by ethiopianunity » 24 Dec 2023, 22:43
I always thought there might be some hope from few people in Tigray who were in power, it seems like if people like Halafi who hates Ethiopia and Ethiopian people and wishes for Ethiopia to disintegrate, kind like the one who bite the dust Memeher Kidane? Who lived in Egypt and was cadre of Egypt, Halafi reminds me of him. therefore, if there are any pro Ethiopian Tigrays in power actaully listen to Halafi, this now proves to me there is no hope from Tigray. This proves that those in power who maybe called not as radical actually listen to Halafi's advice, then indeed Tigray is doomed at all cost.
He is blaming it on others on Tigray's trouble while he has created enemies after enemies within Ethiopia against Tigray. Tell me, when you want to wish ill to Ethiopian people, no matter who, especially to Amara people, do you think there is hope for the type of you, to Tigray or to the generals you are calling out for?
This is why I say the so called pro pp Ethiopians day and night on Youtube cry Tplf is doing this, Tplf is in fact Fano, etc, etc. if such pro pp Ethiopians keep complaining to enemy #1 of Ethiopia, to Tplf proves the cowardice, and giving hope to Tplf they must be doing something, Tplf must be winning that is why the pro pp Ethiopians are crying against Tplf day and night. Their cry will only empower Tplf. Indeed, as long as Tplf is still capable of killing, releasing their prisorners in Amara region, etc, this shows Tplf still has power and no one can challenge them even the Ethiopian army, because if they dare to go anywhere and create chaos, then the pp government is either collaborating with them or, doesn't care and allow them to do anything or is coward. Because if you are leader of nation, your priority is to work with the population for safety of the people. How is it that on the government's watch, Army Hamsa, aka Weyane infiltrated Fano? Don't tell me the so called sophisticated intelligence of the Ethiopain security apparatus did not see that, so why boast you have the highest security and army if you still can't eliminate/ control Weyane/Tplf while the governemtn and army has full support of the Ethiopian people?