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awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by Ethoash » 02 Aug 2019, 14:25

i, forward the video to where he talk about awassa industrial parking closing soon because of uprising and other factor

i have answer for dr. Abiy how to keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep industrial park open and profitable
for example Sidama have the best coffee in the world so what Sidama should do is process her coffee at Awasssa industrial park using high tech machinery and export raw green been .. next import state of the art technology to process coffee to finished good ....

and rent industrial park for local not one but ten business entity sharing one shade ..... this way u can managed to occupied most of the industrial park by making it ten time cheaper አስር ደባል በማስገባት አንድ መጋዘን ለአስር ይከራያሉ ሽንሽነውት የስራሉ አለቀ ደቀቀ

call all the importer of oil seed and other idiot to process our raw martial to finish good and give them incentive u will see change

instead of waiting for business man to come study what is Sidama produce let say if their is a lot of mango then start world class mango processing factory and sale our the share to public and get the hell out of mango business and start another one and keep doing this u will have 100 companies with no time and owned by Ethiopian

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by gearhead » 02 Aug 2019, 18:08

What is it the fk that this PM does if he hasnt managed to keep the park open and profitable? So too, debt dependancy remains because he refuses to re-catalize the equity market that was triving during haile sillasie.

It is his failure to maintain security risks from the forces that he believes brought him to power, and his hidden agenda against a financial services industry that bonds the country together that is invalidating hawasa industrial park!

This is a fkn narccist that believes the entire country is about him. He rather stay indifferent to anything that someone else started than loose a cent of popularity to its success. It is not that he is allowing it to die but how he twisted the justification to fit his own image building! He is insulting the feasibility that soveign bond markets had done that assumed low political periods of uphevals that he nonetheless is allowing it to continue in perpetuity, lo behold he risk the loss of approval of groups that continue unrestrained!

Ethoash wrote:
02 Aug 2019, 14:25

i, forward the video to where he talk about awassa industrial parking closing soon because of uprising and other factor

i have answer for dr. Abiy how to keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep industrial park open and profitable
for example Sidama have the best coffee in the world so what Sidama should do is process her coffee at Awasssa industrial park using high tech machinery and export raw green been .. next import state of the art technology to process coffee to finished good ....

and rent industrial park for local not one but ten business entity sharing one shade ..... this way u can managed to occupied most of the industrial park by making it ten time cheaper አስር ደባል በማስገባት አንድ መጋዘን ለአስር ይከራያሉ ሽንሽነውት የስራሉ አለቀ ደቀቀ

call all the importer of oil seed and other idiot to process our raw martial to finish good and give them incentive u will see change

instead of waiting for business man to come study what is Sidama produce let say if their is a lot of mango then start world class mango processing factory and sale our the share to public and get the hell out of mango business and start another one and keep doing this u will have 100 companies with no time and owned by Ethiopian

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by Ethoash » 03 Aug 2019, 11:31


with my limited English the way i understand u is u favor share company.. and u think Dr. Abiy job is to make Awaasaa industrial park profitable...

i think they going to start stock exchange in 2020... i hope they dont fail because of trust issue.. we have to be very careful about share company...

anyhow i want Dr. Abiy to start incubation company where u government start the company and sale the company to public ... this way we dont waste time selling share... in other country u dont have to sale all your share the bank buy it and they are the one who sale it so that u can start ur business... anyhow this is number one issue to get money u have to pool our resource this is given...

my second point is Dr.Abiy is downer he tell everyone how the industrial park is waste of money.. no if u build it they will come mentality will bringing the investor if u put down ur own industrial park then who is going to come ..

3rd. if u build one high rising building, u have to sale each houses how u do it is by hiring real-state agent ... this agent will do their best to bringing buyer and get commission for their hard work

now it is easy to hire agent to attract investors to rent the industrial park that is simple the only thing u have to do is give them licence and access to ministry when they find a investors to talk to the minister directly .. let say u live in NY, SOMEONE LIVE IN TX and u work in X Y company and u tell the management there is opportunity in Ethiopia with 15 years tax free and so on.. if they invest 100 million dollar u get 1% which is 1 million dollar with is not bad.. now u will work ur A$$ off to attract more and more investors with no time the industrial park will be filled with investors

4th instead of building industrial park first then then looking for investors second .. u sale the industrial space first and build next .. after all the industrial park only took one years to build so it is not hard to do ....even the company will take this one years to do their research or train their workers ...

Dr. Abiy i never forget what he said about Nile dam and caused the death of eng. why he care if it take 100 years we waited 5000 years to build it what is another ten years waiting time .... without forgetting the VOA reporter who embarrassed the eng. too.. i will never forgiven her

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by Dawi » 03 Aug 2019, 14:19

Ethoash wrote:
03 Aug 2019, 11:31
my second point is Dr.Abiy is downer he tell everyone how the industrial park is waste of money.. no if u build it they will come mentality will bringing the investor if u put down ur own industrial park then who is going to come ..

Abiy called a spade spade! Another TPLF/EPRDF mess!
He can't hide your mess anymore because it is public knowledge let alone fooling savvy Investors.

I always wondered why Meles didn't take Arkebe Oquaby seriously? :oops:

As far as Ethiopian Industrial Policy is concerned Arkebe's hand is all over it! Now, Dr. Abiy is telling us the whole truth that even that was succumbed to the level of the halfwit "ethnic demagogues". The morons messed not only METEC but that too!

Made in Africa by Arkebe Oqubay had its roots in the Industrial Policy of Ethiopia; it is supposed to be original field research into the design, practice, and varied outcomes of industrial policy.

How can one borrow billions of dollars and squander it like they did? Why didn't they at least build the largest Industrial Park in Somali state first to make some money? losers!

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by gearhead » 03 Aug 2019, 14:40

Abiy himself stated that there were high level suitors of Hawasa Industrial park as late as two months ago! They didn't come without their financial study! So, his interjecting, arrogant and totally dismissive statement against the entire philosophy and the feasibility of industrial parks is false, self-serving and unwarranted! No! It is not an issue of feasibility of the parks, it is just that others have started it so he doesn't feel the need to protect the thin margin of error that the parks are based on! For instance, why didnt he do anything about it when workers decided not to come to work for 40 days and risk a billion dollar of investment? That is intentional negligence of the most reckless type if you ask me because the success of the parks wont bear his name! The sad thing is, that this narcissist of a man will not find anything close to a guarantee towards youth unemployment as investment on parks.

A stock market will play into any industry including building of parks! it is a cradle to grave institution and as such supports startups, incubators all the way to large mature companies. It brings transparency and a bid market to the privatization he wants to implement, which now i suppose may include the industrial parks. Dont believe the 2020 hype! If it was in the works, the narcissist would have brought it up as his way of alleviating Ethiopia's debt dependency! Trust me, there are powerful corrupt internal forces that wont even allow the discussion to be floated around as its cross-tying of the regions is tremendous. I will adamantly tell you that TPLF doesnt want it to happen and would not be surprised if other large local business interests want to keep it the way it is! Transparency and the socialization of finance has many local enemies!

last but not least, have you wondered how much leeway the political class keeps getting at destroying and rebuilding everything from scratch? Well, read the extent of liberty that they take from this arrogant aggregator of the vermin class, Abiy Ahmed! Mind you, there hadnt been a day of protest about democratization of the country! Rather people protested infringement on their land and won early! Alas, the destructive vermin had to twist the agenda as if it is a call for democracy, and as such, we have replaced Abiy for HMD, albeit of the same party, have a total opposite point of view on the economy. This is the extent of the liberty that these pieces of nothings take to saddle themselves up toward their insatiable lust for power!

Ethiopia has no problem but the political class A-Z which should deserves nothing but our mass lynching of them!!

Ethoash wrote:
03 Aug 2019, 11:31

with my limited English the way i understand u is u favor share company.. and u think Dr. Abiy job is to make Awaasaa industrial park profitable...

i think they going to start stock exchange in 2020... i hope they dont fail because of trust issue.. we have to be very careful about share company...

anyhow i want Dr. Abiy to start incubation company where u government start the company and sale the company to public ... this way we dont waste time selling share... in other country u dont have to sale all your share the bank buy it and they are the one who sale it so that u can start ur business... anyhow this is number one issue to get money u have to pool our resource this is given...

my second point is Dr.Abiy is downer he tell everyone how the industrial park is waste of money.. no if u build it they will come mentality will bringing the investor if u put down ur own industrial park then who is going to come ..

3rd. if u build one high rising building, u have to sale each houses how u do it is by hiring real-state agent ... this agent will do their best to bringing buyer and get commission for their hard work

now it is easy to hire agent to attract investors to rent the industrial park that is simple the only thing u have to do is give them licence and access to ministry when they find a investors to talk to the minister directly .. let say u live in NY, SOMEONE LIVE IN TX and u work in X Y company and u tell the management there is opportunity in Ethiopia with 15 years tax free and so on.. if they invest 100 million dollar u get 1% which is 1 million dollar with is not bad.. now u will work ur A$$ off to attract more and more investors with no time the industrial park will be filled with investors

4th instead of building industrial park first then then looking for investors second .. u sale the industrial space first and build next .. after all the industrial park only took one years to build so it is not hard to do ....even the company will take this one years to do their research or train their workers ...

Dr. Abiy i never forget what he said about Nile dam and caused the death of eng. why he care if it take 100 years we waited 5000 years to build it what is another ten years waiting time .... without forgetting the VOA reporter who embarrassed the eng. too.. i will never forgiven her

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by Dawi » 03 Aug 2019, 15:58

gearhead wrote:
03 Aug 2019, 14:40
No! It is not an issue of feasibility of the parks, it is just that others have started it so he doesn't feel the need to protect the thin margin of error that the parks are based on! For instance, why didnt he do anything about it when workers decided not to come to work for 40 days and risk a billion dollar of investment? That is intentional negligence of the most reckless type if you ask me because the success of the parks wont bear his name!

I don't know why someone comes up with excuses here; the last thing Dr. Abiy will do is downgrade the little we've going. After all he is EPRDF. All one has to look is studies done of similar industrial parks elsewhere.

In Vietnam for instance, in 2002 all of those successful parks were located in the peripheries of the two largest urban areas: Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. On the other hand, there were many industrial parks which were almost empty. (For further information on Vietnam's industrial parks)

Industrial park is a type of real estate property, the golden rule for property development also applies. It is location, location, and location. Unless the location is appropriately chosen, an industrial park will not attract and sustain firms. Proximity to a port (or an airport, depending on the need of each firm). Land transportation to the port and the nearest urban center must be fast, cheap and reliable. Availability of a large supply of professionals and workers at reasonable cost. In our case need to at least be built near rail and road in line with Addis Ababa - Djibouti. That was for starters! Was that hard to figure out?

Qualified workers are scarce in remote areas. Suburbs of a large city offer the best choice of quality, availability and low wage. Amenities for professionals and expatriots. Managers, engineers, and foreigners like to live in big cities where good food, nice shops and entertainment are available.

[[ July 23, 2019..A local district official told Reuters news agency on Saturday that at least 13 people were killed in a town near Hawassa city, 275 kilometres south of the capital Addis Ababa, while hospital authorities said on Friday that four protesters had died of gunshot wounds in the city itself...]]

There goes any kind of "safety" in flames by the barbarians! Is that Abiy's fault?

What he needs to do is cut the cost; don't subsidize in the tune of $100,000,000 a year to run them. Let Jawar/egeta/quero make dancing halls out of them! They are good at that!

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by gearhead » 03 Aug 2019, 16:33

You are confusing what is feasible with what is optimum. That it is not optimum, doesnt invalidate that it is feasible. Why the american suitors then?If feasible at start, then it is by definition--- optimizable! Your abiy socialized stupid head is mimicking the light weight! you fkn talking gibberish! Abiy enabled an environment in which no other company would have survived.

Try 40 days off at EAL and blame its startup studies for its bankruptcy and pull other issues of optimization as a supporting document! Five people die off gunshot wounds, in every industrial city, every week. what is your point? Five heads can run an industry of 500 high school graduates. That is all that should take, receiving expert help remotely. save this ahya amara induced docility and addis ababa quarantine.

last but not least, what is it to happen with the park? will the narcissist privatize it in absence of a stock market?

Dawi wrote:
03 Aug 2019, 15:58
gearhead wrote:
03 Aug 2019, 14:40
No! It is not an issue of feasibility of the parks, it is just that others have started it so he doesn't feel the need to protect the thin margin of error that the parks are based on! For instance, why didnt he do anything about it when workers decided not to come to work for 40 days and risk a billion dollar of investment? That is intentional negligence of the most reckless type if you ask me because the success of the parks wont bear his name!

I don't know why someone comes up with excuses here; the last thing Dr. Abiy will do is downgrade the little we've going. After all he is EPRDF. All one has to look is studies done of similar industrial parks elsewhere.

In Vietnam for instance, in 2002 all of those successful parks were located in the peripheries of the two largest urban areas: Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. On the other hand, there were many industrial parks which were almost empty. (For further information on Vietnam's industrial parks)

Industrial park is a type of real estate property, the golden rule for property development also applies. It is location, location, and location. Unless the location is appropriately chosen, an industrial park will not attract and sustain firms. Proximity to a port (or an airport, depending on the need of each firm). Land transportation to the port and the nearest urban center must be fast, cheap and reliable. Availability of a large supply of professionals and workers at reasonable cost. In our case need to at least be built near rail and road in line with Addis Ababa - Djibouti. That was for starters! Was that hard to figure out?

Qualified workers are scarce in remote areas. Suburbs of a large city offer the best choice of quality, availability and low wage. Amenities for professionals and expatriots. Managers, engineers, and foreigners like to live in big cities where good food, nice shops and entertainment are available.

[[ July 23, 2019..A local district official told Reuters news agency on Saturday that at least 13 people were killed in a town near Hawassa city, 275 kilometres south of the capital Addis Ababa, while hospital authorities said on Friday that four protesters had died of gunshot wounds in the city itself...]]

There goes any kind of "safety" in flames by the barbarians! Is that Abiy's fault?

What he needs to do is cut the cost; don't subsidize in the tune of $100,000,000 a year to run them. Let Jawar/egeta/quero make dancing halls out of them! They are good at that!

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by Dawi » 03 Aug 2019, 17:00

gearhead wrote:
03 Aug 2019, 16:33
Try 40 days off at EAL and blame its startup studies for its bankruptcy and pull other issues of optimization as a supporting document! Five people die off gunshot wounds, in every industrial city, every week.

Comparing apples and oranges is your response. EAL is a finished product.

You want to continue "ethnic" federation. It may need to be scraped all together.

The track record of TPLF/EPRDF shows no finished project. METEC didn't know what the fk they were doing and now Arkabe's industrial gibberish is being questioned, a "valuable" collection of the ministry of trade documents as some accuse his book? Remains to be investigated.

Just like the constitution; it has failed so don't cry for it.

We need to go re-write because it has failed. 27 years of not finishing any major project to success should give one a clue.

In the following, they talk about "ethnic" federalism and Awasa/Sidama State issue. They come to a similar conclusion I was putting forward. Former state Department official Cohen (a partner in "crime" vs Amara with gearhead!** :evil: ) interjects a question in this video and receives an appropriate answer. ** "save this ahya amara induced docility";

Last edited by Dawi on 03 Aug 2019, 21:18, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by gearhead » 03 Aug 2019, 21:14

Very few companies in the world can survive a work stoppage of 40 days; be it matured or otherwise! Unlike his ho suitors and kiss of death lovers, Abiy actually admits to this fact!

The question is...

A) why he failed to do anything about it albeit high profile suitors were interested in the venture that they deemded feasible and optimizable.

B) What he intends to do about a venture that, [his] open-for-all policy, and attendant political environment brought its demise!

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by Ethoash » 04 Aug 2019, 10:16

Dwait and Ghead.

i enjoy reading both of your input... the sad thing is only 3 of us interested in business i dont want to lose both of u pls keep commenting and discussion this is... i feel this is the only exit ticket we have from poverty ..

1. how to prevent 40 days work stoppage..

by making the industrial park an island by itself ... the worker should live with in industrial park hence they will not be risking their life to come to work.. if their accommodation is with in industrial park

2. video security system.

the industrial park is high profile so we have to provide high security with armed guard.. this mean no body will die if they live with in industrial park and get armed protection ... there should be no joke.. and zero tolerance for stupidity ....

3. this one very controversial but very effective if it is implemented

each Industrial park must have requirement of local language ... for example to work in Hawassa industrial park u must have prefect ሲዳምኛ ቋንቋ መናገር አለብህ ፨አለብሽ.... JIMMA INDUSTRIAL ZONE, u must speak Afarn oromia and Mekelle Industrial Park speak must Afan Golden... but this will be optional based on skill worker shortage ...በአጭሩ የሐገሩን ቋንቋ የሚናገሩ ቅድሚያ ያገኛሉ

this information must be told million time to residence ኢንዱስትሪው ዞኑ የናንተው ነው። ሲዳምኛ ኦሮምኛ ካላውቃቹሁ አትስሩበትም ይህ ማለት ደግሞ ኢንዱስትሪውን ካቃጠላቹሁት የናንተን እንጅራ ነው ያቃጠላችሁት። ፈደራል መንግስት ምንም አይነት ዶጎማ አያረግም መልሶ ለመስራት ። እያንዳንድሽ ላይ ታክስ ይጣላል የፈደራል የከስረውን ገንዘብ ለመመልስ። ተብለው ሕዝብ በተስበስበበት በድንብ መነገር አለበት። ኢንዱስትሪው የናንተ ነው። ሲዳሞኛ ማወቅ ይጠበቅብሀል በእንዱስትሪው ውስጥ ለመስራት ከዚህ በላይ ምን ይመጣል ኢንዱስትሪው የሲዳሞ ለመሆኑ። there is always exception and because of shortage of skill worker in this case the worker must take class to learn ሲዳሞኛ ... learning the language must be part of the training

4. using industrial zone u can start other industry for example if the industry need cotton the Sidama area farmer produce cotton or any input the industry need they should be produced local this will create more job

5. i dont support the idea of all industry should be build 50km near Djibouti border

if he is talking about Dire Dawa then it is 250km way from Djibouti port , now if he want to go to border town then he have to go to Dewele with is 87km or 100km away from the port ..which is good but the problem is do this place have coffee and cotton and many other product that the industrial park need. do this place have good climate doesnt need air conditioning to cool the industrial park additional cost ... is there any workers that willing to go and live in that area..

if cotton go to Dewele from oromia is that not the same thing ..even it cost more to transport raw material then semi finished goods ...hence i will not cancel out Dewele as industrial zone..

here is my reason .. for example if we have cow skin in oromia if u process it and make shoe in Oromia we r exposing our self to risk ..of separatist movement and riot and uprising .. if something happened the oromia will take the whole industry..but if we r smart we process the cow skin in oromia and we ship the semi finished good to Dewele and we make shoe in Dewele .. now if the oromia want to break away even separated from Ethiopia we will have half industry in Dewele.. this means the shoe production will not stop .. we just buy the cow skin from oromia in dollar and finished our shoe.. the oromo must sale it to us because we had the shoe factory then dont otherwise they cant eat the cow skin..this means interdependence of economy..

get it if Tigray produce oil seed dont open edible oil processioning in Tigray .. u open somewhere else so that no body have monopoly of economy .. what i am saying any body can open their own but as fed. government and share company u will be idiot to build everything in one spot..

6. building all industrial zone in Addis Ababa Djibouti rail way line i will not support .. why should i sale my coffee to at lower price and live in poverty if i can process the coffee my self and exported my self ... so Dwait is totally wrong thinking this old mentality all development should go to city will not cut it .. if skill workers doesnt want to live in small village then it is job market t the price will go higher if need be skill worker must be imported but regional will not pass this opportunity to grow for the city ... even assuming only the city have the skill, how about the regional city they should also produced their own skill workers what will stop them all u need is two years training and another two years in job training they will become expert at it...

7. share company.. i feel share company is reward for those believer in this project.. for example look this forum it look like only 3 of us interested in this project so why should the other idiot rewarded if they r not believer or risk taker.. this industrial park rise because if we believe in it and buy stock .. then when this industrial zone give our hard earn fruit the other idiot unbeliever come and cry loud why they r not benefited from this industrial park.. for example if u believed on apple company and if u invested early on then today u will ripe your hard earn profit .. because of your and million of investor like u who trusted on apple company and invested on it that make million so they deserve it..

8 so if Ethiopian refused to invest in this industrial park then if they become poor they only themselves to blame

there is a say in investor community

when Japanese economy booming i was not sure they will make it so i did not invested in it so i lost
but when Chinese economy boom i jump on it because opportunity doesn't come twice but it come so i did not want to miss it and i make it

now sure all Ethiopian would be investors miss the Japanese economy miracle and Chinese economy miracle... tell me where u could have a chance to invest only 10,000 dollar and make it million in just ten years there is no other economy but Ethiopia represent this opportunity and i said dont miss it.. even if u make 100,000 dollar in just ten years that is good retirement money even in America or in Ethiopia ... for sure many Ethiopia did not put aside retirement money this investment would be God sent..

9. i already say it before Dr. Abiy said their are no investors that occupied the industrialist zone that means their are many warehouse empty .. so how hard this can be finding investors and make them rent the whorehouse this can be done with private agent ... the industrial zone must have agent who sale the unoccupied whorehouse ...and Dr. Abiy said he subsidized 100 million dollar or birr for industrial park so why not give this money for those agent who make the sale ... any one who manged to brining 100 million dollar investment get 1% which is 1 million dollar 33 million birr that is gooooooooooood money if u ask me...

10 next time

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by Hazega/Tsazega. » 04 Aug 2019, 12:45

Woyan Melat MLLT economics 101.
Pay attention, class is in session!!

(Ethoash, either you didn't clean your internet search histories or your spell check was having-a-laugh...while on the subject you might be onto something, building world class <first class> whorehouses in tigray :idea: :idea:...but the woyans hiding out have already started the project & are enjoying its fruits while hiding out in Planet Hotel) :lol:

Ethoash wrote:
04 Aug 2019, 10:16

9. i already say it before Dr. Abiy said their are no investors that occupied the industrialist zone that means their are many warehouse empty how hard this can be finding investors and make them rent the whorehouse this can be done with private agent ... the industrial zone must have agent who sale the unoccupied whorehouse ...and Dr. Abiy said he subsidized 100 million dollar or birr for industrial park so why not give this money for those agent who make the sale ... any one who manged to brining 100 million dollar investment get 1% which is 1 million dollar 33 million birr that is gooooooooooood money if u ask me...

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by Ethoash » 04 Aug 2019, 14:06

Hazega/Tsazega. wrote:
04 Aug 2019, 12:45

Woyan Melat MLLT economics 101.
Pay attention, class is in session!!


even my misspelling used as hook.. i know dr. Hazega/Tsazega u read my expert view about economy but u dont want to give me credit, but when u find one misspell u said i got this world class expert and u fire ur last bullet and misfire because i know u read my and Ghead and Dawit discussion that all it matter.. for sure i know u read up to 9/ point... if there is 100 point u would not stop.. this make me happy .. it doesnt matter even Eritrean started industrial park . using my idea.. my idea is free for taking ..

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by Dawi » 04 Aug 2019, 19:07

Hazega/Tsazega. wrote:
04 Aug 2019, 12:45
Woyan Melat MLLT economics 101.
Pay attention, class is in session!!

(Ethoash, either you didn't clean your internet search histories or your spell check was having-a-laugh...while on the subject you might be onto something, building world class <first class> whorehouses in tigray ...but the woyans hiding out have already started the project & are enjoying its fruits while hiding out in Planet Hotel)
Hazega - You're killing me here! :lol: :lol:

Humer aside, for all we know, Ethoash follows mostly the money not necessarily ethnic origins.]

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by Hazega/Tsazega. » 04 Aug 2019, 19:59

Ethoash wrote:
04 Aug 2019, 14:06
Hazega/Tsazega. wrote:
04 Aug 2019, 12:45

Woyan Melat MLLT economics 101.
Pay attention, class is in session!!


even my misspelling used as hook.. i know dr. Hazega/Tsazega u read my expert view about economy but u dont want to give me credit, but when u find one misspell u said i got this world class expert and u fire ur last bullet and misfire because i know u read my and Ghead and Dawit discussion that all it matter.. for sure i know u read up to 9/ point... if there is 100 point u would not stop.. this make me happy .. it doesnt matter even Eritrean started industrial park . using my idea.. my idea is free for taking ..

Haha...Ethoash, i was just trying to make you laugh by going for the obvious joke & throwing a jab at woyan (every chance i get).

Despite your reverse mind trick, i give you credit & have even said before you are great at scouring/searching the net. You are a valued search engine & i will admit that i have scanned thru many of your posts 50% are good & the other 50% are reinventing the wheel, not that is a bad thing since building things from scratch teaches you many things & how to make use of your own resources (but when playing catchup sometimes just have to go with what works).

Sometimes i can see you fighting/resisting the woyan hasadat nature & i encourage you to continue doing that, even though some of my jokes can cause you to relapse. I am not a hasad but sometimes i like to give hasidic comments concerning woyan agams, no offense to you intended. With that said, i am planning a trip/lodging to tigray, where i hope to plant & un-plant my tree repeatedly in some fertile soil in the "greenhouses of woyan tigray" (i.e. whorehouses/hotels) :lol:

Speaking of hotels, no wonder the hasadat woyan got the nerve to talk trash about hotels in eritrea...the hasadat have built many nice hotels but with whose money??...but Digital Weyane & street woyanes says its from their own pockets/resources :roll:

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by Ethoash » 05 Aug 2019, 03:18


i love comedy but not in my expenses but this one i can take is not harmful and i used it to my advantage // the only problem is this is not a comedy thread.. this is high level talk about economy...i dont think u have to offer if u do u would have took part... but what u said about i am just copying from internet is not fair because u have to know what u look to use internet for example i know Dr. Abiy need sale agent to sale industrial park .. this sale agent have to know the wisdom of ABC.. now u gow and google to find a video match what u r saying

watch how Alec Baldwin teach them the wisdom of ABC....OF SELLING Always Be Closing ...

now another The Boiler Room Ben Affleck Speech

now tell me if i dontknow any thing about this video information how i will get it..i did not see one of the movie but both of them teach something

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by Dawi » 05 Aug 2019, 07:29

Ethoash wrote:
05 Aug 2019, 03:18

i love comedy but not in my expenses but this one i can take is not harmful and i used it to my advantage // the only problem is this is not a comedy thread.. this is high level talk about economy...i dont think u have to offer if u do u would have took part...

Alec Baldwin ....... wisdom of ABC....OF SELLING Always Be Closing ...

now another The Boiler Room Ben Affleck Speech

now tell me if i don't know any thing about this video information how i will get it..i did not see one of the movie but both of them teach something
Ethio - Great come back!

You sounded like Alec yourself! Balls of steel!....I mean brass!

I enjoyed both video clips; now you've planted an interest in me to re-visit those movies.

Keep up the good work!

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by Ethoash » 05 Aug 2019, 08:13

Dawi wrote:
05 Aug 2019, 07:29
Ethoash wrote:
05 Aug 2019, 03:18
Ethio - Great come back!

You sounded like Alec yourself! Balls of steel!....I mean brass!

I enjoyed both video clips; now you've planted an interest in me to re-visit those movies.

Keep up the good work!

every sell person in West saw this movie the will tell u ABC. Always be closing .. this rule apply even to everyday life..

የትም ፍጪው ዱቄቱን አምጪው{ወሬ አታብዛ እንደማለት ነው።ክፈል ለደላላ የምትከፍል ከሆን ገንዘብ አውጣ ውጤት የምትጠብቅ ከሆነ፤ በነፃ ግን ውጤት አትጠብቅ}

1. ውያኔውች አለቆች መታስር አለባችው ፣ መቀሌ መመሽግ የለባቸውም

ABC ታድያ ሂድና ከመሽጉበት አውጣቸው

2. ኢንዱስትራል ፓርክን የሚከራይ አጣን

ABC ታድያ ክፈል ሚሊዬን ለደላሎች ተከራይ እንዲያፋልጉልህ,

the moral of the movie was the agent going to be rich beyond believe, this drive him not to sell but to ABC... IT Doesnt matter how many would be buyer u talk to the one it count is the one u closing ...

this very important for the success of Industrial park ... the sell agent must get million if Dr. Abiy want to sell it and make it self supposition ..

i enjoy Hazega/Tsazega and i learn warehouse .... to lean i am will to pay the cost of being laughed at... why do i care i learn he cant laugh at me next time because i know how to spell warehouse ... now he have to teach me another word..

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Re: awassa industrial park is closing soon Dr Abiy at public meeting

Post by gearhead » 05 Aug 2019, 17:38

Can Abiy draw an IS-LM curve with Dr. Birhanu holding his hands? Can Nairobi draw an instantaneous one? Is the ability be able to do so a right of a nation? what is the weight factor of a nations ability to set its interest rates? do currencies have any meaning where two dominant powers are cross exporting inflation and deflation?

Etoash? The difference between MIGHTY MELES vs this piece of a mimicry called Abiy is that Meles cab READ (matter of pedigree), and CLOSE (matter of nurture) on a beautiful lead!

Ethiopia is a bottom tier experiment out of this international financial anomaly and a global financial dilemma of 100s of billions! The set industial policies of Ethiopia are cast in stone! Equivocation is not an option! Give finance and industry to Dr. Birhanu so he p!mps it out! this is not work for some choir boy!

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