RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት [[SHORT VERSION]]
፩፤ when they told u ህገመንግስቱ መቀየር አለበት
agreed With them, but ask them, do the opp. have their own Constitution, that we replace the old one with..
፪፤. ጁሀር መገድል ውይ መታስር አለብት።
again agree with them, but ask them, who is going to do the killing dr. Abiy or Amhara regional government
፫፤ ተካ ጉማ ፤ አብይ፤ ለማ በሕዝብ አልተመረጡም
tell them... do opp. party leader elected who elected dr. birr the owner of GIM 7 ALL OPP. LEADER
፬፤ ክልሎች መፍርስ አለባችው
agree with them 1000% then ask them, What language are the new ክፍለሀገሮች communicate with for example what language does Jamma use
፭፤አንድ ብሔራዊ ቋንቋ ይስፈልገናል ለመግባቢያ ። የታወቀነው አማርኛ እንደሚሉሁ
10000000000000000% agree with, but ask them, what are we going to do if oromia, Somalia and golden refused to accept Amharic as their national language are we going to wage war how in hell we going to enforce it..
፩፤ when they told u ህገመንግስቱ መቀየር አለበት
agreed With them, but ask them, do the opp. have their own Constitution, that we replace the old one with..
፪፤. ጁሀር መገድል ውይ መታስር አለብት።
again agree with them, but ask them, who is going to do the killing dr. Abiy or Amhara regional government
፫፤ ተካ ጉማ ፤ አብይ፤ ለማ በሕዝብ አልተመረጡም
tell them... do opp. party leader elected who elected dr. birr the owner of GIM 7 ALL OPP. LEADER
፬፤ ክልሎች መፍርስ አለባችው
agree with them 1000% then ask them, What language are the new ክፍለሀገሮች communicate with for example what language does Jamma use
፭፤አንድ ብሔራዊ ቋንቋ ይስፈልገናል ለመግባቢያ ። የታወቀነው አማርኛ እንደሚሉሁ
10000000000000000% agree with, but ask them, what are we going to do if oromia, Somalia and golden refused to accept Amharic as their national language are we going to wage war how in hell we going to enforce it..
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት [[SHORT VERSION]]
ዐማራዎች በሚጠይቁት ሁሉ ከተስማማህ፣አብረህ እኩል መሳብ አለብህ። አንዱ በሬ ወደፊት ሌላው ፊቱን አዙሮ ወደኋላ ለመሄድ የሚሞክር ከሆነ ፈረ አይቀደድም እርሻ አይታረስም - ባሉበት ቆመው ይታገላሉ። ማመንህ መልካም ነው ግን ፈጥነው የሚያምኑ ሰዎች ችግር አለባቸው በእነርሱ ኅሌና ላይ ሚዛናዊ እምነት መጣል አይቻልም። Sociopath አደገኛ ስብዕና ያላቸው ናቸው ይላሉ የማህበራዊ ሳይንስ ጠብቶች - ጥፋታችውን ፈጥነው ያምናሉ ከጥፋታቸው ውስጥ መልሰው ይገኛሉ። ዓሣማ ያው ዓሣማ ነው ታጥቦ ጭቃ እንዴ ማለት።Ethoash wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 08:53SHORT VERSION
፩፤ when they told u ህገመንግስቱ መቀየር አለበት
agreed With them, but ask them, do the opp. have their own Constitution, that we replace the old one with..
፪፤. ጁሀር መገድል ውይ መታስር አለብት።
again agree with them, but ask them, who is going to do the killing dr. Abiy or Amhara regional government
፫፤ ተካ ጉማ ፤ አብይ፤ ለማ በሕዝብ አልተመረጡም
tell them... do opp. party leader elected who elected dr. birr the owner of GIM 7 ALL OPP. LEADER
፬፤ ክልሎች መፍርስ አለባችው
agree with them 1000% then ask them, What language are the new ክፍለሀገሮች communicate with for example what language does Jamma use
፭፤አንድ ብሔራዊ ቋንቋ ይስፈልገናል ለመግባቢያ ። የታወቀነው አማርኛ እንደሚሉሁ
10000000000000000% agree with, but ask them, what are we going to do if oromia, Somalia and golden refused to accept Amharic as their national language are we going to wage war how in hell we going to enforce it..
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት
Jawar is not Ethiopian PM. Jawar is not DPM. Jawar is not head of Ethiopian Security nor author of the current Ethiopian constitution. He is not head of any political party and is neither Government authority. Why the idiots hate Jawar ???? He is activist and political analysis/scientists promoting the quest for restoration of Oromo identity, freedom, justice and democracy of his people, the Oromo!!! Why others are sleepless about him??? He has not jailed or killed any of their members!!! He has not robbed a single penny of the public money!!! Why either jailing or killing of this individual is the dream of the idiots??? Oromos know the answer to all these questions. Please leave this precious man to his own people. He is the Oromos’ Mandela! He is Martin Luther king to Oromo. Leave him! He is not your business. Leaving all his critical leadership role to the historical Qeerroo struggle, the recent role he played for reconciliation of differences between different Oromo groups and his ability to convince OLF fighters for peaceful struggle makes him unquestionable hero to all Oromo! He has never carried guns to kill any body. Please fight him with ideas/truth. Otherwise, leave the son of Oromo to Oromo and mind your business!!!
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት [[SHORT VERSION]]
ኦሮሞዎች ልብ ብላቹሁ ተመልክቱ እንዴት አርጌ ውጥመዴ ውስጥ እንደጣልኩት። this is for son, Nagatune, and musod, forget about SodAsh he is not oromo...Abere wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 10:12ዐማራዎች በሚጠይቁት ሁሉ ከተስማማህ፣አብረህ እኩል መሳብ አለብህ። አንዱ በሬ ወደፊት ሌላው ፊቱን አዙሮ ወደኋላ ለመሄድ የሚሞክር ከሆነ ፈረ አይቀደድም እርሻ አይታረስም - ባሉበት ቆመው ይታገላሉ። ማመንህ መልካም ነው ግን ፈጥነው የሚያምኑ ሰዎች ችግር አለባቸው በእነርሱ ኅሌና ላይ ሚዛናዊ እምነት መጣል አይቻልም። Sociopath አደገኛ ስብዕና ያላቸው ናቸው ይላሉ የማህበራዊ ሳይንስ ጠብቶች - ጥፋታችውን ፈጥነው ያምናሉ ከጥፋታቸው ውስጥ መልሰው ይገኛሉ። ዓሣማ ያው ዓሣማ ነው ታጥቦ ጭቃ እንዴ ማለት።
Dr,Abere ,
ማለት ዋና መስሪ ነው። አውቅ አወቕሁ ባይ። ግን ምንም አላወቀም ምን እንደመታው። እስቲ ምን ያህል አይጥ እ ንይዛለን ። እሲት ትንሽ እንጠብቅ።
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት
Hey,Username wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 10:14Jawar is not Ethiopian PM. Jawar is not DPM. Jawar is not head of Ethiopian Security nor author of the current Ethiopian constitution. He is not head of any political party and is neither Government authority. Why the idiots hate Jawar ???? He is activist and political analysis/scientists promoting the quest for restoration of Oromo identity, freedom, justice and democracy of his people, the Oromo!!! Why others are sleepless about him??? He has not jailed or killed any of their members!!! He has not robbed a single penny of the public money!!! Why either jailing or killing of this individual is the dream of the idiots??? Oromos know the answer to all these questions. Please leave this precious man to his own people. He is the Oromos’ Mandela! He is Martin Luther king to Oromo. Leave him! He is not your business. Leaving all his critical leadership role to the historical Qeerroo struggle, the recent role he played for reconciliation of differences between different Oromo groups and his ability to convince OLF fighters for peaceful struggle makes him unquestionable hero to all Oromo! He has never carried guns to kill any body. Please fight him with ideas/truth. Otherwise, leave the son of Oromo to Oromo and mind your business!!!
Everyone knows Jawar is the Username & Password of the destructive OLF. አይጥ በበላው ዳዋ ተመታእያልከን ነው እንዴ ? There will be time for him to face justice. His victims of genocide, robbery, displacement and loss will have their moment to watch his plea for mercy and forgiveness.
- Member
- Posts: 821
- Joined: 09 Apr 2013, 20:53
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት
Abere,Abere wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 10:42Hey,Username wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 10:14Jawar is not Ethiopian PM. Jawar is not DPM. Jawar is not head of Ethiopian Security nor author of the current Ethiopian constitution. He is not head of any political party and is neither Government authority. Why the idiots hate Jawar ???? He is activist and political analysis/scientists promoting the quest for restoration of Oromo identity, freedom, justice and democracy of his people, the Oromo!!! Why others are sleepless about him??? He has not jailed or killed any of their members!!! He has not robbed a single penny of the public money!!! Why either jailing or killing of this individual is the dream of the idiots??? Oromos know the answer to all these questions. Please leave this precious man to his own people. He is the Oromos’ Mandela! He is Martin Luther king to Oromo. Leave him! He is not your business. Leaving all his critical leadership role to the historical Qeerroo struggle, the recent role he played for reconciliation of differences between different Oromo groups and his ability to convince OLF fighters for peaceful struggle makes him unquestionable hero to all Oromo! He has never carried guns to kill any body. Please fight him with ideas/truth. Otherwise, leave the son of Oromo to Oromo and mind your business!!!
Everyone knows Jawar is the Username & Password of the destructive OLF. አይጥ በበላው ዳዋ ተመታእያልከን ነው እንዴ ? There will be time for him to face justice. His victims of genocide, robbery, displacement and loss will have their moment to watch his plea for mercy and forgiveness.
Is it not better to focus all your attention on preventing amhara from killing fellow amhara, instead threatening someone that is non of your business. Jawar did not kill or create the environment for amharas to kill each other, unless you think as usual and blame Jawar for that to. Otherwise if you want to be relevant among oromos, do something reasonable and free of hate. By the way your nightmare OLF will remain your nightmare as long oromia remains in the federation.
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት [[SHORT VERSION]]
pls stop argue with Abere .. dont even try to reason with him..
instead ask him who stop him from killing Jahwar .. jahwar is next door let him go and try it.. trust me he will never answer this question
if Abere, said to you ...አኖሌ ሐውልት ይፍረስ ይሉሃል
ምን አከራከርህ ልብህ ነው የሚደርቀው። ታድያ ምን ትለዋለህ መስለህ ትክክል ነው መፍረስ አለበት ብለህ ተስማማ ከሱ ጋራ ። ከዚያ ማን ነው የሚያፈርስው። ማንን ትልካህ እንዲያፈርስው።
ብልህ ጠይቀው ። ማን ያዘው Ato Abere(አበራ) አኖሌን ለማፍረስት ማን ይከለክለዋል ። ልብ ነው የሚጠይቀው ለምን ተነስቶ ሄዶ እራሱ አያፈርስውም። ወይም የአማራ ጦር ለምን ገስግሳ አኖሌን አያፈርስውም ።
pls stop argue with Abere .. dont even try to reason with him..
instead ask him who stop him from killing Jahwar .. jahwar is next door let him go and try it.. trust me he will never answer this question
if Abere, said to you ...አኖሌ ሐውልት ይፍረስ ይሉሃል
ምን አከራከርህ ልብህ ነው የሚደርቀው። ታድያ ምን ትለዋለህ መስለህ ትክክል ነው መፍረስ አለበት ብለህ ተስማማ ከሱ ጋራ ። ከዚያ ማን ነው የሚያፈርስው። ማንን ትልካህ እንዲያፈርስው።
ብልህ ጠይቀው ። ማን ያዘው Ato Abere(አበራ) አኖሌን ለማፍረስት ማን ይከለክለዋል ። ልብ ነው የሚጠይቀው ለምን ተነስቶ ሄዶ እራሱ አያፈርስውም። ወይም የአማራ ጦር ለምን ገስግሳ አኖሌን አያፈርስውም ።
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት
banebris2013 wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 11:02Abere,Abere wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 10:42Hey,Username wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 10:14Jawar is not Ethiopian PM. Jawar is not DPM. Jawar is not head of Ethiopian Security nor author of the current Ethiopian constitution. He is not head of any political party and is neither Government authority. Why the idiots hate Jawar ???? He is activist and political analysis/scientists promoting the quest for restoration of Oromo identity, freedom, justice and democracy of his people, the Oromo!!! Why others are sleepless about him??? He has not jailed or killed any of their members!!! He has not robbed a single penny of the public money!!! Why either jailing or killing of this individual is the dream of the idiots??? Oromos know the answer to all these questions. Please leave this precious man to his own people. He is the Oromos’ Mandela! He is Martin Luther king to Oromo. Leave him! He is not your business. Leaving all his critical leadership role to the historical Qeerroo struggle, the recent role he played for reconciliation of differences between different Oromo groups and his ability to convince OLF fighters for peaceful struggle makes him unquestionable hero to all Oromo! He has never carried guns to kill any body. Please fight him with ideas/truth. Otherwise, leave the son of Oromo to Oromo and mind your business!!!
Everyone knows Jawar is the Username & Password of the destructive OLF. አይጥ በበላው ዳዋ ተመታእያልከን ነው እንዴ ? There will be time for him to face justice. His victims of genocide, robbery, displacement and loss will have their moment to watch his plea for mercy and forgiveness.
Is it not better to focus all your attention on preventing amhara from killing fellow amhara, instead threatening someone that is non of your business. Jawar did not kill or create the environment for amharas to kill each other, unless you think as usual and blame Jawar for that to. Otherwise if you want to be relevant among oromos, do something reasonable and free of hate. By the way your nightmare OLF will remain your nightmare as long oromia remains in the federation.
- Senior Member
- Posts: 11908
- Joined: 08 Mar 2014, 16:32
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት
You could have made a service to your cause if you have admitted to the weaknesses of Jaanjoo Mohammad and defended him where he was unduly attacked, but you are helping your adversaries by trying to deny something that can't be denied. Are you probably an eritrean tying to disguise as an Oromo?Username wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 10:14Jawar is not Ethiopian PM. Jawar is not DPM. Jawar is not head of Ethiopian Security nor author of the current Ethiopian constitution. He is not head of any political party and is neither Government authority. Why the idiots hate Jawar ???? He is activist and political analysis/scientists promoting the quest for restoration of Oromo identity, freedom, justice and democracy of his people, the Oromo!!! Why others are sleepless about him??? He has not jailed or killed any of their members!!! He has not robbed a single penny of the public money!!! Why either jailing or killing of this individual is the dream of the idiots??? Oromos know the answer to all these questions. Please leave this precious man to his own people. He is the Oromos’ Mandela! He is Martin Luther king to Oromo. Leave him! He is not your business. Leaving all his critical leadership role to the historical Qeerroo struggle, the recent role he played for reconciliation of differences between different Oromo groups and his ability to convince OLF fighters for peaceful struggle makes him unquestionable hero to all Oromo! He has never carried guns to kill any body. Please fight him with ideas/truth. Otherwise, leave the son of Oromo to Oromo and mind your business!!!
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት
@banebris,banebris2013 wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 11:02Abere,Abere wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 10:42Hey,Username wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 10:14Jawar is not Ethiopian PM. Jawar is not DPM. Jawar is not head of Ethiopian Security nor author of the current Ethiopian constitution. He is not head of any political party and is neither Government authority. Why the idiots hate Jawar ???? He is activist and political analysis/scientists promoting the quest for restoration of Oromo identity, freedom, justice and democracy of his people, the Oromo!!! Why others are sleepless about him??? He has not jailed or killed any of their members!!! He has not robbed a single penny of the public money!!! Why either jailing or killing of this individual is the dream of the idiots??? Oromos know the answer to all these questions. Please leave this precious man to his own people. He is the Oromos’ Mandela! He is Martin Luther king to Oromo. Leave him! He is not your business. Leaving all his critical leadership role to the historical Qeerroo struggle, the recent role he played for reconciliation of differences between different Oromo groups and his ability to convince OLF fighters for peaceful struggle makes him unquestionable hero to all Oromo! He has never carried guns to kill any body. Please fight him with ideas/truth. Otherwise, leave the son of Oromo to Oromo and mind your business!!!
Everyone knows Jawar is the Username & Password of the destructive OLF. አይጥ በበላው ዳዋ ተመታእያልከን ነው እንዴ ? There will be time for him to face justice. His victims of genocide, robbery, displacement and loss will have their moment to watch his plea for mercy and forgiveness.
Is it not better to focus all your attention on preventing amhara from killing fellow amhara, instead threatening someone that is non of your business. Jawar did not kill or create the environment for amharas to kill each other, unless you think as usual and blame Jawar for that to. Otherwise if you want to be relevant among oromos, do something reasonable and free of hate. By the way your nightmare OLF will remain your nightmare as long oromia remains in the federation.
Why is it not my business? In fact it is my concern dully when watching a narcissistic and psychopath person like Jawar is causing havoc and misery across the country. Why should I only be concerned about the incidence in Bahir Dar while the same tragic human suffering is occurring in Awassa, Shamene, Goba, Dire Dawa, etc. Don't make a sweeping generalization. Nothing is legally known at least on the following not legally identified
1. The killing of Engineer Simegnew
2. Assassination attempt of Abiy at Maskal Square and later Military coup march to place
3. Indiscriminate genocide of Burayu, Addis Ababa
4. Crucifixion of innocent man in Shashemene
5. The brutal killing at Awassa
6. Assassination of Officials at Bahir Dar
7. Assassination of army Chief at Addis Ababa
Officially from the so-called "government" nothing is disclosed. But unofficially there is an unofficial terrorist group OLF behind all of these. Please not that OLF is an insignificant power & influence in shaping Ethiopian politics. OLF is nothing other than being recently graduated from Eritrea Collge of Goat Herding, terrace, see bed making. በነገራችን ላይ ኦነግ በጅልነቱ እንጅ በወንድነቱ አይታወቅም - በሌሎች ትካሻ ላይ ነው። የሻዕብያ እና ወያኔ girlfriend ዓይነት።ጥበቃ/body guard/ ያደርጉለታልምስኪን ህዝብ ይበጠብጣል። የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ዕዳ ነው።
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት [[SHORT VERSION]]
@EthoashEthoash wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 11:31banebris2013
pls stop argue with Abere .. dont even try to reason with him..
instead ask him who stop him from killing Jahwar .. jahwar is next door let him go and try it.. trust me he will never answer this question
if Abere, said to you ...አኖሌ ሐውልት ይፍረስ ይሉሃል
ምን አከራከርህ ልብህ ነው የሚደርቀው። ታድያ ምን ትለዋለህ መስለህ ትክክል ነው መፍረስ አለበት ብለህ ተስማማ ከሱ ጋራ ። ከዚያ ማን ነው የሚያፈርስው። ማንን ትልካህ እንዲያፈርስው።
ብልህ ጠይቀው ። ማን ያዘው Ato Abere(አበራ) አኖሌን ለማፍረስት ማን ይከለክለዋል ። ልብ ነው የሚጠይቀው ለምን ተነስቶ ሄዶ እራሱ አያፈርስውም። ወይም የአማራ ጦር ለምን ገስግሳ አኖሌን አያፈርስውም ።
ልብ ካሰበበት ቦታ እግር ሳይደርስ አይቀርም። አይደለም የአኖሌ የድንጋይ ቋጥኝ፣ዓላማውን የከሰረው የሰማዕታት ሃውልት መሃል መቀሌ ይፈርሳል። ውሸትን እና ውርደትን ለማፍረስ ሠራዊት ማዝመት ብቻ በቂ አይደለም። የአካባቢው ህዝብ አንተ ሳትለፋ ያፈርሰዋል - ምክንያቱም ቅድምያ የእርሱ የውርደት እና ስድብ ምልክቶች ናቸው።
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት [[SHORT VERSION]]
did u see what i am saying Dr. banebris2013 ... doctor Abere only talk he is not going to destroy ..አኖሌ or kill Jahawar. በአስማት ሀይል ነው እሱ የአገሩን ሰዎች አፍዝዞ እና አደናግሮ እሱ የሚፈልገውን ነገር እንዲያርጉለት ነው የሚፈልገው። እንጂ እሱ እራሱ ጦር ሊመዝ አይደለም ታድያ የምልህ ገባህ። የነሱ መስል እንዲህ ነው ።። በል በለው ማን ከለከለህ ሄድ ወረድ እንወረድ በለው ፈሱም አይገኝ። ከፍራቱ በላይ ወሽቱን እንኳን ተብቀኝ ወረድሁ ደርስኩ አሁኑኑ ነው አኖሌን የማፈርስው አይልህም ቃል እንኳን በውሽት አይገባልህም ። ድግምተኞች ናቸው ክፉ ይደርስብኛል ብሎ ስለሚያስብ ክፉ በራሱ ላይ አይመኝም ግን ሌላውን ሰው ይገፋፋል ለጦርነት። ማን ጦር እንዲስንቅለት ነበር ጁሀር ይገደል ሲለን የነበረው። አኖሌ ይፍረስ የነበረው ማንንም አይደለም ቢቻል ቂላቂሉን ዶክተር አበይን ካልተቻለ ደግሞ ዝም ብሎ ግርግር ለመፍጠር ነው። ተግባርማ የለ።
dear i am still advice u to stay with the program keep on telling them who stop them come make it happened we r waiting for you.. tell them even u will welcome them if that make them come.. Ato Abere reduce to saying let the oromo people destroy አኖሌ that would take 3000 years we will keep waiting then..
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት [[SHORT VERSION]]
@EthoashEthoash wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 12:54
did u see what i am saying Dr. banebris2013 ... doctor Abere only talk he is not going to destroy ..አኖሌ or kill Jahawar. በአስማት ሀይል ነው እሱ የአገሩን ሰዎች አፍዝዞ እና አደናግሮ እሱ የሚፈልገውን ነገር እንዲያርጉለት ነው የሚፈልገው። እንጂ እሱ እራሱ ጦር ሊመዝ አይደለም ታድያ የምልህ ገባህ። የነሱ መስል እንዲህ ነው ።። በል በለው ማን ከለከለህ ሄድ ወረድ እንወረድ በለው ፈሱም አይገኝ። ከፍራቱ በላይ ወሽቱን እንኳን ተብቀኝ ወረድሁ ደርስኩ አሁኑኑ ነው አኖሌን የማፈርስው አይልህም ቃል እንኳን በውሽት አይገባልህም ። ድግምተኞች ናቸው ክፉ ይደርስብኛል ብሎ ስለሚያስብ ክፉ በራሱ ላይ አይመኝም ግን ሌላውን ሰው ይገፋፋል ለጦርነት። ማን ጦር እንዲስንቅለት ነበር ጁሀር ይገደል ሲለን የነበረው። አኖሌ ይፍረስ የነበረው ማንንም አይደለም ቢቻል ቂላቂሉን ዶክተር አበይን ካልተቻለ ደግሞ ዝም ብሎ ግርግር ለመፍጠር ነው። ተግባርማ የለ።
dear i am still advice u to stay with the program keep on telling them who stop them come make it happened we r waiting for you.. tell them even u will welcome them if that make them come.. Ato Abere reduce to saying let the oromo people destroy አኖሌ that would take 3000 years we will keep waiting then..
በራያ አካባቢ የመለስ ዜናዊ ፓርክ እዬተባለ ይጠራ የነበረው በቅርቡ ባህርዳር በሞተው ጀኔራል አሳምነው ፅጌ ስም ተሰይሞ እየተጠራ ነው። ታዲያ ከመለስ ፓርክ ወደ አሳምነው ፓርክ ማን ቀየረው? If the locals don't seize the opportunity, then that is where force comes into play. If the Makele city does not cooperate for the demolition of the statute of vampires who killed their own fellow Ethiopians to landlock and fragment the country then others will use brute force to erase it to ground because it is a hallmark of disgrace for the Tigray and Ethiopia at large. So will the same for the Anolaye women privacy stone gatherings.
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት [[SHORT VERSION]]
Dr. AbereAbere wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 13:38
በራያ አካባቢ የመለስ ዜናዊ ፓርክ እዬተባለ ይጠራ የነበረው በቅርቡ ባህርዳር በሞተው ጀኔራል አሳምነው ፅጌ ስም ተሰይሞ እየተጠራ ነው። ታዲያ ከመለስ ፓርክ ወደ አሳምነው ፓርክ ማን ቀየረው? If the locals don't seize the opportunity, then that is where force comes into play. If the Makele city does not cooperate for the demolition of the statute of vampires who killed their own fellow Ethiopians to landlock and fragment the country then others will use brute force to erase it to ground because it is a hallmark of disgrace for the Tigray and Ethiopia at large. So will the same for the Anolaye women privacy stone gatherings.
u r dumber then i think what u r saying is Amhara destroying king menelik ii statue.... if Meles statue was in oromia i would have said you r right but the statue is belong to oromia who in the right mind think the oromo themselves destroy their own statue..
besdie even if u change meles park to ጀኔራል አሳምነው ፅጌ the park is still Meles park the work is always meles park . this is like renaming Nile dam.. claim meles is not the founding father of Nile dam
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- Joined: 09 Apr 2013, 20:53
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት
Abere,Abere wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 12:13@banebris,banebris2013 wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 11:02Abere,Abere wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 10:42Hey,Username wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 10:14Jawar is not Ethiopian PM. Jawar is not DPM. Jawar is not head of Ethiopian Security nor author of the current Ethiopian constitution. He is not head of any political party and is neither Government authority. Why the idiots hate Jawar ???? He is activist and political analysis/scientists promoting the quest for restoration of Oromo identity, freedom, justice and democracy of his people, the Oromo!!! Why others are sleepless about him??? He has not jailed or killed any of their members!!! He has not robbed a single penny of the public money!!! Why either jailing or killing of this individual is the dream of the idiots??? Oromos know the answer to all these questions. Please leave this precious man to his own people. He is the Oromos’ Mandela! He is Martin Luther king to Oromo. Leave him! He is not your business. Leaving all his critical leadership role to the historical Qeerroo struggle, the recent role he played for reconciliation of differences between different Oromo groups and his ability to convince OLF fighters for peaceful struggle makes him unquestionable hero to all Oromo! He has never carried guns to kill any body. Please fight him with ideas/truth. Otherwise, leave the son of Oromo to Oromo and mind your business!!!
Everyone knows Jawar is the Username & Password of the destructive OLF. አይጥ በበላው ዳዋ ተመታእያልከን ነው እንዴ ? There will be time for him to face justice. His victims of genocide, robbery, displacement and loss will have their moment to watch his plea for mercy and forgiveness.
Is it not better to focus all your attention on preventing amhara from killing fellow amhara, instead threatening someone that is non of your business. Jawar did not kill or create the environment for amharas to kill each other, unless you think as usual and blame Jawar for that to. Otherwise if you want to be relevant among oromos, do something reasonable and free of hate. By the way your nightmare OLF will remain your nightmare as long oromia remains in the federation.
Why is it not my business? In fact it is my concern dully when watching a narcissistic and psychopath person like Jawar is causing havoc and misery across the country. Why should I only be concerned about the incidence in Bahir Dar while the same tragic human suffering is occurring in Awassa, Shamene, Goba, Dire Dawa, etc. Don't make a sweeping generalization. Nothing is legally known at least on the following not legally identified
1. The killing of Engineer Simegnew
2. Assassination attempt of Abiy at Maskal Square and later Military coup march to place
3. Indiscriminate genocide of Burayu, Addis Ababa
4. Crucifixion of innocent man in Shashemene
5. The brutal killing at Awassa
6. Assassination of Officials at Bahir Dar
7. Assassination of army Chief at Addis Ababa
Officially from the so-called "government" nothing is disclosed. But unofficially there is an unofficial terrorist group OLF behind all of these. Please not that OLF is an insignificant power & influence in shaping Ethiopian politics. OLF is nothing other than being recently graduated from Eritrea Collge of Goat Herding, terrace, see bed making. በነገራችን ላይ ኦነግ በጅልነቱ እንጅ በወንድነቱ አይታወቅም - በሌሎች ትካሻ ላይ ነው። የሻዕብያ እና ወያኔ girlfriend ዓይነት።ጥበቃ/body guard/ ያደርጉለታልምስኪን ህዝብ ይበጠብጣል። የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ዕዳ ነው።
You will get reasonable reply only if you are reasonable and stop hating. As long as you rant your hate motivated rant you will get the equivalent.
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት [[SHORT VERSION]]
[[There are reportedly at least three statues of Lenin in the U.S. — one in New York City, Seattle, and Los Angeles. A group of Trump supporters gathered around the statue of Lenin in Seattle Wednesday afternoon and called for the removal of the statue.]]
Anole should be left alone for the art value; it is an interesting statue. I still love that music that came out it. Kedir acting as a Menelik soldier was funny! Wrong looking person to choose, Certainly not an orthodox Amara!
We can build other positive things around it. Imagine building this music with big screen Amphitheater built in there for visitors to see. An idea for Abiy to fortake!
[[There are reportedly at least three statues of Lenin in the U.S. — one in New York City, Seattle, and Los Angeles. A group of Trump supporters gathered around the statue of Lenin in Seattle Wednesday afternoon and called for the removal of the statue.]]
Anole should be left alone for the art value; it is an interesting statue. I still love that music that came out it. Kedir acting as a Menelik soldier was funny! Wrong looking person to choose, Certainly not an orthodox Amara!

We can build other positive things around it. Imagine building this music with big screen Amphitheater built in there for visitors to see. An idea for Abiy to fortake!

Last edited by Dawi on 28 Jul 2019, 18:48, edited 2 times in total.
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት [[SHORT VERSION]]
Abere wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 13:38@EthoashEthoash wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 12:54
did u see what i am saying Dr. banebris2013 ... doctor Abere only talk he is not going to destroy ..አኖሌ or kill Jahawar. በአስማት ሀይል ነው እሱ የአገሩን ሰዎች አፍዝዞ እና አደናግሮ እሱ የሚፈልገውን ነገር እንዲያርጉለት ነው የሚፈልገው። እንጂ እሱ እራሱ ጦር ሊመዝ አይደለም ታድያ የምልህ ገባህ። የነሱ መስል እንዲህ ነው ።። በል በለው ማን ከለከለህ ሄድ ወረድ እንወረድ በለው ፈሱም አይገኝ። ከፍራቱ በላይ ወሽቱን እንኳን ተብቀኝ ወረድሁ ደርስኩ አሁኑኑ ነው አኖሌን የማፈርስው አይልህም ቃል እንኳን በውሽት አይገባልህም ። ድግምተኞች ናቸው ክፉ ይደርስብኛል ብሎ ስለሚያስብ ክፉ በራሱ ላይ አይመኝም ግን ሌላውን ሰው ይገፋፋል ለጦርነት። ማን ጦር እንዲስንቅለት ነበር ጁሀር ይገደል ሲለን የነበረው። አኖሌ ይፍረስ የነበረው ማንንም አይደለም ቢቻል ቂላቂሉን ዶክተር አበይን ካልተቻለ ደግሞ ዝም ብሎ ግርግር ለመፍጠር ነው። ተግባርማ የለ።
dear i am still advice u to stay with the program keep on telling them who stop them come make it happened we r waiting for you.. tell them even u will welcome them if that make them come.. Ato Abere reduce to saying let the oromo people destroy አኖሌ that would take 3000 years we will keep waiting then..
በራያ አካባቢ የመለስ ዜናዊ ፓርክ እዬተባለ ይጠራ የነበረው በቅርቡ ባህርዳር በሞተው ጀኔራል አሳምነው ፅጌ ስም ተሰይሞ እየተጠራ ነው። ታዲያ ከመለስ ፓርክ ወደ አሳምነው ፓርክ ማን ቀየረው? If the locals don't seize the opportunity, then that is where force comes into play. If the Makele city does not cooperate for the demolition of the statute of vampires who killed their own fellow Ethiopians to landlock and fragment the country then others will use brute force to erase it to ground because it is a hallmark of disgrace for the Tigray and Ethiopia at large. So will the same for the Anolaye women privacy stone gatherings.

Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት [[SHORT VERSION]]
statue of Lenin in Seattle cant be compere to statue of Anole .. Anole is at home Lenin is in "enemy "landDawi wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 18:33Ehoash,
[[There are reportedly at least three statues of Lenin in the U.S. — one in New York City, Seattle, and Los Angeles. A group of Trump supporters gathered around the statue of Lenin in Seattle Wednesday afternoon and called for the removal of the statue.]]
Anole should be left alone for the art value; it is an interesting statue. I still love that music that came out it. 8)
We can build other positive things around it.
if Anole statue was in Gojam or Gondar then u have a point... then the Amhara would have a point to demand to remove it
but we r talking about statue that is at home.. Anole statue erected by oromo in oromia land why should the oromo want to remove it
this is like saying had king menelik ii statue erected in Amhara land would u think the Amhara ask to remove their own icon
the oromo asking the removal of king menelik ii statue is because it is erected in their land or orimia land ...
so those who ask the removal of anole must also fulfilled the oromo demand to remove king menelik ii statue from Finfinne
Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት [[SHORT VERSION]]
King Menilk was not Amara king. He was Ethiopian king!!if Anole statue was in Gojam or Gondar then u have a point... then the Amhara would have a point to demand to remove it
Anole represent a lie that was fabricated by TPLF to creat hatred between oromo &Amara.. even oromo leaders don't buy it anymore..

Re: RE;-እውነት ኦሮሞ ፈሪ ነው ውይ፤ አማሮች እንደሚክሱት [[SHORT VERSION]]
Notice, Lenin's statue was being thrown out of Soviet Union and was saved/brought in Seattle for the Art value; that shows a highest moral value of folks.
Amara can fully support in keeping Anole for its educational value. So, future psychopaths can be curtailed from putting up statues for non existent history? Do you feel me?
Even if Oromos of the future decide to throw it out, which is very possible, Addis Ababans may take it and put it in the museum for its educational value.
Oh! No! You can only remove Menelik's statue over the dead body of Abiy! Not only Menelik was part Oromo but, his staff that built the present Ethiopian state were majority Oromo!