Further Demasking Amara: Take Off their Shirt (Amaranet) as Already Done to their Coat (Ethiopiawinet)!
The OLF, which effectively infiltrated Biltsigina party of the triple hybrid Dr Abiy Ahmed is doing nice job slowly but surely. It already could take off the external mask (Ethiopiawinet coat) of the so called Amara. None of Amara elites can yet decieve nations in Ethiopia by hiding behind this seemingly inclusive identity. They are now naked, so that they rally behind Fànnô movement in order to fight against "their main enemy – Oromummà". The OLF should go further and take off their internal mask (Amaranet shirt). Actually all peoples in Gojjam, Gondar, Shoa and Wallo are either Agaw or Oromo, who were Amaranized slowly since 1270’s takeover of power by Yekuno Amlak from the Agaw dynasty. They gradually adapted Amarigna and called themselves Amara currently. I think it is time to tell their true priori identity and promote their re-Agawization and re-Oromization process. Then it will be logical either to change the name of Amara region to Agaw region or to devide it in to smaller regions like Wolqait, Agaw of Gojjam, Qemant of Gondar, north Shoa, Lasta of Himira and Wallo of Oromo.
Read more: https://orompia.wordpress.com/2023/02/0 ... ox-church/
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Re: Further Demasking Amara: Take Off their Shirt (Amaranet) as Already Done to their Coat (Ethiopiawinet)!
The narrative I could buy from all narratives in Ethiopia is the one which tells that this country is originally the living home for the Cushites in general and the Oromo in particular. Agaw is either brother nation or further differentiation from the Oromo. The existing Amarigna and Tigrigna speakers in Abyssinia are originally from Agaw and/or Oromo. It is important to teach the common citizens in this area about their true priori identity and their lost previous languages (Agawigna and Oromiffà). I think it is now an optimal time to empower the Agaw in the present both Amara and Tigrai regions. Genuine Agaw nationalists need to take power there and promote Agawigna to the primary regional language. Oromo nationalists have to support our Agaw brothers and sisters in their struggle to revive and thrive Agawigna/Agawinet. This is the best instrument to tackle with the current problem of pseudo-identity in the form of Naftegninet in Amara region. In due process, the old Abyssinia can be named Agawia as future country of Agaw people to be the northern best neigbour of Oromia. Through this process, the future will definately be for re-Agawization and re-Oromization of the already Habeshanized Agaws and Oromos in that region of Abyssinia.
No question that Ethiopian Orthodox church has been instrumentalized by the hitherto pro-Amaranet elites to convert the Oromo, Agaw and Others into Amara identity. The whole North Shawa, Wallo as well as part of Gojjam and Gondar were originally Oromo till the beginning of Solomonization (Amaranization), which started in 1270 fall of the Zagwe dynasty. The Amarization, which started in the palace of Yekuno Amlak expanded slowly from Oromo region of Shawa towards the Agaw of Gojjam, Lalibela and Gondar. These three zones are now areas of Amarigna speaking Agaw and Oromo. It is high time to help them come back to their priori identity, despite the language they speak. The Agaw nation of these three provinces should have their Agaw kilil and foster their own Orthodox synode, which can use Agawigna as their working language of church and government, just like the Oromo did recently. Simply put, both Agawinet and Oromummà need to be liberated from the ongoing domination of Amaranet, which instrumentalized both Ethiopiawinet identity and Orthodox church. We should no more allow the [ deleted ] pro-Amaranet elites to hide them selves behind the politics of Ethiopiawinet and the religion of Orthodoxy in order to keep their Amaranet hegemony.
Now, it is good time for Oromo politicians to play smart politics in the northern part of Ethiopia. We have to promote the revival of the lost two identities (Agawinet and Oromummà) in that part of the country. People in both Amara and Tigrai regions lost their true Cushitic identity (mainly Agawinet and Oromummà) in the last 3000 years of de-Ethiopianizing Ethiopia. Ethiopia (Cush land) lost its true identity and priori languages in this process. Especially, the Agaw was the main victim. Majority of people in Tigrai, Gondar and Gojjam are ethnic Agaw, who lost their culture and language. This process of de-Agawization need to be reversed. Agaw nationalists should be supported to control this three zones, so that Agawinet can be revived. Agaw language have to be thought regularily and Agaw nationalists must control the key power in both regions. Oromo nationalists need to support such move of Agaw nationalists. It is time to accelerate revival of the wonderful Cushitic Ethiopia being led by Oromummà and Agawinet.
Both Amarians and Tigreans are quarreling on their two different internal mask (cultural mask): Amharanet vs Tegarunet. Their true identity (Agawinet and Oromonet) is covered by double mask: their external mask being the common political identity called Ethiopiawinet and their internal mask being the two different cultural (linguistic) identities: Amharanet and Tegarunet. Instead of fighting because of their different internal mask, they have to see at their common priori identity: Agawinet and Oromonet. They are the same people now speaking two different languages. Actually, all Abyssinians are Amharinya speaking or Tigirinya speaking Cushitic ABASO (Afar, Beja, Agaw, Saho & Oromo). We need to help them come back to their Cushitic roots. Here is a nice comment ragarding this issue from someone else:
“The true history about Agaw people in particular and Ethiopians in general is written by neutral peoples of the West and Middle East on different foreign languages. When we look to the Awi people, who are one of the Agaw people, for instance, we can look at the work of Hetzron (1969) who did his PhD in Awigni Language of Awi people. Hetzron came to Ethiopia thinking that the origin of Jewish people could be Ethiopia hypothesizing around Abay (Blue Nile) River. He decided to study the culture of the people who live in the source of Abay (Blue Nile) River. He then went to Gojjam to the source of this river and found people who live on the source of Abay (Blue Nile) River (by present name Seqela) are Awi people of Agaw. So, he decided to study their language, Awgni. In his study, he found that Agaw People use to live in the whole North and Central part of Ethiopia. He says, except inaccessible island or pocket regions (the present: Awgni of Awi Zone in Gojjam, Quara and Qemant in Gonder, Xamta in Wolo and part in Shire Endasilassie in Tigiray and Bilen in Eritrea), other parts of Agaw people were sematized and shaded by two languages: Amharigna and Tigrigna.
To know the truth that people in whole North and Central part of Ethiopia are The Agaw’s, let alone Hetzron (1969) and the like articles, the current status witnesses the truth of this. That is currently we find The Agaw people in North and Central part of Ethiopia. Let’s start from North: In North from Eritrea we find Bilen; in Tigray and Wolo we find Xamta, in Gonder we find Quara and Kemant; in Gojjam we find Awgni of Awi Zone. Hetzron (1969) work also shows that there are Agaw people near to Addis Ababa (This is the truth, anyone who is interested can look this truth from Hetzron (1969)). Therefore, it should be concern of mankind that the three questions that this article, ‘The Review of Agaw_Awi Family Tree’, posed should get answer:
When we think of Ethiopia, the prominent image that comes to the mind of all Ethiopians and foreigners is works of Lalibela and Axum. These works are recognized by UNESCO as world heritage. Not only all Ethiopians but also the whole world is proud of these incredible and ever outshining works! The truth is, these works in Lalibela and Axum are works of The Agaw People. So, don’t you think that we all Ethiopians and the whole world is responsible to investigate and answer those three questions (1.Whereabouts of the Agaw people who lived throughout Central Shoa to Eritrea. 2. Reasons for discontinuation of the Agaw civilization. 3. Whether the Ethiopian history literature is impartial) the article, ‘The Review of Agaw_Awi Family Tree’ posed and revive their culture and such golden and amusing architectural works back? Thanks!”
No question that Ethiopian Orthodox church has been instrumentalized by the hitherto pro-Amaranet elites to convert the Oromo, Agaw and Others into Amara identity. The whole North Shawa, Wallo as well as part of Gojjam and Gondar were originally Oromo till the beginning of Solomonization (Amaranization), which started in 1270 fall of the Zagwe dynasty. The Amarization, which started in the palace of Yekuno Amlak expanded slowly from Oromo region of Shawa towards the Agaw of Gojjam, Lalibela and Gondar. These three zones are now areas of Amarigna speaking Agaw and Oromo. It is high time to help them come back to their priori identity, despite the language they speak. The Agaw nation of these three provinces should have their Agaw kilil and foster their own Orthodox synode, which can use Agawigna as their working language of church and government, just like the Oromo did recently. Simply put, both Agawinet and Oromummà need to be liberated from the ongoing domination of Amaranet, which instrumentalized both Ethiopiawinet identity and Orthodox church. We should no more allow the [ deleted ] pro-Amaranet elites to hide them selves behind the politics of Ethiopiawinet and the religion of Orthodoxy in order to keep their Amaranet hegemony.
Now, it is good time for Oromo politicians to play smart politics in the northern part of Ethiopia. We have to promote the revival of the lost two identities (Agawinet and Oromummà) in that part of the country. People in both Amara and Tigrai regions lost their true Cushitic identity (mainly Agawinet and Oromummà) in the last 3000 years of de-Ethiopianizing Ethiopia. Ethiopia (Cush land) lost its true identity and priori languages in this process. Especially, the Agaw was the main victim. Majority of people in Tigrai, Gondar and Gojjam are ethnic Agaw, who lost their culture and language. This process of de-Agawization need to be reversed. Agaw nationalists should be supported to control this three zones, so that Agawinet can be revived. Agaw language have to be thought regularily and Agaw nationalists must control the key power in both regions. Oromo nationalists need to support such move of Agaw nationalists. It is time to accelerate revival of the wonderful Cushitic Ethiopia being led by Oromummà and Agawinet.
Both Amarians and Tigreans are quarreling on their two different internal mask (cultural mask): Amharanet vs Tegarunet. Their true identity (Agawinet and Oromonet) is covered by double mask: their external mask being the common political identity called Ethiopiawinet and their internal mask being the two different cultural (linguistic) identities: Amharanet and Tegarunet. Instead of fighting because of their different internal mask, they have to see at their common priori identity: Agawinet and Oromonet. They are the same people now speaking two different languages. Actually, all Abyssinians are Amharinya speaking or Tigirinya speaking Cushitic ABASO (Afar, Beja, Agaw, Saho & Oromo). We need to help them come back to their Cushitic roots. Here is a nice comment ragarding this issue from someone else:
“The true history about Agaw people in particular and Ethiopians in general is written by neutral peoples of the West and Middle East on different foreign languages. When we look to the Awi people, who are one of the Agaw people, for instance, we can look at the work of Hetzron (1969) who did his PhD in Awigni Language of Awi people. Hetzron came to Ethiopia thinking that the origin of Jewish people could be Ethiopia hypothesizing around Abay (Blue Nile) River. He decided to study the culture of the people who live in the source of Abay (Blue Nile) River. He then went to Gojjam to the source of this river and found people who live on the source of Abay (Blue Nile) River (by present name Seqela) are Awi people of Agaw. So, he decided to study their language, Awgni. In his study, he found that Agaw People use to live in the whole North and Central part of Ethiopia. He says, except inaccessible island or pocket regions (the present: Awgni of Awi Zone in Gojjam, Quara and Qemant in Gonder, Xamta in Wolo and part in Shire Endasilassie in Tigiray and Bilen in Eritrea), other parts of Agaw people were sematized and shaded by two languages: Amharigna and Tigrigna.
To know the truth that people in whole North and Central part of Ethiopia are The Agaw’s, let alone Hetzron (1969) and the like articles, the current status witnesses the truth of this. That is currently we find The Agaw people in North and Central part of Ethiopia. Let’s start from North: In North from Eritrea we find Bilen; in Tigray and Wolo we find Xamta, in Gonder we find Quara and Kemant; in Gojjam we find Awgni of Awi Zone. Hetzron (1969) work also shows that there are Agaw people near to Addis Ababa (This is the truth, anyone who is interested can look this truth from Hetzron (1969)). Therefore, it should be concern of mankind that the three questions that this article, ‘The Review of Agaw_Awi Family Tree’, posed should get answer:
When we think of Ethiopia, the prominent image that comes to the mind of all Ethiopians and foreigners is works of Lalibela and Axum. These works are recognized by UNESCO as world heritage. Not only all Ethiopians but also the whole world is proud of these incredible and ever outshining works! The truth is, these works in Lalibela and Axum are works of The Agaw People. So, don’t you think that we all Ethiopians and the whole world is responsible to investigate and answer those three questions (1.Whereabouts of the Agaw people who lived throughout Central Shoa to Eritrea. 2. Reasons for discontinuation of the Agaw civilization. 3. Whether the Ethiopian history literature is impartial) the article, ‘The Review of Agaw_Awi Family Tree’ posed and revive their culture and such golden and amusing architectural works back? Thanks!”