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Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Revelations » 03 Dec 2019, 15:48

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Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Revelations » 03 Dec 2019, 15:52

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Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Ethoash » 03 Dec 2019, 16:17

Revelations wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 15:37
መስካሪው ትንሽም ያጋነነ ቢመስልም ሜንጫው በስብሶም ቢስብርም ። ሁሉም የተናገርው እውነት ሊሆን ይችላል ግን እንዴት አርጎ ሊቀ ቅሱ በምራቃት እንዳረገው ነገሩን ተመልከቱ አንደኛ በኦሮምኛ ተናገረ። ሁለተኛ እሳሞችን በፍፁም አልወነጀለም ። ጥፋተኞቹ በጣም ትንሽ ሊሆኑ ይችላሉ ለምን ከመላው እስላም አማኞች ጋር ይጣሉ። የሪልቡል ልፋት ይህ ቪድዬ ከንቱ አደረገበት።

እኔ ሁሌ ሲወራ የምስማው ቄሶቹ ኦሮምኛ አይናገሩም የሚል ነው። ግን እንኮን ቄሶቹ መምናቱም በደንብ ኦሮምኛ የሚያወቁ ይመስላል።

በደርግ ዘመን ሌባን ፀረ አብዬተኛ ሲያስችግር ። የአብዬት ጠባቂዎቹ በየስፈሩ ለመጠበቅ የውጭ መብራት ይብራልን ብለው ተናግረው ሁሉም ሰው በሩ ላይ አንድ አምፖል አስተክሎ ሌሊቱን በሙሉ ስበራ ያደር ነበር። ይህ እንግዲህ በደርግ ዘመን ነው። በጨለማ አልተደናበሩም ለችግራቸው ዜዴ ፈለጉ ።

እኔ ደግሞ ከብዙ ግዜ በፊት በጠቅላላ ቤተክርስታኖች የደህንነት ቪድዬ ማስተከል አለባቸው ብዬ ስሞገት ነበር ሁሉም ሰው እንደፌዝ ሳቀብኝ። አሁን ይህ ቄስ የሚለውና ቄሮን የሚከስበት ጉዳይ በቪድዬ ቢታገዝ ነበር እውነቱ ይወጣ ነበር ሽፍቶቹሁም አንድ በአንድ ሲለቀሙ ሁለተኛ ይህንን ገገምነት ያቆሙ ነበር። አሁንም ግዜው አላለፈም የደህንነት ካሜሪ ለማደረግ። ፋብሪካ ያላቹሁ፤ ሁቴል ያላቹሁ በሙሉ ይህንን አስቡበት

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Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Ethoash » 03 Dec 2019, 18:33

Revelations wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 18:15

Helen Zewde as Eritrean u might not understand the language but the mob where telling the attacker to stop.. it is already the silent majority were start speaking against the criminal ... democracy is a process we have to pass this river before we reach the promised land.. but now if u call the America they will interpreted the learning curve ,,, no one learn democracy in day it take a lot of time.. the American also pass thru this they still didnt prefect it.. if u think the American will come and implement plug and play democracy u r asking for trouble...

to me the fighting back already happening out of those criminal their was one honest guy who videotape the crime.. now this kind of good Seminarian should be supported by reword .. this encourage more people to videotape the victum to me i could not see the face of the attacker the video man should have been standing behind the victim this way he would have taped the criminal face and those criminal would have been hunted down for this we dont need no American or any out side force otherwise if Ethiopia become another Syria dont cry...

now what the police of fed. government should do is stop the frame one by one and see to identified the photo in the video this way few who know them can report on tip line and get our man .. once this people punished u will see 98% of the crime reduced then again Realbull will not have a job...

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Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Ethoash » 03 Dec 2019, 18:33

Revelations wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 18:15

Helen Zewde as Eritrean u might not understand the language but the mob where telling the attacker to stop.. it is already the silent majority were start speaking against the criminal ... democracy is a process we have to pass this river before we reach the promised land.. but now if u call the America they will interpreted the learning curve ,,, no one learn democracy in day it take a lot of time.. the American also pass thru this they still didnt prefect it.. if u think the American will come and implement plug and play democracy u r asking for trouble...

to me the fighting back already happening out of those criminal their was one honest guy who videotape the crime.. now this kind of good Seminarian should be supported by reword .. this encourage more people to videotape the victum to me i could not see the face of the attacker the video man should have been standing behind the victim this way he would have taped the criminal face and those criminal would have been hunted down for this we dont need no American or any out side force otherwise if Ethiopia become another Syria dont cry...

now what the police of fed. government should do is stop the frame one by one and see to identified the photo in the video this way few who know them can report on tip line and get our man .. once this people punished u will see 98% of the crime reduced then again Realbull will not have a job...

Posts: 2178
Joined: 15 Oct 2013, 15:40

Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by gadaa2 » 03 Dec 2019, 18:49

I oppose any burning of a church, we will stop thise soon. The establishment of Oromia Orthodox church will solve this. It started in DC, and from today on, none can use the church to make political point. There will not be infight inside church as if they have WWF. Church in Oromia and the vast south will work to connect us to our god. PERIOD, that is all the implication.

Using the church to come to power is almost impossible and you better eat your heart. It will explode soon and it started in DC.

About the UN, I got two boys age 18, 20, sometime they go out and oppose something they don't like in politics, they are Qerro. I will write the UN to come and take them to jail. What a retarded Eskinder Nega.

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Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Selam/ » 03 Dec 2019, 19:06

The light requirement during Derg was to capture woyane rats that were roaming around the city throughout the night. No one was caught though because kimalam TPLFits are always Buda. KIFU!

Ethoash wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 16:17
Revelations wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 15:37
መስካሪው ትንሽም ያጋነነ ቢመስልም ሜንጫው በስብሶም ቢስብርም ። ሁሉም የተናገርው እውነት ሊሆን ይችላል ግን እንዴት አርጎ ሊቀ ቅሱ በምራቃት እንዳረገው ነገሩን ተመልከቱ አንደኛ በኦሮምኛ ተናገረ። ሁለተኛ እሳሞችን በፍፁም አልወነጀለም ። ጥፋተኞቹ በጣም ትንሽ ሊሆኑ ይችላሉ ለምን ከመላው እስላም አማኞች ጋር ይጣሉ። የሪልቡል ልፋት ይህ ቪድዬ ከንቱ አደረገበት።

እኔ ሁሌ ሲወራ የምስማው ቄሶቹ ኦሮምኛ አይናገሩም የሚል ነው። ግን እንኮን ቄሶቹ መምናቱም በደንብ ኦሮምኛ የሚያወቁ ይመስላል።

በደርግ ዘመን ሌባን ፀረ አብዬተኛ ሲያስችግር ። የአብዬት ጠባቂዎቹ በየስፈሩ ለመጠበቅ የውጭ መብራት ይብራልን ብለው ተናግረው ሁሉም ሰው በሩ ላይ አንድ አምፖል አስተክሎ ሌሊቱን በሙሉ ስበራ ያደር ነበር። ይህ እንግዲህ በደርግ ዘመን ነው። በጨለማ አልተደናበሩም ለችግራቸው ዜዴ ፈለጉ ።

እኔ ደግሞ ከብዙ ግዜ በፊት በጠቅላላ ቤተክርስታኖች የደህንነት ቪድዬ ማስተከል አለባቸው ብዬ ስሞገት ነበር ሁሉም ሰው እንደፌዝ ሳቀብኝ። አሁን ይህ ቄስ የሚለውና ቄሮን የሚከስበት ጉዳይ በቪድዬ ቢታገዝ ነበር እውነቱ ይወጣ ነበር ሽፍቶቹሁም አንድ በአንድ ሲለቀሙ ሁለተኛ ይህንን ገገምነት ያቆሙ ነበር። አሁንም ግዜው አላለፈም የደህንነት ካሜሪ ለማደረግ። ፋብሪካ ያላቹሁ፤ ሁቴል ያላቹሁ በሙሉ ይህንን አስቡበት

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Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Ethoash » 03 Dec 2019, 19:57

Selam/ wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 19:06
The light requirement during Derg was to capture woyane rats that were roaming around the city throughout the night. No one was caught though because kimalam TPLFits are always Buda. KIFU!

the bulb requirement is funny ... at least had መንጌ survived at least he would have ask everyone to have security camera..89% crime solved by security camera... 98.9% crime that is not solved have no security camera ... just think about all the crime would have been easy to solve had they had security camera .... to me it is beyond idiotic not to have security camera ...if u have five star hotel. if u have factory not to have security camera is beyond idiot and you deserved to be robed . now you remind me of those 99 bank that robed for second time or even 3rd time it never occurred to them to put some kind of security camera ... i know some buda will say security camera doesn't prevent crime yes it doesn't but it will help u catch the thief after the fact... also it prevent other from committing crime knowing they will be caught ....

just loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooook his face getting caught .

that is what happened have everyone had security camera me the crime rate will be reduced to 3%

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Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Selam/ » 03 Dec 2019, 20:04

He looks like a Buda Woyane - Even if there had been security cameras in NBE’s vault, the frog would have anyways looted the gold bars by shutting down the entire system. KIFU!
Ethoash wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 19:57
Selam/ wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 19:06
The light requirement during Derg was to capture woyane rats that were roaming around the city throughout the night. No one was caught though because kimalam TPLFits are always Buda. KIFU!

the bulb requirement is funny ... at least had መንጌ survived at least he would have ask everyone to have security camera..89% crime solved by security camera... 98.9% crime that is not solved have no security camera ... just think about all the crime would have been easy to solve had they had security camera .... to me it is beyond idiotic not to have security camera ...if u have five star hotel. if u have factory not to have security camera is beyond idiot and you deserved to be robed . now you remind me of those 99 bank that robed for second time or even 3rd time it never occurred to them to put some kind of security camera ... i know some buda will say security camera doesn't prevent crime yes it doesn't but it will help u catch the thief after the fact... also it prevent other from committing crime knowing they will be caught ....

just loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooook his face getting caught .

that is what happened have everyone had security camera me the crime rate will be reduced to 3%
Last edited by Selam/ on 03 Dec 2019, 20:21, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: 20 Apr 2013, 20:24

Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Ethoash » 03 Dec 2019, 20:21

Selam/ wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 20:04
Buda Woyane - Even morning f there had been security cameras in NBE’s vault, the frog would have shut down the entire system before looting the gold bars. KIFU!
i know ur r buda u will look for any type of excuse to make my idea fail .. even my idea save your father life i dont think u will take it...

do u know why President Nixon fail not because the tape but The missing 18 1/2 minutes: Presidential destruction of incriminating evidence lead to Nixon resignation .. now if we had tape AT NBE'S the missing minutes would have be more damaging then the tape contain ...

second the tape doesnt even start there the looter must enter the house before they remove the tape.. they must also drive by car the car route also covered by security camera there will not be escaped

even if they high level looter allowed to loot why would u allowed everyone to come and loot .. do u think this is some kind of food everyone must test.. u prevent crime 90% u r good even VISA CARD AND MASTER CARD managed to control their business only 97% 3% r lost for thief .. they know this and call it cost of doing business .. all i was saying is the bank must do everything in the power to prevent theft, but if someone come with the gun i still say give them the money and save your life the same way if the government come to rob the bank they have gun why would u die u give them the money but your run away seat at save distance and report your finding to the public that all u can do... you cant prevent all crime but u can prevent some and you make it hard to commit crime

saying this the best way to prevent crime is to give job to youth.. for this we need industry .. for the industries not to be burn we need security camera... to me burning one factory is like killing 100,000 workers and their family ... i wish the ETV had program how the factory burning affecting the workers and their family... education is more powerful then security camera until then we need the camera

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Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Selam/ » 03 Dec 2019, 20:24

Buda Woyane - why did the frog get away with the theft of the century despite the high security in NBE? Nobody else has done it so far.
Ethoash wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 20:21
Selam/ wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 20:04
Buda Woyane - Even if there had been security cameras in NBE’s vault, the frog would have shut down the entire system before looting the gold bars. KIFU!
i know ur r buda u will look for any type of excuse to make my idea fail .. even my idea save your father life i dont think u will take it...

do u know why President Nixon fail not because the tape but The missing 18 1/2 minutes: Presidential destruction of incriminating evidence lead to Nixon resignation .. now if we had tape AT NBE'S the missing minutes would have be more damaging then the tape contain ...

second the tape doesnt even start there the looter must enter the house before they remove the tape.. they must also drive by car the car route also covered by security camera there will not be escaped

even if they high level looter allowed to loot why would u allowed everyone to come and loot .. do u think this is some kind of food everyone must test.. u prevent crime 90% u r good even VISA CARD AND MASTER CARD managed to control their business only 97% 3% r lost for thief .. they know this and call it cost of doing business .. all i was saying is the bank must do everything in the power to prevent theft, but if someone come with the gun i still say give them the money and save your life the same way if the government come to rob the bank they have gun why would u die u give them the money but your run away seat at save distance and report your finding to the public that all u can do... you cant prevent all crime but u can prevent some and you make it hard to commit crime

saying this the best way to prevent crime is to give job to youth.. for this we need industry .. for the industries not to be burn we need security camera... to me burning one factory is like killing 100,000 workers and their family ... i wish the ETV had program how the factory burning affecting the workers and their family... education is more powerful then security camera until then we need the camera

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Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Fed_Up » 03 Dec 2019, 20:37

The cruelty I witnessed in this video has no bound. How come humanity turned to such barbaric behavior? Derg with its untrained and uneducated peasant militias had done worst than this in Eritrea. Whatever we saw in this video is nothing. The difference is there were no smart phone at the time to record it. However, I thought it ended there. The animalistic nature of some folks down south the border has never been consumed. Every sh!t that accumulated through generational ruler of Ethio get ethiopian all to such barbaric time. Blame the former rulers in general and the pathetic thieves hiding Mekele rathole in particular. It will get worst before getting normal/ better. Buckle up Ethiopians!

I am just sayin

Revelations wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 18:15

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Re: "ታቦቱን ቀብሬ ለመሰዋት ተዘጋጀሁ።አላሁ ወአክበር በል አሉኝ። በሜንጫም አንገቴን ለመቁረጥ ሦስት ጊዜ ሞከሩ፣ በመጨረሻም ሜንጫው ተሰበረ።" [VIDEO]

Post by Ethoash » 03 Dec 2019, 21:09

Selam/ wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 20:24
Buda Woyane - why did the frog get away with the theft of the century despite the high security in NBE? Nobody else has done it so far.
frog MELES introduce u democracy, introduce u to freedom of speech, and fed state.. in short make u human again .. for this u think he should be working for 3000 birr and his family die in poverty is that what you r saying .. yes, meles family might have billion so what they r royal family of Ethiopia he deserve it for sure Dr. Abiy also deserved royal family treatment i dont want to take away from them this

i will write in Amhric so that u can translated and understand my thought
የመለስ ሚስት የመጀመሪያዋ ልዕት ናት ስራ መስራትን የጀመረችው ከሷ በኋላ ነው የኦባማ ሚስት ስራ መስራት የጀመረቸው የሬጌንና የቡሽ ሚስቶች የቤት እመቤቶች ነበሩ። ቀዳማዊት ግን የቢልዬን ዶላር ካምፓኒ በማስተዳደር ትርፋማ አረገችው ምን አባህ ትፈልጋለህ።

እኔን በጣም የሚገርመኝ ቀዳማዊት አዜብ በቀበሌ ቤት በ ሶስት ሺህ ብር ደሞዞ እንድትኖር ነው ውይ የምትፈልገው።
በሶስት ሺህ ብር ደሞዞ የኮንጎ ጫማ ነው እንድታረግ የምትፈልገው። አንት ቡዳ ስለሆንክ እንጂ ቀዳማዊት እዜብ በድህነት መኖሯ ምንድነው የሚጠቅምህ ግን ሐብታም ከሆነች ፋብሪካ ተከፍታለች የመቶ ሺዎችን እንጅራ ተዘጋለች ። ግን ድሃ መሆኗ ምን ጥቅም አለው።

ሁሉ ነገር መነሻ ያስፈልጋል ። እናት ካፒታል ልትሰርቅ ትችላለች ፤ መሬትም በነፃ ልታገኝ ትችላለች ከዚያ በኋላ ግን የሷ ብርታት ነው ካፓኒዋን የሚያሳደገው ለዘረፈችው መቶ እጥፍ ብታድግ ለአገር ትጠቅማለች እንጂ ምን ትጎዳለች።

አሁን ብትሰርቅ የመጀመሪያውን ካፒታል ለማግኘት ስለ ። ለምን አንድ ብርም ት ሰርቃለች ብለህ ትለፋደድ ስለሚሆን ምስሌ ልስጥህ

ሲውዝ ምንም የወርቅ መህድን የላትም ግን በአለም ስባ አምስት በመቶ የሚሆነውን ወርቅ ታቀልጣለች ። እንግዲህ የወርቅ መሀድን ሳይኖራት እንዴት ይህንን ሁሉ ወርቅ ለመቆጣጠር ቻለች ስትል መልሱ በአብዛኛው ስርቆት ነው። ለምሳሌ ሁጋንዳ በጦርነት ውስጥ ሳለች በወርቅ ነበር ጦርነቱ የሚደገፈው ስለዚህ አለም አቅፍ ድርጅቶች ሁጋንዳ ወርቅ ባን አረጉት ግን ሲውዝ ዝም ብላ ትገዛ ነበር ። እሱ ሲገርምህ በጠቅላላ የደቡብ አሜሪካን የወርቅ በመግዛት በደም የተበከለን ወርቅ በማፅዳት ትታወቃለች።

እሱ ሲገርመኝ ደግሞ ዱባይ በወርቅ የምትታወቀው ሐርም የወርቅ ማህድን የላትም ዝም ብላ ከአፊሪካ ከኢትዬዽያም ሳይቀር የሚሄድላትን ወርቅ በማቀለጥ የራሷ ወርቅ አስመስላ ትችረችራለች። ማለት የፈለጉሁት ቀዳማዊ አዜብን በገንዘብ ለመክሰስ ከፈለግ በመጀመሪያ በሚሊዬን ብር ደሞዝተኛ ማረግ ይጠበቅብሀል ። ከዚያ ከስረቀች ግን ሀቅ አለህ ለመክሰስ አሁን ግን ሞኝህን ፈልግ በነፃ የሚስራልህ ። የወርቁን ጉዳይ ያመጣሁት የኢትዬዽያ ወርቅ አምራቾች መንግስት በርካሽ ዋጋ እንግዛቹሁ ሲላቸው አውጥተው ወርቁን ለዱባይ ነጋዴ ይሽጡታል ። ታድያ ምኑን ነው ድባይን የምንከሰው እኛ እርስ በርሳቸን አንዱ እንዳያገኝ ስለምንባላ ቀዳማዊ አዜብም ገንዘቧን ሲውዝ ብታስቀምጥ ማን ይፈርድባታል ።። በአንድ የወገብ መቀነት በወርቅ የተስራ በማስመስለ ያላትን ንብረት በሙሉ ሲውዝ ይዛ ውርቁን ሽጥ አርጋ ገንዙቡን እዛው ብታስቀምጥ ማን ይገዳታል ። እዚማ እንዳትሰራ ሌባ ሌባ እንላታልን። ይህ ደግሞ ለጠቅላይ ሚኒስተር ደሳለኝም ነው አፊን ክፍቶ አባይ እስኪወድቅ ከጠበቀ የሚቀጥለው መንግስት እስር ቤት ሊከተው ስለሚችል የዘርፈውን ይዞ እንዲጠፋ ነው ምክሬ። ለዚህ ምስጋና ቢስ ሕዝብ ።። ይቅርታ ለንዳንተ ያለ ቡዳ ስው ማለቴ ነው።

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