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Re: [VIDEO] በትግራይ ክልል ማንነታቸው ተጨፍልቆ የሚኖሩ

Post by Ethoash » 06 Aug 2019, 13:21

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oromo and Golden NATO... watch the video in your own risk..

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Joined: 15 Jun 2018, 17:40

Re: [VIDEO] በትግራይ ክልል ማንነታቸው ተጨፍልቆ የሚኖሩ

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 06 Aug 2019, 15:26

If Tigrai was allowed to have its way, there would be no one left to be who they are. TPLF is fascist and whose over zeal in seeing itself above and beyond anything is what brought us to where we are now. However, our own reluctance to define our way and the bandas among us whose utter priority is their belly made it possible for this primitive tribal ascendancy to be unchallenged for as long as it lasted. If we have any dignity left in us, we should stand together to help prevent the newbies from replicating what TPLF was.

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