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Re: ወለጋ ክልል ሲሆን ሌሎችም የሚካለሉ አሉ

Post by Revelations » 03 Aug 2019, 21:46

ጃዋር የተወለደው አሩሲ ነው። ስለ ወለጋ ምንም አያገባውም። እኔም ስለ አሩሲ አያገባኝም። እኔ ጃዋርን አላውቀውም። ማወቅም አልፈልግም። የኔ ደህንነቶች የጃዋርን ንግግር ሲያሰሙኝ በጣም ነው የተናደድኩት። ልክ ወለጋ የእናቱ ርስት ይመስል፣ ኬኛ ናት ይላል። እርሱ ኬኛ ስላለ ወለጋ የርሱ አትሆንም። እኔም አሩሲ ኬኛ ስላልኩ አሩሲ የኔ አትሆንም። ስለዚህ ወለጋን ስሟን እንዳይጠራ። ወለጋ ክልል መሆኗ አይቀርም። አስፈላጊውን መስዋዕት ለመክፈል ዝግጁ ነን። የወለጋን ቡና ሀጎስ ቡና፣ ጃዋር ቡና ተብሎ አይሸጥም። ወለጋ ወለጋ ናት። የራሳችንን ሀብት አሩሲዎችም መቀሌዎችም ከዚህ በኋላ አይደፍሩንም። ወለጋ በቅርቡ ነፃ ክልል ትሆናለች። ይህ ሲባል ግን ወለጋ ከኢትዮጵያ ትለያለች ማለት አይደለም።

አሁንም አስረግጬ ደግሜ መናገር የምፈልገው ጃዋር ስለ ወለጋ አያገባውም። በዚህ አጋጣሚ ሌሎች ኢትዮጵያዊ ወንድሞቻችን ለሰጡን ድጋፍ ከልብ እናመሰግናለን።

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Re: ወለጋ ክልል ሲሆን ሌሎችም የሚካለሉ አሉ

Post by Maxi » 04 Aug 2019, 04:58

ጃል ማሮ ጃ-Warን በአንዲት አጠር ባለች ንግግር መሆን ያለበት ቦታ ነው ያስቀመጠው!!!

ጃ-War ያለ አቅሟ እምቡር እምቡር አብዝታ እንደ ፌንጣ እየዘለለች ነበር!!
:P :P

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Re: ወለጋ ክልል ሲሆን ሌሎችም የሚካለሉ አሉ

Post by Ethoash » 04 Aug 2019, 07:18

የፈለገ ግዜ ወለጋ ቢገነጠል ኦሮምኛ ነው የሚያወሩት ፤ እናንተም የወለጋን መገንጠል ካጎበገባቹሁ ወሎም የገነጠልላቹዋል ። ኦሮሞ ወሎን ሲደግፍ ደግሞ ቅር እንዳይላቹሁ። ገና ምን አይታቹህ ራያም አጕው የራሳቸውን እስቴት የመስርታሉ።

my question is what is the problem if ወለጋ there own state. this show ethnic fed. successes .. why and there is no ethnic fed system by now ወለጋ would have asking the same by force instead of peaceful mean

some idiot asking the government to remove article 39. saying it encourage nation nationality to break way from Ethiopia can u need one region that demanded separation ... yes Somalia ask but not the Somalian people the leader want to break away even then that happened when he think he is going to lose his power not out of real cause ... beside we dont see armed freedom fighter who demand their own nation..

so my point is there will be always article 39 we like it or not even if we removed it from our Constitution...

what do u think was TPLF AND EPLF war it is article 39 by any means .. what u think OLF, AND ONLF WAR the same thing they want to break away using force.. so we like it or not no body can stop the region from asking to break away if u deny them they going to use force .. this is proven so why not just give them peaceful means to part away.. when u give freedom to part away no body will part away .. look who stopped the Tigray from breaking away .. in fact the Amhara are pushing them to break way but the golden holding on why because of article 39 they can do it when they feel they really want it in way it keep everyone in union.. remove it and u will see what will happened Sidama question would be breaking away from Ethiopia instead of forming a region .. it would have been forming a nation

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Re: ወለጋ ክልል ሲሆን ሌሎችም የሚካለሉ አሉ

Post by Zreal » 04 Aug 2019, 13:19

New book is coming very soon!!

Stay tuned!!

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Re: ወለጋ ክልል ሲሆን ሌሎችም የሚካለሉ አሉ

Post by Zreal » 04 Aug 2019, 21:38

ጀግናውን ጃል መሮን የወለጋ ክልል ህዝብ እንዲህ እየተቀበለው ነው።

ጀግናው ጃል መሮ የታሪካዊቷ ወለጋ ክልል ፕሬዚዳንት!! 😊💪

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Re: ወለጋ ክልል ሲሆን ሌሎችም የሚካለሉ አሉ

Post by Ethoash » 05 Aug 2019, 08:38

Zreal wrote:
04 Aug 2019, 21:38
ጀግናውን ጃል መሮን የወለጋ ክልል ህዝብ እንዲህ እየተቀበለው ነው።

ጀግናው ጃል መሮ የታሪካዊቷ ወለጋ ክልል ፕሬዚዳንት!! 😊💪


u know why ጃል መሮ and Jahwar fight because of centralized government ..under Fed. state both ጃል መሮ and Jahwar can be king ጃል መሮ will be king of ወለጋ and jahwar also can be king of Arsi ... this way we can keep peace.. by making everyone a king .. but we need king of king then we elect one king of king out of the many king.. this is how fed. system work having two king is not a problem it accommodate even 9 kings ...

the system that doesnt accommodate 9 kings is centralized government or the old Amhara ruling system where u have one king and the rest is subject.

ጀግናው ጃል መሮ can be ወለጋ ክልል ፕሬዚዳንት!
so too Jahwar too can be አሩሲ ክልል ፕሬዚዳንት!

now both ክልል need fed ፕሬዚዳንት, this fed ፕሬዚዳንት have limited power it doesnt get involved in state affair hence the local state ፕሬዚዳንት run the show so everyone will be happy..

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