Re: Welkait & Bahrenegash part of Tigray!
ጤነኛ እንዳልሆንክ እርግጠኛ መሆን ይቻላል። ግን ትግራይን ከገሃነም ወደየት ልታስወስዳት ፈልገህ ይሆን። የገሃነም በላይ የበለጠ ገሃነም አለ እንደ? ጤናማ ያልሆኑ ሰዎች እኮ ከዚያም በላይ የከፋ ነገር ሹክ ሊላቸው ሊታያቸው ይችላል።
የውሸት ካርታ እየለውቃቀምክ ብትለጥፈው አገር አይሆን፤ የሞተ ሰው ሰላሳ መወድስ ብትደረድርለት አፈሩን አራግፎ አይነሳም። የመናብ እና የውሸቷ አባይ ትግራይትግራይ የለችም። ቅዠት አይግደልህ። እራሱ ትግራይ የሚባል የቦታ እና የአገር ወይም የጎሳ ስም በታሪክ እንዳልነበረ ግልጽ ነው። ትግሬ የሚባል ስም የመጣው በቅርብ ዘመን ነው። ትግራይ ክፍለ ሀገር የፈጠሩትም አጼ ሃይለስላሴ ናቸው የአማራ ክፍለ ሀገር መሬት ቆርሰው በመስጠት። ይህን ቅራቅንቦ ትግራይ ትስዕር ትግራይ አገር ነበረች ወዘተ እንዳለፈው ክረምት ብትረሳው መልካም ነው።
Re: Welkait & Bahrenegash part of Tigray!
እበረ ምርምርህ የት ገባ?
Re: Welkait & Bahrenegash part of Tigray!
Axumenzra the funfun, resah, chenawi, aliet,hadami wedi shermu’tta agame, according to your maps where the hell did you get your stupid “Abiy bring our Red Sea” cries and bit’ching which you bombarded the site in the past?
Re: Welkait & Bahrenegash part of Tigray!
ትግራይን እራሷ አገር እንደሆነች አድርገህ ነው ያልነበረ ትርክት የምትነዛው። በእርግጥ ነው ባህር-ምድር በራስ አሉላ ይገዛ እና ይተዳደር እንደነበር ይታወቃል። ወልቃይት ብሎ የትግራይ የለም። በአጭሩ እየሰበክ ያለው አባይ ትግራይ የሚባል ህልማዊ አገር እንጅ ስለ ኢትዮጵያ አይደለም። ትግራይ የሚባል ጎሳ እና ምድር አለመኖሩን ለማረጋገጥ ከአስክሱም ሃውልት ላይ ሁሉ ጎሳ ተዘርዝሮ ትግሬ የሚባል ጎሳ ግን የለም። አክሱም እራሱ ይናገራል። ሰው እና መጽገፉ ቀርቶ ድንጋዩ እራሱ ትግሬ የሚባል የለም ይላል።
Re: Welkait & Bahrenegash part of Tigray!
አበረ ትግራይና ትግረዋይ የተለያዩ ናቸው።
The following is Axumezana's position about the Axumite Empire!
" (2.3) Who are the descendants of the Axumite Empire?
To answer this question in a simplified way, I referred to Ezana’s stone inscription mentioned above, and all the people mentioned in that inscription are its descendants. All existing nations and nationalities of Ethiopia, all citizens of Horn Africa, Sudan, Yemen, Southern Saudi Arabia, and Southern Egypt are stakeholders to the Axumite Empire. Regarding which people of Ethiopia were the core part of the Axumite Empire there is obviously a competition between Tigrayan elites and Amhara elites. In my view considering the historical mix of people between North and South Ethiopia both Tigrayans and Amharas could claim to be the core of the Axumite Empire and work together for its rebirth. Its is important to note that both the old and new churches in the Axum, the Church of our Lady Mary of Zion, were rebuilt by Amhara kings."
The following is Axumezana's position about the Axumite Empire!
" (2.3) Who are the descendants of the Axumite Empire?
To answer this question in a simplified way, I referred to Ezana’s stone inscription mentioned above, and all the people mentioned in that inscription are its descendants. All existing nations and nationalities of Ethiopia, all citizens of Horn Africa, Sudan, Yemen, Southern Saudi Arabia, and Southern Egypt are stakeholders to the Axumite Empire. Regarding which people of Ethiopia were the core part of the Axumite Empire there is obviously a competition between Tigrayan elites and Amhara elites. In my view considering the historical mix of people between North and South Ethiopia both Tigrayans and Amharas could claim to be the core of the Axumite Empire and work together for its rebirth. Its is important to note that both the old and new churches in the Axum, the Church of our Lady Mary of Zion, were rebuilt by Amhara kings."