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Halafi Mengedi
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by Halafi Mengedi » 18 Apr 2019, 10:53
To keep relevant Woyane and the founder of Tigray, the power and the organization must be transferred to the people of Tigray immediately. The way to transfer is to let each Awraja of Tigray elect two executives and four or three central committees within Woyane members. No more one Kushet or family, menders and friends.
Th temporary solution though, the old veteran leaders during the struggle must come to power to lead with Seye, Sebhat, Seyoum, Tewelde, Gebru if he drops his Arena, Tsadkan if he converted to Tigray again and others. The nationalist generals must have heavy power to lead Tigray with our veterans.
The truth must be told by now that the sole reason Woyane exists thus far is because of the veteran leadership led by Sebhat and Seyoum. But they have not given us the clear road map where and how Tigrayans to travel and the end destination is unknown.
The worst leaders Woyane ever had is Debretsion in the wrong time and wrong place, he is not equipped to cope with day to day current situations and he does not have the brain to process and come up with solutions, his simply Mr. nice man and pretender know everything by currying lap top computer but he does not know anything until the consequences show up.
The worst of them is the current executives, they never joined Woyane to work for the people of Tigray but to cash in and fat their body as you can see and they do not even believe in Woyane like Getachew Reda and Alem G/Wahid the two worst of leaders to lead Tigray right now. One thing tells us that Debretsion is close to Getachew Reda and shows you Debretsion brain is empty to depend another moron the whole world knows it. All the executives and central committees should replace by nationalist Tigrayans and ex-military and securities with Seb Hidri leaders.
The Eritrean situation becomes clearer and clearer right now and they are preparing for war against Tigray and Tigray must mobilize all Tigray youths throughout and organize the different ethnics in Eritrea and Sudan must join to the fray the same as Djibouti and go after Eritrea first and assume it as the sole owner of the whole Tigray. Tigray is hosting more than half of the Tigray ethnic from north and has the right to take over and control it. Issayas and his followers must go immediately, danger for Tigray and you cannot sleep with snakes. Tigray must seal its border with Eritrea until Issayas is gone and all anti Issayas must be helped and Tigray militaries must join them and fight in Eritrea immediately.
To do all the above Woyane must replace Debretsion right now and bring the veterans led by Seye to lead us during this very crucial time in our history and then transfer Woyane power to the people of Tigray as sketched above.
Halafi Mengedi
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by Halafi Mengedi » 18 Apr 2019, 11:36
War is bad and good. War is bad to initiate conflict like Issayas did but war is good to destroy enemy from the root like Issayas.
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by Zack » 18 Apr 2019, 11:51
As long as northern tigrians are on the top polticial seat in mekelle the problem will remain debre isn't visionary nor does he understand the horn and the region is under major transformation if one falls of the clif than there is no way back.
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by Abdelaziz » 18 Apr 2019, 11:58
Ayto Halafiw , Tigreans today have picked the worst leaders in their history, I've been saying this same thing for the last 4 years or more, the werada ebuy sibat and Abay tsehye and Seyum and the other veterans have dead brain, they picked debrezero and kiftaf getachew, who opened a big window for traitors like Meshrefet, Alemash , Gedu and Demekech to take powerr while Abay and others wanted to arrest and put them in prison. I blame the adgi Getachew asefa too.
Tigreans should put leaders like this brilliant Doctor Tsega Birhan, the most intelligent in Ethiopia, an electrical and computer science double doctor,
currently minister of science and technology of Tigray. She should replace the werada debrezero!
Halafi Mengedi
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by Halafi Mengedi » 18 Apr 2019, 12:11
Abdelaziz wrote: ↑18 Apr 2019, 11:58
Ayto Halafiw , Tigreans today have picked the worst leaders in their history, I've been saying this same thing for the last 4 years or more, the werada ebuy sibat and Abay tsehye and Seyum and the other veterans have dead brain, they picked debrezero and kiftaf getachew, who opened a big window for traitors like Meshrefet, Alemash , Gedu and Demekech to take powerr while Abay and others wanted to arrest and put them in prison. I blame the adgi Getachew asefa too.
Tigreans should put leaders like this brilliant Doctor Tsega Birhan, the most intelligent in Ethiopia, an electrical and computer science double doctor,
currently minister of science and technology of Tigray. She should replace the werada debrezero!
She is EDU Ethiopia Amlak and I would not think about her let alone to be my leader.
Halafi Mengedi
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by Halafi Mengedi » 18 Apr 2019, 23:44
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑18 Apr 2019, 11:36
War is bad and good. War is bad to initiate conflict like Issayas did but war is good to destroy enemy from the root like Issayas.
Debretsion and the rest of you Deqi Qelewuti Qolo no pride and you are shaming Tigray. Go and watch the dinner Debretsion had in Adma with Abiy, Lema, Demeke and others and you will see how Abiy laughed to all Tigrayans because of Debretsion the fatherless, mannerless and shameless to depict Tigray. Tigray need another leader who can be feared than show up like Dektam Lemani.
Halafi Mengedi
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by Halafi Mengedi » 19 Apr 2019, 12:11
Wake up Tigraway the more time you give the more you surrender to the enemy because the enemy is organizing and arming too. Woyane leaders are headless and their brain is inside their belly think about what to eat and how to faart.
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by Za-Ilmaknun » 19 Apr 2019, 12:17
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑18 Apr 2019, 23:44
Go and watch the dinner Debretsion had in Adma with Abiy, Lema, Demeke and others and you will see how Abiy laughed to all Tigrayans because of Debretsion the fatherless, mannerless and shameless to depict Tigray.
Tigray need another leader who can be feared than show up like Dektam Lemani. [/color][/size][/b]
I would rather pick a leader who is respected than feared. It was a paradox to me to see Debre-nefiw talking soft and cozying up with the so called "Team Lemma". You are here declaring war after war on the entire nation and particularly on your nightmares, the "Amharas" , while your president is having great time oozing and boozing..
I kindda wonder tho, where did you pick that perception of being feared. Terrorizing children and women, peeing and defecating on political prisoners by your female prison warden, mutilating genitals of young men with pliers, chopping limbs of poor students just cus they are Oromo...etc is what brought collective fear of the devil TPLF. You have no shame is standing to perpetuate such shameful blanket terrorism. Smh !

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by Degnet » 19 Apr 2019, 12:19
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑18 Apr 2019, 10:53
To keep relevant Woyane and the founder of Tigray, the power and the organization must be transferred to the people of Tigray immediately. The way to transfer is to let each Awraja of Tigray elect two executives and four or three central committees within Woyane members. No more one Kushet or family, menders and friends.
Th temporary solution though, the old veteran leaders during the struggle must come to power to lead with Seye, Sebhat, Seyoum, Tewelde, Gebru if he drops his Arena, Tsadkan if he converted to Tigray again and others. The nationalist generals must have heavy power to lead Tigray with our veterans.
The truth must be told by now that the sole reason Woyane exists thus far is because of the veteran leadership led by Sebhat and Seyoum. But they have not given us the clear road map where and how Tigrayans to travel and the end destination is unknown.
The worst leaders Woyane ever had is Debretsion in the wrong time and wrong place, he is not equipped to cope with day to day current situations and he does not have the brain to process and come up with solutions, his simply Mr. nice man and pretender know everything by currying lap top computer but he does not know anything until the consequences show up.
The worst of them is the current executives, they never joined Woyane to work for the people of Tigray but to cash in and fat their body as you can see and they do not even believe in Woyane like Getachew Reda and Alem G/Wahid the two worst of leaders to lead Tigray right now. One thing tells us that Debretsion is close to Getachew Reda and shows you Debretsion brain is empty to depend another moron the whole world knows it. All the executives and central committees should replace by nationalist Tigrayans and ex-military and securities with Seb Hidri leaders.
The Eritrean situation becomes clearer and clearer right now and they are preparing for war against Tigray and Tigray must mobilize all Tigray youths throughout and organize the different ethnics in Eritrea and Sudan must join to the fray the same as Djibouti and go after Eritrea first and assume it as the sole owner of the whole Tigray. Tigray is hosting more than half of the Tigray ethnic from north and has the right to take over and control it. Issayas and his followers must go immediately, danger for Tigray and you cannot sleep with snakes. Tigray must seal its border with Eritrea until Issayas is gone and all anti Issayas must be helped and Tigray militaries must join them and fight in Eritrea immediately.
To do all the above Woyane must replace Debretsion right now and bring the veterans led by Seye to lead us during this very crucial time in our history and then transfer Woyane power to the people of Tigray as sketched above.
Banda must be illuminated,Go to Abeyi Adi and do some thing there,this is the best way,let us just respect each other.You have all the rights to live in Mekelle gena bahlen sereat Endertan akber,we have a long term plan for our place.It is only for the betterment of Ethiopia,mostly Tigray.In what world is he living,he lives in one of the US cities and what is he showing us,why don't you talk of the present and see how to improve it,this is why I am saying Enderta,they listen,they are teachable.
Halafi Mengedi
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by Halafi Mengedi » 20 Apr 2019, 08:44
Abdelaziz wrote: ↑18 Apr 2019, 11:58
Ayto Halafiw , Tigreans today have picked the worst leaders in their history, I've been saying this same thing for the last 4 years or more, the werada ebuy sibat and Abay tsehye and Seyum and the other veterans have dead brain, they picked debrezero and kiftaf getachew, who opened a big window for traitors like Meshrefet, Alemash , Gedu and Demekech to take powerr while Abay and others wanted to arrest and put them in prison. I blame the adgi Getachew asefa too.
Tigreans should put leaders like this brilliant Doctor Tsega Birhan, the most intelligent in Ethiopia, an electrical and computer science double doctor,
currently minister of science and technology of Tigray. She should replace the werada debrezero!
These are the typical so called educated tigrayans do not know what direction they want to travel, she is criticizing Menelik over and over in her speech yet says we are Ethiopians at the same time. Ethiopia is menelik one Amharic Ethiopia nothing else every fertile lands and other resources belong to Amhara, yet Tigrayans do not understand them.