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Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 17 Feb 2023, 10:59

ብልህ ነህ ወዳጃችን Wedi፡ እስቲ በል ይቅናህ፡ ተምንጩ መቅዳት ግሩም ምርጫ ነው! :mrgreen:
Wedi wrote:
17 Feb 2023, 09:54
Meleket wrote:
17 Feb 2023, 09:46
ወዳጄ Wedi ያልከው መጸሓፍ ዬለንም፡ ይቺን ጥያቄህን ወደ የብልጽግና ካድሬዎች ብታቀናት፡ ተሟሙተውም ቢሆን ባልከው መጸሓፍ ያሉትን የሁለቱ ገጾች ይዘት ሊያጋሩህ ይችላሉ። :mrgreen:
Wedi wrote:
17 Feb 2023, 09:15
ሰላም Meleket የአብይ አህመድ እርካብና መንበር መጽሀፉ አለህ? መጻሀፉ ካለህ እስኪ እነዚህን 2 ገጾች /74 and 75/ ፎቶኮፒ አድርገ ላክልኝ/ወይም የሆነ ቦታ አፕሎድ አድርገህ ከዚህ ፖስትልኝ፡፡
ከሰላምታ ጋር
Meleket ለመልሱ አመሰግናለሁ!! ወደ የብልጽግና ካድሬዎች ሂዶ ገጾቹን ላኩልኝ ከማለት አብይ አህመድ ራሱን ፌስክ ገጹ ላይ ሂጀ ላክልኝ ለማለት ወስኛለሁ፡፡ ከለመኑ አይቀር ከዋናው ከባለቤት መጠየቅ ሳይሻል አይቀርም!! 8) :lol:

Assegid S.
Posts: 950
Joined: 11 Aug 2013, 07:11

Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Assegid S. » 17 Feb 2023, 18:54

Meleket wrote:
17 Feb 2023, 09:06
ወንድም Assegid S. ሰላምህ ይብዛ!

ምልከታህና ምሳሌህ ግሩም ነው፡ ወድጄዋለሁ። እዪታህንም በጭዋነትና በስልጡን መንገድ ስለምታቀርብ ምስጋናዬም ይድረስህ። ወደ ምልከታህ ስንሄድ፡ በዩክሬኖች ዓይን ሲታይ ይህ ምልከታህ ቅቡል ኣይደለም። ኣስበው እስቲ 'ኢትዮጵያዉያን ኣርበኞች' ከፋሽስቱ ጣልያን ጋር ሲፋለሙ፡ የቃልኪዳኑ ሰራዊት ደግሞ ኢትዮጵያንና ኣርበኞቿን ኣግዞ መሪዋንም ከለንደን ሱዳን፡ ከሱዳን በኦሜድላ በኩል ወደ ኣዲስ አበባ ሲያስገባቸው፡ ፋሽስቱን ጣልያንን በያገኘበት ሲያደባይ፤ ይህን ክስተት ኣንዱ ተነስቶ “ይህ ጉዳይ የጣልያንና የኢትዮጵያ ሳይሆን፡ የጣልያንና የእንግሊዝ ጉዳዪ ነው፡ ኢትዮጵያ ኣዳማቂ ናት” ቢል፤ “እንግሊዝ ኣሳ ኣጥማጅ፡ ጣልያን ዓሳ፡ ኢትዮጵያውያን ኣርበኞች ደግሞ ኣሳ ማስገሪያው ላይ የተንጠለጠሉ አሳውን ማማለያ ነፍሳት ናቸው” ቢል፡ ማን ሊያምነው ይችላል? ጉዳዩ የልዑላዊነትና የህግ የበላይነት ጉዳይ መሆኑን ኣብዛኛው ህዝብ ስለሚያውቅ፡ ማንም ኣያምነውም።

ደርጉ በራሻ ግዙፍ ወታደራዊና ዲፕሎማሲያዊ ድጋፍ የኤርትራ የነጻነት ታጋዮችን ሊደፈጥጥና ሊደመስስ ተነስቶ በነበረበት ወቅት፡ ኤርትራውያን የነጻነት ታጋዮችን “የኢምፔሪያሊስት ሃይሎች ቅጥረኞች” ይላቸው ነበር። ታዲያ ያኔም “ጨዋታው የኮሚኒስት ሃይሎች (ራሻና ደርግ) እና የኢምፔሪያሊስ ሃይሎች ጉዳይ ነው፡ ኤርትራውያን ታጋዮች ደግሞ መቋመሪያ ነው የነበሩት” ሊባል ይቻላልን? . . . በኛ በኤርትራውያን ስሌት “ኣይቻልም” ነው መልሱ። እላዪ በተቀመጠው ምሳሌ መሰረትም “ዓሳው ደርጉ፡ ዓሳ ኣስጋሪው ኢምፔሪያሊስቱ ኃይል፡ የኤርትራ ዬነጻነት ታጋዮች ደግሞ ኣሳ ማስገሪያው ላይ የተንጠለጠሉ ዓሳውን ማማለያ ነፍሳት ናቸው” ወይም በተቃራኒው ማለት ይቻላልን? በኛ በኤርትራውያን ምልከታ “ኣይቻልም” ነው መልሱ፤ ምክንያቱም ኣሁንም ጉዳዩ የልዑላዊነትና የህግ የበላይነት ጉዳይ ነውና።

በመሆኑም የዩክሬን ጉዳይ ከምንም ነገር በፊት የልዑላዊነት እና የህግ የበላይነት ጉዳዪ ነው። ዩክሬን ስትመሰረትና በዩኤን ውስጥ ስፍራ ስታገኝ፡ ይህ ነው ዬተባለ ደንበር ያላትና እውቅና የተሰጠች ሃገር ነች። በሃገሯ ድንበር ውስጥ እንዳሻት የመሆን ሙሉ የማይገረሰስ መብት አላት። የራሻው ፑቲን፡ ኃይልና ጡንቻ ኣለኝ በማለት፡ ይህንን መብቷን ደፍጥጦ ሊቆጣጠራትና፡ ታላቋን ሶቭዬት ህብረት ዳግም ለመገንባት ባለው ህልም መሰረት ሊደፈጥጣት እየተሟሟተ ነው። የዘመናችን የቃል ኪዳኑ ሃገሮችም “ነውር” ነው፡ በማለት ራሻን እንደልቡ ወታደራዊ ድልን እንዳይጎናጸፍ፡ ለዓለም ሰላም ከማን ኣለብኝነትና ኣደፍራሽ ሚናው እንዲታገስ፡ ወረራውም እንዲቀለበስ፡ የዩክሬንን ህዝብና መንግስት ደግፈው ይገኛሉ። ይህ የህግ የበላይነትና የልዑላዊነት ጉዳይ በመሆኑም፡ ኣብዛኛው የዓለም ህዝብና መንግስታት፡ በሞራልም በማቴሪያልም በዲፕሎማሲም በወዘተም ከዩክሬን ህዝብና መንግስት ጎን ቆሞ ይገኛል። ባጠቅላዪ እኛ ኤርትራውያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ይህን ጉዳይ ከሉዓላዊነትና ከህግ የበላይነት ኣኳያ ነው የምናዬው፤ ለዚያም ነው ከዩክሬን ህዝብ ጎን በመቆም ወራሪውን ፑቲን የምናወግዘው።

መልካም መልካሙን ሁሉ እዬተመኘንልህ።
ሰላም ወንድም በረከት

ለሰጠኸኝ መልስና ላቀረብካቸው ንፅፅራዊ ምሳሌዎች ምስጋናዬ የበዛ ነው። ነገር ግን አሁንም ቢሆንም የምሳሌዎቻችንን ሥር መሠረት ስንፈትሽ ልዩነት አለን ብዬ አምናለሁ። ይህን ስል ... ከጥንስሱም ... ለራሺያ መፍረስና ለዩክሬን እንደ ሀገር ሆኖ መወጣት አንኳር ብቻ ሳይሆን ብቸኛም ምክንያት ሆኖ የሚቀርበው የ west block (የኤምፔራሊስቱ ሀይል) በመሆኑ ነው። ሆኖም ግን ለታረመውና መማማሪያ ሊሆን ለሚገባው መልስህ አሁንም በድጋሚ እያመሰገንኩ የአንተን አስተያየት በማክበር በልዩነት ተቀብዬዋለሁ 8)

መልካም ሰንበት, ወንድም መለከት

Posts: 3995
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 18 Feb 2023, 06:02

Assegid S. wrote:
17 Feb 2023, 18:54
Meleket wrote:
17 Feb 2023, 09:06
ወንድም Assegid S. ሰላምህ ይብዛ!

ምልከታህና ምሳሌህ ግሩም ነው፡ ወድጄዋለሁ። እዪታህንም በጭዋነትና በስልጡን መንገድ ስለምታቀርብ ምስጋናዬም ይድረስህ። ወደ ምልከታህ ስንሄድ፡ በዩክሬኖች ዓይን ሲታይ ይህ ምልከታህ ቅቡል ኣይደለም። ኣስበው እስቲ 'ኢትዮጵያዉያን ኣርበኞች' ከፋሽስቱ ጣልያን ጋር ሲፋለሙ፡ የቃልኪዳኑ ሰራዊት ደግሞ ኢትዮጵያንና ኣርበኞቿን ኣግዞ መሪዋንም ከለንደን ሱዳን፡ ከሱዳን በኦሜድላ በኩል ወደ ኣዲስ አበባ ሲያስገባቸው፡ ፋሽስቱን ጣልያንን በያገኘበት ሲያደባይ፤ ይህን ክስተት ኣንዱ ተነስቶ “ይህ ጉዳይ የጣልያንና የኢትዮጵያ ሳይሆን፡ የጣልያንና የእንግሊዝ ጉዳዪ ነው፡ ኢትዮጵያ ኣዳማቂ ናት” ቢል፤ “እንግሊዝ ኣሳ ኣጥማጅ፡ ጣልያን ዓሳ፡ ኢትዮጵያውያን ኣርበኞች ደግሞ ኣሳ ማስገሪያው ላይ የተንጠለጠሉ አሳውን ማማለያ ነፍሳት ናቸው” ቢል፡ ማን ሊያምነው ይችላል? ጉዳዩ የልዑላዊነትና የህግ የበላይነት ጉዳይ መሆኑን ኣብዛኛው ህዝብ ስለሚያውቅ፡ ማንም ኣያምነውም።

ደርጉ በራሻ ግዙፍ ወታደራዊና ዲፕሎማሲያዊ ድጋፍ የኤርትራ የነጻነት ታጋዮችን ሊደፈጥጥና ሊደመስስ ተነስቶ በነበረበት ወቅት፡ ኤርትራውያን የነጻነት ታጋዮችን “የኢምፔሪያሊስት ሃይሎች ቅጥረኞች” ይላቸው ነበር። ታዲያ ያኔም “ጨዋታው የኮሚኒስት ሃይሎች (ራሻና ደርግ) እና የኢምፔሪያሊስ ሃይሎች ጉዳይ ነው፡ ኤርትራውያን ታጋዮች ደግሞ መቋመሪያ ነው የነበሩት” ሊባል ይቻላልን? . . . በኛ በኤርትራውያን ስሌት “ኣይቻልም” ነው መልሱ። እላዪ በተቀመጠው ምሳሌ መሰረትም “ዓሳው ደርጉ፡ ዓሳ ኣስጋሪው ኢምፔሪያሊስቱ ኃይል፡ የኤርትራ ዬነጻነት ታጋዮች ደግሞ ኣሳ ማስገሪያው ላይ የተንጠለጠሉ ዓሳውን ማማለያ ነፍሳት ናቸው” ወይም በተቃራኒው ማለት ይቻላልን? በኛ በኤርትራውያን ምልከታ “ኣይቻልም” ነው መልሱ፤ ምክንያቱም ኣሁንም ጉዳዩ የልዑላዊነትና የህግ የበላይነት ጉዳይ ነውና።

በመሆኑም የዩክሬን ጉዳይ ከምንም ነገር በፊት የልዑላዊነት እና የህግ የበላይነት ጉዳዪ ነው። ዩክሬን ስትመሰረትና በዩኤን ውስጥ ስፍራ ስታገኝ፡ ይህ ነው ዬተባለ ደንበር ያላትና እውቅና የተሰጠች ሃገር ነች። በሃገሯ ድንበር ውስጥ እንዳሻት የመሆን ሙሉ የማይገረሰስ መብት አላት። የራሻው ፑቲን፡ ኃይልና ጡንቻ ኣለኝ በማለት፡ ይህንን መብቷን ደፍጥጦ ሊቆጣጠራትና፡ ታላቋን ሶቭዬት ህብረት ዳግም ለመገንባት ባለው ህልም መሰረት ሊደፈጥጣት እየተሟሟተ ነው። የዘመናችን የቃል ኪዳኑ ሃገሮችም “ነውር” ነው፡ በማለት ራሻን እንደልቡ ወታደራዊ ድልን እንዳይጎናጸፍ፡ ለዓለም ሰላም ከማን ኣለብኝነትና ኣደፍራሽ ሚናው እንዲታገስ፡ ወረራውም እንዲቀለበስ፡ የዩክሬንን ህዝብና መንግስት ደግፈው ይገኛሉ። ይህ የህግ የበላይነትና የልዑላዊነት ጉዳይ በመሆኑም፡ ኣብዛኛው የዓለም ህዝብና መንግስታት፡ በሞራልም በማቴሪያልም በዲፕሎማሲም በወዘተም ከዩክሬን ህዝብና መንግስት ጎን ቆሞ ይገኛል። ባጠቅላዪ እኛ ኤርትራውያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ይህን ጉዳይ ከሉዓላዊነትና ከህግ የበላይነት ኣኳያ ነው የምናዬው፤ ለዚያም ነው ከዩክሬን ህዝብ ጎን በመቆም ወራሪውን ፑቲን የምናወግዘው።

መልካም መልካሙን ሁሉ እዬተመኘንልህ።
ሰላም ወንድም በረከት

ለሰጠኸኝ መልስና ላቀረብካቸው ንፅፅራዊ ምሳሌዎች ምስጋናዬ የበዛ ነው። ነገር ግን አሁንም ቢሆንም የምሳሌዎቻችንን ሥር መሠረት ስንፈትሽ ልዩነት አለን ብዬ አምናለሁ። ይህን ስል ... ከጥንስሱም ... ለራሺያ መፍረስና ለዩክሬን እንደ ሀገር ሆኖ መወጣት አንኳር ብቻ ሳይሆን ብቸኛም ምክንያት ሆኖ የሚቀርበው የ west block (የኤምፔራሊስቱ ሀይል) በመሆኑ ነው። ሆኖም ግን ለታረመውና መማማሪያ ሊሆን ለሚገባው መልስህ አሁንም በድጋሚ እያመሰገንኩ የአንተን አስተያየት በማክበር በልዩነት ተቀብዬዋለሁ 8)

መልካም ሰንበት, ወንድም መለከት
ኣሜን ወንድም Assegid S. መልካም ሰንበት ለሁላችን!!!

Posts: 3995
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 20 Feb 2023, 06:52

Another Putin’s defeat: Talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan with participation of the USA in Munich
Elena Gold Sun 19/02/23

In Munich today, talks between Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, with the participation of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, took place.

In short, Putin is now confirmed nobody in Caucasus region.

Kremlin: We are ready to mediate in peace talks.

Armenia: Tell us about successful cases in your practice.

Well, we did peace talks on Ukraine, the Minsk agreements...

Armenia (to Azerbaijan): Ok, let’s meet in Munich.

Posts: 3995
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 03 Mar 2023, 10:10

እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ለጀግናው የዩክሬን ህዝብ ከነጀግናው መሪያቸዉ ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን! :mrgreen:

ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ ባያነሳ ጋሻ፡
በቦረቀ ነበረ አውሮፓ ላይ ራሻ። :mrgreen:

ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]

ክሬሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!” ቀኜ ትርሳኝ” እያለ ነው የኣውሮፓው ሻዕብያ፡ ዘለንስኪ ጀግናው!
Why did Putin choose to shut the door to the Western world?
Sylvain Saurel

In the early 2000s, Putin made several attempts to get closer to the West. It was his wish. He appealed several times saying that Russia could very well be part of the European Union one day.

And then, Putin encountered several times rejections that pushed him to completely change his strategy from the beginning of the 2010s.
Rejected in the West, Putin turned to the East: China and Asia.

If Putin had been better regarded in the early 2000s when he wanted to get closer to the West, things would probably have evolved differently afterward.

We will never know of course, but that is my hypothesis.

Now Putin has strong resentment towards the West, and he wants to take what he says is Russia's property: Ukraine. He is rewriting history to suit himself and has entered into a destructive war that could mark the beginning of his end.

መለስ = ፑቲን = የማሌ (የማርክስና የሌኒን ግርፍ) ልዑላዊ ሃገሮችን የወረሩ ወፈፌ መሪዎች

የታላቋ ትግራይ ህልም = የታላቋ ሩስያ ህልም = የታላቋ ጦቢያ ህልም

ደደቢት ብቻ ኣይደለም ደደብ፤ ሩስያም (ክሬምሊንም) ጭምር ደደብ ነው!

ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው!

ድል ለሰፊው የዩክሬን ህዝብ!

Posts: 3995
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 05 Apr 2023, 08:53

Meleket wrote:
25 Jan 2023, 06:14
እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ለጀግናው የዩክሬን ህዝብ ከነጀግናው መሪያቸዉ ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን! :mrgreen:

ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ ባያነሳ ጋሻ፡
በቦረቀ ነበረ አውሮፓ ላይ ራሻ። :mrgreen:

ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]

ክሬሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!” ቀኜ ትርሳኝ” እያለ ነው የኣውሮፓው ሻዕብያ፡ ዘለንስኪ ጀግናው!
Did Russia’s Putin teach a lesson to NATO countries and the West by attacking Ukraine?
By Elena Gold

Putin’s insane war indeed taught NATO countries and the West a lesson — 10 lessons, in fact.

But first, let’s backtrack: It was already on 4 March 2022 – 10 days into Putin’s invasion of Ukraine – that a China newspaper published the piece named “Putin has doomed Russia with a war that can’t be won”.

It took the analyst only 10 days to understand that Putin made a grave mistake. It was so obvious. “A war that can’t be won” is a pretty strong verdict.

And this happened not because of NATO and the West, but because of Ukraine and its people.

NATO and the West pledged their support to Ukraine long before Putin’s attack on 24 February 2022. What was unknown, was the reaction by the Ukrainian leaders and people – this no one predicted, including Putin. The whole country made the decision not to submit to an invader.

Without that resolve, NATO and the West would be unable to do anything: You can only help someone who wants your help.
So, I’d say, Putin has taught NATO a few lessons, and so did Zelensky and Ukrainians.

Lesson 1. Russia isn’t as strong as everyone thought.
Russia’s military prowess turned out to be a paper bear. Analysts and experts underestimated the effects of corruption on the quality of weapons, equipment, ammunition, supplies, training and morale of the military personnel.

Lesson 2. Dictatorship isn’t superior to democracy.
By surrounding himself with “yes-men” Putin lost the atomic energy of creative synergy. Putin suffocated his generals, who in turn suffocated their subordinates. The whole Russian military system is rigid and ineffective.

Lesson 3. Collective security is the key.
The basic principle of NATO is that an attack on one state is viewed as an attack on the whole alliance. Putin’s war in Ukraine shows that indeed this is an effective deterrent: Russia didn’t attack Baltic states that are members of NATO, although they too have sizable Russian population. In fact, it is precisely the countries that are not NATO members that became subjects of Russia’s attacks – that’s why Sweden and Finland immediately applied to join NATO.

In fact, in 73 years of NATO existence, no member state had been invaded militarily.

Lesson 4. The United Nations in its current state isn’t able to guarantee global security.
In a way, the UN was designed by the victors of WWII to prevent war between themselves. But it’s not effectibe in maintaining world peace or bringing conflicts to a peaceful resolution. A permanent member of the Security Council can still wage a war against another country.

Lesson 5. Being peaceful and neutral makes you a target rather than helps avoid invasions.
Until Putin invaded Crimea in 2014, Ukraine moved towards a nonmilitary neutrality: Its military force was weakened and drastically reduced in size; it willingly abandoned its nuclear arsenal; every president repeated that Ukraine is a peaceful, neutral country.

Then, in spite of 23 years of peace diplomacy, it was subjected to brutal expansionist policy by Russia. Ukraine appealed to the international community that it was a pacifist country, but it didn’t help.

Lesson 6. War is unpredictable.
A full-scale warfare is much less predictable than we could have assumed from algorithms, war games and simulations. It is more likely to produce surprises instead of meeting expectations, up to completely opposite scenarios playing up than the ones anticipated.

Lesson 7. Human factor in war is paramount.
Positive, galvanizing leadership, initiative, imagination, discipline, training and morale play crucial roles in battlefields.
On the opposite side, willful self-deception, absence of clear objectives, hateful ideology, poor discipline and training lead to inevitably shameful outcomes.

Lesson 8. Logistics and supply are essential in warfare.
Not only an army requires personnel and weapons but also a lot of ammunition, transport, maintenance and combat medical care. All these components make or break successful defence and offense.

Lesson 9. A full-scale conventional war between developed nations is possible.
The notions of ‘end of history’ were premature.

Global leaders were unprepared to support Ukraine and its defense of democracy. Delays in implementing sanctions, providing weapons and other support to Ukraine enabled destruction and deaths to continue.

Lesson 10. A global stable order would need a global military alliance.
The current international system fails victims of mass atrocities when it comes to preventing or halting the violence against them. A stable world order would require a global military alliance that would include NATO, which is able and willing to use force when needed.

The “hard power” doesn’t replace the “soft power”, but enables and supports it.

And a bonus lesson:

Lesson 11. The West should learn the futility and even the danger of appeasing the aggressor.
Putin could had been stopped much earlier and at a much smaller cost. It is only when he announced to his people the war on NATO that the West took notice – and even now there are some politicians who seem to think that Putin can be appeased by throwing him another piece of Ukraine.

Truth is, expansionist dictators, like history, are only able to move in one direction.

A cruel dictator like Putin can only be stopped by dismantling his regime. Ukraine’s defeating the Russian troops can start the required chain of events.

መለስ = ፑቲን = የማሌ (የማርክስና የሌኒን ግርፍ) ልዑላዊ ሃገሮችን የወረሩ ወፈፌ መሪዎች

የታላቋ ትግራይ ህልም = የታላቋ ሩስያ ህልም = የታላቋ ጦቢያ ህልም

ደደቢት ብቻ ኣይደለም ደደብ፤ ሩስያም (ክሬምሊንም) ጭምር ደደብ ነው!

ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው!

ድል ለሰፊው የዩክሬን ህዝብ!

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Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 21 Apr 2023, 05:55

Putin’s plan was to rule the world, by retaking the territories of the former Soviet Union and forming the USSR V.2.

But Ukraine, after suffering from Putin’s land grab in 2014, refused to bow down and chose to fight back instead.

Putin thought that he would be able to take the whole of Ukraine untouched, just walk through – like he took over Crimea in 2014; add 1,000,000 of Ukrainian soldiers to his army, and send them to take over Baltic countries, threatening the rest of ex-socialist countries of Eastern Europe and installing puppet governments in them.

He made his goals clear in his statement from 21 December 2021, telling NATO to roll back to pre-1997 boundaries.

In all fairness, this would be possible – if not for President Zelensky, who said, “I need ammunition, not a ride,” and stayed in Kyiv, when Russian troops were just 30 miles away and his own advisors begged him to evacuate.

Zelensky said, “We are going to stay and fight, and don’t ask me again.”

“So, we are going to fight and die together?” confirmed his closest advisors.

”Yes, we fight and die together,” Zelensky said. And they stayed.

If not for that, Kyiv could have fallen in 3 days, as was predicted, and the world would be a different place by now.

Putin didn’t count on Ukraine resisting, didn’t plan for a war – he planned for a parade in Kyiv. He had no plan “B”.

It’s obvious by now that he plays as it goes.

For Ukraine, the fight for freedom turned into a fight for existence, when Putin revealed his hand and announced annexed all the regions where Russia had control of some territory – in none of the 4 regions that Russia announced annexed in September 2022, had it controlled 100% of the territory.
Putin’s arrogance, loss of contact with reality, illusions of grandiosity and short-sightedness led him to the situation where Russian economy is de facto reliant on China, which can cause its collapse by turning “off” switch – the position, which Putin believed he put Europe into, when voicing his anti-NATO demands in December 2021.

But Europe managed to reject Putin’s blackmail and escape largely unscathed, while Putin found himself at the dead end. Clinging to China was the only way out for Putin, who refused to backtrack on his claim on Ukraine: Putin would rather hand Russia to China than allow Ukraine to show him the middle finger.

Putin is a mega-maniac. He keeps issuing checks knowing full well that there are no money in the bank.

For centuries Russia was that nail in the scissors between West and East, keeping things connected. But then Putin decided that the nail can rule everything, by itself.

What we are facing now is no longer the war of Ukraine against Russia; it’s the war for civilizational choices: freedom vs. anti-freedom.
The civilizational choice of China is the primacy of the state principle over personal freedom.

Putin made the choice for Russia. It includes both society and the individual, as well as political processes, and values, and human rights.

• China absorbs nations, the West stands for preservation of national identity.

• Chinese civilization is divided into rulers and ruled. No individual independent inclination is allowed.

• China is a real empire, it has the power of coercion, the power of expansion.

Russia becomes a part of unfreedom, the world of the East.

In 2023, China leads a session of simultaneous chess games on several boards, gaining championship points.

The Chinese empire is taking back its historical lands in the north through revenge, remembering full well the Amur Annexation — the annexation of the southeast corner of Siberia by the Russian Empire in 1858–1860 through a series of unequal treaties forced upon the Qing dynasty of China.
China is patient with its enemies; and Russia is one of the enemies that needs to pay for historical wrongs.

Putin thinks he can play China. Quite an arrogant thinking from someone whose goals changed from “taking over Ukraine in 2 weeks” to “taking Donbas in 10 months”, and now to “preserve the statehood of the Russian Federation”.

Imagine how Putin is feeling now: from announcing his dibs on the world domination to fighting for his own physical survival – in the status of a bona fide international war criminal.

That’s quite a career jump for a low-level gangster from St. Petersburg slums.

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Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 25 Apr 2023, 10:36

Meleket wrote:
25 Apr 2023, 09:22
When will Putin accept reality that Russia isnt a super power anymore but a regional power?
Elena Gold

May 9 is Victory Day in Russia, and on this day, Vladimir Putin’s favorite entertainment is to watch the military parade on the Red Square, surrounded by loyal supporters.

On May 9, 2022, as Russian pilots were dropping 5-tone bombs on ‘Azovstal’ in Mariupol, the aviation show in Moscow was cancelled because of “unsuitable weather”.

The weather was “unsuitable” in all Russian cities on the day, despite the sun shining and little wind, and aviation shows were cancelled everywhere.
Unpatriotic citizens suspected security concerns; foes talked about the lack of pilots and planes after 2 months of losses in Ukraine.

Watching the armored vehicles rolling on the paving of the Red Square, Putin wasn’t feeling well.

He had to ask for an extra blanket, and in general seemed in pain.

Truth to be told, Putin thought he’d be watching a parade of Russian tanks in Kyiv.

Didn’t happen.

But in 2023, if Putin is brave enough to attend 9 May parade in person (he’d been attending most events via video link lately), he might get an impressive aviation show – even if Russian planes are cancelled again.

• On April 4, Putin’s mouthpeace Peskov announced that security measures on the Victory Day, May 9, will be increased, but “no changes had been planned” for the parade on the Red Square.

• On April 8, a Ukrainian businessman offered a reward of US $500,000 to land a drone on the Red Square in Moscow on May 9 during the Victory Day Parade.

The award was offered by Volodymyr Yatsenko, a co-founder of Ukrainian “Monobank” and developer of “Dovbush” drones.

Somewhere in Russia, FSB officers looked at each other and rushed to find out how quickly they can get a drone from Aliexpress delivered to Moscow.
Of course, their participation is welcome, but there are a few conditions to get the prize.

The drone needs to be decorated by Ukrainian slogans "Glory to Ukraine" or “Glory to Heroes".

• The prize is also only for the Ukrainian manufacturers of drones, not just for anyone who bought one from China.

"I call on everyone involved in the production of UAVs - let's create a celebration,” Yatsenko said on TV and displayed a piece of paper with the number: 20 million hryvnia (USD 550,000).

I can only imagine: 9 May, Victory parade, troops are marching on the Red Square – and the air defense is firing at the same time, knocking down flocks of blue-yellow drones.


• There are about 30 companies in Ukraine that build drones.

• If each of them sends 2 drones on May 9, then a freakish fireworks display is guaranteed: A cocktail of S-300, S-400 missiles, shells and drones.

It could be the best aviation show on the Red Square since 19-year-old German teenager Mathias Rust landed his light plane near Kremlin on 28 May 1987.

Rust managed to fly all the way to Moscow from Helsinki, Finland, hadn’t been shot by Soviet jet fighters or air defence systems.

He safely landed near Kremlin and rolled into the Red Square, where he was surrounded by Russians, who, with big smiles, asked him where he was from. When he said he was from Germany, they said that Germany was a friend of the USSR.

”No, West Germany,” said Rust.

He had been chatting to people for a while before the police and KGB arrived.

A lot of heads among the Soviet top brass rolled over in the aftermath of that landing, allowing Mikhail Gorbachev to appoint his own people and roll out the reforms that ended the USSR.

• Will paranoidal Putin attend the parade on 9 May 2023, knowing that a swarm of Ukrainian drones might pay a visit?
• Will any of the people who print reports for him, include this information into red folders?
• What if no one dares to tell Putin, and we see on live TV how the drones fly over the marching regiments?
• Can Ukraine prove once again that the Russian air defence system is useless?

“Don’t look up…”

This year’s parade on 9 May could be the last that Putin gets to watch – possibly, the last parade of the 21 century, judging by the way that things are going.

Russia’s “superpower” status and its imperial future got buried under the small Ukrainian town of Bakhmut.

Now Russia is trying hard to insist that it’s not a vassal of China and can still have a say on the regional level – if Putin doesn’t pull his troops out of Ukraine soon, the status of a regional power may become elusive for Russia as well.

Regarding 9 May, I think the only type of parade that Putin earned to see in Moscow, is the parade of 180,000 coffins of Russian soldiers, who died for his illusory ambitions.

That’s the only type of parade that he deserves.

Digital Weyane
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Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Digital Weyane » 25 Apr 2023, 11:03

በውክልናው ጦርነት ውስጥ አንድ ነጥብ አምሥት ሚልየን የትግራይ ወጣቶችና ህፃናትን ወታደሮች ያስፈጀ ባንዳ ትግራዋይ ትጥቁን ፈቶ እጁን ሰጥቶ ሽንፈቱን ከጠጣ በኋላ <<ዩክሬንን ነፃ አውጣለሁ>> <<ክራይሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!>> እያለ ሲፎክር ድምጡ ከፈረንጅ ውሻ ድምጥ ይወፍራል። ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 26 Apr 2023, 10:14

ግሩም ትረካ ነው ስለ ራሻ የጦርነት ጥቅመኞች (ጦ.ጥ.) ለማወቅ ችለናል፡ እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች። ጽሑፍን ላቀረበችልን እታችንም ኣድናቆታችንን ችረናል! :mrgreen:
How honest is Dmitri Peskov, press secretary of Russian president Putin?
Elena Gold

There is a saying among Russians, “Don’t trust any rumors until Peskov starts denying them.”

Yesterday Peskov said that Putin has no body doubles.

The internet went abuzz.

For months there were speculations about Putin’s body doubles, traveling to occupied Ukrainian territories: Sevastopol, Mariupol, Henichesk, Luhansk.

With Putin paranoid about his safety, visiting occupied Ukrainian regions would be an utter security risk.

The behavior of traveling Putin, who is happily shaking hands with strangers, is so out of character with Kremlin-dwelling Putin, who sends his own security personnel for a 2-week quarantine, before working near him, that no one managed to come up with the explanation of such atypical out-of-town friendliness.

Obviously, Peskov denying that Putin has body doubles just confirmed everyone’s suspicions: yes, he does.

Even the people who never believed in Putin’s body doubles, had their convictions shaken. Peskov’s word is as good as O.J.’s testimony under oath.

Peskov was already at the gossip spotlight after the head of “Wagner” Yevgeny Prigozhin said that Peskov-junior served at the front in artillery, “as a regular soldier”.

So, it must be Peskov’s son who was shelling residential buildings in Bakhmut into ruins. That’s were Wagner had been stationed for over 8 months, trying to take the town.

Bakhmut, March 2023.

At first, everyone thought that Prigozhin was simply trolling Peskov – after all, it was the “Wagner” chief who complained that “oligarchs and other members of the elite have lived in a state of endless comfort, and continue to live”, concluding that, until their children go to SMO, the country will not be “fully mobilized”.

But after Prigozhin mentioned Peskov’s son, the man himself confirmed it.

Nikolai Choles (he had a different surname to his father, although Russian media started calling him “Nikolai Peskov”, so, he might have changed it) even gave a media interview, telling about his service for the glory of the Motherland.

Dmitry Peskov with his son Nikolai.

Nikolai said it was his father who helped him to get into Wagner. Other fighters in his regiment didn’t know who he was, he said.
He was serving using fake documents, Prigozhin stated.

“Son of Dmitry Peskov, the press-secretary of president of Russia, Nikolai Peskov, gave an interview to KP•ru reviewer Alexander Gamov. Photo: personal archive”, the note under the photo said.

A photo was included along in the interview, which was quickly identified as a picture that was used before by Vladimir Solovyov on TV.

That time viewers were told the photo belonged to a fighter from Cheboksary.

Margarita Simonyan straight away jumped to defence: “I know that Sasha went to serve with the blessing of Peskov.”

“Even our correspondent was there with him,” Simonyan added.

And included a photo of the correspondent (not a photo of Peskov’s son made by the correspondent).

Just one caveat: The name of Peskov's son who allegedly “served in Wagner” is Nikolai. Kolya for short. Not Sasha.

Weirdly, Nikolai’s “Tesla” kept picking finesfor poor driving in streets of Moscow, as he was “rotting up to his knees in mud” near Bakhmut.

These self-driving vehicles are so cheeky! You never know what they can do to your pocket – and reputation.

What about Dmitry Peskov’s reputation, he’s not famous for having a son who – the only one among the kids of Russian elites – went to the front.
Dmitry Peskov is famous because he never lies.

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Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 06 Jun 2023, 10:17

እንዲህም እዬተባለ ነው!
“Lukashenko started massive hemorrhages in various organs and tissues”
Pavlo Usov

The name of the incurable disease diagnosed in the dictator at the Central Clinical Hospital of Moscow has become known.

Belarusian politician Valery Tsepkalo reported what diagnosis Lukashenka was given by a council of doctors after hospitalization at the Central Clinical Hospital of Moscow :

It is authentically known that a week ago, on May 25 on Thursday, late in the evening, the self-proclaimed ruler of Belarus Lukashenka was taken to the Central Clinical Hospital of Moscow in serious condition .

The patient had severe nausea and vomiting, massive hemorrhages began in various organs and tissues. Blood came from the nose, gums, petechial hemorrhages appeared even on the skin, especially pronounced at the injection sites.

These symptoms have given rise to much speculation that he was poisoned. The situation was aggravated by the fact that Lukashenka was taken to the Central Clinical Hospital after a planned dinner with Putin.

It should be noted that if Lukashenka could not be saved, then, given the history of the poisoning of Navalny, Litvinenko and the Skripals, the opinion would be firmly established in the world that he did not die a natural death, and no arguments would be accepted.

Therefore, by order of the Kremlin, the best doctors of the city of Moscow were urgently assembled, both scientists and practitioners. In his “return to life”, the best resuscitators from various clinics of the Russian capital were connected, who “get people from the next world” every day.

As a result, a council of doctors diagnosed the patient with disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome (DIC).

This is a disease characterized by disorders in the blood coagulation system in which the formation of multiple blood clots (blood clots) occurs.

As clotting factors are used up in the formation of blood clots, DIC enters the stage of reduced blood clotting, which causes bleeding into various organs.

The severity of bleeding can vary from small hemorrhages on the skin, to massive bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhages in the brain, lungs and other organs.

In addition to the above manifestations of DIC, the following are also distinguished: swelling, pain in the legs and chest, shortness of breath, cold sweat.Manifestations of DIC depend on the stage of the disease, and the degree of damage to certain organs.

To maintain the vital activity of the body, transfusion of fresh frozen plasma (the liquid part of the blood), intravenous administration of various solutions that affect blood clotting are carried out.

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Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 15 Jun 2023, 11:01

ሰትዬዋ ስለ ወፈፌው ፑቲን ምን እያለችን ነው? :mrgreen:
Is Putin mentally insane?
Elena Gold

“I haven’t confirmed my diagnosis for a long time,” Putin thought. “I need to do something crazy at least once a week, to plead insanity in Hague.” And ordered to organize a meeting with war bloggers.

As Yevgeny Prigozhin keeps gaining popularity in Russia (in May 2023, Russian internet users were searching for Prigozhin 2.4 times more often than for Putin), Vladimir Vladimirovich is trying to halt his ratings plunge towards the abyss.

Yesterday Putin met with Prigozhin’s most dedicated supporters – military bloggers, aka “war correspondents”.

After listening to Putin's performance in front of military bloggers, one can’t avoid the feeling that a schizophrenic patient was brought from a psychiatric hospital, dressed in a suit, handed a microphone and put in front of an audience.

Putin again said that Ukraine was created by Lenin, the West wants to seize Russia. The goals of the special operation change all the time — but they remain the same (yes, in one sentence).

In fact, Putin admitted that he started the war against Ukraine in order to keep Ukraine out of the European Union and NATO.
And all these fairy tales about "fascists" were just a pretext to send the confused population to the war, chanting “we can repeat”.

Putin: "There will be no rotation of the mobilized."
• Passports are confiscated.
• Driving licenses cancelled.
• Draft summons - handed indiscriminately.
• These who sent to trenches - aren’t coming back home until the “victory”.
• And still, the goals of the “special operation” – what needs to be achieved – aren’t clear! After 15 months and 217,000 corpses of Russian servicemen.

Putin is declining at an alarming rate. In his picture of the world - Ukraine is suffering huge losses, Western tanks are burning, Western economies are collapsing, Russian men are lining up to sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense and go to die in the war.
Putin completely lost the sense of reality and became like Khrushchev, who explained to metallurgists how to cook steel, and to cattle breeders how to graze sheep.

Faces of military bloggers (who literally report on what’s happening on the front, sitting in trenches under bullets and shrapnel), as they are listening to Putin’s rants. “We are so, so screwed…”

It seems they only now realized that the ”happy granddad” considering himself a genius strategist is just a miserable half-wit.

Well, at least one person in this world believes all Shoigu's reports, Konashenkov's speeches and the news on Channel 1 — Vladimir Putin.

The whole world made fun of the video “General Lapin in the middle of the street leads soldiers into battle shouting “Forward, for the Motherland!” — depicting “liquidation of rebel troops in Belgorod region”. To any sound-minded observer, it was incompetent cosplay in the style of WWII movies.

But it turns out, the general was no fool — Putin really lives in this dimension. He wants to see movies like that.

Putin: “I say: and how did the guys behave? [Answer:] brilliant - no one flinched, no one flinched at all. But, it’s true, there was a moment when Colonel General Lapin personally led the soldiers, weapons in hands!”

To Putin, a general running towards the enemy, yelling, “For motherland!” isn’t an idiot, but a hero.

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Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 16 Jun 2023, 10:41

Does Vladiboy Putin's face look like he's slowly but surely deteriorating and becoming the next babushko to feed worms in the ground?
by Foxmeister

Credits - SkyNews Australia - We all know Putin has been a prominent figure in Russian politics for quite some time. His stoic facial expressions and strongman persona have become somewhat of a trademark. But even the most charismatic leaders can't escape the gradual transformation that awaits us all.

Credits - Republica - However I don’t think he is ready to don a headscarf and start baking babushka-approved pastries yet. After all, he still manages to exude a certain air of authority, even with those "deteriorating" features. While his face may show signs of wear and tear, let's not be too hasty in predicting his transformation into a worm-feeding babushka.

Credits - The Sun UK - Judging tyrants solely based on their physical features can be misleading. It's their actions, policies, and impact on the world that truly matter.

እዬተዝናናን ለመማማር ያህል ነው!

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Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 24 Jun 2023, 04:52

Zelensky’s Office adviser on Wagner rebellion: Everything “just beginning” in Russia

Zelensky’s Office adviser on Wagner rebellion: Everything “just beginning” in Russia
24.06.2023 11:25
Mykhailo Podolyak, the adviser to the head of the Ukrainian President’s Office, commented on the mutiny set up in Russia by the Wagner Group led by Yevgeny Prigozhyn, saying that everything is just beginning in Russia.

He made the relevant comment via Twitter, Ukrinform reports.

"Prigozhin's (Wagner) counter-terrorist operation on the territory of Russia has already led to the capture of Rostov, several federal highways, the headquarters of the Southern District and ‘SMO.’ The events gained widespread publicity in Russia and even an insulting legal evaluation by the FSB Special Purpose Center, the National Anti-Terrorist Center, and the Prosecutor General's Office," Podolyak emphasized.
Read also: “Anti-terrorist” operation launched In Moscow as Wagner Group gaining control of Rostov

In his opinion, “[t]he split between the elites is too obvious. Agreeing and pretending that everything is settled won't work. Someone must definitely lose: either Prigozhin (with a fatal ending), or the collective "anti-Prygozhin" (#Putin's group and the ‘Ozero’ cooperative). Everything is just beginning in Russia," he tweeted.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin vowed revenge in a public statement released on Friday after the Russian army’s regular troops, subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, had allegedly attacked a Wagner base. The Russian defense ministry has denied allegations.

The Russian FSB launched a criminal case over Yevgeny Prigozhin’s calls for “armed rebellion.”
Read also: Russia’s FSB opens criminal case against Wagner Group’s Prigozhin over armed rebellion call

Later, the Kremlin said Putin was aware of the developments and that "all necessary measures" were being taken.

A number of Russia's top-ranking generals publicly addressed the Wagner Group mercenaries and their commanders, calling for a "peaceful" dialogue to resolve all issues between the Group and the Army command.

Across Russian Telegram channels, videos are circulating of the purported capture by the Wagner mercenaries of administrative buildings and military headquarters in Rostov, surrendered without a fight.

The movement of Wagner convoys to the city of Voronezh has been reported.

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Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 27 Jun 2023, 10:33

What Prigozhin achieved by staging "weekend putsch"

27.06.2023 15:59

Even if the Wagner mutiny were to succeed, it would not change the nature of the Russian regime. But the main thing is that Russia's newest turmoil is just beginning

The armed confrontation between the Wagner PMC and Russian government forces has demonstrated not only the fragility and quirkiness of the central government of the aggressor state. This rather amusing but bloody episode with the destruction of its own aircraft and an unexpected outcome shows that Putin's Russia has finally turned into a failed state.

However, the participants of the drama do not notice this, because they are a priori incapable of noticing this. They will continue to fight among themselves until the Russian Federation collapses. What are the signs that this will happen? First, Prigozhin is clearly not acting alone; the main players of his "team" have not yet come to the fore. But they will come out for sure: the results of the "weekend putsch" are seen as too easy to achieve an unknown goal. Secondly, Prigozhin is in hiding, and he is not one of those who would want to quarrel with his army, which has been fully preserved and is waiting for orders.

Russia has not failed as a state, but it has succeeded as a gang.

The "March of Justice" on Moscow, proclaimed by Yevgeny Prigozhin and carried out by the forces of the Wagner PMC units withdrawn from the Russian-Ukrainian front, began with the taking of control of Rostov-on-Don, Russia, and ended 200 kilometers from Moscow with the unexpected decision of the initiator of the march to stop the victorious march and return to barracks and camps. Ukrinform, Ukrainian and foreign media have reported in detail on all the nuances and vicissitudes of the failed rebellion, its causes and preconditions, so there is no point in retelling the chronicle again. However, there are several significant points of this "vaudeville" that require close attention and detailed consideration.

First of all, it turned out that Russia fully meets the description of a failed state, according to the indicators of German political scientist Ulrich Schneckener. According to his definition, a failed state is characterized by the inability of the state to maintain a monopoly on the use of force, the loss of competence in the provision of public services, and a political system that cuts off both the population and the political opposition from influencing the state decision-making process. All the talk of Kremlin political scientists about "sovereign democracy" has been just an attempt to hide the fact that in the years since the collapse of the USSR, the Russian state has been and remained an artificial entity. And its existence depends not on the will of the people, but on a few dozen vested interests that have created a criminal cartel to exploit natural and human resources from gigantic territories in their favor. And that as soon as the interests of one of the cartel members come into conflict with the others, it does not hesitate to resort to blackmail and the use of force.

The Russian Federation is in a state of development of social relations that is characteristic of the era of feudal fragmentation, its central government neither controls individual regions (Chechnya) nor is able to exercise effective control over parts of its armed forces (Wagner PMC). Russian laws can be ignored in favor of political expediency, as was clearly demonstrated by Putin, who in his Saturday speech declared the Wagner raid on Moscow an armed rebellion, but in the evening of the same day agreed to Lukashenko's "formula" - dropping charges against the rebels in exchange for their return to their permanent locations and Prigozhin's departure to Belarus.

The reaction of the armed forces, the Rosgvardia, the Ministry of internal affairs, and other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation to the mutiny is also very significant: none of them engaged in armed confrontation with the Wagnerians. The headquarters of the Southern Military District in Rostov-on-Don was seized without a fight, and numerous military units of the Russian army and special services did not fire a single shot at the rebels. Only military aviation acted against the Wagnerians, but it was so "successful" that it lost six helicopters and an airplane at once, and also shot at civilian cars on the way to Moscow.

This raises the extremely painful question of the Russian central government's control over nuclear weapons arsenals. The Wagnerian mutiny is over, but there is no guarantee that tomorrow or in a week another field commander, or Prigozhin and his Wagnerians, will not seize the tactical nuclear munitions depots and decide to use them either on the battlefield or to start a brisk trade with extremist movements or rogue states. Western countries that have so far held back on helping Ukraine should rethink their approaches, based on the fact that Moscow could lose control of some of its weapons of mass destruction arsenals at any time.

The enemy is weakening, and the West's attitude toward Russia requires new approaches

Ukraine's allies have been assessing Russia based on the assumption that Russia is a country with the same decision-making and control mechanisms as in all modern countries, but that revanchists and supporters of authoritarian methods of government have come to power there. This is a mistake, because Russia is a state where the mentality of the majority of the population, the way in which power is exercised, and the structure of government, despite its external similarities to the West, are fundamentally different. The Russian Federation is a completely feudal structure, similar to Muscovy under Ivan IV, or, in terms and historical analogies more understandable to our Western partners, to the baronial arbitrariness of the time of John Lackland.

Another important conclusion is that the reaction of the majority of the Russian population and part of the Russian opposition to Prigozhin's rebellion was passive, even to the point of approval after the fact. Are the Russians ready to exchange the failed militarists in Moscow for militarists who will ensure their "victory over Ukraine and the West"? They will simply accept any option.

For three centuries, since the creation of the empire by Peter the Great, Russia has been imbued with the spirit of militarism and dreams of territorial conquest. It may seem that three hundred years of unceasing propaganda have turned generations of subjects of the Russian Empire, citizens of the USSR and the Russian Federation, into a community that is ready to give up any of its human and social rights for the sake of more and more conquests. But this is not entirely true. Most people want "Russia to be feared." But, like any abstraction, this maxim quickly collapses when faced with resistance. This has happened many times in Russian history, and it will happen again now - reality will overcome the infantile dreams of premature imperialists.

Many people were surprised by Mikhail Khodorkovsky's call to support Prigozhin's rebellion. However, it was a completely logical appeal that is in line with the aspirations of the Russian opposition, since its goal is not to establish a democratic regime or simply change the government. He tried to book a place with the powerful: for all the people in the world, there comes a time when they need not only armed bandits, but also those who are doing something in politics and business.

Otherwise, under all the czars, secretaries general, and presidents, the essence of Russian politics has remained unchanged. Outside, it was territorial and economic expansion; inside, it was militarization and exploitation of its subjects. The Russo-Swedish wars, Catherine the Great's "Greek project," the Russo-Ottoman wars, the "Great Game" with Great Britain, the Comintern's organization of artificial revolutions in Europe, the creation of a bloc of "socialist camp" countries, and the events of modern history with Russian invasions of the former Soviet Union, the Balkans, and Africa all testify to the continuity of Russian imperialist policy, no matter what words and terms it is covered with.

The First World War is a typical example: Nicholas I, the Provisional Government, and Russian socialist and democratic parties, despite their desperate struggle for power, equally sought victory and control over the Black Sea straits. Centuries have passed, but Russian imperialism, no matter what external forms it takes, remains unchanged. So does the fact that Russian aggression, whether military, cultural, or ideological, stops where it is repelled.

Prigozhin's mutiny, which is clearly not yet complete, has already raised a wave of conspiracy explanations, including the ludicrous version that everything happened by agreement with Putin. In this way, Putin was allegedly trying to identify a hidden "fifth column" in Russia. But this is just ridiculous. And the story of the Pryzhyn rebellion is clearly not over yet - this is the main thing. Because in fact, it is absolutely certain (and there is no conspiracy here) that Prigozhin did not act alone, and his "support group" remains in the shadows. The Wagner Putsch greatly weakened the Kremlin's position, because it turned out that the central government and its security forces were unable to defend themselves against a not very large but organized military force, that the road to Moscow was not controlled and protected. That the Russian population will calmly accept any change of government - not a single action in support of the central government has taken place in Russian cities. And the first to try to take advantage of this set of chances will be Prigozhin and his company. Girkin-Strelkov and their "reconstructors" of imperial idiocy are also, as they say, at a low start. There will be more to come. But at least these first two groups will definitely not make peace with each other.

Then what, a civil war is coming to Russia? It is more than likely. So if this was one of Putin's "two-steps," then already on the first move, one clay foot of the Russian colossus tripped the other.

And the most important conclusion from the Russian "weekend putsch," in the author's opinion, is that very specific centrifugal processes are beginning in Russia. Unlike countries with a modern system, where centrifugality is understood as the desire of territories to acquire signs and tools of independence in one way or another, in Russia, as a country with an archaic semi-feudal system and mentality, centrifugality is manifested primarily in the separation of military units from performing general tasks.

And the last thing. Even if the outbreak of a civil war in twenty-first century Russia is postponed, the coup will lead (and has already led) to a further weakening of the Russian army, which is exactly what Ukraine and our allies will benefit from.

Dmytro Redko, Kyiv

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Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 12 Jul 2023, 03:33

Return of Azovstal's defenders: how Erdogan put Putin on spot

11.07.2023 15:08

Russia has weakened to the point where it is no longer a factor to be reckoned with. And Turkey has taken advantage of it

Five heroic commanders from Azovstal have returned to Ukraine from Turkey. We will not dwell on the questions of when, what and how. Over the past few days, dozens of articles have been written about this.

Instead, we are more interested in the "why".

Why did Erdogan do this? Obviously, he wanted to humiliate a weakened Putin and show him that I will do what I see fit, and you will not escape from the "submarine".

How will the Kremlin react to this? In fact, apart from the pathetic reaction of Peskov, the Russian dictator's press secretary, who managed to complain that "no one informed us about the decision to extradite Azovstal commanders to Kyiv," Russia has extremely limited room for maneuver in its relations with Turkey. According to political analysts, the most Moscow can do is to cancel Putin's visit to Ankara, which, according to Erdogan, is scheduled for August. Otherwise, Russia realizes the risk of losing the "Turkish window" to the world. Accordingly, it is possible to send its gas through Turkey, receive goods, bypassing sanctions, conduct money exchanges, travel, and so on.

Of course, Erdogan will trade on his position, he will do what is personally beneficial to him. Therefore, in this case, there is no need for excessive euphoria and high expectations. But at the same time, it just so happened that the interests of Kyiv and Ankara situationally coincided. And not only in the release of the Azovstal's prisoners, but also, in particular, in the issue of prolonging the grain initiative. The ships that leave Ukrainian ports are mostly vessels of Turkish intermediaries, who benefit greatly. So it's about income, about money. And Russia, as you know, is "wagging its tail," threatening to withdraw from the agreement, which expires in exactly one week on July 17. And Erdogan really doesn't like it. But even if Russia stubbornly stands its ground... There are rumors that Turkey is ready to enforce the "grain deal" without the Russians, thus putting Russia before a choice: either to attack Turkish ships and planes guarding the grain corridor and start a war with a NATO country, or to accept all the conditions.

So, Putin was stretched to the limit...

Turkey has returned the Azovs: how did it become possible, why did Erdogan do it?

"The situation with the release of Azovstal's defenders is another manifestation of Putin's further weakening," Volodymyr Fesenko, chairman of the board of the "Penta" Center for Applied Political Studies, told Ukrinform.

According to him, Erdogan is thus publicly demonstrating that he may not take Putin's position into account.

"Now Putin is more dependent on Erdogan and Turkey than vice versa. In addition, this is also a signal to Putin that Erdogan is extremely dissatisfied with Russia's position on the grain deal. Breaking this agreement is not in Turkey's interests. And Erdogan is demonstrating to the Kremlin in advance that the termination of this agreement will lead to further unilateral actions by Turkey that will be contrary to Russia's interests," the political analyst believes.

It is also likely that there are other topics on which the Kremlin has not fulfilled its promises to Turkey.

"In general, Erdogan is demonstrating that he is now playing a game with Russia and determining the rules of this game. And Moscow has swallowed this and actually agreed to it. Peskov has publicly stated that the return of the Azovs to Ukraine is a violation of the agreements, but this will not affect relations between Russia and Turkey," emphasized Mr. Fesenko.

Political analyst Ihor Reiterovych says that the idea that the Azov fighters should have stayed in Turkey until the end of the war is solely the position of the Russian side: "I am convinced that their return to Ukraine took place in strict accordance with the legal framework and international documents. If Erdogan was the guarantor or the main organizer of this, let's say, preliminary agreement, he could easily change his position and grant this permission. Which he most likely did. Therefore, in this context, first of all, we are talking about a change in the position of Erdogan, who thus killed several birds with one stone: he said "hello" to Putin and laid stronger foundations with Russia on various issues of interest to Turkey."

The expert believes that Erdogan's decision was largely influenced by at least four factors.

The first is that Russia has been actively blackmailing Turkey with a "grain deal" over the past few weeks.

"And it is being done in a very incorrect, rude way. They have actually begun to put forward demands that are not spelled out in the agreement that was signed between Russia, Turkey and the UN. Erdogan, of course, had to react to this somehow. But he did it not with a statement, but with concrete actions," the political scientist says.

The second factor... According to Mr. Reiterovych, there is also a certain consequence of what is happening in Syria: "According to some information, the forces co-opted from Russia struck at the forces that are directly related to Turkey, the so-called proxy forces. The Turks did not like it. They realize that formally, they have nothing to present to Russia, because everything is happening through intermediaries. So they decided to respond in a different way.»

The third factor is directly related to Erdogan. The elections are over in Turkey, he won, strengthened his power within the country, but...

"He needs to constantly keep Turkish society on its toes, to show that Turkey is improving its status and image. And what better way to do that than to kick Russia, especially since there are all the opportunities for that. After all, there is also a desire, since a significant number of Turks do not like Russians very much, although they tolerate them," the expert added.

The fourth factor is that Erdogan received an additional bonus in terms of negotiations within NATO at the Vilnius summit.

"And I think that his decision to some extent even influenced the fact that a preliminary agreement was reached on his personal meeting with Biden on the sidelines of the summit. For Erdogan, this is very important, given the issues that are relevant to Turkey today. Therefore, many different moments coincided in time," Mr. Reiterovych says.

But the main thing is that all this would not have been possible if not for the events of the last month that took place inside Russia. The Prigozhin March showed that Russia has weakened, and weakened to the point where it is no longer being reckoned with: "And this also played a role. Erdogan is closely monitoring the changing situation inside Russia. He realizes that Putin is as weak as possible today. Plus, he realizes that Russia is much more interested in Turkey than Turkey is in Russia. This is objective. Yes, the Turks are making very good money from Russia, but unlike Putin, Erdogan can afford such steps. And this was only confirmed by the fact that Moscow's reaction to the release of the Azov men was lukewarm through Peskov's mouth.

Erdogan, who has a similar type to Putin, that is, he is also an authoritarian who fights the opposition through various mechanisms, means, and so on, could not but take the opportunity to remind who the real leader is, at least in the Black Sea region.

"Another point is that negotiations on Karabakh are planned in the near future, in which Turkey will definitely take a key part as an ally of Azerbaijan. So, in this way, Erdogan has raised the stakes here as well,"
emphasized Ihor Reiterovych.

Political expert Yevhen Savisko drew attention to the fact that, according to the Ukrainian side, the return of our heroes took place without any demands from Turkish representatives.

"If this is the case, then two reasons for Ankara's move become apparent. The first reason is that Erdogan has decided to intervene in the struggle to divide the Russian Federation. However, he will do so not directly, but by providing the maximum possible military, political, diplomatic and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine.

The second is the decline in Moscow's real influence, especially in those regions where Turkey is trying to maximize its influence: The Mediterranean, the Black Sea, Central Asia, and Africa. At Erdogan's August meeting with Putin, the latter will be presented with demands and wishes for what, how, and when Turkey wants from Russia. The consequences of this meeting will be visible in the near future. One of the indicators will be the amount of military assistance Turkey provides to Ukraine and its position on our country's accession to NATO," the expert believes.

International political scientist Maksym Yali argues that Putin has suffered a serious defeat in terms of information, because the Russian Federation built the whole myth of the Azov pseudo-Nazis on the basis of the myth of the alleged liberation of Ukraine from neo-Nazis, which is officially declared as one of the key goals of the so-called "SWO".

"When the most media commanders from "Azovstal" are released from captivity, it is, of course, a powerful slap in the face: both for Putin personally and for all Russians in general. Erdogan has demonstrated that if Putin continues to ignore him, does not take into account Turkey's national interests, he may take similar unexpected and painful steps again," the political scientist says. - Erdogan has made it clear that no matter what, the "grain deal" must be extended, because Ankara, which earns significant money from processing and transshipment of Ukrainian grain, is very interested in it. In the end, the whole world is also interested in the deal, given Ukraine's status as one of the key suppliers of grain to the international market."

Erdogan also received additional bonuses for himself.

"His actions were welcomed by Ukraine and NATO allies. And it is also in Erdogan's interest, especially on the eve of the NATO summit," says Mr. Yali. He adds that Erdogan decided to take such a step after the Prigozhin rebellion, which, although unsuccessful, significantly damaged Putin's image: "His image has been damaged in the eyes of the leaders of autocratic states, which, of course, include Turkey to some extent. Akela missed the mark," the political scientist emphasizes. - "Erdogan then decided that he could take this step without any serious consequences for himself. Erdogan successfully seized the moment."

Diplomat Vadym Triukhan also expressed an interesting opinion: "What Erdogan did is understandable. But why did he do it? I think Erdogan wants to show not only Russia, but also Europe and the United States that Turkey is a "golden share" that should be treated in a special way."

According to the diplomat, in fact, Erdogan wants to be remembered in history as the president who brought Turkey to the level of the world's key powers. It is not for nothing that on the eve of the NATO summit he came up with a new prerequisite for the ratification of Sweden's accession to the Alliance: for this to happen, the European Union must open its doors to Turkey.

"That is, Erdogan, not wanting to change anything in Turkey, because he is satisfied with the way the state works today, with the way the vertical of power is built there, wants to be remembered in the history of the Turkish people as the leader who brought the country into the European Union. And at the same time, as a leader who made the world reckon with Turkey. So I think this is not so much about Russia as it is about Turkey. Erdogan has reached a level where he can easily ignore and not pay attention to the Russians, doing what he needs to do," Vadym Triukhan emphasized.

"Grain deal", assistance with weapons and equipment: how and where else could Erdogan put pressure on Putin for our benefit?

"Indeed, we should pay attention not only to the return of the Azovs to Ukraine, but also to other statements by Erdogan, such as his support for Ukraine's membership in NATO, and Turkey's actions. In particular, this concerns the supply of Turkish weapons to Ukraine and the construction of a Bayraktar plant in Ukraine [confirmed by Minister Kamyshin]. Russian sources also confirm that if Russia withdraws from the grain deal, Turkey will continue to support it in its relations with Ukraine. This is indeed pressure on Russia. But this pressure is in Turkey's interests. It coincides with our interests situationally," says Volodymyr Fesenko.

According to him, Erdogan will not play only on the Ukrainian side. He is not going to break relations with Putin and Russia.

"But he wants to play a major role in these relations," Mr. Fesenko emphasized.

Ihor Reiterovych also emphasizes this and says that we, Ukrainians, should not get too excited about Erdogan's actions.

"Because the Turkish leader is now realizing his interest. The fact that this interest coincided with the extradition of Azov prisoners is a good story. But it is situational. It's good that we got our bearings in time and were able to use this story. But if he did this now, it doesn't mean that he won't do something different in the future. I mean, he can change his rhetoric, which he has done many times before. We just need to make the most of it now. And the most important topic for us now is the extension of the grain deal. We are currently considering the option of extending the agreement, but only at the expense of the Turkish side. This is a plus for us. We understand that when the ships leave, for example, from Odesa, and they are accompanied by the Turkish Navy, Russia will not be able to influence this situation in any way, no matter what it says or how much it pushes. The Russian Federation will not quarrel with the Turks, because it simply does not have the capabilities and strength to do so," the political scientist says.

And, of course, we need to use everything related to military and technical support from Ankara.

"This support is ongoing, it is not public. Turkey supplies Ukraine not only with Bayraktars, but also with many other things. Just this Saturday, I was driving along the highway and saw brand new armored Kirpi trucks being transported on tractors - these are Turkish vehicles for the transportation of personnel. Finally, this week there was also information that Turkey may supply Ukraine with its 155-mm howitzers," Mr. Reiterovych added.

Maksym Yali also mentioned the "grain deal": "Turkey is already putting full pressure on Russia on this issue. In parallel, there are talks about a possible supply of howitzers to Ukraine. However, we can go further. The Turks have a huge range of ammunition that we lack, as well as missiles of various ranges and armored vehicles. Turkey, as one of the key arms manufacturers, can significantly strengthen Ukraine's military potential. Moreover, pressure on Moscow can be put by closing the loopholes in the re-export of dual-use products through Turkey. And this is also in our favor. So, Erdogan has enough leverage over Putin."

And this is Vadym Triukhan: "Turkey can not only expand its assistance to Ukraine in the war with Russia, but it can also single-handedly challenge Russia. Last year, when the Russians were already withdrawing from the grain deal, Turkey undertook to solely guarantee the safe passage of civilian ships transporting grain from Ukraine. That was enough for Russia for a few days, and then they actually scraped their way back in and became part of the deal again. Although, in fact, even then it was necessary to take a tough stance and not to return to the so-called Russia-UN-Turkey and Ukraine-Turkey-UN agreements."

Now the situation may repeat itself, but it is unlikely that anyone will invite Russia back or agree to its return.

"I think that Russia is well aware of this. That's why Erdogan, among other things, decided to bring home five Ukrainian heroes to show Putin, who is going to Turkey, his strength."

For Putin, it's really a big dilemma now whether to go to Turkey, because after such a slap in the face, he will look like a weak leader, like a lame duck.

"Moreover, I would not rule out a situation in which Erdogan would arrest Putin and then hand him over to international justice. So, now a rather tight regional political knot has been spun. On the one hand, Putin cannot give up on Turkey because of exports, trade, air travel, and so on. On the other hand, if Putin swallows this slap in the face, he may lose his credibility among the current Russian political elites. Therefore, it seems to me that if Putin comes to Turkey, there will be a very tough conversation. Erdogan will put pressure on him, demanding that he abandon the armed aggression against Ukraine, and that he extend the grain deal and not violate its terms."

Finally, the fact that Erdogan supported Ukraine's prospects for NATO membership...

"In this way, he demonstrated his independence to the United States. And in fact, he supported the position taken by the eastern flank, as well as some members of the western flank of the European Union. Here, Turkey decided to go mainstream and become one of the 23 countries that are actually ready for Ukraine to be invited to join NATO. However, there is nothing surprising here. Most likely, Erdogan sees Ukraine as a close ally in the future, as a country that will repay his country politically, economically, and militarily for the support that Turkey has traditionally provided over the years, and especially over the past 16 months. Even though Turkey has not joined the sanctions regime against Russia, and even though Erdogan is still engaged in a dialogue with Putin," Vadym Triukhan summarized.

Myroslav Liskovych. Kyiv

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Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 19 Jul 2023, 10:30

"ጆሃንስበርግን መድፈር ያቃታው የዓለም ልዕለሃያል ሃገር መሪ ". . . ድንቄም ልዕለኃያል፡ ሚያደፋፍረው ሰው ጠፋ በቃ! :mrgreen:
Putin to skip South Africa summit 'over arrest concerns'

South Africa's president has confirmed President Putin will not attend an international summit in the country "by mutual agreement".

A meeting of BRICS nations - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - is due to be held in Johannesburg at the end of next month.

But with an International Criminal Court arrest warrant in place for President Putin on charges of illegally deporting children from Ukraine, South Africa faced a dilemma.

As a member of the ICC, South Africa would in theory be required to arrest him if he sets foot in the country.

South Africa confirmed last month it would still host the summit, despite speculation it might move to China so President Putin could attend in a country not obliged to arrest him.

Defence minister Sergei Shoigu will attend on behalf of Russia. All the other heads of states have been invited to attend.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, meets South African President Cyril Ramaphosa ahead of a meeting on June 17, 2023, with a delegation of African leaders who travelled to St Petersburg to try to negotiate an end to the Ukraine war [File: Ramil Sitdikov / RIA Novosti/AFP]

ፍራት ፍራት ብሎታል . . ፍራት ብሎታል፡ . . . ፍራት . . . የኛ ወደል ተራ ካድሬዎቻችንም ሊዋሱት ኣይችሉም ማለት ነውን?

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Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 24 Aug 2023, 06:02

Intel chief reveals details of operation involving defection of Russian Mi-8 helicopter pilot
24.08.2023 06:10

The head of Ukraine Defense Ministry’s Main Intelligence Directorate, Kyrylo Budanov, elaborated on a daring operation to persuade a Russian Mi-8 helicopter pilot to flip sides.

The intelligence chief spoke in an interview with RFE/RL, Ukrinform reports.

"We were able to find the right approach to the person to create the conditions to take his whole family out of the country and eventually create the conditions so that he could fly this aircraft along with the rest of the crew who weren’t aware of what was going on. When they realized where they had landed, they tried to flee. Unfortunately, they were eliminated. I wish we could capture them alive, but we have what we have," said Budanov.

According to Budanov, the helicopter is currently in Kyiv. The official added that it will be possible to see the helicopter and talk to the pilot after the "official video report" is released.
Read also: DIU confirms that Russian helicopter 'landed', work with crew underway

"The pilot feels great, everything is fine with him. He has two options, but he is inclined to be here (in Ukraine - ed.)," Kyrylo Budanov added, stopping short of disclosing the motivation behind the Russian serviceman’s actions.

The head of the GUR calls the operation one of the best run by his agency in the entire history of Ukraine.

As reported, journalist Yuriy Butusov broke the news on Facebook that the Russian Mi-8 combat helicopter, together with the entire crew, flew over to Ukraine and surrendered to the Armed Forces.

Later, GUR confirmed that they had "landed" the Russian helicopter, and that the crew were being dealt with.

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Re: What is the real truth behind the Ukraine/Russia war? ሰዉየው ምን እያለ ነው?

Post by Meleket » 06 Jun 2024, 09:21

Meleket wrote:
25 Jan 2023, 06:22
እኛ ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ለጀግናው የዩክሬን ህዝብ ከነጀግናው መሪያቸዉ ትልቅ ክብር እንሰጣቸዋለን! :mrgreen:

ጀግናው ዘለንስኪ ባያነሳ ጋሻ፡
በቦረቀ ነበረ አውሮፓ ላይ ራሻ። :mrgreen:

ወራሪ ከሰሜን ይምጣ ከደቡብ ከምስራቅ ይምጣ ከምዕራብ ወራሪ ነው፡ በህዝብ ትግልም ይሸነፋል![ አራት ሚሊየን ነጥቦች]

ክሬሚያ ሆይ ብረሳሽ ቀኜ ትርሳኝ!” ቀኜ ትርሳኝ” እያለ ነው የኣውሮፓው ሻዕብያ፡ ዘለንስኪ ጀግናው!

የራሻ ጦ.ጥ (የጦርነት ጥቅመኞች) ማለትም ሰ.ፍ.ረ. (ሰብ ፍሉይ ረብሓ) መሆናቸው ነው! ኣዬ ካርቶኒስቶች! :mrgreen:

መለስ = ፑቲን = የማሌ (የማርክስና የሌኒን ግርፍ) ልዑላዊ ሃገሮችን የወረሩ ወፈፌ መሪዎች

የታላቋ ትግራይ ህልም = የታላቋ ሩስያ ህልም = የታላቋ ጦቢያ ህልም

ደደቢት ብቻ ኣይደለም ደደብ፤ ሩስያም (ክሬምሊንም) ጭምር ደደብ ነው!

ዘለንስኪ ጀግና ነው!

ድል ለሰፊው የዩክሬን ህዝብ!

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