠበቅብሀል ። ከዚያ ከስረቀች ግን ሀቅ አለህ ለመክሰስ አሁን ግን ሞኝህን ፈልግ በነፃ የሚስራልህ ። የወርቁን ጉዳይ ያመጣሁት የኢትዬዽያ ወርቅ አምራቾች መንግስት በርካሽ ዋጋ እንግዛቹሁ ሲላቸው አውጥተው ወርቁን ለዱባይ ነጋዴ ይሽጡታል ። ታድያ ምኑን ነው ድባይን የምንከሰው እኛ እርስ በርሳቸን አንዱ እንዳያገኝ ስለምንባላ ቀዳማዊ አዜብም ገንዘቧን ሲውዝ ብታስቀምጥ ማን ይፈርድባታል ።። በአንድ የወገብ መቀነት በወርቅ የተስራ በማስመስለ ያላትን ንብረት በሙሉ ሲውዝ ይዛ ውርቁን ሽጥ አርጋ ገንዙቡን እዛው ብታስቀምጥ ማን ይገዳታል ። እዚማ እንዳትሰራ ሌባ ሌባ እንላታልን። ይህ ደግሞ ለጠቅላይ ሚኒስተር ደሳለኝም ነው አፊን ክፍቶ አባይ እስኪወድቅ ከጠበቀ የሚቀጥለው መንግስት እስር ቤት ሊከተው ስለሚችል የዘርፈውን ይዞ እንዲጠፋ ነው ምክሬ። ለዚህ ምስጋና ቢስ ሕዝብ ።። ይቅርታ ለንዳንተ ያለ ቡዳ ስው ማለቴ ነው።
Last edited by Selam/ on 03 Dec 2019, 21:55, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: 04 Aug 2018, 13:15

Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Selam/ » 03 Dec 2019, 21:51

Buda Woyane - I don’t understand your rumbling. Translate to Amharic. Woyanes are the animals, not Oromos, Amharas or Eritreans. In fact you’re beneath animals.
Ethoash wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 21:19
Selam/ wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 21:11
That’s a curse passed on to them by evil Woyane thugs. Cruelty doesn’t fall from the sky. It rather rolls over from one savage to the other. Look how young the perpetrators are. They’re born and raised during the horrendous period of TPLF incumbency. They’ve lived the atrocity of the last three decades and they are now spending it in kind.
Fed_Up wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 20:37
The cruelty I saw in this video has no bound. How come humanity turned to such barbaric? Derg has done worst than this in Eritrea. The difference is there were no smart phone at the time to record it. However, I thought it ended there. The animalistic nature of some folks down south the border has never been consumed. Every sh!t that accumulated through generational rule we of Ethio get us to such barbaric time. Blame the former rulers and the pathetic thieves hiding Mekele rathole.
Revelations wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 18:15

u guys are virgin to civil war how ugly it is go to Yemen and Syria ... now you too idiot what r u suggesting u already called the oromo people animistic .. why not revenge let send the fed army and kill 1000 more why stop there kill 100,0000 oromo or Galla as u call them then every thing will be settled .. i wish u guys also posted how the Amhara killed 300 kumiz then only i will say u guys are fair ..

now i am not saving the video is void of crime but there were a lot of people try to stop the beating and they did the victim did not died but u see only one side of the story form the same video ... go head make more war u will get from your side

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Joined: 15 Apr 2009, 10:50

Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Fed_Up » 03 Dec 2019, 23:03

If I were you, I would have hid myself under big rat hole in Mekele.
Look anTa halay agame...

Tplf rats were a killing machines that worst than what we saw in Ethiopia history. The woyanus trained machinery were also killing their own kind. This where the kids learned killing innocent and cruelty from.

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