ኣስመራ ቀስ ብቐስ ካብ ኢድ ደቂ ሃገርን ደቂ መሬትን እንዳ ወጽአት እንከላ ንዓዓን ህንጻታታን ንምዕቃብ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ምባል እንታይ ትርጉም ኣለዎ ? እዚ ኣሽካዕላልን ላግጽን እንታይ እዩ ነገራቱ ? መበገሲኡ እንታይ እዩ ? ንዕቀት ?
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ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
I know Asmara to some extent visiting. My Parents were there, Amharic teachers, before I was born, 2 of my older siblings were born there. I see it on TV and some Youtube lately.
Except for 2 big buildings the rest is Italian and Haileslassie buildings. Some buildings have still bullet markings.
Kombishtato was built for Italians only. The first place other than America that Blacks were restricted was Asmara, long before South Africa.
The population was from Tigray, at least most of them. Most names were camps of Ras Allula army.
Gejeret, Edaga Hamus, Edaga Arbi, Aba Shawul.....etc
What is so wonderful about Asmara...clean...design of roads with buildings....that is just for Kombishtato and some clese by...for Italians.
Then came Americans before Amhara
They had closed base. Radio marina Kagnew Station
Bars and prostitution section close to them.
I do not have link, but the voice of the last broadcast from Kagnew station was...
Bye Bye Asmara..no more haba haba...lol
I know Asmara to some extent visiting. My Parents were there, Amharic teachers, before I was born, 2 of my older siblings were born there. I see it on TV and some Youtube lately.
Except for 2 big buildings the rest is Italian and Haileslassie buildings. Some buildings have still bullet markings.
Kombishtato was built for Italians only. The first place other than America that Blacks were restricted was Asmara, long before South Africa.
The population was from Tigray, at least most of them. Most names were camps of Ras Allula army.
Gejeret, Edaga Hamus, Edaga Arbi, Aba Shawul.....etc
What is so wonderful about Asmara...clean...design of roads with buildings....that is just for Kombishtato and some clese by...for Italians.
Then came Americans before Amhara
They had closed base. Radio marina Kagnew Station
Bars and prostitution section close to them.
I do not have link, but the voice of the last broadcast from Kagnew station was...
Bye Bye Asmara..no more haba haba...lol
Last edited by Axumawi on 13 Apr 2019, 23:45, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
ኣስመራ ካብ ዘመን ጥልያን ጀሚራ ብዙሕ ሕማቕ ነገራት ዝረኣየት እኳ እንተ ኮነት ነዚ ሕጂ ዘሎ ኩነታት ብቐሊሉ ክትጥምቶ ኣይትኽእልን እያ ። ኣብ 'ዚ ዘሎ እዋን እታ ከተማ ካብ ኢድ ደቂ ሃገርን ደቂ መሬትን ወጻኢ ኢያ ኮይና ዘላ ። መሬት ኣብ ኢድ ዘይ ደቀባት ፡ ባይቶ 'ውን ኣብ ኤርትራ ብዘይረኣየሉ ኣገባብ ከምኡ ። ሰባት ከም ዝሓበሩኒ ከም'ዚ ዝስረሓሉ ዘሎ ኣገባብ እንተ ቀጺሉ ደቀባት ተደፊኦም ተደፊኦም ምስ ኣዛብእን ኣህባይን ኣብ በዓትታትን ጎቦታትን ክነብሩ እዩ ። ዝኾነ ለጥ ዝበለ መሬት ይውሰድ ኣሎ ። ካብ ዝተፋላለየ ቦታታት ኤርትራ ዝመጹ ኣብ ዝተመንዝዐ መሬት ደቀባት ይሰፍሩ ኣለዉ ። ንኣስላም ተጋሩ ከይተረፉ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ መሬት ደቀባት ይዕድል ኣሎ ። ናይ ሕርሻ መሬት 'ውን ከይተረ ይጠፍእ ኣሎ ። ንኣብነት ኣብ ልሙዕ መሬት ሕምብርቲ ሓደ ናይ ትምህርቲ ትካል ተሰሪሑ ይርከብ ። ደቀባት ኣሽንኳይ ዶ ኣብ'ኡ ኣብ'ቲ ኣብ ውሽጢ ኣስመራ ዘሎ ቤት-ትምህርትታት ንምምሃር 'ውን ዕድል የብሎምን ። መብዛሕቱ ምምሕዳራት ኣብ ትሕቲ ደቀባት ስለ ዘይኮነ ጠሪዕካ ክተስምዕ ኣይትኽእልን ኢኻ ። ኣስመራ ክንዕቅባ ኢና ፡ ኣስመራ ጽብቕቲ ከኣ ይበሃል ! ንመንያ ጽብቕቲ ክትከውን ? ንመንያ ኽ ክትዕቀብ ? እቶም ጌጋ ዝገብሩ ዘለዉ ኣባላት ህግደፍ ዝኾኑ ደቀባትን ካብ ካልእ ቦታ ዝመጹ ሰባትን ቀልጢፎም ኣብ ልቦም እንተ ዘይ ተመሊሶም ኣብ ቀረባ መጻኢ ብዙሕ ሽግር ክፍጠር እዩ ። ንኣብነት ዞባ ደቡብ ብባይቶ ደቀባት ዞባ ደቡብ እንዳ ተማሓደረ ኣብ ኣስመራ ኸ ስለምንታይ ከም'ኡ ዘይከውን ? መንግስቲ ንህዝቢ የተሓቛቕፍን የቃራርብን እየ ዘለኹ ይብል ይህሉ ይኸውን ሰባት ግን መሬት እንዳማቶም እንዳ ተዓደሉ ናይ ኣውራጃ ስምዒት ኣይገድፍዎን ። ኣብ ከበሳ ስጋዕ ሕጂ እቲ ዝተሃሰየ ትዕግስቲ እንዳ ገበረ እቶም ዘይተሃሰዩ ብኣውራጃ ከዕረምርሙ ክትርእዮምን ክትሰምዖምን እንከለኻ ኣዝዩ ይገርመካ ። ፍትሒ ይንገስ !
Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Is this to cover up the demolitions that lately took place in tigray?
ንኩሉ ኣብ ትግራይ ዲንጋይ ዝተገብረ ነገር ሕብሩ ቅይር ኣቢልካ ከም ኣብ ኤርትራ እተገብረ ገርካ ምቅራብ!!!
ኣይይይይ የ ድጂታል ቁማል ነገር!!!
ንኩሉ ኣብ ትግራይ ዲንጋይ ዝተገብረ ነገር ሕብሩ ቅይር ኣቢልካ ከም ኣብ ኤርትራ እተገብረ ገርካ ምቅራብ!!!
ኣይይይይ የ ድጂታል ቁማል ነገር!!!
Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
The English were colony in Roman times. They were slaves, since slave system was the order of the day. There are still roads and some standing walls of damaged buildings in the English country side. No one would even remotely think of keeping them, let alone making them sysmbols of his identity. lol
You are funny.
Here is where inferiority complex can drive people into doing something unthinkable by any normal group of people. Celebrating the most humiliating part of ones history. And bragging about it. lol
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Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Thanks Wedi Agew ! Free Lasta soqota !
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Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Tewelije from Tigray ( You admitted it yourself in the past. From Adyabo to be specific) . I knew from the get go that you were and are regionalist. You decided to come into the open now.
Why now? Asmara is like Addis. Every Eritrean from every part of Eritrea built Asmara. It is the capital city. It is also the capital of the central zone. No one disputes that. Everyone loves Asmara. Why import Weyane politics now?
Tewelije from Tigray ( You admitted it yourself in the past. From Adyabo to be specific) . I knew from the get go that you were and are regionalist. You decided to come into the open now.

Last edited by Telomerase on 14 Apr 2019, 21:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Do you want to evacuate the Eri jebertis from Akrya ? Wedi Adyabo, Tigray....trust me that will never happen in a million years. The same with every Eritrean from the other regions as well. Qomal, tewelije.
Do you want to evacuate the Eri jebertis from Akrya ? Wedi Adyabo, Tigray....trust me that will never happen in a million years. The same with every Eritrean from the other regions as well. Qomal, tewelije.

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Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Algis tegwar sahsah weign wedi wukro. Squatters are bound to be evicted. The land has owners. Yohannes zebarerom aklabat will be evicted. Resah kelbi areb. Asmara too has owners. We're happy to accommodate Eritreans but not you dogs. Youre a guest dont bite the hand that feeds you. Learn from your dead shiek from akria. Tegwar weigin.
Telomerase wrote: ↑14 Apr 2019, 20:58Abe,
Do you want to evacuate the Eri jebertis from Akrya ? Wedi Adyabo, Tigray....trust me that will not happen in a million years. The same with every Eritrean from the other regions. Qomal, tewelije.![]()
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Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Dead Brain tewelije,
Who are the owners of Asmara ? So, the Billens, Seraye, Akeles, etc.. need your approval to live in Asmara?
Anta tsemam wedi kelbi, do you even understand English other than weagin and sewer rat ?
Ayoka jegna ybleka, aboka Alula 
Dead Brain wrote, " We are happy to accommodate Eritreans. "
Who are the owners of Asmara ? So, the Billens, Seraye, Akeles, etc.. need your approval to live in Asmara?

Dead Brain wrote, " We are happy to accommodate Eritreans. "
Last edited by Telomerase on 14 Apr 2019, 21:44, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Saho bilen akeles are Eritreans. They all have land in Eritrea. We know where theyre from. While you are sedeyehna resah alet with no village in Eritrea. You might be a citizen but the land yourr squatting in doesnt belong to you. Terediuka wedishermuta resah alet. Kid kabti zebareuka tigray kedka meret hitet. I can recount back 7th generations in Eritrea. While youre a recent immigrant. If anyones tewelije its you shirt.am wahid.
Telomerase wrote: ↑14 Apr 2019, 21:10Dead Brain tewelije,
Who are the owners of Asmara ? So, the Billens, Seraye, Akeles, etc.. need your approval to live Asmara?Anta tsemam wedi kelbi, do you even understand English other than weagin and sewer rat ?
Ayoka jegna ybleka aboka Alula
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Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Read what you wrote idiot wedi geza Berhanu, is your English challenged that much ? My ancestry as an Eritrean can never be disputed. My clergy ancestors documented who the real Eritreans were by visiting villages and recording birth and death periodically. My DNA shows that some of my relatives are who is who in the Eritrean genesis . Now, tell me about yourself. I am all ears
Read what you wrote idiot wedi geza Berhanu, is your English challenged that much ? My ancestry as an Eritrean can never be disputed. My clergy ancestors documented who the real Eritreans were by visiting villages and recording birth and death periodically. My DNA shows that some of my relatives are who is who in the Eritrean genesis . Now, tell me about yourself. I am all ears

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Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Tewelije dead brain,
So you are going to evacuate Eri Jebertis . Have you ever heard of Ethnic cleansing? That would disqualify Eritrea as a nation. You are indeed agame. You want to trick us, halayat hammashien , right ? Qomal.
So you are going to evacuate Eri Jebertis . Have you ever heard of Ethnic cleansing? That would disqualify Eritrea as a nation. You are indeed agame. You want to trick us, halayat hammashien , right ? Qomal.
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Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Low iq tark. youre dumber than i thought. You see let me dumb it down to a level which you might be able to grasp. If you have a village in Eritrea and youre not a recent squatter, then you're welcome.
But if your origins lie past mereb river. Just like your favourite berhanu, youre an illegal squatter. I hope you understand my point now. Assuming what you claim is true and saying that you keep calling people tewelije. Shouldn't you have problem with the illegal sqatters taking our land?
But if your origins lie past mereb river. Just like your favourite berhanu, youre an illegal squatter. I hope you understand my point now. Assuming what you claim is true and saying that you keep calling people tewelije. Shouldn't you have problem with the illegal sqatters taking our land?
Telomerase wrote: ↑14 Apr 2019, 21:27Tewelije,
Read what you wrote idiot wedi geza Berhanu, is your English challenged that much ? My ancestry as an Eritrean can never be disputed. My clergy ancestors documented who the real Eritreans were by visiting villages and recording birth and death periodically. My DNA shows that some of my relatives are who is who in the Eritrean genesis . Now, tell me about yourself. I am all ears![]()
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Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Its not ethnic cleansing. Its returning land to the owners. Denkoro alet adghi. Keep hamasien out of your mouth arayi kunti.
Telomerase wrote: ↑14 Apr 2019, 21:37Tewelije dead brain,
So you are going to evacuate Eri Jebertis . Have you ever heard of Ethnic cleansing? That would disqualify Eritrea as a nation. You are indeed agame. You want to trick us, halayat hammashien , right ? Qomal.
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Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Tarik must have taken your virginity, I don't know
. I told you in the past. My ancestry comes from Tekela, Seraye, Tsenaa Degle, Akele and Himbrti Hamassien. Forget about seven generations, my clergy ancestors documented centuries of generations of Eritreans. My DNA does not show any single Tigrayan. It is all Eritreans. Some are well known Eritreans. I am all ears now. I know you are handicapped in English. Try your best. 
Tarik must have taken your virginity, I don't know

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Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Dead brain,
Tewelije, you wrote that evacuating some Eritreans who lived in Eritrea for generations is not Ethnic cleansing ? Are you a fourth grader who has aspirations to lead Eritrea ? Qomal agame.
Tewelije, you wrote that evacuating some Eritreans who lived in Eritrea for generations is not Ethnic cleansing ? Are you a fourth grader who has aspirations to lead Eritrea ? Qomal agame.

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- Posts: 922
- Joined: 19 Jun 2018, 00:53
Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Since you defended Abraham in his regionalist views, can I conclude that you are a closet now open regionalist. You said you can give permission to other Eritreans to live in Asmara.
Since you defended Abraham in his regionalist views, can I conclude that you are a closet now open regionalist. You said you can give permission to other Eritreans to live in Asmara.

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Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
Ane geded misaka zekuded elomo. Youre an imbecile. Re read what i wrote throughly until you comprehend it. Doubt you will. Any how, i need to sleep. Night special kid
Telomerase wrote: ↑14 Apr 2019, 22:03Dead brain,
Tewelije, you wrote that evacuating some Eritreans who lived in Eritrea for generations is not Ethnic cleansing ? Are you a fourth grader who has aspirations to lead Eritrea ? Qomal agame.![]()
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- Posts: 922
- Joined: 19 Jun 2018, 00:53
Re: ንኣስመራ እንዳ ኣጥፋእካ ንምዕቃባ መደብ ነውጽእ ኣሎና ይበሃል ድዩ ?
I don't have the kind of time you have. I am glad you decided to call it off. But, anyone can see what you wrote. You want to evacuate over half a million of Eritrean Jebertis who lived and fought for Eritrea for generations. If that is not Ethnic cleansing. I don't know what

I don't have the kind of time you have. I am glad you decided to call it off. But, anyone can see what you wrote. You want to evacuate over half a million of Eritrean Jebertis who lived and fought for Eritrea for generations. If that is not Ethnic cleansing. I don't know what