Mass Exodus of the Youth from Kilil Tigray! No more lying Awash!!
Reliable sources confirmed that the mass exodus of the youth from Togray to Sudan and Yemen is increasing at an alarming rate due to unemployment and political instability in kilil Tigray. Many Tigrayan migrants have been shot and wounded by groups in Yemen, or kidnapped and detained when they arrived in the country because they couldn’t afford to pay smugglers.

Last edited by pushkin on 29 Jul 2019, 12:15, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Mass Exodus of the Youth from Kilil Tigray!
HI bro. pushkin! The mass migration of Agamess under the cover of Eritreans is exposed very recently.The armed conflict in Yemen has not deterred the Agames mass migrantion.

pushkin wrote: ↑29 Jul 2019, 08:47Reliable sources confirmed that the mass exodus of the youth from Togray to Sudan and Yemen is increasing at an alarming rate due to unemployment and political instability in kilil Tigray. Many Tigrayan migrants have been shot and wounded by groups in Yemen, or kidnapped and detained when they arrived in the country because they couldn’t afford to pay smugglers.
Re: Mass Exodus of the Youth from Kilil Tigray! No more lying AWASH
ሰራዉራትና ካብ ማእከል ኢትዮጲያ፣ ትግራይ፣ ሎሚ ብዝለኣኹልና ሓድሽ ሓበሬታ መሰረት፣ ዋሕዚ መናእሰያት ትግራይ ናብ ሱዳንን የመንን፣ ካብ መዓልቲ ናብ መዓልቲ እንዳዓበየ ይመጽእ ኣሎ።
ሰነዳት'ቶም ዘይመንግስታዉያን ትካላት ከም ዝሕብሮ፣ ብፍላይ መናእሰያት ትግራይ፣ ብሰንኪ ስእነት ስራሕ፣ ከምኡ'ዉን ካልኦት ሕብረተሰባዉን ፖለቲካዉን ዘይርጉእነት፣ ብብዝሒ ናብተን ኣብዚ ሕጂ እዋን ኣብ ከቢድ ፖለቲካዉን ቑጠባዉን ወጥሪ ዝርከባ ሃገራት ሱዳን፣ የመን፣ ሊብያ ኣብ ምዉሓዝ ይርከቡ።
ሽሕ'ኳ እዚ ሓድሽ ሓበሬታ'ዚ፣ መቐጸልታ ናይቶም ዝሓለፉ 20 ዓመታት ዝረኣናዮም ዋሕዚ ኢትዮጲያዉያን ስደተኛታት ናብ ካልኦት ሃገራት እንተኾነ፣ "ኤርትራዉያን ኢና" ዝብል ናይ ሓሶት ምኽንያታት ኣብ መላእ ሃገራት ኤውሮፓ ክሰርሕ ኣዝዩ ኣጸጋሚ እንዳኾነ ኣብ ዝመጸሉ ዘሎ እዋን የጋጥም ብምህላዉ፣ ፍሉይ ይገብሮ።
ነዚ ካብ ዉሽጢ ትግራይ ዝመጸና ዜና ተኸታቲልና፣ ኣስፊሕና ጸብጻብ ከም እነቕርብ መብጽዓ ንኣቱ።

ሰነዳት'ቶም ዘይመንግስታዉያን ትካላት ከም ዝሕብሮ፣ ብፍላይ መናእሰያት ትግራይ፣ ብሰንኪ ስእነት ስራሕ፣ ከምኡ'ዉን ካልኦት ሕብረተሰባዉን ፖለቲካዉን ዘይርጉእነት፣ ብብዝሒ ናብተን ኣብዚ ሕጂ እዋን ኣብ ከቢድ ፖለቲካዉን ቑጠባዉን ወጥሪ ዝርከባ ሃገራት ሱዳን፣ የመን፣ ሊብያ ኣብ ምዉሓዝ ይርከቡ።
ሽሕ'ኳ እዚ ሓድሽ ሓበሬታ'ዚ፣ መቐጸልታ ናይቶም ዝሓለፉ 20 ዓመታት ዝረኣናዮም ዋሕዚ ኢትዮጲያዉያን ስደተኛታት ናብ ካልኦት ሃገራት እንተኾነ፣ "ኤርትራዉያን ኢና" ዝብል ናይ ሓሶት ምኽንያታት ኣብ መላእ ሃገራት ኤውሮፓ ክሰርሕ ኣዝዩ ኣጸጋሚ እንዳኾነ ኣብ ዝመጸሉ ዘሎ እዋን የጋጥም ብምህላዉ፣ ፍሉይ ይገብሮ።
ነዚ ካብ ዉሽጢ ትግራይ ዝመጸና ዜና ተኸታቲልና፣ ኣስፊሕና ጸብጻብ ከም እነቕርብ መብጽዓ ንኣቱ።

Re: Mass Exodus of the Youth from Kilil Tigray! No more lying Awash!!
Most of the migrants that were dead were from Ethiopia’s northern part Tigray region, according to ESAT. Reports show that many causalities are from Tigray region in Ethiopia. Mainly because of unemployment and economic problems, have been migrating to the Middle East, South Africa and Europe. Following the crisis in Yemen, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been engaged in humanitarian airlifts bringing home stranded Ethiopian migrants.

Re: Mass Exodus of the Youth from Kilil Tigray! No more lying Awash!!
Come up with a reputable source, pushkin mishkin et al
https://www.bbc.com/tigrinya/news-49119 ... GCZNbX7DDQኤርትራውያን ዝርከብዎም ስደተኛታት ኣብ ገማግም ባሕሪ ሊብያ ጥሒሎም
Re: Mass Exodus of the Youth from Kilil Tigray! No more lying Awash!!
ADWUSHA! BBC is the main news agency of Agames. Here is a reliable news

I also invite you the following news which shows clearly the cry of your relatives
16:45 to 18:45

I also invite you the following news which shows clearly the cry of your relatives

16:45 to 18:45
Re: Mass Exodus of the Youth from Kilil Tigray! No more lying Awash!!
pushkin wrote: ↑29 Jul 2019, 14:10ADWUSHA! BBC is the main news agency of Agames. Here is a reliable news![]()
I also invite you the following news which shows clearly the cry of your relatives![]()
16:45 to 18:45Awash wrote: ↑29 Jul 2019, 13:45Come up with a reputable source, pushkin mishkin et al
https://www.youtube.cowatch?v=eibEwIZ2Gtsኤርትራውያን ዝርከብዎም ስደተኛታት ኣብ ገማግም ባሕሪ ሊብያ ጥሒሎም
Re: Mass Exodus of the Youth from Kilil Tigray! No more lying Awash!!
ANTA WEDI ETA MEGAL MITRA SHAARMUUTTAA AGAME! Since Agames couldn't argue based on facts, they prefer to insult and this is a symptom of weakness. You are only trained to post garbages

Awash wrote: ↑29 Jul 2019, 15:36Sooo funny, mushmush wedi kelbi
pushkin wrote: ↑29 Jul 2019, 14:10ADWUSHA! BBC is the main news agency of Agames. Here is a reliable news![]()
I also invite you the following news which shows clearly the cry of your relatives![]()
16:45 to 18:45Awash wrote: ↑29 Jul 2019, 13:45Come up with a reputable source, pushkin mishkin et al
https://www.youtube.cowatch?v=eibEwIZ2Gtsኤርትራውያን ዝርከብዎም ስደተኛታት ኣብ ገማግም ባሕሪ ሊብያ ጥሒሎም
Re: Mass Exodus of the Youth from Kilil Tigray! No more lying Awash!!
So sad
https://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/ ... story.htmlBoy, 8, dies after man pushes him in front of train in Germany
JUL 29, 2019 | 3:06 PM
An 8-year-old boy was killed after being hit by a train when a man pushed him and his mother onto the tracks at the busy main station in Frankfurt, Germany, Monday morning.
The mom was able to escape the path of the high-speed ICE train that was pulling into the station, but the child was run over and suffered fatal injuries, the Associated Press reports.
The 40-year-old suspect then tried to push another person onto the track, but was unsuccessful, police said. He fled the scene as witnesses chased him and was arrested near the station.
A motive wasn’t immediately clear after he was questioned and a police spokeswoman said there didn’t seem to be a connection between the victims and the suspect, who is a citizen of the northeast African country of Eritrea.
The mother of the child was taken to a hospital and questioned.
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