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Halafi Mengedi
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Eritrean Embassy in Addis must be closed, no flying to Asmara, open up Agaazian TV in Mekelle

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 17 Aug 2019, 10:29

To all Tigrayans, is Amharic TV programs operating in Mekelle by Tigray resources more important for Tigrayans in the short, medium and long term interests or the Agaazians TV station operating in Mekelle financed by Tigray money for Tigray interests, think about it and do the right thing at the right time to show desire results at the time we want them???

First and for most, Mengisti Tigray must support and work very closely with Lema Megersa, Bekele Gerba, and other genuine Oromo nationalists and Tigray must tell Lema that Tigray is committed to work with him and back him up 100%, this is very important for Tigray future in the short and long term strategy the two ethnics to work together for common aspirations and goals.

Tigrayans see how Mengisti Tigray has been active with Amharic TV broadcasting from Mekelle, this strategy is against Tigray long term plan but it is necessary for the short-term strategy and we tolerating it thus far. Mengisti Tigray has to put the same amount of resources, time and devotion to Agaazian TV from Mekelle broadcasting to Eritrea because this is the mother of everything for all Tigrayans in the short, medium and long term interest of all Tigray ethnic from north to south Tigray and Tigray must heavily invest on Agaazians to bring them from all over the world and allocate dependable budget for them to operate from Mekelle to organize and mobilize the Eritreans side who live in Tigray and the rest of the country and importantly in Eritrea. This investment is Tigray safety net and insurance for the next generation of all Tigrigna speaking ethnic and there is no reason Tigray to spend resources for Amharic program yet we cannot spend the same amount of resources for the Agaazians dear for Tigray in every way we think. Bring the divided one ethnic of Tigray the most crucial for Tigrayans than anything else and we must start it now and invest on them to bring peace and unity both north and south yet the same ethnic to work together for their future and defend their future enemies together than to be the tool of foreign mercenaries at each other.

I like Mengisti Tigray to appoint one person as ambassador of Tigray to be devoted to work with Agaazians in Mekelle and bring Agaazians the like of Berhane Kibreab, Yousef G/Hiwot, Dehay Tigray, Abraha and many of them around the world working hard to bring the divide one ethnic together but Woyane has been the most obstacle for the unity of the Tigray ethnic thus far but Debretsion must take this as personal and give it the highest priority and let them operate in Tigray and they will delivers us the shocking result in a short period of time no one would have anticipated. Woyane must be very openly defiant and reject what Shaebia has been pursing against Tigray and we must eliminate him from north Tigray. The Issayas regime was given every opportunity and Tigrayans were very tolerance for 19 years now but Tigray patience is running out and he is the most potent enemy of Tigray and Tigrayans must take his hostility approach very seriously and we must put a strategy to destroy him. Tigray is not afraid for Issayas and his follower but Tigrayans were very sensitive for the rest of the people in north Tigray but what we pursued was totally wrong and backfired on us and for the north Tigray at large and we must change our way of doing business with Issayas now and the best strategy is to bring Agaazians to Mekelle and all over Tigray and we must finance them everything they need to operate smoothly and to expediate the process to see the desire result soon.

The Ethiopian airline flying to Asmara is operating at huge loss for the country treasury and the passengers in every flight are about ten people who are not even merchants or anything else but black market traffickers who buys hard currency in Markato and most of the country big cities at higher rate at the expense of Ethiopia economy and driving inflation high to destroy the living standard of the entire country the way they did before the border war. When Ethiopia sealed its border the country economy started to stabilize and regain its strength, today we are heading to that direction and Ethiopia economy will be destroyed soon and life will be very difficult for ordinary people to afford and a nation-wide revolt will be expected. Basically, Eritrea nakfa is being printed in Asmara and converted to hard currency freely on the throat of every household of ordinary Ethiopians and the air flight must be stopped immediately to stop the black market and extending the agony of every Eritreans due to Issayas staying in power by Ethiopia economy. The embassy must be closed immediately since that embassy is the organizing terror to the country by enemies of the country and all Eritrean spies and mercenaries must be peal and send home. Seal the border until the evil and crazy leaders gone and to oust them from power is if you do the above not what you are doing right not.

Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 18 Aug 2019, 00:38, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Eritrean Embassy in Addis must be closed, no flying to Asmara, open Agaazian TV in Mekelle

Post by tarik » 17 Aug 2019, 10:56

Halafi mengedi aka z denqoro old agame with Alzheimer's disease

Good Day Sir

Did u know that z stupid tigray-tigrinya agenda was first created by z bazttard UK and we Eritreans crushed it and now u want 2 try 2 use z fake agazians shiiiit led by cancer patient tesfasion 2 fool us Eritreans, WE ERITREANS WILL CRUSH THIS 2, just wait and c!!

Good Day Sir

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: Eritrean Embassy in Addis must be closed, no flying to Asmara, open Agaazian TV in Mekelle

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 17 Aug 2019, 11:54

tarik wrote:
17 Aug 2019, 10:56
Halafi mengedi aka z denqoro old agame with Alzheimer's disease

Good Day Sir

Did u know that z stupid tigray-tigrinya agenda was first created by z bazttard UK and we Eritreans crushed it and now u want 2 try 2 use z fake agazians shiiiit led by cancer patient tesfasion 2 fool us Eritreans, WE ERITREANS WILL CRUSH THIS 2, just wait and c!!

Good Day Sir
Estiy Fishik Belena Entay eyu himamka???

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Re: Eritrean Embassy in Addis must be closed, no flying to Asmara, open Agaazian TV in Mekelle

Post by pushkin » 17 Aug 2019, 11:57

HALAFI THE IDIOT AGAME! You better feel ashamed and hide youself regarding your people in Tigray or do meaningful work for women without health care service :oops: :oops:

Halafi Mengedi
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Posts: 46895
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Re: Eritrean Embassy in Addis must be closed, no flying to Asmara, open Agaazian TV in Mekelle

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 17 Aug 2019, 12:05

Bushiteen Lemzemen Hadu Alo, Lemis Adi'u Alo Aynlaqeqn???

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Re: Eritrean Embassy in Addis must be closed, no flying to Asmara, open Agaazian TV in Mekelle

Post by Kuasmeda » 17 Aug 2019, 12:15

Halafi Adgi! Why don't you hang yourself. You are cursed people full of shame for the horn of Africa. The chigaram kilil has no right to talk about the Dubai of Africa :lol: :lol:

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
17 Aug 2019, 12:05
Bushiteen Lemzemen Hadu Alo, Lemis Adi'u Alo Aynlaqeqn???

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: Eritrean Embassy in Addis must be closed, no flying to Asmara, open Agaazian TV in Mekelle

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 17 Aug 2019, 12:36

Cherqi Kuaso Meda adna Men wah zah Kiblu Zhneq???

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: Eritrean Embassy in Addis must be closed, no flying to Asmara, open Agaazian TV in Mekelle

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 17 Aug 2019, 15:28

Zereba Hawka Bduwulka......Tigrayans want Agaazian TV in Mekelle.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: Eritrean Embassy in Addis must be closed, no flying to Asmara, open Agaazian TV in Mekelle

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 17 Aug 2019, 22:49

I hope Debretsion and other responsible people get this message and help Agaazian for the future of all Tigrayans, Amharic is not our future rather enemy and should be ban from Tigrayan soil if not know should be done in the near future but Agaazians is the eternal future of Tigrigna speaking ethnic.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: Eritrean Embassy in Addis must be closed, no flying to Asmara, open up Agaazian TV in Mekelle

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 18 Aug 2019, 02:16

This time Tigray leadership must have concrete strategy police towards Eritrea, you will not go on and on what Meles did to Tigrayans. Today either be Tigrayans and all Tigrayans will march with you or if you want to be Eritrean then get out from our country Tigray and join Shaebia and fight us or Tigrayans will come to you and burn you with your entire families. Tigray is totally different than what was Meles doing by the help of Adwans, no Tigray Awraja will listen to you and we will not listen to you but we will be on the side of Tigray interest. If you stand with Tigray interests then who ever your are as the leader of Tigray we will rally with you as our leader.

Halafi Mengedi
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Posts: 46895
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Re: Eritrean Embassy in Addis must be closed, no flying to Asmara, open up Agaazian TV in Mekelle

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 18 Aug 2019, 09:52

አያስፈልግም እንጂ እዚህ ስብሰባ ጠርቻቹሁ ወታደሮች ጠርቼ ልገድላቹሁ እችላለሁ። ቤቱ ግማሹ አጉረመረመ። ግማሹ ይስቃል። በመሃልም እንዴት እንደዚህ ትላለህ ያሉም አሉ። ሊቀመንበሩ ቀጥለውም መርዝ በውሃ አድርጌ ልጨርሳቹህ እችላለሁ አሉ። ግን ምንም አያስፈልግም አሉ ተመልሰው። ውይይት ይሻላል አሉ። ሊቀመበሩ ከአንዱ አጀንዳ ወደ አንዱ እየዘለሉ ቀጠሉ። የኤርትራው ኢሳያስ አንስተው እብድ ነው ምን እንደሚያስብ አይታወቅም። ከሱ ጋር መስራት አስቸጋሪ ነው አሉ። እንፈራረም ብለው እሺ እያለ እያገተተው ነው አሉ። ካቢኔውን ሰብስቦ አያቅም። ምን እንደሚያስብ መገመት አይቻልም። ኤርትራ ውስጥ ለውስጥ ሰራዊቷን እያዘጋጀች ነው። ክረምቱ ሲያልቅ ወረራ ፈፅሞ ወደ ጦርነት ሊከተን ይችላል። ሱዳን እንደምንም ብለን አስማማናቸው ምንም ትምህርት የሌለው ግመል ነጋዴ የነበረ ጄነራል አስቸግሮን ነበር አሉ። አሁንም ማንም ሳይጠይቃቸው የጁቡቲው ኢስማኤል ገሌ ነው እያስቸገረን ያለው። ገና ከኤርትራ ጋር ታርቀዋል ብሎ፣ ወደብ አገልግሎትን ጥለው ይሄዳሉ ብሎ ፈርቶ ክፉኛ እያየኝ ነው። የትናንሽ አገር መሪዎች አስቸጋሪዎች ናቸው። ከአጀንዳ ውጭ ቀደዱ አሉ፡፡ ነገሪየው የትልቅ አገር መሪ ነኝ ቀለል ቀለል አታድርጉኝ ዓይነት ነው መልእክቱ።

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