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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by Ethoash » 27 Jul 2019, 16:22

Misraq wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 16:14
OMN's meteoric rise from nothing to a high quality production in a fortnight is obvious that the gulf's and Saudis wuhabbi money is into it.

It did not end there, this little wuhabist bull jawar and his friends were repeated guests in aljazeera during weyannes last 5 years in power.
ልብ ካለህ ይህንን መልስልኝ ። አንተ ያልከው በሙሉ ልክ ነው፣ ጁሀር ኢትዬዽያን እስላም ሊያረጋት ነው የተነሳው። የኔ ጥያቄ ታድያ ምን እናርግ ነው። ጦርነት ከጁሀር ጋራ እንግጠም ነው ውይስ ዶክተር አብይ ለአማራ ቆሞ ኦሮሞን ይወጋ ነው የምትለው።

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by DefendTheTruth » 27 Jul 2019, 16:35

Ethoash wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 15:39
DefendTheTruth wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 15:28

My point here is there is a saying which goes like the opposition and the incumbent went to the same school of thought in Africa (and beyond perhaps).

U did it again, this is the best answer one could have given to this so called smart alec..

if U call the distraction of ONLF, OLF THEN dont be surprised if OLF and ONLF call the destruction of Amhara PARTY.
if u declare war on oromo expect war
if u declare distraction of their icon expect the same distraction on your icon
You have it wrong again. I am not trying to imply that someone shouldn't be held accountable for what that someone did or presumed did, fearing the other side will also demand the same thing or so.

Read my post again. I am questioning the method used not the act itself. Do you really understand the difference?

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by Ethoash » 27 Jul 2019, 16:40

DefendTheTruth wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 16:35
Ethoash wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 15:39
DefendTheTruth wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 15:28

My point here is there is a saying which goes like the opposition and the incumbent went to the same school of thought in Africa (and beyond perhaps).

U did it again, this is the best answer one could have given to this so called smart alec..

if U call the distraction of ONLF, OLF THEN dont be surprised if OLF and ONLF call the destruction of Amhara PARTY.
if u declare war on oromo expect war
if u declare distraction of their icon expect the same distraction on your icon
You have it wrong again. I am not trying to imply that someone shouldn't be held accountable for what that someone did or presumed did, fearing the other side will also demand the same thing or so.

Read my post again. I am questioning the method used not the act itself. Do you really understand the difference?

this is important to let it go

so let me understand this if those who call the head of : Jowhar mohammed should not be surprised if someone else call for head of እስክንድር... this is how i understoooooooooooooooooooooood it...

instead both party should solve their own issue and try to live and let live ...

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by DefendTheTruth » 27 Jul 2019, 17:04

Ethoash wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 16:40

this is important to let it go

so let me understand this if those who call the head of : Jowhar mohammed should not be surprised if someone else call for head of እስክንድር... this is how i understoooooooooooooooooooooood it...

instead both party should solve their own issue and try to live and let live ...
DDT yedergeh, ye abateh Amlak! lool

Calling for the head of someone and then initiating the same act from the other side also to call for the other side's head is what I called the "vicious cycle" and the vicious cycle is not a solution.

The solution is in subscribing to the rule of law for all sides.

Hold someone accountable for his/her deeds (in the court of law) is subscribing to the rule of law. But calling for the head of someone (in Deqi Arawit's word "neutralising") is a violation of law. You get it?

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 27 Jul 2019, 20:20

Aurora wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 12:48

Though, I am not comfortable talking about Ethiopian internal matters, Jawar is a creation of Tigrayan domination over Ethiopians. He saw TPLF hejemony and the trivialization of the Oromo as war against Islam, and said many things he wished he didn't. But, that was at the heat of the moment. Culturally, Jawar is amhara. His amhara maternal grandfather had a major street named after him in Asmara. Godena Beyene Merid is the street. Now, Jawar is a hero to the Oromo community. Neutralizing him is viewed as neutralizing the Oromo power. That is not possible. Negotiation is the only way. Any thing against Oromo. He is the man. Jawar needs to be smarter. He is half amhara. He has a lot of power to bring the two communities together. Religion and State do not mix well. He should know better. Dr Abey is for everyone, but when it comes to Oromo matters, Jawar is the guy.
Brother hardliner
You are apologist to some fanatics. First of all, the agames were not against islam as you insinuited but muslims were used as allies to break the backbone of amhara and the orthodox church as Sebhat negga claimed. Furthermore, Tigrians are a bunch of short sighted People that their hate toward The amhara is more tense and more passionate than the love to Tigray and tigrians. To be fair, some amhara elite also harbor this kind of mentality.

In regard to Change of Heart, they say, your first reaction is the genuine reaction, what comes after is pretending, appeasing or political correct words which doesn't weight much.

The amhara general was killed because he was preceived as antagonist and agitator and here jawhar agitating against People Who don't share his faith breathing air. Where is the justice

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by sun » 27 Jul 2019, 20:48

Maxi wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 08:25
According to J-War, there are two governments in Ethiopia right now, the Qerroo Government (Powerful one) lead by Ja-war and Abiy Ahimed government (weak one)
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Hmm.... :mrgreen:

Keep your traditional non stop evil Judas chanting (qererto) and eating your fatty and porky cheese hamburger instead of pointing the leprosy infested fingers at good people who are working day and night building Mamma Ethiopia from the ground up helping peace and healing so that mamma Ethiopia may flourish, in a country never heard and never seen traces of peace and democracy before this.

If it were not for Jawar and the rest you would have been still in concentration camps with your legs and limbs chopped of just similar to many of those ex prisoners in the ex Ethiopian torture chambers. So please go and kiss Jawar's feet for helping you get the freedom and liberty which you are enjoying now as a free character.

You want Jawar to sing your song like the good old days which you seem to be badly missing instead of building equality and justice for all but NOT only for your criminal self centered zealot self alone. Remember also the fact that it is the same Oromo youth (qerroo) who took bullets, fought persistently and freed all of your criminal buddies, including esku from concentration camps so that you may have the freedom to come out and insult your liberators. What a shame!

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by ethiopian » 27 Jul 2019, 20:54

Jawar and Qerro crashed USA backed TPLF into pieces but TPLF should thank Abiy he gave 'em lung to breath ...... and now Oromos have their destiny on their own hands and that is a problem for some of you pathetic Ethiopian wannabes ..... keep crying while He is doing what he is destined to do !!!

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by sun » 27 Jul 2019, 21:18

Deqi-Arawit wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 20:20
Aurora wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 12:48

Though, I am not comfortable talking about Ethiopian internal matters, Jawar is a creation of Tigrayan domination over Ethiopians. He saw TPLF hejemony and the trivialization of the Oromo as war against Islam, and said many things he wished he didn't. But, that was at the heat of the moment. Culturally, Jawar is amhara. His amhara maternal grandfather had a major street named after him in Asmara. Godena Beyene Merid is the street. Now, Jawar is a hero to the Oromo community. Neutralizing him is viewed as neutralizing the Oromo power. That is not possible. Negotiation is the only way. Any thing against Oromo. He is the man. Jawar needs to be smarter. He is half amhara. He has a lot of power to bring the two communities together. Religion and State do not mix well. He should know better. Dr Abey is for everyone, but when it comes to Oromo matters, Jawar is the guy.
Brother hardliner
You are apologist to some fanatics. First of all, the agames were not against islam as you insinuited but muslims were used as allies to break the backbone of amhara and the orthodox church as Sebhat negga claimed. Furthermore, Tigrians are a bunch of short sighted People that their hate toward The amhara is more tense and more passionate than the love to Tigray and tigrians. To be fair, some amhara elite also harbor this kind of mentality.

In regard to Change of Heart, they say, your first reaction is the genuine reaction, what comes after is pretending, appeasing or political correct words which doesn't weight much.

The amhara general was killed because he was preceived as antagonist and agitator and here jawhar agitating against People Who don't share his faith breathing air. Where is the justice
Really :P

The general was died because he personally planned and slaughtered lots of innocent people including top government officials. He was did not die for being an antagonist and agitator because now we have lots of antagonists and agitators running free all over the place with out getting killed or even being arrested. He also personally chose to resist arrest and died fire fighting which means that he wanted to kill more and get killed in the process (suicidal)

Your pathological lies knows no boundary. I am not a politician nor knows Jawar personally but yet I know that he lived and studied In the USA, having lots of Christian, Muslim, Waqqefata and other faith communities down the line. The same in Ethiopia where he smoothly, effortlessly and peacefully interacts with all religions (Christians, Muslims, Waqqefatas, etc.) and regions to build equality and justice for all. He is not your type of one dimensional self centered chauvinist dirty pig who thinks that, "What belongs to me, belongs to me, as well as what belongs to you also belongs to me" robber baron traditions you are used to for decades.

As a matter of fact it is your types of extremist zealots who always try to dominate other religions and regions by trying to impose your own one religion, one language, one central dictatorship and one single culture alone. So why are you trying to shift your own already testified and proven barbaric intolerance's and unacceptable domination dreams?

What a red cvnning f0x, dressed in sheep skin and trying to stand guard for the Sheep community.

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by simbe11 » 27 Jul 2019, 21:31

Not a cleaver move. First of it's a crime to kill someone because you don't agree with them. And even if they did commit a crime, it's still a crime to take the law in own hands.
Beat it with ideas by exposing his divine ideas

Deqi-Arawit wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 03:15
At first i thought johwar mohammed was an Oromo nationalist who was an advocates of his people dream and aspiration but it seems, the man is just another jihadists who is advocating to exterminate People Who don't share his faith.

The agame should be very proud of this man because he is the result of their stupid short sighted policy.

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by Hawdian » 27 Jul 2019, 22:14

Jawar is hero to millions. He has bigger support base than Abiy and Isaias combined. He is a real son of Arsi.

Who would neutralize him? Your laangab Akele Guzai mamma? :mrgreen:

If I were you I would worry about the tiny project in Akele and the hundreds of your folks drowning off Libyan coast.

Ethiopia is not your business. You have no stalk or any presence other than old man holding Abiy's hand.

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by ethiopian » 27 Jul 2019, 22:24

Hawdian wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 22:14
Jawar is hero to millions. He has bigger support base than Abiy and Isaias combined. He is a real son of Arsi.

Who would neutralize him? Your laangab Akele Guzai mamma? :mrgreen:

If I were you I would worry about the tiny project in Akele and the hundreds of your folks drowning off Libyan coast.

Ethiopia is not your business. You have no stalk or any presence other than old man holding Abiy's hand.
lousy Zelan ... Oromos have their destiny on their own hands while your lazy uncultured and wild people go from place to place sniffing Camel's AS#s

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 27 Jul 2019, 22:33

Hawdian wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 22:14
Jawar is hero to millions. He has bigger support base than Abiy and Isaias combined. He is a real son of Arsi.

Who would neutralize him? Your laangab Akele Guzai mamma? :mrgreen:

If I were you I would worry about the tiny project in Akele and the hundreds of your folks drowning off Libyan coast.

Ethiopia is not your business. You have no stalk or any presence other than old man holding Abiy's hand.
Wuryaa haywan. Are you trying to sxxck "galla D%ck". Boy, your mouth must have caught chlamydia or any other STD diseases because you love to sxxck the banana of Every one who has a moment.

Btw, how is illhan Omar :mrgreen: ? The Wuryaa are deluded People Who try to lecture americans how countries should be governed when they can’t even govern a block......

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by ethiopian » 27 Jul 2019, 22:41

Deqi-Arawit wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 22:33
Hawdian wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 22:14
Jawar is hero to millions. He has bigger support base than Abiy and Isaias combined. He is a real son of Arsi.

Who would neutralize him? Your laangab Akele Guzai mamma? :mrgreen:

If I were you I would worry about the tiny project in Akele and the hundreds of your folks drowning off Libyan coast.

Ethiopia is not your business. You have no stalk or any presence other than old man holding Abiy's hand.
Wuryaa haywan. Are you trying to sxxck "galla D%ck". Boy, your mouth must have caught chlamydia or any other STD diseases because you love to sxxck the banana of Every one who has a moment.

Btw, how is illhan Omar :mrgreen: ? The Wuryaa are deluded People Who try to lecture americans how countries should be governed when they can’t even govern a block......
haha good one , caught this zelan Camel worshipper by his as.z !

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by Hawdian » 28 Jul 2019, 00:14

Akele Guzai laangab

Like I said worry about your people who are selling their organs or drowning in the Mediterranean high seas.

Ethiopian politics is not your concern.

Jawar has the backing of most Oromo, many Galla and Somalis.

Answer the question minority boy. Who will neutralize him? Your raw meat eating mum? :mrgreen: Maybe she already drowned.

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 28 Jul 2019, 01:11

Hawdian wrote:
28 Jul 2019, 00:14
Akele Guzai laangab

Like I said worry about your people who are selling their organs or drowning in the Mediterranean high seas.

Ethiopian politics is not your concern.

Jawar has the backing of most Oromo, many Galla and Somalis.

Answer the question minority boy. Who will neutralize him? Your raw meat eating mum? :mrgreen: Maybe she already drowned.
Wuryaa Haywan. Every body knows you are a cheap slxxxut who sucks a banana of Every one who has power. You used to [deleted] the dxxck of our tigrian cousins when they were in menelik palace and now you are suxxcking Oromo dxxck or galla dxxck as you used to call them when they were powerless.

In regard to ethiopian politics, it concern me more than it concern to the Wuryaa who are in the prepheri of the country.

In regard to jawhar the ISIS wanna be, IF he wants to advocates the caliphate in our region, mohammed bin salman is going to get him... :mrgreen:

How Is illhan Omar :mrgreen: the Wuryaa don't blink their eyes to cheat and engage in fraud activity or as they call it entrepreneurship. :mrgreen:

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by Hawdian » 29 Jul 2019, 02:43

Deqi baby, the Akele organless minority

I know you are g4y but you don't need to talk about male privates in every topic. I am sure you can control your fantasies :mrgreen:

As for Ilhan, she is a proud Somali not raw meat eater submissive like your people who bow for others.

Meanwhile, your organ selling people are queueing up outside her office. I'm talking about those who didn't drown :mrgreen:

Somalis are not superior than you but you always under us asking for our help.

As for entrepreneurship, all over Africa we are known while you are known for raw meat and playing with hair :mrgreen:

RIP :mrgreen: sorry Eritreans I had to humiliate the Akele minority who is even irrelevant in Eritrea let alone elsewhere. The best they can do is cry on Mereja.

Best you can do is sell your kidneys, drown and cut hair while the blood drips from those hands from the raw meat fest (animal).

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Re: Jowhar mohammed should be neutralized

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 29 Jul 2019, 04:19

Hawdian wrote:
29 Jul 2019, 02:43
Deqi baby, the Akele organless minority

I know you are g4y but you don't need to talk about male privates in every topic. I am sure you can control your fantasies :mrgreen:

As for Ilhan, she is a proud Somali not raw meat eater submissive like your people who bow for others.

Meanwhile, your organ selling people are queueing up outside her office. I'm talking about those who didn't drown :mrgreen:

Somalis are not superior than you but you always under us asking for our help.

RIP :mrgreen: sorry Eritreans I had to humiliate the Akele minority who is even irrelevant in Eritrea let alone elsewhere. The best they can do is cry on Mereja.

Best you can do is sell your kidneys, drown and cut hair while the blood drips from those hands from the raw meat fest (animal).
Wuryaa haywan
You are not a man eko, a real man doesn't Change or undermine his own principle no matter what. You on the other hand, you are like a gold digger whoa who seek stronger Alpha male's shoulder to lean on.

How Is illhan Omar :mrgreen: the Wuryaa who advised americans how to run and govern their country :mrgreen: and who married her own brother. That is incest :mrgreen:

In regard to raw meat. legend say, when Wuryaa land invaded Ethiopia during the time of haile selasie, the man who was in charge of defending Ethiopia, general Aman andom advised his soldiers to eat raw meat beside dead enemey troops... The Wuryaa soldiers thought they were dealing with People Who eat People, got scared and run for their lives... :mrgreen: . The invasion was averted and Ethiopian troops entered Wuryaa land before they were called by haile selasie to pull back. As the result of his genius military tactic,The general was called the lion of the desert.

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