Y3n3g3s3w wrote: ↑11 Nov 2023, 15:13
አንተ የአብይ በዚች ሀገር ላይ ያመጣባት ጥፋትና ወደፊትም ገና ያላየናቸው ያልተከሰቱ መዘዞች ላንተ ወይም ለኔ ለኔ አደለም ለትንሽ ልጅ እንኳን አይከብደውም። ዳሩ ግን እናነተ ኦሮሙማ ወይም የኦነግ አሜባዎችና የዘረኝነት የተጣባቹ የደም ነጋዴዎች ከህፃን ልጅ የበለጠ IQ የላችሁም፣ የአብይን ስተቶች 1,2 ...ብዬ ብነግርህ ምን ዋጋ አለው ፣ እውነታው ሜዳ ላይ ተሰጥቷል ከኔ አፍ መስማት የፈለከው ምንድ ነው ? የአብይን
ከሀዲነት(traitor) - ኢትዮጵያንና የአብይን ወንበር ከወያኔ ያተረፈውን
ፋኖንና አማራን መክዳቱን?
በወያኔ አምሳል ያደገ አጭበርባሪ ፣
የኦርቶዶክ አማኞችን መክዳቱን ፣ ኦርቶደክ ቤ/ክርንን አዲስ አበባ ውስጥ ቁጭ ብለው ሊገለብጡ ሲሰሩ አያቅም ብለህ ልታሳምነኝ ነው ?-GTFO
ከወያኔ ጋር ገጥሞ አማራን(ወንበሩንና ኢትዮጵያን ያተረፈውን ረግጦ ሊገዛ(subdue) ለማረግ መሞከሩን እንድነግርህ ነው የፈለከው?
ስልጣኑ እስካላሰጋው ድረስ አማራ ሞተ፣ ኦሮሞ ሞተ ወይም ሌል ኢትዮጵያዊ ሞተ ደንታ እንደማይሰጠው ማስረጃ ነው የፈለከው?
ዘርዝሬ መጨረስ የምችል አይመስለኝ ....
ወደ ስልጣንእንደመጣ እኛምጠየቅን "ለምድነው ይሄንሁሉ ወንጀል በኢትዮጵያ ላይ ሲያደርሱ በወያኔዎች ላይ እርምጃ የማየውወስደው?" እሽ አዲስ ስለሆነ አቅም የለውም ብለን ተከላከልን ፣ቀጥሎ ም ጦሩን አስጨፈጨፈው(???) እውነተኛ ማንነቱ ግን ብቅ ያለው ከጦርነቱ በኋላ ነው- nowhere to hide after that!
Let me for the sake of brevity summerize what you are telling me as highlighted above.
Fano: what Abiy's government did is what the constitution stipulates and it says only the government should have the monopoly of violence in the country. I can't see any fault on the part of Abiy, no one in his right mind can blame Abiy either here, for trying to enforce the rule of law in a country where he is a leader.
He lied: you can't label allegations against somebody without having clearly putting to words where and how that somebody might have lied, and how that hurt your camp. This is lame, it shows the level (lack) of your consciousness and human decency.
Orthodox: you tried to hide behind the Orthodox church and he revealed you and exposed your dirty business in there, if anything that I am aware of.
Subdue? It is your right to make friendship with someone that deemed okay to you to subdue Abiy, instead of trying to hide behind such a lame excuse, to say the least. Nasty allegations, all in all. Nothing concrete to warrant your name calling him according to your level.
The problem is not Abiy, you had a grand agenda, baking behind the doors, but then faltered in your own hands. Now you try to blame your own failure in your conspiracy on Abiy.
Among those conspiracy is the agitation of the Amhara youth during the war with TPLF to join Amhara Special Forces instead of the NDF. This clearly shows there was already a competing interest way before the end of the war. What does it show? You were conspiring against the government. The rest is simply pretext. That is why your accusations against Abiy is so vague.
You conspired and it has unraveled itself on your own hands, bear with your pains, instead of blaming someone else!