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ዐብይ አህመድ ስለ ትግራይ የጻፈውን መወድሰ-ጦማር አንብቤ በሳቅ ፈነዳሁ። ስለ ቅድመ-ደረግ ትግሬ (እርሱ ሳይወለድ) ነው ወይስ ድህረ-ደርግ ትግሬ? ታሪካ አዋቂው በዛ እና ታሪክ ጠፋ።

Post by Abere » 03 Feb 2025, 17:10

ዐብይ አህመድ ስለ ትግራይ የጻፈውን መወድሰ-ጦማር አንብቤ በሳቅ ፈነዳሁ። ስለ ቅድመ-ደረግ ትግሬ (እርሱ ሳይወለድ) ነው ወይስ ድህረ-ደርግ ትግሬ? ታሪካ አዋቂው በዛ እና ታሪክ ጠፋ።

እነ ህዝቦች፤ እነ ፣መቶ አመታት ወዲህ ባዮች፤ እነ ቡርቃው ዝምታዎች ስለማያዉቅት ታሪክ ሲቧርቁ ሲንቦጫረቁ ማየት ያስቃል። መሸታ ቤት ተቀብለ እያለ መወድስ እና ግጥም የሚሰጥ ይመስላል ወያኔን ሲያማልል። :lol:
ምን አለ ደብረጽዮን? እኛ ሲዳናዊ እንጅ ኢትዮጵያዊ አይደለንም። አዎ! አረንጓደ፤ቀይ ቢጫ ቀለም የኢትዮጵያ ሰንደቅ አላማ የትግራይ አለረጅክ ናት አሁን ለምን?

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Re: ዐብይ አህመድ ስለ ትግራይ የጻፈውን መወድሰ-ጦማር አንብቤ በሳቅ ፈነዳሁ። ስለ ቅድመ-ደረግ ትግሬ (እርሱ ሳይወለድ) ነው ወይስ ድህረ-ደርግ ትግሬ? ታሪካ አዋቂው በዛ እና ታሪክ ጠፋ።

Post by Axumezana » 03 Feb 2025, 18:11

አበረ ውሽት አቁም መቸ ነው " ምን አለ ደብረጽዮን? እኛ ሲዳናዊ እንጅ ኢትዮጵያዊ አይደለንም። አዎ! አረንጓደ፤ቀይ ቢጫ ቀለም የኢትዮጵያ ሰንደቅ አላማ የትግራይ አለረጅክ ናት አሁን ለምን?"
አብይ ትግራይን ላጥቃ ቢል እንደምትፈነድቅ የታወቀ ነው!

Posts: 2922
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Re: ዐብይ አህመድ ስለ ትግራይ የጻፈውን መወድሰ-ጦማር አንብቤ በሳቅ ፈነዳሁ። ስለ ቅድመ-ደረግ ትግሬ (እርሱ ሳይወለድ) ነው ወይስ ድህረ-ደርግ ትግሬ? ታሪካ አዋቂው በዛ እና ታሪክ ጠፋ።

Post by Odie » 03 Feb 2025, 18:21

Tigray is supposed to be a region in the country and under federal control, where as a leader of the country he was expected to be heard there with minimal effort. Unfortunately, under his "misrule" the country is defragmented. He has no control, whatsoever. He as usually they call him is the double mayor of Addis. He formed a cult, and he is the guru where he keeps on fabricating his talks. There is no government. No institution. A private guru making verbal orders, writing letter, alas.

Imagine, Mengistu, or any other former leader of the country writing a love letter to just a region like writing a letter to AU, UN or other nations.

This is another evidence of incompetence.

He is trying to coax Tigrians because he is afraid of additional war in the north. He very surely knows, if Fano and any faction of tigray group make a deal, he is a dead man.

Unfortunately, you cannot teach old dog a new trick. Tigrians are stuck with TPLF and they appear to have no trick to get out of the dirt they happen to be mixing at this time of history.

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Re: ዐብይ አህመድ ስለ ትግራይ የጻፈውን መወድሰ-ጦማር አንብቤ በሳቅ ፈነዳሁ። ስለ ቅድመ-ደረግ ትግሬ (እርሱ ሳይወለድ) ነው ወይስ ድህረ-ደርግ ትግሬ? ታሪካ አዋቂው በዛ እና ታሪክ ጠፋ።

Post by Abere » 03 Feb 2025, 18:23

አንተ እና እኔ ማዶ ለማዶ በትይዩ አለም ያለን ሰዎች ነን። አንድ ቀን የሰናፍንጭ ቅንጣት ታህል የኢትዮጵያዊነት እምነት ሲኖርህ፤ተራራው በተዐንር ተንሸራቶ ይመጣና በአንድ ረድፍ ላይ እንሆን ይሆናል።

ወያኔ ያለበት አገር ጃርት ያፈራ መሬት ማለት ነው። ኢትዮጵያ እና ወያኔ ፍጹም አትሰበው። ቸርሁን። ለጊዜው አንተን ከወያኔ ደዌ ማንጻት ማለት ግመልን በመርፌ ቀዳዳ አስሾልካለሁ ብሎ መጃጃል ነው።

የዐብይ አህመድን ባዶ መነባነብ ጆሮህን ቀስረህ ስታዳምጥ ዋል። እርሱ የሚተርክልህ ስለ ኦሮምያ ነው በውስጠ ወይራ። Working his arse off for his Utopia Orommuma over the debris of your beloved Abay Tigray even. :lol:

Axumezana wrote:
03 Feb 2025, 18:11
አበረ ውሽት አቁም መቸ ነው " ምን አለ ደብረጽዮን? እኛ ሲዳናዊ እንጅ ኢትዮጵያዊ አይደለንም። አዎ! አረንጓደ፤ቀይ ቢጫ ቀለም የኢትዮጵያ ሰንደቅ አላማ የትግራይ አለረጅክ ናት አሁን ለምን?"
አብይ ትግራይን ላጥቃ ቢል እንደምትፈነድቅ የታወቀ ነው!

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Re: ዐብይ አህመድ ስለ ትግራይ የጻፈውን መወድሰ-ጦማር አንብቤ በሳቅ ፈነዳሁ። ስለ ቅድመ-ደረግ ትግሬ (እርሱ ሳይወለድ) ነው ወይስ ድህረ-ደርግ ትግሬ? ታሪካ አዋቂው በዛ እና ታሪክ ጠፋ።

Post by Abere » 04 Feb 2025, 15:37


According to OLF and TPLF jungle rule, not all regions are equally created; these two beasts who came in the name of the non-majority Tigre and Oromo are more than the rest of other other 83 ethnic groups of Ethiopia. Region is a scamming word, OLF-PP and TPLF are talking about two countries of Oromia and Abay Tigray Republic. Their conflict is about who should be leading and do the tossup of territories to them from the other 83 ethnic groups. These two thugs have no anatgosntic contradiction between them, only very realtive. Abiy Ahmed of OLF wanted to toss up more lands from other Souther regions ( doing his own cluster - I call it cluster bomb to break -up and toss to Orommuma), demolish Amhara region and create hypothetical tribes of qimante etc. with a population 0f 3,000 so that he can toss up many lands to Orommuma and be a neigbouring country to Abay Tigray, take all Benshangul Gumuz, etc. Woyane says it want to by itself - want get the largest share from all up to Benshagul Gumuz and Abay Dam :lol:

In reality, in any given country with law and order, a terrorist criminal group like Woyane should not be allowed to create further chaos. TPLF was defeated in the First phase, completely. But, OLF never wanted to do that.

A small province cannot to be out of the control of the national government. However, Oromia and Tigray are parallel countries that are cheating Ethiopians and in fact stealing Ethiopians time, resource and fortune.

Odie wrote:
03 Feb 2025, 18:21
Tigray is supposed to be a region in the country and under federal control, where as a leader of the country he was expected to be heard there with minimal effort. Unfortunately, under his "misrule" the country is defragmented. He has no control, whatsoever. He as usually they call him is the double mayor of Addis. He formed a cult, and he is the guru where he keeps on fabricating his talks. There is no government. No institution. A private guru making verbal orders, writing letter, alas.

Imagine, Mengistu, or any other former leader of the country writing a love letter to just a region like writing a letter to AU, UN or other nations.

This is another evidence of incompetence.

He is trying to coax Tigrians because he is afraid of additional war in the north. He very surely knows, if Fano and any faction of tigray group make a deal, he is a dead man.

Unfortunately, you cannot teach old dog a new trick. Tigrians are stuck with TPLF and they appear to have no trick to get out of the dirt they happen to be mixing at this time of history.

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Posts: 13080
Joined: 18 Jul 2019, 20:52

Re: ዐብይ አህመድ ስለ ትግራይ የጻፈውን መወድሰ-ጦማር አንብቤ በሳቅ ፈነዳሁ። ስለ ቅድመ-ደረግ ትግሬ (እርሱ ሳይወለድ) ነው ወይስ ድህረ-ደርግ ትግሬ? ታሪካ አዋቂው በዛ እና ታሪክ ጠፋ።

Post by Abere » 05 Feb 2025, 12:49

በዐደባባይ እኮ ነው መቀሌ ስታዲዮም ወታደራዊ ትርዒት ላይ የሱዳን ሰንደቅ አላማ እና የትግራይ ቀይጨርቅ እየተውለበለበ ደብረፅዮን እና ደጋፊዎቹ ስለሱዳናዊነታቸው የፎከሩት።

ለመሆኑ መሀል መቀሌ ከተማ የተቆለለው የድንጋይ ሃውልት እኮ ኤርትራን ለማስገንጠል የተዋደቀ የትግሬ መታሰቢያ እንጅ ኢትዮጵያን ነጻ ሊያወጣ እና ሉአላዊነት ግዛቷን ሊያስከብር የሞተ አይደለም። The stone heap memorial of the infidel and anti-Ethiopian dead rag tag rat Woyanes who died for Eritrea, not for Ethiopia.

I guess you have watched what Abiy Ahmed.OLF said about Tigray region in Jimma after he wrote a love letter about Tigray :lol:

Axumezana wrote:
03 Feb 2025, 19:29
Abere የጠይቅኩሁን በማስረጃ መልስ! እንደ ኢሳያስ ዙርያ ጥምጥም መሄድ አይጠቅምህም!

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