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Floating Garbage of Ascari-landers in swarm floating in Mereja Forum. Their fellow sewer rat Orommuma/OLF and Woyane do

Post by Abere » 01 Feb 2025, 16:18

Floating Garbage of Ascari-landers in swarm floating in Mereja Forum. Their fellow sewer rat Orommuma/OLF and Woyane do in sync as well.

These sewer rats of Ascari Shabia, OLF Orommuma and Woyane are the lowest form of humanity. They will never know right from wrong until the end of the world. Wasted over 50 years, end up with nothing, but misery. Yet these garbage keep floating on the Mereja Forum pool.

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Re: Floating Garbage of Ascari-landers in swarm floating in Mereja Forum. Their fellow sewer rat Orommuma/OLF and Woyane

Post by Abere » 02 Feb 2025, 12:32

The 3 garbage-filled tin cans of Shabia, OLF/Orommuma, fractured Woyane are honing to fight each other again. These trash bins have increasingly noisy as they have been for the last 50 years with no produce except misery and uselessness. May Ethiopia be free from these filthy. እግዚአብሄር የህዳር ሚካዔል ዕለት በእነዚህ ጥራጊ ቆሻሻዎች ላያ እያመጣ ይሆን!?

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Re: Floating Garbage of Ascari-landers in swarm floating in Mereja Forum. Their fellow sewer rat Orommuma/OLF and Woyane

Post by Dama » 02 Feb 2025, 12:57

Aberash, all the above against revolted the Shewa monarchy and feudalism. Actually, they followed Ethiopians sporadic revolts for reforms against feudalism such as the Girmame brothers, the Gojjam peasant revolts and Weyanes of Raya.
I just can't see your wounds that you try to soothe.

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Re: Floating Garbage of Ascari-landers in swarm floating in Mereja Forum. Their fellow sewer rat Orommuma/OLF and Woyane

Post by Abere » 02 Feb 2025, 13:20


Neither of the peasant revolt had nothing to do with the implementation of the Fascist-Italy fabricated Map. These three garbage's are filled with mercenary roles and supports to just the dirty work. These garbage's will soon be collected and ..., because garbage has no place it is affects environmental health. The Ascari garbage is the most decayed, followed by Woyane and OLF. By the way, ሓርነት ትግራይ is the genuine name of TPLF. They just hide themselves under the name Woyane, which is an Amharic word. But, categorically people call TPLF as Woyane. TPLF is anti-Ethiopia, separatist as Ascari, and beast Orommuma. By the way, how are your ስልጤ getting along beast OLF!? ስልጤ never jumps off Ship - loyal to OLF to the gates of hell. :mrgreen:

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Re: Floating Garbage of Ascari-landers in swarm floating in Mereja Forum. Their fellow sewer rat Orommuma/OLF and Woyane

Post by Dama » 02 Feb 2025, 13:59

Abere wrote:
02 Feb 2025, 13:20

Neither of the peasant revolt had nothing to do with the implementation of the Fascist-Italy fabricated Map. These three garbage's are filled with mercenary roles and supports to just the dirty work. These garbage's will soon be collected and ..., because garbage has no place it is affects environmental health. The Ascari garbage is the most decayed, followed by Woyane and OLF. By the way, ሓርነት ትግራይ is the genuine name of TPLF. They just hide themselves under the name Woyane, which is an Amharic word. But, categorically people call TPLF as Woyane. TPLF is anti-Ethiopia, separatist as Ascari, and beast Orommuma. By the way, how are your ስልጤ getting along beast OLF!? ስልጤ never jumps off Ship - loyal to OLF to the gates of hell. :mrgreen:
Eitreans did not bring in Italians. In fact, none of the Colonist Europeans. Menelick brought them in to Africa's northeast to arm him with modern weapons, to study the geographyic locations of his would be conquest victims, to help him plan war and political strategies; in short he brought Europe on northeast Africa including Eritrea to help train him on how to colonize.
When you are going to speak the truth? What will take for you to put yourself in the shoes of northeast African victims against Shewan feudalist aggression?

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Re: Floating Garbage of Ascari-landers in swarm floating in Mereja Forum. Their fellow sewer rat Orommuma/OLF and Woyane

Post by Abere » 02 Feb 2025, 14:02


You just proved how much garbage Shabians are scribbling and drawing cartoons. Ascari are perhaps the only lowest form of humanity who turned every hour of their time into garbage. Look, 50+ years you accomplished nothing other than living in the most dilapidated, destroyed and ghosted province of Eritrea.

If land had mouth to speak or eyes to cry, the province of Eritrea land would cry loud and shed tears like a gushing river.

Only garbage people turn their time into garbage - 50 + garbage years of Ascari-landers :mrgreen:

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Re: Floating Garbage of Ascari-landers in swarm floating in Mereja Forum. Their fellow sewer rat Orommuma/OLF and Woyane

Post by Fed_Up » 02 Feb 2025, 14:53

Abere wrote:
02 Feb 2025, 14:02

You just proved how much garbage Shabians are scribbling and drawing cartoons. Ascari are perhaps the only lowest form of humanity who turned every hour of their time into garbage. Look, 50+ years you accomplished nothing other than living in the most dilapidated, destroyed and ghosted province of Eritrea.

If land had mouth to speak or eyes to cry, the province of Eritrea land would cry loud and shed tears like a gushing river.

Only garbage people turn their time into garbage - 50 + garbage years of Ascari-landers :mrgreen:
ያለ ነገር እኮ አይደለም አህያ የምንልህ:: ችሎታውም አቅሙም የለህም ከእኛ ጋር ትከሻ ለትከሻ ለመቆም:: የሆንክ አሮጌ ወሼ:: እንዴት እንደምንንቃችሁ ባውቅክ:: ሓሬ ሓጠራው

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