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Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by Axumezana » 25 Feb 2022, 11:46

It is absolutely unacceptable for 120 m population of Ethiopia to be curved out of the sea where our ancestors had been reaching to the world. Whoever wins the ongoing internal war, the 1st priority should be annexing the strip of land from Assab to the historic port of Adulis. The ongoing civil war in Ethiopia was planned by Egypt and implemented by Eritrea , therefore, Eritrea deserves a strategic penalty for messing with Ethiopia. We should not forget Eritrea had been the head quarter of any destabilizing force working against the Ethiopian government for three decades and what is going on in Ethiopia is as the result of that.
Last edited by Axumezana on 25 Feb 2022, 11:51, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by TesfaNews » 25 Feb 2022, 11:47

You will lose it all 😂😂😂

Why are you speaking like derge? You are a part of the downfall you can never get back up from 😂😂😂😂

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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by Eripoblikan » 25 Feb 2022, 13:14

Eritrea Defense Forces have already annexed Adwa, Adigrat and Axum in case you have not noticed.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Axumezana wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 11:46
It is absolutely unacceptable for 120 m population of Ethiopia to be curved out of the sea where our ancestors had been reaching to the world. Whoever wins the ongoing internal war, the 1st priority should be annexing the strip of land from Assab to the historic port of Adulis. The ongoing civil war in Ethiopia was planned by Egypt and implemented by Eritrea , therefore, Eritrea deserves a strategic penalty for messing with Ethiopia. We should not forget Eritrea had been the head quarter of any destabilizing force working against the Ethiopian government for three decades and what is going on in Ethiopia is as the result of that.

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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by Axumezana » 25 Feb 2022, 13:17

I know you are too scared!

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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by Eripoblikan » 25 Feb 2022, 13:29

Axumezana wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 13:17
I know you are too scared!
Next operation for EDF is to annex your behind.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 25 Feb 2022, 13:57

Annexation is not exactly what he had in mind if Putin is to be believed. He was saying Russia had no interest to incorporate Ukraine to Russia. No matter his intention however Putin has miscalculated badly. By initiating the war he aroused incrementally the Ukrainian hatred towards him. They have become more resolved to defend their country. The West is unanimous in denouncing his adventure. Even in China a crack was opening. Two Chinese banks suspended loans to Moscow.
Here is the problem Putin has : he lives the past. It is twenty-first century. The world has totally changed. But he craves with nostalgia of the former Soviet Union.
I think Putin is not surrounded by thoughtful advisers and politicians. I think the yes men surrounded him. If not he could not take such a mad man adventure.
Yes the Russia military is strong, well equipped, and technologically advanced, which might give the Russians an advantage.
But Russians are fighting in enemy territory. Russians are fighting Ukrainians who love their country’s sovereignty. They know the whole world is behind them. They keep fighting on no matter how much price they pay. Their struggle might evolve to insurgency which the Russians can not put off. He miscalculated badly and Russia will pay price for it.

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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by euroland » 25 Feb 2022, 15:51

Axumezana wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 13:17
I know you are too scared!
I agree, Shaebias are so scaree they just running around all over Chigray from Adwa North to MayChew South, from Adi Grat on east to Humer (Gonder) former West Chigray :lol: :lol:

We heard they are still scared and hiding in Rama, Adi Grat, Zalambessa, Iron, Humer/Welqait and other places inside Chigray :lol:

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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by DefendTheTruth » 25 Feb 2022, 15:53

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 13:57
Annexation is not exactly what he had in mind if Putin is to be believed. He was saying Russia had no interest to incorporate Ukraine to Russia. No matter his intention however Putin has miscalculated badly. By initiating the war he aroused incrementally the Ukrainian hatred towards him. They have become more resolved to defend their country. The West is unanimous in denouncing his adventure. Even in China a crack was opening. Two Chinese banks suspended loans to Moscow.
Here is the problem Putin has : he lives the past. It is twenty-first century. The world has totally changed. But he craves with nostalgia of the former Soviet Union.
I think Putin is not surrounded by thoughtful advisers and politicians. I think the yes men surrounded him. If not he could not take such a mad man adventure.
Yes the Russia military is strong, well equipped, and technologically advanced, which might give the Russians an advantage.
But Russians are fighting in enemy territory. Russians are fighting Ukrainians who love their country’s sovereignty. They know the whole world is behind them. They keep fighting on no matter how much price they pay. Their struggle might evolve to insurgency which the Russians can not put off. He miscalculated badly and Russia will pay price for it.

I have the feeling that part of the Ukraine population is behind the current government in power while the rest if behind President Putin.

If I remember correctly there was a big uprising in that country before 8 years, in 2014, which ended with toppling of then elected government and installing a protest government back then. The then President had to flee for his life to Moscow, I think. I also remember that the then president made a big concession to the protesting public, that he will conceed power after sometimes of a transition or something like that.

Those who were protesting were not ready for anything short of his total demise, they chased him away and took power. Latter on I heard they elected a comedian, acting as a president, as a real life president. Crimea was lost, two other eastern Ukrainian regions started rebellion to secede and both the presidents since then, an accomplished businessman and a comedian, couldn't curb the disturbance there.

Ukraine was bleeding all the last 8 or so years, the architect of the behind the scene drama and commanders of those in office were sending to Ukraine something I heard for the first time this year and so called "lethal aid", I have never heard about such an aid before, endlessly. But didn't impede the "incurssion" finally.

At the same time Ukraine is much closer to Russia than to Western Europe or America, both geographically and also socially, including blood relationship.
I still wounder myself why on earth they came to the idea of suddenly joining NATO, to defend themselves against Russia. There is no other adversary than Russia that NATO is supposed to defend against.

Russia asked NATO not to come closer, as an adversary. NATO refused to listen, now in a matter of a day or so, I heard already today that Russian troops are in Kiev, the Unkrianian Capital. That didn't happen without a big damage to the lives and material resources of the country, I guess.

The west is trying all it can to demonize President Putin and he is saying, this time NoMore, we either live free or don't want to live, like Ethiopians were saying just before few months.

In this regard I do identify myself with the cause of Russia, even though I don't know much in detail about the issue at hand here.

Russians are proud people, who may not allow themselves to take any subordinate position to anybody in this world and they are people who can afford to defend their interests.

These are the same people which paid a heavy price to liberate Europe and the rest of the world from the grip of Nazism and I wounder myself always why they become now some kind of a pariah state.

Europe is in a total panick right now, and with that America should too, I am afraid.

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 25 Feb 2022, 16:14

DTT, I sincerely believe Putin miscalculated. There are Ukrainians who support Putin : those who speak Russian close to Russian border. They are minority. The vast majority of Ukrainians love their country ; they just only want to be good neighbors with Moscow. Putin started the war believing the Russian army will be welcomed. He never imagined the resistance to be that fierce.
Evaluate this fact : the president of Ukraine decided to reman in Ukraine despite US suggestion he should leave the country for his safety. Also the Ukraine government ordered any man between the age of 18 and 60 not to leave the country. Also, the government handed over 18000 or so so armaments to civilians so that they defend their country.
While Ukrainians are behind their government Russians are not behind theirs.
Yes, DTT, I repeat it again Putin miscalculated badly.

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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by ZEMEN » 25 Feb 2022, 16:20

Axumezana wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 11:46
It is absolutely unacceptable for 120 m population of Ethiopia to be curved out of the sea where our ancestors had been reaching to the world. Whoever wins the ongoing internal war, the 1st priority should be annexing the strip of land from Assab to the historic port of Adulis. The ongoing civil war in Ethiopia was planned by Egypt and implemented by Eritrea , therefore, Eritrea deserves a strategic penalty for messing with Ethiopia. We should not forget Eritrea had been the head quarter of any destabilizing force working against the Ethiopian government for three decades and what is going on in Ethiopia is as the result of that.
You can't even beat Al-shebab let alone attacking Eritrea. One thing i have come to observe is that Ethiopia military forces are weak, talkative and number one in barging. when was you ever heard Eritreans talk about war and about being victories? NEVER!!!! You hear Every hour how Ethiopian forces wiped out the sub-humans and latter you find it out it was a lie. So, my advice is to you, you sub-human, try to attack Eritrea and if you are lucky to tell the story, then then tell me what happen.

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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by eritrea » 25 Feb 2022, 17:54

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 16:14
DTT, I sincerely believe Putin miscalculated. There are Ukrainians who support Putin : those who speak Russian close to Russian border. They are minority. The vast majority of Ukrainians love their country ; they just only want to be good neighbors with Moscow. Putin started the war believing the Russian army will be welcomed. He never imagined the resistance to be that fierce.
Evaluate this fact : the president of Ukraine decided to reman in Ukraine despite US suggestion he should leave the country for his safety. Also the Ukraine government ordered any man between the age of 18 and 60 not to leave the country. Also, the government handed over 18000 or so so armaments to civilians so that they defend their country.
While Ukrainians are behind their government Russians are not behind theirs.
Yes, DTT, I repeat it again Putin miscalculated badly.

Well Sam, I tend to agree with DefendTheTruth assessment about the situation. As far as I am concerned, it is the Ukrainian government that made gross miscalculation when it asked to be a member of Nato. They should have learned a lot from Georgia. What is happening in Ukraine today did happen in Georgia back in 2008. And the rest is of course history. Nato gave false hope to Georgia then and now it is doing likewise with Ukraine as well.

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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by Axumezana » 25 Feb 2022, 19:47

Talk about the annexation of the strip of land from Assab to the historical Adulis port not Russia or Ukraine. The EDF were defeated in Tigray in TDF and the aging Isaias is very vulnerable. The right time for Ethiopia for strategic attack!

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 25 Feb 2022, 19:49

eritrea, well, I disagree. Ukraine has believed its future will be aligned more with NATO than Russia. This is an not an easy decision for Ukraine to come to. Ukraine as Russia used to belong to the former USSR. The two countries share language and culture. But for Ukraine the economic future better ,the politicians thought , will be tied up with Europe and America. They might not be wrong. Despite Russia’s military power the economy is not in good shape. Yes, Russia is rich in natural resources, but the whole Russian economy equals only that the state of Texas.
Furthermore, it is important to point out its neighbors Poland in the North and Hungary are NATO members. That might counteract the influence that Russia wants to exert on Ukraine.
Yes, you could argue like Finland and Sweden Ukraine should avoid joining NATO and remain neutral.
But even those two countries remaining out of NATO will be questionable after the current invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by eritrea » 25 Feb 2022, 20:25

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 19:49
eritrea, well, I disagree. Ukraine has believed its future will be aligned more with NATO than Russia. This is an not an easy decision for Ukraine to come to. Ukraine as Russia used to belong to the former USSR. The two countries share language and culture. But for Ukraine the economic future better ,the politicians thought , will be tied up with Europe and America. They might not be wrong. Despite Russia’s military power the economy is not in good shape. Yes, Russia is rich in natural resources, but the whole Russian economy equals only that the state of Texas.
Furthermore, it is important to point out its neighbors Poland in the North and Hungary are NATO members. That might counteract the influence that Russia wants to exert on Ukraine.
Yes, you could argue like Finland and Sweden Ukraine should avoid joining NATO and remain neutral.
But even those two countries remaining out of NATO will be questionable after the current invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
It takes sober thinking and being realistic to come up with positive decision making. They also had security arrangement where Russia would guarantee Ukrainian security where as Ukraine would return back nuclear missiles that were deployed in Ukraine during the soviet union.

You can imagine both Finland and Sweden are not part of Nato. This is so because they don't want to be seen as a threat by Russia. They are neutral. Economical development can't be achieved by willingly accepting your behind to get burned by fire.

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 25 Feb 2022, 21:42

eritrea , there is one fact you shouldn’t overlook : Putin mourns as of today the demise of USSR ; the Ukrainians might not so. The two countries political calculation hang on that fact.
Do not get me wrong, I like Putin. When my country was maligned by the West he stood with us. I am grateful for that. I am not saying out of hatred towards him . Not at all. I reached a decision that he made a colossal mistake in believing Russia does benefit from the war.

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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by DefendTheTruth » 01 Mar 2022, 16:04

Russia is marching towards Kyiv with an estimated 60 KM long armed vehicles convoy, a Monster, as someone described the high scale weaponry while Boris Johnson, UK's PM, is hinting a possibility of his country readiness to grant a sanctuary in their country of an eventual Government in Exile of Ukraine, all according to BBC.

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Re: Lesson from Crimea annexation by Russia: Ethiopia has to annex Assab !

Post by Hayal_Bahrigna » 03 Mar 2022, 07:34

They already tried, in 2000 with all the might of ethiopia and American logistics, surveillance and satellite images. a whole 2-3 divisions were wiped out in Dankalia near Buiya trying to reach asseb in few days. Tigrayans has been proven to be not fighters, they hid behind Eritrean tanks to enter addis and kiss shaebia feet for power, Now their worth is shown, they don't have heart to fight face to Face. In history of mankind never has ever an army put on a civilian clothes when they looking at any defeat. This is called coward-ism and only can be found among Tigrayans. EDF took mekelle in 17 days and Humilated Tigrayans, it has been over a year, all we hear is sh*t talk about invading Eritrea. Stop the Sh*t talk and do it Hahaha I wish you would, it would give us an excuse to kill every tigrayan in Ethiopia and rid the horn from the agame cancer for good.

But i do know why Tigrayans are obsessed with ridiculous statements for the last year, they can feel it and see it. Eritrea is moving forward and away. so they are whinging to get attention, Eritreans are hardly reacting to them anymore. It seems Eritreans are optimistic about the future and the next chapter striking long term development deals with the likes of China, Russia and most of the arab world. Agame in a last deseperate move is trying to hold onto eritrean feet. Tigrayans have no future in Ethiopia or the Horn, their region is worthless and all their neighbours hate them. As we speak Western countries are already making Agame orders to work in their factories, fruit picking and low skill jobs.

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