ክረምት አይደለ በኢህአዴግ ስራ አስፈፃሚ ኮሚቴ ስብሰባ ትልቅ ያልታሰበ ነጎድጋድ ድምፅ ተሰማ። አትደንግጡ። በኢህአዴግ ስብሰባዎች ለረዥም ጊዜ ድምፃቸው አሰምተው የማያቁት አቶ ለማ በድንገት ተናገሩ። ከሳቸው የለውጥ መሪ ያልተጠበቀ ንግግር ቤቱን በሁለት የከፈለ ሃሳብ አቀረቡ። ንግግራቸውን የጀመሩት በሊቀምበሩ ዶክተር አብይ በተዘጋጀው መወያያ ፅሑፍ አርእስትን በመቃወም ነበር። ‘ሁለተኛ ጥፋት ቆሞ ማንቀላፋት’ የሚለው አርእስት ተቀይሮ ሁኔታችን የሚገልፀው ‘አገር አጥፍተን እኛም እየጠፋን ነው’ ቢሆን ነው የሚሻላ አሉ። ኢህአዴግ ፈርሷል። የለም። ከአሁኑ የፈራረሰው ኢህአዴግና አገር ከለውጡ በፊት የነበረው ኢህአዴግና አገር ከነችግሮቹ ይሻላል አሉ። ከለውጡ በኃላ እየታዩ ያሉ ችግሮች በአገራችን ታሪክ ተከስተው ታይተው የማያቁ ናቸው። አገር የሚያጠፉ ናቸው። ዋናው ችግራችን ኢህአዴግ ባለመኖሩ ነው። ለውጡ ስለተጠለፈ (hijacked ስለ ተደረገ) ነው ችግር ላይ የወደቅ ነው። መዳን ከፈለግን ኢህአዴግ ወደ ነበረበት ቁመና እንመልሰው። ወይም በሰላማዊ መንገድ እንለያይ አሉ።
ከአቶ ለማ ንግግር በኃላ የአዴፓ፣ ደህዴን፣ እና የኦዲፒ ተናጋሪዎች ለማ ያለው ትክክል ነው ብለው ይጀምሩና ግን ኢህአዴግ አልፈረሰም። በጠና ታሟል ነው ማለት የምንችለው አሉ።
የህወሓት ተናጋሪዎች አቶ ለማን በመደገፍ ከአስር ወር በፊት ኢህአዴግ ፈርሷል ስንል ሰሚ አጣን። ያኔ ፈርሷል ስንል ዝርዝር ምክንያትና መገለጫዎቹም ገልፀናል አሉ።
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Lema Megersa destroyed PM Abiy beyond repair and all nationalist Oromo should be proud to have Lema on your side???
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Re: Lema Megersa destroyed PM Abiy beyond repair and all nationalist Oromo should be proud to have Lema on your side???
The biggest bonanza for you could have been the day you could have divided them (in this case Oromo against Oromo) and bring back your old days on the people of Ethiopia.Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑16 Aug 2019, 15:21ክረምት አይደለ በኢህአዴግ ስራ አስፈፃሚ ኮሚቴ ስብሰባ ትልቅ ያልታሰበ ነጎድጋድ ድምፅ ተሰማ። አትደንግጡ። በኢህአዴግ ስብሰባዎች ለረዥም ጊዜ ድምፃቸው አሰምተው የማያቁት አቶ ለማ በድንገት ተናገሩ። ከሳቸው የለውጥ መሪ ያልተጠበቀ ንግግር ቤቱን በሁለት የከፈለ ሃሳብ አቀረቡ። ንግግራቸውን የጀመሩት በሊቀምበሩ ዶክተር አብይ በተዘጋጀው መወያያ ፅሑፍ አርእስትን በመቃወም ነበር። ‘ሁለተኛ ጥፋት ቆሞ ማንቀላፋት’ የሚለው አርእስት ተቀይሮ ሁኔታችን የሚገልፀው ‘አገር አጥፍተን እኛም እየጠፋን ነው’ ቢሆን ነው የሚሻላ አሉ። ኢህአዴግ ፈርሷል። የለም። ከአሁኑ የፈራረሰው ኢህአዴግና አገር ከለውጡ በፊት የነበረው ኢህአዴግና አገር ከነችግሮቹ ይሻላል አሉ። ከለውጡ በኃላ እየታዩ ያሉ ችግሮች በአገራችን ታሪክ ተከስተው ታይተው የማያቁ ናቸው። አገር የሚያጠፉ ናቸው። ዋናው ችግራችን ኢህአዴግ ባለመኖሩ ነው። ለውጡ ስለተጠለፈ (hijacked ስለ ተደረገ) ነው ችግር ላይ የወደቅ ነው። መዳን ከፈለግን ኢህአዴግ ወደ ነበረበት ቁመና እንመልሰው። ወይም በሰላማዊ መንገድ እንለያይ አሉ።
ከአቶ ለማ ንግግር በኃላ የአዴፓ፣ ደህዴን፣ እና የኦዲፒ ተናጋሪዎች ለማ ያለው ትክክል ነው ብለው ይጀምሩና ግን ኢህአዴግ አልፈረሰም። በጠና ታሟል ነው ማለት የምንችለው አሉ።
የህወሓት ተናጋሪዎች አቶ ለማን በመደገፍ ከአስር ወር በፊት ኢህአዴግ ፈርሷል ስንል ሰሚ አጣን። ያኔ ፈርሷል ስንል ዝርዝር ምክንያትና መገለጫዎቹም ገልፀናል አሉ።
Is the project of dividing and ruling over them for Amhara and Oromo has finally been declared dead and then brought to rest with you?
Ethiopia put her hands to her God and He listened to her and brought the end of the division between Amhara and Oromo, and the darkest era of your existence as TPLF broke in. Ahun chalew!
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Re: Lema Megersa destroyed PM Abiy beyond repair and all nationalist Oromo should be proud to have Lema on your side???
The son of always Oromo nationalist Lema Megersa how his people adore him and follow him and he is the man stands by his won people not anyone else. AJoka Nayna Lemana!!!
Re: Lema Megersa destroyed PM Abiy beyond repair and all nationalist Oromo should be proud to have Lema on your side???
ኢህአዲግና ውሾቹ የነሱ መውደቅን ከሃገር መፍረስ ጋር በማያያዝ ማስፈራሪያ እያደረጉት ነው።
አገርም አትፈርስም ኢህአዲግም ከሞቱ አይነሳም።
አገርም አትፈርስም ኢህአዲግም ከሞቱ አይነሳም።
Re: Lema Megersa destroyed PM Abiy beyond repair and all nationalist Oromo should be proud to have Lema on your side???
Woyane snake - Didn’t you say elsewhere that you’re only concerned about Tigray? Why in the hell are you worried about the affairs of Oromos? It seems your lifespan will be curtailed unless you don’t release your inherently destructive poison. KIFU!
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑16 Aug 2019, 15:56The son of always Oromo nationalist Lema Megersa how his people adore him and follow him and he is the man stands by his won people not anyone else. AJoka Nayna Lemana!!!
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Re: Lema Megersa destroyed PM Abiy beyond repair and all nationalist Oromo should be proud to have Lema on your side???
Halafi, I and you have different interpretation of Ethiopian politics. To be honest you have never cared about Ethiopian politics, but Tigray. Despite that I used to believe you speak your mind honestly. Recently, I have a hard time believing that. You constantly shop rumors, and spread the internet “ alubalta” nonstop. That is sad. Your childish effort to divide Ethiopians along ethnic lines might have support among diehard TPLF followers. But Ethiopians are in the process of moving beyond that. If you still believe TPLF will come to power by dividing Ethiopians, you are living in a different planet than the majority of Ethiopians do live. The TPLF politics is dead ; it has zero chance of surviving beyond Tigray. It might take some time but even in Tigray its survival is in question. What you are doing now is , Halafi , a political prostitution , and the final cry for a dying TPLF manifesto.
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Re: Lema Megersa destroyed PM Abiy beyond repair and all nationalist Oromo should be proud to have Lema on your side???
Sam Ebalalehu wrote: ↑16 Aug 2019, 16:34Halafi, I and you have different interpretation of Ethiopian politics. To be honest you have never cared about Ethiopian politics, but Tigray. Despite that I used to believe you speak your mind honestly. Recently, I have a hard time believing that. You constantly shop rumors, and spread the internet “ alubalta” nonstop. That is sad. Your childish effort to divide Ethiopians along ethnic lines might have support among diehard TPLF followers. But Ethiopians are in the process of moving beyond that. If you still believe TPLF will come to power by dividing Ethiopians, you are living in a different planet than the majority of Ethiopians do live. The TPLF politics is dead ; it has zero chance of surviving beyond Tigray. It might take some time but even in Tigray its survival is in question. What you are doing now is , Halafi , a political prostitution , and the final cry for a dying TPLF manifesto.
Political difference and standing to your ethnic I always admire them because I do it myself openly and I ask to myself and put their shoe in my feet and try to understand them but I strongly despise dishonest people argue blind eyes. The article is 100% true directly from the meeting because Tigray is committed to expose everything to the people and who is at fault and lying to their own ethnics. No more Tigray to be the excuse their deceits. I just posted a Tigrigna video from Radio Snit which one of the trustee by Tigrayans comes from very reliable inside info from our highest bodies and Abdeaziz post article is totally true because they broadcasted in Tigrigna.
Re: Lema Megersa destroyed PM Abiy beyond repair and all nationalist Oromo should be proud to have Lema on your side???
Woyane snake - I don’t think your donkey hoof fits in human shoes. It may fit into Abdelaziz’s horseshoes. Buddy, it’s very cheap and disgusting to commit political prostitution. Redeem yourself if you can. Otherwise, the wagon of change will squash you like a cockroach. KIFU!
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑16 Aug 2019, 16:51Sam Ebalalehu wrote: ↑16 Aug 2019, 16:34Halafi, I and you have different interpretation of Ethiopian politics. To be honest you have never cared about Ethiopian politics, but Tigray. Despite that I used to believe you speak your mind honestly. Recently, I have a hard time believing that. You constantly shop rumors, and spread the internet “ alubalta” nonstop. That is sad. Your childish effort to divide Ethiopians along ethnic lines might have support among diehard TPLF followers. But Ethiopians are in the process of moving beyond that. If you still believe TPLF will come to power by dividing Ethiopians, you are living in a different planet than the majority of Ethiopians do live. The TPLF politics is dead ; it has zero chance of surviving beyond Tigray. It might take some time but even in Tigray its survival is in question. What you are doing now is , Halafi , a political prostitution , and the final cry for a dying TPLF manifesto.Political difference and standing to your ethnic I always admire them because I do it myself openly and I ask to myself and put their shoe in my feet and try to understand them but I strongly despise dishonest people argue blind eyes. The article is 100% true directly from the meeting because Tigray is committed to expose everything to the people and who is at fault and lying to their own ethnics. No more Tigray to be the excuse their deceits. I just posted a Tigrigna video from Radio Snit which one of the trustee by Tigrayans comes from very reliable inside info from our highest bodies and Abdeaziz post article is totally true because they broadcasted in Tigrigna.
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- Joined: 30 May 2010, 23:04
Re: Lema Megersa destroyed PM Abiy beyond repair and all nationalist Oromo should be proud to have Lema on your side???
Why bother to respond me if you do not believe it nor responded accordingly except the two words of insult.
Selam/ wrote: ↑16 Aug 2019, 17:27Woyane snake - I don’t think your donkey hoof fits in human shoes. It may fit into Abdelaziz’s horseshoes. Buddy, it’s very cheap and disgusting to commit political prostitution. Redeem yourself if you can. Otherwise, the wagon of change will squash you like a cockroach. KIFU!
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑16 Aug 2019, 16:51Sam Ebalalehu wrote: ↑16 Aug 2019, 16:34Halafi, I and you have different interpretation of Ethiopian politics. To be honest you have never cared about Ethiopian politics, but Tigray. Despite that I used to believe you speak your mind honestly. Recently, I have a hard time believing that. You constantly shop rumors, and spread the internet “ alubalta” nonstop. That is sad. Your childish effort to divide Ethiopians along ethnic lines might have support among diehard TPLF followers. But Ethiopians are in the process of moving beyond that. If you still believe TPLF will come to power by dividing Ethiopians, you are living in a different planet than the majority of Ethiopians do live. The TPLF politics is dead ; it has zero chance of surviving beyond Tigray. It might take some time but even in Tigray its survival is in question. What you are doing now is , Halafi , a political prostitution , and the final cry for a dying TPLF manifesto.Political difference and standing to your ethnic I always admire them because I do it myself openly and I ask to myself and put their shoe in my feet and try to understand them but I strongly despise dishonest people argue blind eyes. The article is 100% true directly from the meeting because Tigray is committed to expose everything to the people and who is at fault and lying to their own ethnics. No more Tigray to be the excuse their deceits. I just posted a Tigrigna video from Radio Snit which one of the trustee by Tigrayans comes from very reliable inside info from our highest bodies and Abdeaziz post article is totally true because they broadcasted in Tigrigna.
Re: Lema Megersa destroyed PM Abiy beyond repair and all nationalist Oromo should be proud to have Lema on your side???
Woyane snake - That is because: first your “chikka Angol” has a memory problem; second woyanes are inherently not trustworthy even if what they say is scientifically confirmed.
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑16 Aug 2019, 18:47Why bother to respond me if you do not believe it nor responded accordingly except the two words of insult.
Selam/ wrote: ↑16 Aug 2019, 17:27Woyane snake - I don’t think your donkey hoof fits in human shoes. It may fit into Abdelaziz’s horseshoes. Buddy, it’s very cheap and disgusting to commit political prostitution. Redeem yourself if you can. Otherwise, the wagon of change will squash you like a cockroach. KIFU!
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑16 Aug 2019, 16:51Sam Ebalalehu wrote: ↑16 Aug 2019, 16:34Halafi, I and you have different interpretation of Ethiopian politics. To be honest you have never cared about Ethiopian politics, but Tigray. Despite that I used to believe you speak your mind honestly. Recently, I have a hard time believing that. You constantly shop rumors, and spread the internet “ alubalta” nonstop. That is sad. Your childish effort to divide Ethiopians along ethnic lines might have support among diehard TPLF followers. But Ethiopians are in the process of moving beyond that. If you still believe TPLF will come to power by dividing Ethiopians, you are living in a different planet than the majority of Ethiopians do live. The TPLF politics is dead ; it has zero chance of surviving beyond Tigray. It might take some time but even in Tigray its survival is in question. What you are doing now is , Halafi , a political prostitution , and the final cry for a dying TPLF manifesto.Political difference and standing to your ethnic I always admire them because I do it myself openly and I ask to myself and put their shoe in my feet and try to understand them but I strongly despise dishonest people argue blind eyes. The article is 100% true directly from the meeting because Tigray is committed to expose everything to the people and who is at fault and lying to their own ethnics. No more Tigray to be the excuse their deceits. I just posted a Tigrigna video from Radio Snit which one of the trustee by Tigrayans comes from very reliable inside info from our highest bodies and Abdeaziz post article is totally true because they broadcasted in Tigrigna.
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- Joined: 30 May 2010, 23:04
Re: Lema Megersa destroyed PM Abiy beyond repair and all nationalist Oromo should be proud to have Lema on your side???
RIP shaebia???
Per PM Abiy to Issayas quote.......የኤርትራው ኢሳያስ አንስተው እብድ ነው ምን እንደሚያስብ አይታወቅም። ከሱ ጋር መስራት አስቸጋሪ ነው አሉ። እንፈራረም ብለው እሺ እያለ እያገተተው ነው አሉ። ካቢኔውን ሰብስቦ አያቅም። ምን እንደሚያስብ መገመት አይቻልም። ኤርትራ ውስጥ ለውስጥ ሰራዊቷን እያዘጋጀች ነው። ክረምቱ ሲያልቅ ወረራ ፈፅሞ ወደ ጦርነት ሊከተን ይችላል። ሱዳን እንደምንም ብለን አስማማናቸው ምንም ትምህርት የሌለው ግመል ነጋዴ የነበረ ጄነራል አስቸግሮን ነበር አሉ። አሁንም ማንም ሳይጠይቃቸው የጁቡቲው ኢስማኤል ገሌ ነው እያስቸገረን ያለው። ገና ከኤርትራ ጋር ታርቀዋል ብሎ፣ ወደብ አገልግሎትን ጥለው ይሄዳሉ ብሎ ፈርቶ ክፉኛ እያየኝ ነው። የትናንሽ አገር መሪዎች አስቸጋሪዎች ናቸው። ከአጀንዳ ውጭ ቀደዱ አሉ፡፡ ነገሪየው የትልቅ አገር መሪ ነኝ ቀለል ቀለል አታድርጉኝ ዓይነት ነው መልእክቱ።