መከላከያ ትግራይ ላይ እርምጃ ሊወስድ ነውን?
የፍርድ ቤቷ ፕሬዘዳንት መአዛ አሸናፊ በትግራይ ላይ ርምጃ ሊወሰድ ይገባል አለች:: አሜሪካ በአይዘን አወር አማካኝንነት ሲበጠብጥ የነበረውን አንድ ክልል በኃይል ፀጥ አርጉዋል: እኛም ከዛ መማር አለብን ብላለች::
ምንጭ: የተለያዩ ገፆች
ምንጭ: የተለያዩ ገፆች
Re: መከላከያ ትግራይ ላይ እርምጃ ሊወስድ ነውን?
የዳይፐር ዋጋ በአጋሜ መሬት ላይ ጨምሯል ይባላል:: halafi ድንጋይ የሚጠቀመው ዳይፐር ጣራ ነክቷል::
ወያኔና አክትቪስቶች ጭንቅ ላይ ናቸው::
ወያኔ ለፌዴራል ይታዘዛል ወይስ ይዋጋል? ከተዋጋስ ምን ያህል ጦርነቱ ይቆያል?
በጣም አስቂኙ : ወደ እብደት እያመራ ያለው ራሱን ጀነራል ያደረገው ኪዳነ አመነ : “ኤርትራና አብይ ትግራይን ሊወሩ አስበዋል ግን ጦርነቱ እንደ ስድስቱ ቀን የእስራኤል ጦርነት ባንዴ ይደመደማል ” ማለቱ ነው::
አንዳንድ አጋሜዎች ጀነራል ኪዳነ አመነ ጦርነቱን ቢመራው ድል እናረጋለን እያሉ ነው:: ለምን ወያኔን ተጠራተሩ?
ይህ የትግራይ ዳይናስቲ ማክተሚያው ይሆን! Wooooow ! let us see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ወያኔና አክትቪስቶች ጭንቅ ላይ ናቸው::
ወያኔ ለፌዴራል ይታዘዛል ወይስ ይዋጋል? ከተዋጋስ ምን ያህል ጦርነቱ ይቆያል?
በጣም አስቂኙ : ወደ እብደት እያመራ ያለው ራሱን ጀነራል ያደረገው ኪዳነ አመነ : “ኤርትራና አብይ ትግራይን ሊወሩ አስበዋል ግን ጦርነቱ እንደ ስድስቱ ቀን የእስራኤል ጦርነት ባንዴ ይደመደማል ” ማለቱ ነው::

አንዳንድ አጋሜዎች ጀነራል ኪዳነ አመነ ጦርነቱን ቢመራው ድል እናረጋለን እያሉ ነው:: ለምን ወያኔን ተጠራተሩ?

ይህ የትግራይ ዳይናስቲ ማክተሚያው ይሆን! Wooooow ! let us see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: መከላከያ ትግራይ ላይ እርምጃ ሊወስድ ነውን?
You dirty pig,we have our own language komata/Tigrigna atsemam ena ke ahya yeteshalk aydelehmAbaymado wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 02:14የዳይፐር ዋጋ በአጋሜ መሬት ላይ ጨምሯል ይባላል:: halafi ድንጋይ የሚጠቀመው ዳይፐር ጣራ ነክቷል::
ወያኔና አክትቪስቶች ጭንቅ ላይ ናቸው::
ወያኔ ለፌዴራል ይታዘዛል ወይስ ይዋጋል? ከተዋጋስ ምን ያህል ጦርነቱ ይቆያል?
በጣም አስቂኙ : ወደ እብደት እያመራ ያለው ራሱን ጀነራል ያደረገው ኪዳነ አመነ : “ኤርትራና አብይ ትግራይን ሊወሩ አስበዋል ግን ጦርነቱ እንደ ስድስቱ ቀን የእስራኤል ጦርነት ባንዴ ይደመደማል ” ማለቱ ነው::![]()
አንዳንድ አጋሜዎች ጀነራል ኪዳነ አመነ ጦርነቱን ቢመራው ድል እናረጋለን እያሉ ነው:: ለምን ወያኔን ተጠራተሩ?![]()
ይህ የትግራይ ዳይናስቲ ማክተሚያው ይሆን! Wooooow ! let us see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: መከላከያ ትግራይ ላይ እርምጃ ሊወስድ ነውን?
I am sorry but writing negetive things is not healthy andachewnm alawkachewm,there is no science in it.Degnet wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 09:11You dirty pig,we have our own language komata/Tigrigna atsemam ena ke ahya yeteshalk aydelehmAbaymado wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 02:14የዳይፐር ዋጋ በአጋሜ መሬት ላይ ጨምሯል ይባላል:: halafi ድንጋይ የሚጠቀመው ዳይፐር ጣራ ነክቷል::
ወያኔና አክትቪስቶች ጭንቅ ላይ ናቸው::
ወያኔ ለፌዴራል ይታዘዛል ወይስ ይዋጋል? ከተዋጋስ ምን ያህል ጦርነቱ ይቆያል?
በጣም አስቂኙ : ወደ እብደት እያመራ ያለው ራሱን ጀነራል ያደረገው ኪዳነ አመነ : “ኤርትራና አብይ ትግራይን ሊወሩ አስበዋል ግን ጦርነቱ እንደ ስድስቱ ቀን የእስራኤል ጦርነት ባንዴ ይደመደማል ” ማለቱ ነው::![]()
አንዳንድ አጋሜዎች ጀነራል ኪዳነ አመነ ጦርነቱን ቢመራው ድል እናረጋለን እያሉ ነው:: ለምን ወያኔን ተጠራተሩ?![]()
ይህ የትግራይ ዳይናስቲ ማክተሚያው ይሆን! Wooooow ! let us see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: መከላከያ ትግራይ ላይ እርምጃ ሊወስድ ነውን?
Degnet wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 10:20I am sorry but writing negative things is not healthy andachewnm alawkachewm,there is no science in it.Degnet wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 09:11You dirty pig,we have our own language komata/Tigrigna atsemam ena ke ahya yeteshalk aydelehmAbaymado wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 02:14የዳይፐር ዋጋ በአጋሜ መሬት ላይ ጨምሯል ይባላል:: halafi ድንጋይ የሚጠቀመው ዳይፐር ጣራ ነክቷል::
ወያኔና አክትቪስቶች ጭንቅ ላይ ናቸው::
ወያኔ ለፌዴራል ይታዘዛል ወይስ ይዋጋል? ከተዋጋስ ምን ያህል ጦርነቱ ይቆያል?
በጣም አስቂኙ : ወደ እብደት እያመራ ያለው ራሱን ጀነራል ያደረገው ኪዳነ አመነ : “ኤርትራና አብይ ትግራይን ሊወሩ አስበዋል ግን ጦርነቱ እንደ ስድስቱ ቀን የእስራኤል ጦርነት ባንዴ ይደመደማል ” ማለቱ ነው::![]()
አንዳንድ አጋሜዎች ጀነራል ኪዳነ አመነ ጦርነቱን ቢመራው ድል እናረጋለን እያሉ ነው:: ለምን ወያኔን ተጠራተሩ?![]()
ይህ የትግራይ ዳይናስቲ ማክተሚያው ይሆን! Wooooow ! let us see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: መከላከያ ትግራይ ላይ እርምጃ ሊወስድ ነውን?
did u care how many people die as long as u win over ትግራ... let million people let 4 million people die u seems u dont care.. beside did u know is not ትግራ army fight u but ትግራ mountain....
second only idiot think he is going to win if war started how about your plan B if u lose did u ever thought if u lose what will happened to Ethiopia ..
here is what will happened Amhara will be forced out of union .. this is plan A.
plan B. if oromo acting up they will be forced to break away and the rest of Ethiopia will live peacefully
plan C. if South refused to unity with golden they will be free to go their separate way
but Golden after they win the war they will not be responsible if power vacuum created in Ethiopia ... if region refused to united under Golden they they will be left to be like Syria and Somalia tplf army will come to Ethiopia as peace keeping paid by UN IN DOLLAR .. OTHERWISE NO GOLDEN WILL DIE FOR ETHIOPIA ..
I DONT KNOW if this going to happened but u have to put this in your mind before u start war.. if u think this is acceptable risk then i say go head make my day.. but if u said this will never happened and u still think u going to win the war hands down.. i call u an idiot . the sad part is million Amhara are like u idiot they dreaming war with golden it is not enough the golden colonized u for 30 years it is not enough .. do u want another 30 years.
Re: መከላከያ ትግራይ ላይ እርምጃ ሊወስድ ነውን?
Antem acheberbari neh ye ahunu guday ye Ethiopia andenet aydelem ke wenjelegnoch netsa mewetat new ene bebekule TPLFn ende wenjelegna new yemasbew banderachen aydelem banderachen ye Ethiopia bandera new kezih new yemijemerew weshetam be Tigray sem atnegedu/ene bebekule ahun yalebegn adera sle Eritrea new.TselotEthoash wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 10:38Abaymado
did u care how many people die as long as u win over ትግራ... let million people let 4 million people die u seems u dont care.. beside did u know is not ትግራ army fight u but ትግራ mountain....
second only idiot think he is going to win if war started how about your plan B if u lose did u ever thought if u lose what will happened to Ethiopia ..
here is what will happened Amhara will be forced out of union .. this is plan A.
plan B. if oromo acting up they will be forced to break away and the rest of Ethiopia will live peacefully
plan C. if South refused to unity with golden they will be free to go their separate way
but Golden after they win the war they will not be responsible if power vacuum created in Ethiopia ... if region refused to united under Golden they they will be left to be like Syria and Somalia tplf army will come to Ethiopia as peace keeping paid by UN IN DOLLAR .. OTHERWISE NO GOLDEN WILL DIE FOR ETHIOPIA ..
I DONT KNOW if this going to happened but u have to put this in your mind before u start war.. if u think this is acceptable risk then i say go head make my day.. but if u said this will never happened and u still think u going to win the war hands down.. i call u an idiot . the sad part is million Amhara are like u idiot they dreaming war with golden it is not enough the golden colonized u for 30 years it is not enough .. do u want another 30 years.
Re: መከላከያ ትግራይ ላይ እርምጃ ሊወስድ ነውን?
Degnet wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 10:49Antem acheberbari neh ye ahunu guday ye Ethiopia andenet aydelem ke wenjelegnoch netsa mewetat new ene bebekule TPLFn ende wenjelegna new yemasbew banderachen aydelem banderachen ye Ethiopia bandera new kezih new yemijemerew weshetam be Tigray sem atnegedu/ene bebekule ahun yalebegn adera sle Eritrea new.Tselot
u r 100% right ..
ዓንተም ኣችሀበርባሪ ነህ የ ኣሁኑ ጉዳይ የ ዐትሂኦፒኣ ኣንደነት ኣይደለም ከ ወንጀለግኖጭ ነትሳ መወታት ነው አነ በበኩለ ጥጵልፍን አንደ ወንጀለግና ነው የማስበው ባንደራችሀን ኣይደለም ባንደራችሀን የ ዐትሂኦፒኣ ባንደራ ነው ከዚህ ነው የሚጀመረው ወስሀታም በ ጢግራይ ሰም ኣትነገዱ፨አነ በበኩለ ኣሁን ያለበግን ኣደራ ስለ ዐሪትረኣ ነው።ጥሰሎት
Re: መከላከያ ትግራይ ላይ እርምጃ ሊወስድ ነውን?
Agame creatures and Weyane thugs have been scaring and screaming after General Attorney Meaza Asenafi ordered Weyane thugs to be arrested Asap .If they refuse this arrest warrant Ethiopia federal gov't will step up with military forces.#Agame killer aka General attorney Meaza Asenafi.Degnet wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 10:20I am sorry but writing negetive things is not healthy andachewnm alawkachewm,there is no science in it.Degnet wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 09:11You dirty pig,we have our own language komata/Tigrigna atsemam ena ke ahya yeteshalk aydelehmAbaymado wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 02:14የዳይፐር ዋጋ በአጋሜ መሬት ላይ ጨምሯል ይባላል:: halafi ድንጋይ የሚጠቀመው ዳይፐር ጣራ ነክቷል::
ወያኔና አክትቪስቶች ጭንቅ ላይ ናቸው::
ወያኔ ለፌዴራል ይታዘዛል ወይስ ይዋጋል? ከተዋጋስ ምን ያህል ጦርነቱ ይቆያል?
በጣም አስቂኙ : ወደ እብደት እያመራ ያለው ራሱን ጀነራል ያደረገው ኪዳነ አመነ : “ኤርትራና አብይ ትግራይን ሊወሩ አስበዋል ግን ጦርነቱ እንደ ስድስቱ ቀን የእስራኤል ጦርነት ባንዴ ይደመደማል ” ማለቱ ነው::![]()
አንዳንድ አጋሜዎች ጀነራል ኪዳነ አመነ ጦርነቱን ቢመራው ድል እናረጋለን እያሉ ነው:: ለምን ወያኔን ተጠራተሩ?![]()
ይህ የትግራይ ዳይናስቲ ማክተሚያው ይሆን! Wooooow ! let us see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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- Joined: 19 Jun 2019, 21:45
Re: መከላከያ ትግራይ ላይ እርምጃ ሊወስድ ነውን?
We moved the entire Ethiopian air force from Debre Zeyt to Mekelle and we now have all the fighter planes and helicopters in motherland Tigray, and we can defend ourselves. Like my president DebrexXxion said, "The Republic of Greater Tigray has enough fire power to destroy the African continent let alone weak Ethiopia." We Digital Weyane are the African super power!
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- Joined: 19 Jun 2019, 21:45
Re: መከላከያ ትግራይ ላይ እርምጃ ሊወስድ ነውን?
If dictator Abiy takes military action against my TPLF leaders vacationing in Tigray, I will take a time off from my current anti Eritrea activities and dedicate myself to anti Oromo activities 24/7. I flow like the Awash river and sting like a Tigray bee!!

Re: መከላከያ ትግራይ ላይ እርምጃ ሊወስድ ነውን?
We will see soon! First try to learn how to write and think! It is starvation that brought your gangs* to the Minilik palace not bravery! Now you start believing that your internal destitute gift of nature has vanished away because you stole a lot! But you need to sure that what you stole will blow away like wind what would remain at hand is what you gather through sweating ( hard work)! Thanks to your gang* WOYANEA that you were taught theft is legal! It is the first leader (Melesr) on Earth who legalized theft in public! You see how rotten leaders that cursed land (Tigrai) gave you!
We will see soon! First try to learn how to write and think! It is starvation that brought your gangs* to the Minilik palace not bravery! Now you start believing that your internal destitute gift of nature has vanished away because you stole a lot! But you need to sure that what you stole will blow away like wind what would remain at hand is what you gather through sweating ( hard work)! Thanks to your gang* WOYANEA that you were taught theft is legal! It is the first leader (Melesr) on Earth who legalized theft in public! You see how rotten leaders that cursed land (Tigrai) gave you!
Ethoash wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 10:38Abaymado
did u care how many people die as long as u win over ትግራ... let million people let 4 million people die u seems u dont care.. beside did u know is not ትግራ army fight u but ትግራ mountain....
second only idiot think he is going to win if war started how about your plan B if u lose did u ever thought if u lose what will happened to Ethiopia ..
here is what will happened Amhara will be forced out of union .. this is plan A.
plan B. if oromo acting up they will be forced to break away and the rest of Ethiopia will live peacefully
plan C. if South refused to unity with golden they will be free to go their separate way
but Golden after they win the war they will not be responsible if power vacuum created in Ethiopia ... if region refused to united under Golden they they will be left to be like Syria and Somalia tplf army will come to Ethiopia as peace keeping paid by UN IN DOLLAR .. OTHERWISE NO GOLDEN WILL DIE FOR ETHIOPIA ..
I DONT KNOW if this going to happened but u have to put this in your mind before u start war.. if u think this is acceptable risk then i say go head make my day.. but if u said this will never happened and u still think u going to win the war hands down.. i call u an idiot . the sad part is million Amhara are like u idiot they dreaming war with golden it is not enough the golden colonized u for 30 years it is not enough .. do u want another 30 years.