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Re: [Addis Fortune] Ethiopia|n government's tree planting campaign: Audacity or a pipe dream?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 28 Jul 2019, 10:02

An ambitious plan is not a pipe dream, unless those failed morally have got a different definition of a pipe dream.

The first thing you should have to ask yourself is if you have planted your share before telling someone else about its pipe-dreamness. Did you try to plant and sought the saplings and find out that is not available?

First plant 160 (which is a fair share according to my calculation) saplings in a year and if you looked for the sapling but failed to find it, then start to criticize those who are making an ambitious plan (or even a pipe-dream, like you claimed).

Having a pipe dream is way much better than being morally debilitated like the ABN people are thses days in.

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Re: [Addis Fortune] Ethiopia|n government's tree planting campaign: Audacity or a pipe dream?

Post by Ethoash » 28 Jul 2019, 11:08


A camp also contains camp cooks and support staff. The average British Columbian planter plants 1600 trees per day, but it is not uncommon for experienced planters to plant up to 4,000 trees per day while working in the interior.

I AM expert tree planters here is the deal one man in Ethiopia easily can plant 1000 tree seedling .. if they have the right tools..

what u do is first u take landscape photography then u start planting

tree planting is like building Nile dam to me it would be legacy of Dr. Abiy...

old way of doing it

now loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooook modern tools to plant tree. without bending

this pottiputki is very simple technology that u can make at home.. revolutionized panting tree..

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Re: [Addis Fortune] Ethiopia|n government's tree planting campaign: Audacity or a pipe dream?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 28 Jul 2019, 11:36


I would have taken that pottiputki tool home at my next visit home but I think it is not suitable for the type of saplings they are planting in Ethiopia today.

Did you see the soil still rapped around the roots of the sapling? That is not without a value, it helps very much for the seedling to grow and supports providing the nutrition for the plant until the stage the sapling will get adapted to the new soil in which it is planted.

The tool needs to be modified a bit, the good thing about it is that experiences are aboundant in the internet and where there is a will there will be always the way, like they say.

Planting or not planting could be just about personal matter, but out right call for not planting on others is the so called "ye moral ziQet" (moral debilitation) for those in it, in my view.

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Re: [Addis Fortune] Ethiopia|n government's tree planting campaign: Audacity or a pipe dream?

Post by Ethoash » 28 Jul 2019, 12:39


loook how big is the Ethiopian tree seedling ... when u make seedling this big u going to waste time diging bigger hole and effort to put all this cost u time that is why u will be forced to plant 100 tree then 4000 tree.. using pottiputki.

the tree seedling are not designed pottiputki in mind .. in Ethiopia case this could be adjusted by using smaller plastic bag and save soil and time and energy..

if u want to buy one and take home .. ... n-products

if money is no object .. but u can take only the idea and make it locally and it work perfectly...
now pls watch this guy how he make pottiputki...

if u took the pottiputki. i think u can make million by selling it to EAL they have tree planting project .. u u make their effort 4000 time faster and cheaper with less people trust me they might buy 1000 of those tools and u might make money doing so or u will be happy helping mama Ethiopia ...

you will be better of those who give donation million dollar ... just imagine 4 billion tree planted using your machine ... i dont even mind even if u dont even mention my name as long as u make it happened ... u dont know how happy u make me.. remember u can still make it at any metal work place..and tree seedling place to make u one in your choice to fit your pottiputki.. u try it.. and success..

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Re: [Addis Fortune] Ethiopia|n government's tree planting campaign: Audacity or a pipe dream?

Post by Ethoash » 28 Jul 2019, 13:20

u dont find this police woman is very attractive....

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Re: [Addis Fortune] Ethiopia|n government's tree planting campaign: Audacity or a pipe dream?

Post by Ethoash » 28 Jul 2019, 17:51

Lisa Owen planted 400 tree seedling
tree planter planted 1300 tree seedling
Ethiopian tree planter planted 40 tree seedling
Dr. Abiy planted 4 tree seedling upto now

now using pottiputki per day u can plant 4000 tree seedling so if we have one million tree planter we will plant 4 billion tree in just one day...

the rest of 100 million people pay 1 birr to buy pottiputki locally made...

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Re: [Addis Fortune] Ethiopia|n government's tree planting campaign: Audacity or a pipe dream?

Post by gearhead » 29 Jul 2019, 15:13

Proverbs 26 13-15

13 A sluggard says, “There’s a lion in the road,

a fierce lion roaming the streets!”

14 As a door turns on its hinges,

so a sluggard turns on his bed.

15 A sluggard buries his hand in the dish;

he is too lazy to bring it back to his mouth.

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Re: [Addis Fortune] Ethiopia|n government's tree planting campaign: Audacity or a pipe dream?

Post by Revelations » 29 Jul 2019, 15:49

:idea: :idea: :idea:

gearhead wrote:
29 Jul 2019, 15:13
Proverbs 26 13-15

13 A sluggard says, “There’s a lion in the road,

a fierce lion roaming the streets!”

14 As a door turns on its hinges,

so a sluggard turns on his bed.

15 A sluggard buries his hand in the dish;

he is too lazy to bring it back to his mouth.

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Re: [Addis Fortune] Ethiopia|n government's tree planting campaign: Audacity or a pipe dream?

Post by Ethoash » 29 Jul 2019, 15:56

Forestry expert Alemayehu Wassie (PhD) appreciates #GreenLegacy campaigns and argues that with uncontrolled grazing by cattle, the survival rate of the plantings will be reduced.

Alemayehu Wassie (PhD) where did u buy your forestry degree.. cattle is part of the greening life cycle ...

here, i will explain cattle and grass have billion of years relationship ... the cattle eat the grass, it is not free lunch .. the cattle process the grass and give away dung that will fertilized the top soil and help the grass to grow.. and repeat the process.

this cow dung attract many king of insect the famous one r dung beetle... million of dung beetle start cleaning after the cow and with in one night they clear all the dung ..... this means no smell ...

now the question is, how about overgrazing ?

if overgrazing was the problem then Huge herd of migratory Wildebeest in Masai Mara during the Great Migration would have caused overgrazing .. ከብቶቹ ወደፊት ስለሚሄዱ እየበሉ እንዳይመልሱ እበታቸውን በሳሩ ላይ ጥለዋል ስለዚህ ፣ ያንን ሳር በድጋሚ መብላት አይችሉም ስለዚህ ወደፊት ነው የሚገስግሱት ሳሩን እየበሉ ። ከኋላቸው ደግሞ የተፈጥሮ ማዳበሪያቸውን እበታቸውን እያስቀመጡ ።።።

ታድያ ሚስጥሩ ከብቶችን የሳሩ መለየት አይደለም ። ለምን ቢባል ስራሩን ማዳበሪያ ታሳጣዋለህ። ደግሞም አንድ ቦታ ብቻ ከብቱን ሳር ማጋጥም አደጋ አለው ስለዚህ ወድ ፊት እየመራሀቸው ሳሩን ማስጋጥ ነው ። ትልቁ የተፈጥሮ ሚስጥር ።። እጥሮ ማቆየቱ ለጥቂት ግዜ ሊስራ ይችላል አፈር ውስጥ ያለው ንጥረነገር እስከሚያልቅ ደረስ ። ግን ከብቶቹን በማስጋጥ ንጥረነገር መተካት ይቻላልል። ዝም ብሎ ሚልዬን አመት ያረገን ግኑኝነት መስበር ያለተማራ PHD መላ ነው።

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