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Is PM Abiy a Narcissist?

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Is PM Abiy a Narcissist?

Post by Abdisa » 20 Oct 2023, 08:55

There were over 3000 foreign NGOs operating all over Ethiopia during TPLF's 27 years of reign-- the highest number ever recorded anywhere in the world! Some scholars argue that NGOs act as tools of powerful countries for the colonization of Africa. Alex Martinez, a Stanford University graduate doing internship at the US embassy in Addis Ababa wrote that "Today’s Ethiopia is colonized by foreign aid." As opposed to other African countries that were under one or two colonial powers, Ethiopia's colonizers are many. The prolific Ethiopian writer Teodorose Fikre put it this way: "We Ethiopian are MEGA colonized!"

This is the reality we have been stuck in for over half a century. And I'm not so naive as to believe that we can simply get beyond this reality with a change of government, or with a new leader -- particularly a leader as inexperienced as Abiy. What Ethiopia needs is a Mandela who's willing to sacrifice 27 years of his life in prison to free his people. Instead, what we have is image-conscious leaders who put their ego first, and the country last, perpetuating colonialism in the country through foreign debt, foreign aid and mercenary service.

Such narcissist leaders do not acknowledge their inferiority complex to their "foreign advisers", because they're too busy basking in the illusion of being superior to their own people. They see the world through the eyes of other countries and become strangers to their own people. That was the impression I got when I first watched PM Abiy lecturing his captive audience about the 75% of water his brain is composed of, leaving them guessing about the other 25%.

Today’s Ethiopia is colonized by foreign aid – Alex Martinez, Stanford University

Digital Weyane
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Re: Is PM Abiy a Narcissist?

Post by Digital Weyane » 20 Oct 2023, 14:48

ላብ ሩባ ወሪደ ፁሩይ ማይ ክሰቲ
ልማይ ማይ ልመስል ረኺበ ዓለቕቲ
ንሱስ ልበይኑ'ዩ፣ .... አሃይ ላሎ
ኻው ደም ይሓፍስ ማይ ፣ .... አሃይ ላሎ
ዘይነገሰ ንጉስ፣ .... አሃይ ላሎ
ዘርክስ ልቕዱስ፣ .... አሃይ ላሎ

:roll: :roll:

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Re: Is PM Abiy a Narcissist?

Post by Fiyameta » 21 Oct 2023, 22:44

It didn't take long for Abiy to find out that mercenary service is the only survival mechanism his predecessors had used to cling on to power, and having inherited a nation riddled with debt means that he can't escape his fate.

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Re: Is PM Abiy a Narcissist?

Post by Temt » 21 Oct 2023, 23:38

Abiy or not, it seems that Ethiopian leaders (and elites) apparently love being subservient to any power that offers them money and materials like foodstuff, little do they know that these items come at some hefty price.
It is not uncommon to hear many Ethiopian bloggers complain about why the promised "assistance" got canceled by those who made the promise. Remember President Trump threatened to cancel some $100,000 (or so) his administration promised to Ethiopia unless Ethiopia showed tangible progress on the use of the GERD dam agreement with Egypt [and Sudan]. Case in point, ESAT was discussing the issue when one of them shamelessly complained "Why did the US refuse to give us what it promised us" as if he forgot that the promised money was from the US treasury, and not from any Ethiopian bank account.
That shows that many Ethiopian politicians take it for granted that the rich countries have an obligation to supply their country with all sorts of handouts as if it was dropping like Manna from the heavens! Still, they refuse to accept the reality of Ethiopians, that they are habitual beggars and always are seeking Ferengi handouts.
It is their prerogative if they want to beg for alms, but, they should be honest enough to admit that reality instead of bombasting us by stating Ethiopia has this and that when the world knows their empty bravado.
The same goes for their silly bogus claim of 3,000 years of Ethiopian history when, in reality, the country is less than 150 years in existence.

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Re: Is PM Abiy a Narcissist?

Post by Fiyameta » 22 Oct 2023, 01:47

Temt wrote:
21 Oct 2023, 23:38
Abiy or not, it seems that Ethiopian leaders (and elites) apparently love being subservient to any power that offers them money and materials like foodstuff, little do they know that these items come at some hefty price.
It is not uncommon to hear many Ethiopian bloggers complain about why the promised "assistance" got canceled by those who made the promise. Remember President Trump threatened to cancel some $100,000 (or so) his administration promised to Ethiopia unless Ethiopia showed tangible progress on the use of the GERD dam agreement with Egypt [and Sudan]. Case in point, ESAT was discussing the issue when one of them shamelessly complained "Why did the US refuse to give us what it promised us" as if he forgot that the promised money was from the US treasury, and not from any Ethiopian bank account.
That shows that many Ethiopian politicians take it for granted that the rich countries have an obligation to supply their country with all sorts of handouts as if it was dropping like Manna from the heavens! Still, they refuse to accept the reality of Ethiopians, that they are habitual beggars and always are seeking Ferengi handouts.
It is their prerogative if they want to beg for alms, but, they should be honest enough to admit that reality instead of bombasting us by stating Ethiopia has this and that when the world knows their empty bravado.
The same goes for their silly bogus claim of 3,000 years of Ethiopian history when, in reality, the country is less than 150 years in existence.
Great point. The first place Ethiopian politicians go when they want to file a complaint about issues in their own country is the US congress, because they believe that most US lawmakers take their White Man's Burden seriously. Psychologists have identified brand names trigger strong emotional response, and the same is true with food-aid packages bearing the name and flag of the donor nations that make the recipients dismiss their God-given potential to produce their own food and feed themselves, thus they look at the aid packages for scraps of validation to their existence. It's only when you take full responsibility for your life that you discover God's divine plan for your life.

"ከዕፅዋትና ከከዋክብት የማታንስ የዚህ ታላቅ ፍጥረተ ዓለም ዝርያ ስለሆንክ፤ በዚች ዓለም ላይ የመኖር መብት አለህ፡፡"

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Re: Is PM Abiy a Narcissist?

Post by Fiyameta » 22 Oct 2023, 20:49

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Re: Is PM Abiy a Narcissist?

Post by Abdisa » 22 Oct 2023, 23:28

The TPLF made enemies all around them by instigating conflicts and mounting invasions. Abiy is doing the same thing on a grand scale. The statements released by Somalia, Djibouti and Eritrea condemning Abiy's incendiary rhetoric is truly the final wake-up call to remind Abiy that his return to the law of the jungle is a tragedy that offers no future. What if an angry Djibouti decides to deny him access to the Red Sea? Then what? Obviously, he didn't think that far ahead. :|

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Re: Is PM Abiy a Narcissist?

Post by Jaegol » 23 Oct 2023, 12:12

Abiy begging Fanos for peace deal and proposing that he’s willing to dump tplf…. flip flops like crazy

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Re: Is PM Abiy a Narcissist?

Post by Fed_Up » 23 Oct 2023, 12:47

Jaegol wrote:
23 Oct 2023, 12:12
Abiy begging Fanos for peace deal and proposing that he’s willing to dump tplf…. flip flops like crazy
Nope!! The SOB fake PhD has to go!! Period!

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Re: Is PM Abiy a Narcissist?

Post by Follower » 23 Oct 2023, 12:56

ሰላም bro/sisters.
ጡንቑልና ዘይኮነስ,እዚ ከም ዝመጽእ ኩሉ ታርኽ መራሕቲ ኢትዮጵያ ዝከታተል ዝርደኦን ዝግምቶን ሓቂ እዩ, ስለዚ ከአ'የ ኣብ ናይ 2018 ኮመንተይ "ንዓብይ ምሕማዩ ከይከፍኣና ምዉዳስ ኣይነብዝሓሉ" ዝበልኩ.
መራሕቲ ኢትዮጵያ ፈረንጂ ዝኣዘዝዎም'ምበር ብናቶም ውሳኔ ዝዉስኑ ኣይኮኑን.
I feel sorry for ምይ Ethiopian/bro/sisters (minus the ከሃዲ ዘር)

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