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Post by Zmeselo » 02 Mar 2025, 19:51

ALERT ⚠️ — Remember, this is the same Rapporteur who, relying on so-called "credible sources," rather than actual facts on the ground, falsely reported that hundreds of Somali soldiers training in Eritrea had died in the Tigray war.

When these soldiers later returned to Somalia after completing their training— without any of them participated in the war, let alone to die—the Rapporteur neither retracted the claim nor issued an apology. Yet, based on that flawed report, the media and the EU accused Eritrea of deploying Somali soldiers in the conflict.

Fast forward to this year, and the playbook remains the same. During the UN-OHCHR Interactive Dialogue in Geneva, the Rapporteur once again presents a report based entirely on what it routinely calls "credible sources"—which, in reality, means media reports and tweets from lobbyists and activists. This time, it claims that Eritrean soldiers are inside Ethiopia—an allegation repeatedly echoed by the TPLF and Tigray activists throughout the year but never confirmed by the Ethiopian government.

As expected, mainstream media and EU-based activists pick it up, amplifying these false and outrageous allegations against Eritrea.

Allegations that Ethiopian media would normally dismiss as fake news—since they can be easily debunked on the ground—are now being conveniently weaponized as propaganda amid the ongoing diplomatic fallout between the two countries.

When questioned about its reliance on "credible sources" instead of verified facts in its reports on Eritrea, the Rapporteur consistently evades responsibility, shifting the blame onto Eritrea for denying its team access to the country.

There you have it!

Such Western intelligence tactics are routinely used, even against major powers like China and Russia.

A UN-affiliated entity, such as a Rapporteur, relies solely on so-called "credible sources" to issue damning allegations against these countries, forcing them to scramble to deny. When challenged on its use of false testimonies or misleading information, it deflects responsibility, arguing that if China or Russia granted access, there would be no need to rely on these so-called "credible sources."

It's the same old playbook—Eritrea is simply the favorite target of this UN body since 2009.

The Rapporteur doesn’t need permission from the Eritrean government to enter Ethiopia and visit Tigray, to verify its allegations. But, verification was never the goal. The purpose of the Rapporteur itself and its mandate is not to report the truth, but to serve as a political pressure tool against specific governments under the guise of a UN body.

Never forget that!

Remember, not everyone in Ethiopia is smart or takes the time to fact-check the veracity of such unfounded allegations. For many of them, if the "UN" says it, they assume it must be "True."

So, expect to hear a lot of noise with hushtags like

Eritrea, get out of our borders

in the near future.

This also feeds well, into their recent anti-Eritrea rhetoric.


Bizarre and galling: testimonies submitted at the US congressional hearing this week reveal that USAID was indeed funneling financial support to Al-Shebaab. This was all the while when Washington leveraged its diplomatic clout to impose, and maitain for ten long years, unwarranted sanctions against Eritrea (UNSC Resolutions 2009 & 2011) under fabricated charges and dubious "SEMG" annual reports.

But if this was yesteryear, the EU and the UN-OHCHR apparently continue to use, even in these times, the same playbook, and the same "credible sources", to peddle false and outrageous allegations against Eritrea at the Enhanced Interactive Dialogue that was convened in Geneva early this week.

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Post by Odie » 02 Mar 2025, 19:57

What does from "Ethiopian border" mean?
We know that opportunistic media was the mouthpiece of TPLF. It sounds like axumezana wrote it :lol:

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Post by Temt » 02 Mar 2025, 22:50

The bizarre and strangely peculiar nature of the now dwindling enemies of Eritrea, unfounded and empty propaganda is mind-boggling indeed. One would think that perhaps they got some wrong information about Eritrea, which is possible to get such twisted stories. But again, they seldom attempt to verify a story they seem proud of posting before consulting with any of the Eritrean embassies near them or many of the Eritreans, practically found, in their neighborhood.
The irony is these self-serving megalomaniacs could care less about the people of Tigray, let alone to worry about Tigray, a part of Ethiopia, or is it? We will see. Yes, I am aware, unfortunately that some Tigrayan “activists” spread stories they could never be able to substantiate – for their stories never have happened! However, as we say in Tigrinya, “ዝጨነቖ ዓረበታይሲ፡ መቓብር ኣቡኡ ፋሕተረ”። Shamelessly, they continue to regurgitate them out of low self-esteem and extreme frustrations they suffer from their constant failed attempts to demonize the Eritrean political leadership and badmouthing the ever-magnanimous Eritrean people.
In other words, the nay-sayers against Eritrea, be it black or white, who occasionally pop out from their not so inconspicuous hideouts, are some paid out hooligans, usually self-acclaimed as the Horn of Africa “experts”, like the scoundrel, Martin Plaut and others like him.

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Post by Fiyameta » 03 Mar 2025, 00:51

Here we go again! Nothing new there though. The Neo-colonialists are peddling the same old tired lies we got accustomed to and have built up a strong immunity against it. We know what the emergency is....We know what's up....

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Post by Zmeselo » 03 Mar 2025, 12:12

A pioneer in African diplomacy.

Dr Lorenzo Taezaz, was an Eritrean lawyer who escaped from the administration of Mussolini's fascist Italy & joined the Ethiopian / Abyssinian resistance org. Lorenzo was the main advisor & speechwriter of King Haile Selassie, during the King's exile & beyond.

Lorenzo arranged the escape of the King to Europe, during the invasion of Ethiopia by Italy. He also arranged access to the League of Nations (the predecessor to the UN), so that the King could file his official complaint against the invasion of Ethiopia by Italy.

Lorenzo, played a vital role in re-arming the Ethiopian resistance. In connection with this, Lorenzo made several trips to Ethiopia & met with key members of the resistance, while the King was still in exile in the UK.

For his undivided loyalty to Ethiopia & the King, he was rewarded with treachery. After the king consolidates his power, he demoted Lorenzo into a ceremonial position.

Lorenzo died in a suspicious circumstances on 23 June 1947, just before celebrating his 47th birthday. Many believe, that he was assasinated under the orders of King Haile Selassie through the administration of a lethal injection by a European doctor.

Dark Energy
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Post by Dark Energy » 03 Mar 2025, 14:07


That is their excuse. Isayas continues to make the wrong decisions in order to protect his power time and time again. He never wanted official demarcation to take place in the first place. Don’t give me an excuse. He has been fooling Eritreans for decades. Now this ? :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

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Post by Deqi-Arawit » 03 Mar 2025, 14:23

Dark Energy wrote:
03 Mar 2025, 14:07

That is their excuse. Isayas continues to make the wrong decisions in order to protect his power time and time again. He never wanted official demarcation to take place in the first place. Don’t give me an excuse. He has been fooling Eritreans for decades. Now this ? :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
The son of the barista keep repeating the same rehearsal.

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Post by Odie » 03 Mar 2025, 14:41

Good to also remember heroes who courageously fought colonization by Italy including Abraham Deboch and Mogos Asgedom.

We strongly object in the strongest possible terms of tampering with Adwa victory celebration by Oromo-Ethnic fascists.

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