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Akeleguzay are Chaff of the Eritrean society

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 20 Feb 2025, 17:22

There is an Egyptian proverb, God curse the person who say Amen when I curse my own son.

It is not secret that the Eritrean dictator is, useless, visionless, corrupt and egoistic narcissist fool who only prioritize his personal interest over the nations wellbeing. He is neither father figure nor statesman as some misguided opportunist fat fools like weizero shitmeslo portray him to be. Due to his idiotic policy, Eritrea has been relegated to a fourth world, with no internet connection, no paved roads, no higher education, no healthsystem.

However, just because the country is led by some fool who is unable to see beyond his nose, does not justify pushing the entire Eritrean population under the bus to settle personal grudges against him. Unfortunately, this is precisely what some narrow-minded regionalists akeleguzians have done, First, they donated their hard earned money to woyane to marsh to Eritrea to destroy the Eritrean capital, their hate toward the eritrean capital emanates from their deep rooted inferior complex (Akeleguzians and Agames are the same breed who are fools, short sighed and suffers from inferior complex). With the grace of God, woyane was crushed and it was coerced to [deleted] its wounds and sign the Pretoria agreement which basically meant total surrender. However, to soft land its devastating defeat, woyane cried genocide and the fools akeleguzians echoed the same sentiment and sang the same gospel that the Eritrean Defence forces have indeed committed genocide in Tigray.

2 years later, Woyane exonerated the Galla army it had initially blamed for committing genocide , leaving the eritrean defense force as their sole target. The Pathetic akeleguzians in the diaspora, be it ordinary people, YouTubers, priests and so called intellectuals played along and blamed the Eritrean Defence force for committing genocide In Tigray.

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Re: Akeleguzay are Chaff of the Eritrean society

Post by Axumezana » 20 Feb 2025, 17:58

We are coming !

Dark Energy
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Re: Akeleguzay are Chaff of the Eritrean society

Post by Dark Energy » 20 Feb 2025, 18:15


You are insulting a whole sub population of Eritrea. The people of Akeleguzay sacrificed more than any other group in Eritrea. There would not be Isayas without them. To this day, his personal security guards are from Akele Guzay. Do not put a whole lot of people under one basket. Once upon a time, on this forum you used to paint the people of Akele as the most heroic Eritreans. You were wrong back then. You are wrong now. All Eritreans are heroic people with tremendous character inherited from our ancestors. :lol: :lol:

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Re: Akeleguzay are Chaff of the Eritrean society

Post by Fiyameta » 20 Feb 2025, 18:21

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Re: Akeleguzay are Chaff of the Eritrean society

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 20 Feb 2025, 20:40

Dark Energy wrote:
20 Feb 2025, 18:15

You are insulting a whole sub population of Eritrea. The people of Akeleguzay sacrificed more than any other group in Eritrea. There would not be Isayas without them. To this day, his personal security guards are from Akele Guzay. Do not put a whole lot of people under one basket. Once upon a time, on this forum you used to paint the people of Akele as the most heroic Eritreans. You were wrong back then. You are wrong now. All Eritreans are heroic people with tremendous character inherited from our ancestors. :lol: :lol:
There is a saying, all muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are muslims. The same goes to akeleguzay, all akeleguzians are not traitors but all traitors are akeleguzians.

Bt...Just because they protect the Eritrean dictator [deleted] it doesn't mean they are patriotic. opportunism runs deep rooted. These are the same people who destroy construction machines which came to build something in their Forsaken region just because they are unsatisfied with the regime.

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Re: Akeleguzay are Chaff of the Eritrean society

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 20 Feb 2025, 21:18

Axumezana wrote:
20 Feb 2025, 17:58
We are coming !
The two lesbians can't produce children. Inferior complex infested people can't bring nothing positive. Except playing the victimization card, the two pathetic agame can't bring nothing to the table. #They look down on us, they hate us, oh they dont respect us" are words which only comes from inferiority infested people. people with pride and self worth dont need any validation from others. they consider themselves as the mirror of their creature.

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Re: Akeleguzay are Chaff of the Eritrean society

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 20 Feb 2025, 22:15

Lets shame the mini-Agames akeleguzians. Lets start with the so called religious people

These are the mini-agame akeleguzians who without any evidence accused the eritrean Defence force for committing genocide in Tigray


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