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South Sudan's Kiir offers to mediate in Sudan

Post by Zmeselo » 19 Apr 2019, 08:31

South Sudan's Kiir offers to mediate in Sudan

23 hours ago ... -in-sudan/


South Sudan’s president Salva Kiir has offered to mediate in the ongoing political transition in Sudan after last week’s fall of president Omar al-Bashir.

Kiir’s office said he was ready to support the “democratic aspirations” of his former adversary in Khartoum and help bring about a peaceful transition.
The president has offered to mediate the ongoing negotiations among various groups in Sudan with the hope that the new transition will usher in a new day in Sudan…,
a statement by Kiir’s office said.

South Sudan’s petroleum minister told Reuters he had travelled to Khartoum to meet the new leadership, alongside a high-level delegation that included Juba’s security service chief and a presidential adviser on security.

Returning the favour

Kiir’s move comes seven months after Bashir helped mediate a shaky peace deal between Kiir and the main opposition rebel group in South Sudan, which won independence from Sudan in 2011, after decades of conflict.

Bashir, who seized power in a 1989 coup, was himself toppled last week by the military, which has vowed free elections within two years, though protesters remain in the streets, demanding an immediate handover to an interim civilian authority.

Long history

Sudan’s south won statehood after almost half a century of civil war, marked by the mass abduction and enslavement of children, scorched earth tactics, ethnic cleansing and famines.

The loss of South Sudan cost Sudan much of its oil reserves, a heavy economic blow to the widely impoverished country.

While the divorce was acrimonious, the two countries remain closely tied.
Juba is clearly concerned about its vested interests in Sudan. Despite being old foes, the two regimes have grown tightly enmeshed,
said Alan Boswell, a senior analyst with Brussels-based think tank International Crisis Group.
Sudan needs South Sudan’s oil flows, and South Sudan’s political deals often run through Khartoum.

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Re: South Sudan's Kiir offers to mediate in Sudan

Post by Zmeselo » 19 Apr 2019, 08:45

US praises Sudan, sends envoy to Khartoum

US diplomat heads to Khartoum to encourage a transition to democracy.

Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the new chief of the military council in Sudan. He ordered the release of prisoners jailed by special emergency courts and lifted a night-time curfew. PHOTO | AFP

By AFP ... index.html


Makila James, the US deputy assistant secretary of state who is in charge of eastern Africa, will head to Khartoum this weekend.

• United States wants the military council and other armed units to show restraint, avoid conflict and remain committed to the protection of the Sudanese people.

• Military rulers say they will stay in charge for two years.

The United States on Thursday praised orders by Sudan's new military leader to free political prisoners and end a night curfew as it dispatched an envoy to Khartoum to encourage a transition to democracy.

Makila James, the deputy assistant secretary of state who is in charge of eastern Africa, will head to Khartoum this weekend, an official said.

State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said that the United States will "calibrate our policies based on our assessment of events" but added that talks on delisting Sudan as a state sponsor of terrorism remained suspended.
We are encouraged by the decision to release political prisoners and cancel the curfew in Khartoum,
Ms Ortagus said in a statement.

She said that the United States wanted the military council and other armed units to
show restraint, avoid conflict and remain committed to the protection of the Sudanese people.
The will of the Sudanese people is clear: it is time to move toward a transitional government that is inclusive and respectful of human rights and the rule of law,
she said.

The military last week ousted leader Omar al-Bashir, whose three-decade tenure included welcoming Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden to Sudan and leading a crackdown in Darfur described by Washington as genocide.

General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the second leader to take charge in the week after the coup, ordered the release of prisoners jailed by special emergency courts and lifted a night-time curfew.

He promised to "uproot" the legacy of Bashir's regime, although military rulers say they will stay in charge for two years.

A senior US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that the short-term US goal was to "get the military folks out of centrestage" and "back to being responsible for security, nothing else."
Longer term is to make absolutely sure that whichever group is going to be responsible for the transition prepares a transition implementation that will lead to a truly democratic government that will reflect the will of the Sudanese people,
he said.

The official did not specify whom James would meet in Khartoum but said, "the US engages with everyone."
Nothing beats being on the ground and actually talking to people, seeing with your own eyes, hearing with your own ears as to what's going on,
the official said.

Makila James

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Re: South Sudan's Kiir offers to mediate in Sudan

Post by tarik » 19 Apr 2019, 09:53

Zmeselo wrote:
19 Apr 2019, 08:31

South Sudan's Kiir offers to mediate in Sudan

23 hours ago ... -in-sudan/


South Sudan’s president Salva Kiir has offered to mediate in the ongoing political transition in Sudan after last week’s fall of president Omar al-Bashir.

Kiir’s office said he was ready to support the “democratic aspirations” of his former adversary in Khartoum and help bring about a peaceful transition.
The president has offered to mediate the ongoing negotiations among various groups in Sudan with the hope that the new transition will usher in a new day in Sudan…,
a statement by Kiir’s office said.

South Sudan’s petroleum minister told Reuters he had travelled to Khartoum to meet the new leadership, alongside a high-level delegation that included Juba’s security service chief and a presidential adviser on security.

Returning the favour

Kiir’s move comes seven months after Bashir helped mediate a shaky peace deal between Kiir and the main opposition rebel group in South Sudan, which won independence from Sudan in 2011, after decades of conflict.

Bashir, who seized power in a 1989 coup, was himself toppled last week by the military, which has vowed free elections within two years, though protesters remain in the streets, demanding an immediate handover to an interim civilian authority.

Long history

Sudan’s south won statehood after almost half a century of civil war, marked by the mass abduction and enslavement of children, scorched earth tactics, ethnic cleansing and famines.

The loss of South Sudan cost Sudan much of its oil reserves, a heavy economic blow to the widely impoverished country.

While the divorce was acrimonious, the two countries remain closely tied.
Juba is clearly concerned about its vested interests in Sudan. Despite being old foes, the two regimes have grown tightly enmeshed,
said Alan Boswell, a senior analyst with Brussels-based think tank International Crisis Group.
Sudan needs South Sudan’s oil flows, and South Sudan’s political deals often run through Khartoum.

Good Day Sir

It's a good will from Silva Kirr 2 even think about it, because as u know crook albashir was z 1 that created z latest civil war in S.Sudan led by criminal Machar, and of course displaced millions and killed thousands and destroyed z economy of z new nation S.Sudan. I am not trying 2 get 2 deep into z history of S.Sudan and Sudan and who killed John Garang and more? But z Sudan problem won't be solved by S.Sudan, it's an internal matter, of course u got Qatar , S.Arabia, Uae meddling in Sudan matter since z independence of Sudan and let us not forget Egypt as well, Uae,S.Arabia want z new military gov. 2 continue because there r over 14,000 Sudanese troops in Yemen fighting 4 S.Arabia and Uae as we speak, But z Sudanese ppl r fighting 4 their rights not z rights of Gulf Countries, and of course let us not forget z Zionist Israel is in z mix as well. @ z end of z day z protests in Sudan r going on because z Sudanese ppl r demanding 2 c crook al bashir and all his gangs arrested in chains on live tv or in court or @ least pictures of them in jail and humiliated, Because they humiliated z Proud Sudanese ppl 4 z last 30 years. So that is z truth, Silva kirr need 2 focus more on his internal issues, like z conflict between z DINKAS and Z NUER'S.

Good Day Sir

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