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Re: The Liggaggamm Pentte Ahmed Abiyot Administration Is Worst Than Woyane T.P.L.F. Video Must Watch.

Post by sun » 19 Apr 2019, 13:59

Tog Wajale wrote:
19 Apr 2019, 13:14

I know that you are enjoying the anarchy, the lawlessness and the robberies being promoted by this baladera anarchist cults. I also know the fact that you would have collected all of them and all of their contacts and relatives back to concentration camps and cut their balls, fingers and toes like under the last 27 years rule of TPLF misrule. Old habits die hard! :lol:

And these anarchist zealots being led by Nega are also seeking those abuses because they have no alternative productive jobs since most of them were long in TPLF jail and concentration camps and through that conditioned and accustomed to be on the receiving end. Some BUT NOT ALL ex-prisoners oftentimes seek and try to go back to the secure jails and concentration camps since the free outside world is unfamiliar and strange to them, unless they have received effective and integrative cognitive and other therapies, quickly. These guys and gals want to go to jail and receive the daily routines of life,security and all the other cares offered in there. Dog, with your experience I am sure that you will qualify for the position a prison guard, if you don't mind. Okay? Okay!

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