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This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by Fed_Up » 24 Feb 2022, 04:13

All the world's eyes are in Russia/ Ukrainian sagas. While they are at it, the ethos’ army can quietly finish the half-dead terrorists’ organization, TPLF, once and for all without fanfare. Mark my words;

this will happen soon.

God is great!!

Posts: 3995
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by Meleket » 24 Feb 2022, 04:30

ዛይመስል’ኡ! . . . የማይመስል ነገር ለኢትዮጵያዉያን ኣትንገር። :mrgreen:

ኢትዮጵያዉያን የምክክር መድረክ ፈጥረው ሆነ እርስበእርስ ተደራድረው፡ ያለፈው አልፏል ብለው፡ ሰላም ለማስፈን ጥረት ላይ ይገኛሉ፡ ከቻልክ በሃሳብ አግዛቸው፡ ካልሆነ ደግሞ “የጦርነት ነጋሪት በመጎሰም ወንድማማቾች እርስ በእርስ እንዲተላለቁ ነገር አትቆስቁስ:lol: ፡ እንዲህ ዓይነት ተግባራትን ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ጨዋነትን ስለማያመለክት ነውርም ስለሆነ እንጠየፈዋለን።

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Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by Temt » 24 Feb 2022, 13:18

Fed_Up wrote:
24 Feb 2022, 04:13
All the world's eyes are in Russia/ Ukrainian sagas. While they are at it, the ethos’ army can quietly finish the half-dead terrorists’ organization, TPLF, once and for all without fanfare. Mark my words;

this will happen soon.

God is great!!
Brother Fed_Up, I don't believe the Ethiopian leadership is ready to do that for it continues to appease the US and its western allies by bending backward. While this is an Ethiopian affair, for actions to happen, one has to have a leader that is firm with his/her beliefs and commitment to his/her country and people without flip-flopping as the honorable Prime Minister has been doing during the last year. As the saying goes, "One can not have a cake and eat it". He has been acting as if the Ethiopian people are dumb and stupid by, on one hand, acting a macho man "ኣንገቴ ይቀለጥ" (sorry for my Amharic), and backdoor deals with the west.

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Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by ZEMEN » 24 Feb 2022, 13:50

Temt wrote:
24 Feb 2022, 13:18
Fed_Up wrote:
24 Feb 2022, 04:13
All the world's eyes are in Russia/ Ukrainian sagas. While they are at it, the ethos’ army can quietly finish the half-dead terrorists’ organization, TPLF, once and for all without fanfare. Mark my words;

this will happen soon.

God is great!!
Brother Fed_Up, I don't believe the Ethiopian leadership is ready to do that for it continues to appease the US and its western allies by bending backward. While this is an Ethiopian affair, for actions to happen, one has to have a leader that is firm with his/her beliefs and commitment to his/her country and people without flip-flopping as the honorable Prime Minister has been doing during the last year. As the saying goes, "One can not have a cake and eat it". He has been acting as if the Ethiopian people are dumb and stupid by, on one hand, acting a macho man "ኣንገቴ ይቀለጥ" (sorry for my Amharic), and backdoor deals with the west.
honorable Prime Minister
I know you are trying to be respectful and i can understand that but this guy Abiy, is the worst for Ethiopia. First, Abiy and his administration don't want TPLF, the sub-humans and Shene, the day light hyena to be fully eradicated. for some stupid reason and stupid political advantage, he thinks Abiy can hold them as leverage to his stupid power. If not, there is no opportune time than now to take action and wipe out the sub-humans.Mark my word, he will fail face first, you watch.

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Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by Tiago » 24 Feb 2022, 13:54

ኢትዮጵያዉያን የምክክር መድረክ ፈጥረው ሆነ እርስበእርስ ተደራድረው፡ ያለፈው አልፏል ብለው፡ ሰላም ለማስፈን ጥረት ላይ ይገኛሉ፡ ከቻልክ በሃሳብ አግዛቸው፡ ካልሆነ ደግሞ “የጦርነት ነጋሪት በመጎሰም ወንድማማቾች እርስ በእርስ እንዲተላለቁ ነገር አትቆስቁስ” :lol: ፡ እንዲህ ዓይነት ተግባራትን ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ጨዋነትን ስለማያመለክት ነውርም ስለሆነ እንጠየፈዋለን። :mrgreen:
TPLF is waging war against Afar and Amhara while its agents ‘galas’ are killing amharas and simpletons are talking about national dialogue.
There is no forgive and forget nor dialogue with TPLF sanctioned by the Ethiopian people except by the two faced ,flip flopping and impostor Abiy ahmed.

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Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by sarcasm » 24 Feb 2022, 14:13

የከሸፈ ፎለቲካዊ ስጋት ...
By Finfinne Times

"የራሺያና ዩክሬይን ጦርነት ተጀመረ .. ለአቡቹ መልካም አጋጣሚ ሆነለት ..የአለም ትኩረት እንዳለ ወደ ምስራቅ አውሮፓ ስለሚሆን የፈለገውን ያደርጋል" .. የሚሉ ስጋቶችና ድምፆች ይደመጣሉ 😂

በነገራችን ላይ አሜሪካን ሙቀት ተኮር አለምአቀፍ ፖሊሲ የላትም። የጥቅም እንጂ የአጀንዳ ውጭ ጉዳይ አይተገበርም። በሌላ ሀገር ቀውስ ተፈጥሯል ማለት .. እዚህ ያለው ቀውስ ተረስቶል ማለት አይደለም። በእርግጥ ሁሉም ጉዳዮች እንዳሉበት ተጨባጭ ሁኔታ ቅድመ ሁኔታዎች ይኖራቸዋል።

ለኢትዮጵያ የተሰላው ዲፕሎማሲ በዩክሬይን ቀውስ ምክንያት አይጣልም። አንቶኒዮ ጉቴሬዝ የተባበሩት መንግስታት ድርጅት ዋና ፀሀፊ እንጂ የወቅታዊ የአለም አጀንዳ ፀሀፊ አይደሉም። የኢትዮጵያም የዩክሬይንም ቀውስ የእራሱ መንገድ ሆነ አካሄድ አለው።

በኢትዮጵያ የአሜሪካ ኤምባሲ ፣ የምስራቅ አፍሪካ የአሜሪካን ተወካይ ፣ ብሎም በአፍሪካ የአሜሪካን ተወካይ የተመደቡት .. ለኢትዮጵያ ለአፍሪካ ቀንድ ብሎም ለአፍሪካ ነው።

አጀንዳቸውም መንገዳቸውም የጀመሩትን የኢትዮጵያን ጉዳይ ማስጨረስ ነው። እንጂ ስለ ዩክሬይን ጉዳይ መጨነቅ አይደለም 😂 !! ተጠሪነታቸውም ደግሞ በቀጥታ ለነጩ ቤተመንግሥት እንደሆነም አረሳንም።

የስጋት ፖለቲካ ማራመድ .. አጀንዳና የፖለቲካ ጉዳዮች እንዲቀላቀሉ ያደርጋል። ጠ/ሚ አብይ እንደ ሌባ የዩክሬይን ጦርነትን ተጠቅሞ በድጋሚ ትግራይን ይወራል ማለት ... አልሸባብ የኬኒያ ፖሊሶች ለሽንት ሲወጡ ኬኒያ ሞንባሳ ይገባል እንደማለት ነው 😂

አረ ተውት የየመን የሁቲ አማፂ አለም በሙሉ ትኩረቱን ወደ ዩክሬይን ስላደረገ ሳዑዲ አረቢያ መካን ይቆጣጠራል እንደማለት ነው።

በፖለቲካ አለም ድብብቆሽ ሊኖር አጋጣሚ ሊፈለግ ... አጀንዳ ሊነፈነፍ ይችላል። ነገር ግን ጦርነትን የሚያህል ነገር ለመጀመር የሌላ ሀገር ጦርነት አይጠበቅም። ስትጀምርም ሆነ ስታቆምም በእራስህ መንገድ ነው። የአለምአቀፉ ማህበረሰብ ጫና በእውነት ሆነ በሀሰት ጦርነት ስትጀምርም ስትጨርስም ይኖራል።

የሰብዓዊነት ሚዛን ሳይሆን የፖለቲካና የጥቅም ሚዛን ተሰልቶ የአለምአቀፉ ማህበረሰብ አቤቱታዎችን አንተ ላይ ይቀርባሉ። እንዳለህ የፖለቲካ የዲፕሎማሲ የወታደራዊ አቅም ተሰልቶ ወይም የእምቢተኝነት አልያም ለአለምአቀፉ ማህበረሰብ ያለህ አገልግሎት ታሳቢ ተደርጎ የሚመዘዙ ካርዶች አሉ።
በፖለቲካ ሜዳ ለሰበዓዊነት የምትቆመው መጨረሻ ላይ ነው። የኢትዮጵያ ጦርነት ሁሉንም ነገር አልፎ የሰበዓዊነት ካርድ ላይ ደርሷል። የሚመዙትን ካርድ ሁሉ መዘው የመጨረሻ ማጠቃለያ ላይ ይገኛሉ።

በቀጣይ ጦርነቱ ቀጠናዊ አቅጣጫን ይይዝና .. የኢትዮጵያ ውስጣዊ የፖለቲካ መረጋጋት እንዲያመጣ ይደረጋል። እንጂ ትግራይ ላይ የሚደረግ ምንም አይነት ጦርነት የለም።

በነገራችን ላይ መምሪያው ከላይ ነው .. ማለቴ በአረቦች አጠራር ከአምሪካን 😂 !!

Finfinne Times ... 1731586155

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Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by Aba » 24 Feb 2022, 14:14

The problem is that everybody knows your wedi komarit is scared sh!!tless of the mightier weyane.
:lol: :mrgreen: :lol: :shock: :lol: :mrgreen:
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Fed_Up wrote:
24 Feb 2022, 04:13
All the world's eyes are in Russia/ Ukrainian sagas. While they are at it, the ethos’ army can quietly finish the half-dead terrorists’ organization, TPLF, once and for all without fanfare. Mark my words;

this will happen soon.

God is great!!

Posts: 7274
Joined: 07 Jun 2012, 05:03

Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by Hawzen » 24 Feb 2022, 19:59

Meleket wrote:
24 Feb 2022, 04:30
ዛይመስል’ኡ! . . . የማይመስል ነገር ለኢትዮጵያዉያን ኣትንገር። :mrgreen:

ኢትዮጵያዉያን የምክክር መድረክ ፈጥረው ሆነ እርስበእርስ ተደራድረው፡ ያለፈው አልፏል ብለው፡ ሰላም ለማስፈን ጥረት ላይ ይገኛሉ፡ ከቻልክ በሃሳብ አግዛቸው፡ ካልሆነ ደግሞ “የጦርነት ነጋሪት በመጎሰም ወንድማማቾች እርስ በእርስ እንዲተላለቁ ነገር አትቆስቁስ:lol: ፡ እንዲህ ዓይነት ተግባራትን ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ጨዋነትን ስለማያመለክት ነውርም ስለሆነ እንጠየፈዋለን።
Brother Meleket,

It looks like you are worried about your beloved TPLF... Do you think Ethiopians will allow the terrorist TPLF group to take part in the national dialogue organized by the Federal government??

If so, I wish you good luck with that :lol: :mrgreen: :oops:

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF terrorist group

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Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by Misraq » 24 Feb 2022, 23:49


What a genius idea that you brought on the table. At the same token, Jimmy saw the opportunity to attack your behind and enter through your Gebo Maekor fendada ቂጥ at the same time Russian army enters Keiv. :lol: :lol:

Jimmy el conquistador

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Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by Aba » 25 Feb 2022, 03:01

Issu sh!!tting in his pants :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol:

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Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by Meleket » 25 Feb 2022, 04:19

ኃዉና ወዲ Hawzen ብዛዕባና ዚበልካዮ ዛይመስል’ኡ!

ኤርትራውያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ኵናት ኣብ ዞባና ዳግማይ ኪባራዕ ኣይንደልዪን ኢና።

እቱይ ኵናት ዚምነ ኣካል “ኣነ ክደርፈልካ ንስኻ ተወርወር” እናበለ ብደም ንጹሓት ኪወራዘ ኣይነፍቕድን’ና።

እቱይ ንኵናት ዚዋጢ ኣካል “ኣኅዋት ህዝብታት ሕድሕዶም ኣብ መጋርያ ኵናት ንኪልብለቡን ንኪሓሩን” ኪዋጢ ሱቕ ኢልና ኣይንርእዮን።

ከምቱይ EPLF/PFDJ ናይ ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ኢዩ ንብሎ፡ TPLF ድማ ናይ ሕዝቢ ትግራይ ኢዩ።

ከምቱይ ን EPLF/PFDJ ምድምሳስ ዘይከአል፡ ንTPLF ድማ ምድምሳስ ኣይከአልን’ኡ። [ክልቲኡ ተፈቲኑ ርኢናዮ’ና!] :mrgreen:

ከምቱይ ኣብ EPLF/PFDJ ጀጋኑን ውፉያትን ተጋደልቲ ዛለዉ፡ ኣብ TPLF ድማ ጀጋኑን ውፉያትን ተጋደልቲ ኣለዉ።

ከምቱይ መሰል ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ኪኽበር ንደሊ፡ ከምኡ ድማ መሰል ሕዝቢ ትግራይ ኮነ ኣምሓራ ኪክበር ንደሊ።

ነዙይ ሓቅታት ስለ እንፈልጥ፡ “ዓለም ብኵናት ወረ-ኵናት ተጸሚዳያ’ሞ፡ ኣብ ዞባና ድማ ኵናት ይሸርጠጥ” ዚብል ናይ ዛይብሱላት ዘረባ ንቓወሞዓለምለኻዊ ዛዕባ፡ ቴርሞሜትር ኮነ ባሮሜትር ናይ ዞባና ኪከውን ምምራጽ ምስ መትከል “ርእስኻ ምኽኣል” ኣይሳነን። ንሰላም እኵል ዕድል ኪወሃብ ይግባእ። መንግሥቲ ኤርትራዉን እንተዀነ፡ ካብ ናይጀሪያ ሰባት መጺኦም ንጐረባብትና ከላዝቡ ክሳብ ዚፍትኑ፡ ሱቕ ኢሉ ምርኣዩ ኣይግድን፡ እንታይ ደኣ ከም መጠን ጐረቤት፡ ንTPLF ኮነ ዴምሕት ምስ PP ኮነ ምስ ወልቀቶት ከላዝቦም ብዘይምስልካዪ ተደጋጋሚ ተበግሶታት ኪወስድን ንሰላም ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ህዝቢ ትግራይን ህዝቢ ኢትዮጵያን ግዲኡ ኪገብር ይግባእ፡ ምእንቲ ሰላም ቀርኒ ኣፍሪቓ ከይሰልከካ 'ብዓቕልን ትዕግሥትን' ምስራህ የድሊ። ከም ገሊኦም ዛይብሱላት ኣኅዋትና፡ ኵናት ምሽርጣጥን ምስዋርን ማንም በሃም ዚኽእሎ'ኡ፡ እቶም ሓቀይና ጀጋኑ ምእንቲ ሰላም ኢዮም ዚጽዕቱ።

መንግሥቲ ኢትዮጵያ ኣብ ዜካይዶ ሃገራዊ ልዝብ ነታ "አየር ላይ የተበተነ ዱቄት" ዚበላ ንTPLF ኪጽንብር ዲዩ ኣይኮነን፡ ንመንግሥቲን ህዝቢን ኢትዮጵያ ዚምልከት ጕዳይ’ኡ። በዙይ በለ በቱይ ኤርትራውያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን፡ ኣብ ክንዲ ንሰላምን ንምይይጥን ዝርርብን ልዝብን ብሱል ሃሳባት ምፍሳስ፡ ነጋሪት ኵናት ንዚወቕዑ ዕሸላዊ ኣተሓሳስባ ንዘለዎም ዝንቡዓት ኣካላት፡ ብኤርትራዊ ጭዉነት ዓገብ ምባልና፡ ንአሳዋርነት ዚፍንፍን ሥልጡን ኤርትራዊ ውርስናን ባህልናን ስለዝኾነ’ኡ።

ኣይዞኻ ሕዝቢ ትግራይ፡ ሕዝቢን መንግሥትን ኤርትራ ወትሩ ከምትማሊ ኣብ ጐድን’ካ ኢዩ።
ኣይዞኻ ሕዝቢ ኢትዮጵያ፡ ሕዝቢን መንግሥትን ኤርትራ ወትሩ ከምትማሊ ኣብ ጐድን’ካ ኢዩ።

ሓቂ ምስ ገለጽና ንሓሶት ነሸቝርራ፣
ፍለጡና በሉ ንሕና ኢና ኤርትራ ራ ራ ራ ራ ራ ራ ራ ራ!
Hawzen wrote:
24 Feb 2022, 19:59
Meleket wrote:
24 Feb 2022, 04:30
ዛይመስል’ኡ! . . . የማይመስል ነገር ለኢትዮጵያዉያን ኣትንገር። :mrgreen:

ኢትዮጵያዉያን የምክክር መድረክ ፈጥረው ሆነ እርስበእርስ ተደራድረው፡ ያለፈው አልፏል ብለው፡ ሰላም ለማስፈን ጥረት ላይ ይገኛሉ፡ ከቻልክ በሃሳብ አግዛቸው፡ ካልሆነ ደግሞ “የጦርነት ነጋሪት በመጎሰም ወንድማማቾች እርስ በእርስ እንዲተላለቁ ነገር አትቆስቁስ:lol: ፡ እንዲህ ዓይነት ተግባራትን ኤርትራዉያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ ጨዋነትን ስለማያመለክት ነውርም ስለሆነ እንጠየፈዋለን።
Brother Meleket,

It looks like you are worried about your beloved TPLF... Do you think Ethiopians will allow the terrorist TPLF group to take part in the national dialogue organized by the Federal government??

If so, I wish you good luck with that :lol: :mrgreen: :oops:

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF terrorist group

Digital Weyane
Posts: 9526
Joined: 19 Jun 2019, 21:45

Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by Digital Weyane » 25 Feb 2022, 10:23

ጎይታና መለኸት ብዓቢኹም ተሳሕቲትኩም። ወያነ አው ልዕሊ መንግሥቲ ኢትዮጵያ ኩናት ቅድሚ ምውልዑ ኢሳያስ አው ዶብ ከይዱ ምስ ደብረጭዮን ተራኺቡ ክላዘብ ሞኪሩ ነይሩ ኡዩ። ኡቱ ኻው ወያነ ዘግነዮ ምላሽ ግን <<አይንሰምዕን እይና!>> ልብል ኡዩ ነይሩ። ዳሕራይ ወያነ ነዙይ ምላሽ እዙይ ኻም ዘፈን ገይሮም አቕሪቦሞ ኩሉ ጁንታ ሳዕሲዕሉ ኡዩ። :roll: :roll:

ኻምዙይ ሕዚ ኡቱ መስሓቕ መራሒ ዩክሬን ልምዕራባውያን እምበይ ልጎረባብተይ የሰምዒ ኢሉ ልህዝቡ አው መሃመቕ አእትይዎም ዘሎ፣ መራሕቲ ወያነና'ውን ኻሙ ዓይነት ስሕተት ኡዮም ፈፂሞም። ጁንታዋይ ኩሉ አማሪካ ወተሃደራታ ልኢኻ ትዋጋአሎም ኡዩ ዝመስሎም ነይሩ። ኻው ዝሃረሱዎ ብር ተበሉስ ሕልሚ። ዶርሆ እንተሓለመትሲ ጥረምረ።
:roll: :roll:

Posts: 3995
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by Meleket » 25 Feb 2022, 11:02

ኣያኒ Digital Weyane ሰላም ንምጭባጥ እማኒ ከይተሰኾንካ "ከም ዓረብያ ጎይታኹም ኣንንያ" ድኻም የድልያ እምበይ! ነዙይ መሸም “ኣናሎግ ወየንቲ ናይ ዘመነ ሸቓ ኣሉላ” ከይቀረዩ ኢዩ ልርድኦም። እንታይማ ኣግንዪዎም ኢዩ፡ ምስ እኒ ሽግ ወያናዪ ደብረጭየን ምስ ተጋነዩ ልሰላም ክእልሹ “ከይተሓለሉዪ ከይተሰኾኑዪ’ለ ብትዕግሥቲ” ብልቦም ለይተመላጠጡ፡ ዶስ ቋንቋ'ኡ ምስምዕማዕ ለይከኣሉ። መንግሥቲ ኤለትራ ማለት ባዕሎም ኣሳያስ ጥራሕ ዲዮም? እኒ ወዲ ሳልሕ’ለ እኒ ወዲ ገብረኣብ’ለ፡ ዛይሕግዝዎም፡ ሓጽቢ ኣብ ምስራሕ፡ ስራሕ በዚሕዋቶም እንተኮይኖም! :lol:

"ዶርሆ እንተሓለመትሲ ጥረምረ።" ልበልካ’ዮ ላይ እማንካ’ዩ፡ እቶም ዘሪጋታት ወየንቲ ከምኡ እንተሓለሙ፡ እዞም ኵናት ጥራሕ ኪሓልሙ ልሓድሩ እኒ ዘሪጋ’ዉን ከምኡ ብምሓላሞም ለኾነዪ ዘዛሩቡና ዝኒዉ!

Posts: 4680
Joined: 16 Nov 2013, 13:15

Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by kerenite » 25 Feb 2022, 14:44

Digital Weyane wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 10:23
ጎይታና መለኸት ብዓቢኹም ተሳሕቲትኩም። ወያነ አው ልዕሊ መንግሥቲ ኢትዮጵያ ኩናት ቅድሚ ምውልዑ ኢሳያስ አው ዶብ ከይዱ ምስ ደብረጭዮን ተራኺቡ ክላዘብ ሞኪሩ ነይሩ ኡዩ። ኡቱ ኻው ወያነ ዘግነዮ ምላሽ ግን <<አይንሰምዕን እይና!>> ልብል ኡዩ ነይሩ። ዳሕራይ ወያነ ነዙይ ምላሽ እዙይ ኻም ዘፈን ገይሮም አቕሪቦሞ ኩሉ ጁንታ ሳዕሲዕሉ ኡዩ። :roll: :roll:

ኻምዙይ ሕዚ ኡቱ መስሓቕ መራሒ ዩክሬን ልምዕራባውያን እምበይ ልጎረባብተይ የሰምዒ ኢሉ ልህዝቡ አው መሃመቕ አእትይዎም ዘሎ፣ መራሕቲ ወያነና'ውን ኻሙ ዓይነት ስሕተት ኡዮም ፈፂሞም። ጁንታዋይ ኩሉ አማሪካ ወተሃደራታ ልኢኻ ትዋጋአሎም ኡዩ ዝመስሎም ነይሩ። ኻው ዝሃረሱዎ ብር ተበሉስ ሕልሚ። ዶርሆ እንተሓለመትሲ ጥረምረ።
:roll: :roll:
Aite revolutions aka fiyameta,

If I have understood your blabber by cynically applying the tigray language then I would say that you are a shortsighted higdef cadre. Russia is setting a new precedent. Invading a sovereign country which has a democraticallly elected president and you seem to be mocking the president and hailing the invasion.

Russisa is telling the world that its main intention is to safeguard its russian speaking folks and its historical connection with ukraine.

What about if abi is ousted and a hard core comes to power in ethiopia and declares that the red sea has always been ethiopian and we have to incorporate eritrea into ethiopia.

What would be your reaction aite shortsighted. Are you gonna blabber soverign land this or sovereign land that if ethios invade eritrea?

Dictator putin is setting a new dangerous precedent to the international community. Perhaps china will be the first beneficiary, they have taiwan in mind.

To conclude, putin knows that the west won't be involved in this issue becaue they know russia is a nuclear power. He added that if nato is involved in this war, russia will utilize whatever weapons it owns and there will be no winner in the war, hence we will be committing collective suicide

This reminds me of the famous words of Albert Einstein. Not a direct quote but he said:

"One thing I know, the fourth world war will be fought with sticks and rocks"
Posts: 6796
Joined: 19 Oct 2017, 11:19

Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by » 25 Feb 2022, 21:47

What about if your sher.muta mother pops another [deleted] like you hey :P Eritrea is a country because of its sons and daughters not because someone spared us an invasion. Low iq korbae sahsah kodar arayi kunti weyanay rodent
kerenite wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 14:44
Digital Weyane wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 10:23
ጎይታና መለኸት ብዓቢኹም ተሳሕቲትኩም። ወያነ አው ልዕሊ መንግሥቲ ኢትዮጵያ ኩናት ቅድሚ ምውልዑ ኢሳያስ አው ዶብ ከይዱ ምስ ደብረጭዮን ተራኺቡ ክላዘብ ሞኪሩ ነይሩ ኡዩ። ኡቱ ኻው ወያነ ዘግነዮ ምላሽ ግን <<አይንሰምዕን እይና!>> ልብል ኡዩ ነይሩ። ዳሕራይ ወያነ ነዙይ ምላሽ እዙይ ኻም ዘፈን ገይሮም አቕሪቦሞ ኩሉ ጁንታ ሳዕሲዕሉ ኡዩ። :roll: :roll:

ኻምዙይ ሕዚ ኡቱ መስሓቕ መራሒ ዩክሬን ልምዕራባውያን እምበይ ልጎረባብተይ የሰምዒ ኢሉ ልህዝቡ አው መሃመቕ አእትይዎም ዘሎ፣ መራሕቲ ወያነና'ውን ኻሙ ዓይነት ስሕተት ኡዮም ፈፂሞም። ጁንታዋይ ኩሉ አማሪካ ወተሃደራታ ልኢኻ ትዋጋአሎም ኡዩ ዝመስሎም ነይሩ። ኻው ዝሃረሱዎ ብር ተበሉስ ሕልሚ። ዶርሆ እንተሓለመትሲ ጥረምረ።
:roll: :roll:
Aite revolutions aka fiyameta,

If I have understood your blabber by cynically applying the tigray language then I would say that you are a shortsighted higdef cadre. Russia is setting a new precedent. Invading a sovereign country which has a democraticallly elected president and you seem to be mocking the president and hailing the invasion.

Russisa is telling the world that its main intention is to safeguard its russian speaking folks and its historical connection with ukraine.

What about if abi is ousted and a hard core comes to power in ethiopia and declares that the red sea has always been ethiopian and we have to incorporate eritrea into ethiopia.

What would be your reaction aite shortsighted. Are you gonna blabber soverign land this or sovereign land that if ethios invade eritrea?

Dictator putin is setting a new dangerous precedent to the international community. Perhaps china will be the first beneficiary, they have taiwan in mind.

To conclude, putin knows that the west won't be involved in this issue becaue they know russia is a nuclear power. He added that if nato is involved in this war, russia will utilize whatever weapons it owns and there will be no winner in the war, hence we will be committing collective suicide

This reminds me of the famous words of Albert Einstein. Not a direct quote but he said:

"One thing I know, the fourth world war will be fought with sticks and rocks"

Senior Member+
Posts: 22216
Joined: 15 Apr 2009, 10:50

Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by Fed_Up » 25 Feb 2022, 23:07


Just ignore low IQ መአኮሩ ፈትፋቲ ደንቆሮ ሸርጣም ቆርባእ ኣጋመ:: this idiot doesn't even aware of the 1998-00 war and 20 years no war no peace, stupid adventure. As if they don't try.

እሽክትም... ድእምስምስ .. አላዲድናዮም ኢና wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 21:47
What about if your sher.muta mother pops another [deleted] like you hey :P Eritrea is a country because of its sons and daughters not because someone spared us an invasion. Low iq korbae sahsah kodar arayi kunti weyanay rodent
kerenite wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 14:44
Digital Weyane wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 10:23
ጎይታና መለኸት ብዓቢኹም ተሳሕቲትኩም። ወያነ አው ልዕሊ መንግሥቲ ኢትዮጵያ ኩናት ቅድሚ ምውልዑ ኢሳያስ አው ዶብ ከይዱ ምስ ደብረጭዮን ተራኺቡ ክላዘብ ሞኪሩ ነይሩ ኡዩ። ኡቱ ኻው ወያነ ዘግነዮ ምላሽ ግን <<አይንሰምዕን እይና!>> ልብል ኡዩ ነይሩ። ዳሕራይ ወያነ ነዙይ ምላሽ እዙይ ኻም ዘፈን ገይሮም አቕሪቦሞ ኩሉ ጁንታ ሳዕሲዕሉ ኡዩ። :roll: :roll:

ኻምዙይ ሕዚ ኡቱ መስሓቕ መራሒ ዩክሬን ልምዕራባውያን እምበይ ልጎረባብተይ የሰምዒ ኢሉ ልህዝቡ አው መሃመቕ አእትይዎም ዘሎ፣ መራሕቲ ወያነና'ውን ኻሙ ዓይነት ስሕተት ኡዮም ፈፂሞም። ጁንታዋይ ኩሉ አማሪካ ወተሃደራታ ልኢኻ ትዋጋአሎም ኡዩ ዝመስሎም ነይሩ። ኻው ዝሃረሱዎ ብር ተበሉስ ሕልሚ። ዶርሆ እንተሓለመትሲ ጥረምረ።
:roll: :roll:
Aite revolutions aka fiyameta,

If I have understood your blabber by cynically applying the tigray language then I would say that you are a shortsighted higdef cadre. Russia is setting a new precedent. Invading a sovereign country which has a democraticallly elected president and you seem to be mocking the president and hailing the invasion.

Russisa is telling the world that its main intention is to safeguard its russian speaking folks and its historical connection with ukraine.

What about if abi is ousted and a hard core comes to power in ethiopia and declares that the red sea has always been ethiopian and we have to incorporate eritrea into ethiopia.

What would be your reaction aite shortsighted. Are you gonna blabber soverign land this or sovereign land that if ethios invade eritrea?

Dictator putin is setting a new dangerous precedent to the international community. Perhaps china will be the first beneficiary, they have taiwan in mind.

To conclude, putin knows that the west won't be involved in this issue becaue they know russia is a nuclear power. He added that if nato is involved in this war, russia will utilize whatever weapons it owns and there will be no winner in the war, hence we will be committing collective suicide

This reminds me of the famous words of Albert Einstein. Not a direct quote but he said:

"One thing I know, the fourth world war will be fought with sticks and rocks"

Posts: 4018
Joined: 15 Apr 2011, 17:52

Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by Aba » 25 Feb 2022, 23:55

Let's have some fun at the expense of your wedi komarit.
:lol: :mrgreen: :lol:
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Fed_Up wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 23:07

Digital Weyane
Posts: 9526
Joined: 19 Jun 2019, 21:45

Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by Digital Weyane » 26 Feb 2022, 00:22

ጁንታው ዎንድሜ kerenite/Sarcasm <<ሩስያ ዩክሬንን ከወረረች ኡኛ ወያኔም ኤርትራን ኡንወራለን>> በማለት አፉን ሞልቶ የተናገረውን አልስማማበትም፣ ሙክንያቱም ከሃያ አመታት ቦፊት ኡኛ ወያኔ ሦስት ጊዜ ኤርትራን ለመውረር ሞክረን አልተሳካልንም ብቻ ሳይሆን ባለ ራዕዩ ጀኔራላችን ፃድቃን ዎደ ዓድዋ ሸሽቶ ያለቀሰበት ግዜም ነበር። የኤርትራ ሞከላከያ ሠራዊት ባለፈው ኣመት ትግራይ ውስጥ ገብቶ 250,000ሺ የወያኔ ታጣቂዎችን ሙሉ በሙሉ ሲደመስስ ኡኛ ወያኔ ራሳችንን ለሞከላከል ኡንኳን ያልቻልን ኡንዴት አሁን ኤርትራን ሞውረር ኡናስባለን። ኡንደ kerenite/eden የመሳሰሉ የውጭ አገር ጁንታ ጦርነትን ኡንደ ባህላዊ ጨዋታ አድርገው ስለሚዩ የፈለጉ ቢናገሩ ከመላላጥ በስተቀር የትም አይደርሱም። :roll: :roll:

Posts: 4680
Joined: 16 Nov 2013, 13:15

Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by kerenite » 26 Feb 2022, 14:39 wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 21:47
What about if your sher.muta mother pops another [deleted] like you hey :P Eritrea is a country because of its sons and daughters not because someone spared us an invasion. Low iq korbae sahsah kodar arayi kunti weyanay rodent
kerenite wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 14:44
Digital Weyane wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 10:23
ጎይታና መለኸት ብዓቢኹም ተሳሕቲትኩም። ወያነ አው ልዕሊ መንግሥቲ ኢትዮጵያ ኩናት ቅድሚ ምውልዑ ኢሳያስ አው ዶብ ከይዱ ምስ ደብረጭዮን ተራኺቡ ክላዘብ ሞኪሩ ነይሩ ኡዩ። ኡቱ ኻው ወያነ ዘግነዮ ምላሽ ግን <<አይንሰምዕን እይና!>> ልብል ኡዩ ነይሩ። ዳሕራይ ወያነ ነዙይ ምላሽ እዙይ ኻም ዘፈን ገይሮም አቕሪቦሞ ኩሉ ጁንታ ሳዕሲዕሉ ኡዩ። :roll: :roll:

ኻምዙይ ሕዚ ኡቱ መስሓቕ መራሒ ዩክሬን ልምዕራባውያን እምበይ ልጎረባብተይ የሰምዒ ኢሉ ልህዝቡ አው መሃመቕ አእትይዎም ዘሎ፣ መራሕቲ ወያነና'ውን ኻሙ ዓይነት ስሕተት ኡዮም ፈፂሞም። ጁንታዋይ ኩሉ አማሪካ ወተሃደራታ ልኢኻ ትዋጋአሎም ኡዩ ዝመስሎም ነይሩ። ኻው ዝሃረሱዎ ብር ተበሉስ ሕልሚ። ዶርሆ እንተሓለመትሲ ጥረምረ።
:roll: :roll:
Aite revolutions aka fiyameta,

If I have understood your blabber by cynically applying the tigray language then I would say that you are a shortsighted higdef cadre. Russia is setting a new precedent. Invading a sovereign country which has a democraticallly elected president and you seem to be mocking the president and hailing the invasion.

Russisa is telling the world that its main intention is to safeguard its russian speaking folks and its historical connection with ukraine.

What about if abi is ousted and a hard core comes to power in ethiopia and declares that the red sea has always been ethiopian and we have to incorporate eritrea into ethiopia.

What would be your reaction aite shortsighted. Are you gonna blabber soverign land this or sovereign land that if ethios invade eritrea?

Dictator putin is setting a new dangerous precedent to the international community. Perhaps china will be the first beneficiary, they have taiwan in mind.

To conclude, putin knows that the west won't be involved in this issue becaue they know russia is a nuclear power. He added that if nato is involved in this war, russia will utilize whatever weapons it owns and there will be no winner in the war, hence we will be committing collective suicide

This reminds me of the famous words of Albert Einstein. Not a direct quote but he said:

"One thing I know, the fourth world war will be fought with sticks and rocks"
Wedi barista idaga arbi,

What for an SOB sddi!!! your dirty long tongue needs to be circumcized.

Your other siddi brother is a son of torserawit. A fanatic dude who dubs half of the eri populace as shiritams. Hence he is ignored and no need to engage him here.

P. S. you twerps, my topic was on dictator putin and the precedent he is setting.
I did not say that any hardcore ethio who may take over IF (IF) abi is ousted from power will be able to subdue eritrea but he may venture.

Posts: 6796
Joined: 19 Oct 2017, 11:19

Re: This is the God given opportunity to end TPLF and the war once and for all.

Post by » 26 Feb 2022, 15:56

You're right the son of a cheap w.hore shirenite is dumb as a rock. It has to do with his upbringing by a sher.muta mother and an unknown father.
Fed_Up wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 23:07

Just ignore low IQ መአኮሩ ፈትፋቲ ደንቆሮ ሸርጣም ቆርባእ ኣጋመ:: this idiot doesn't even aware of the 1998-00 war and 20 years no war no peace, stupid adventure. As if they don't try.

እሽክትም... ድእምስምስ .. አላዲድናዮም ኢና wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 21:47
What about if your sher.muta mother pops another [deleted] like you hey :P Eritrea is a country because of its sons and daughters not because someone spared us an invasion. Low iq korbae sahsah kodar arayi kunti weyanay rodent
kerenite wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 14:44
Digital Weyane wrote:
25 Feb 2022, 10:23
ጎይታና መለኸት ብዓቢኹም ተሳሕቲትኩም። ወያነ አው ልዕሊ መንግሥቲ ኢትዮጵያ ኩናት ቅድሚ ምውልዑ ኢሳያስ አው ዶብ ከይዱ ምስ ደብረጭዮን ተራኺቡ ክላዘብ ሞኪሩ ነይሩ ኡዩ። ኡቱ ኻው ወያነ ዘግነዮ ምላሽ ግን <<አይንሰምዕን እይና!>> ልብል ኡዩ ነይሩ። ዳሕራይ ወያነ ነዙይ ምላሽ እዙይ ኻም ዘፈን ገይሮም አቕሪቦሞ ኩሉ ጁንታ ሳዕሲዕሉ ኡዩ። :roll: :roll:

ኻምዙይ ሕዚ ኡቱ መስሓቕ መራሒ ዩክሬን ልምዕራባውያን እምበይ ልጎረባብተይ የሰምዒ ኢሉ ልህዝቡ አው መሃመቕ አእትይዎም ዘሎ፣ መራሕቲ ወያነና'ውን ኻሙ ዓይነት ስሕተት ኡዮም ፈፂሞም። ጁንታዋይ ኩሉ አማሪካ ወተሃደራታ ልኢኻ ትዋጋአሎም ኡዩ ዝመስሎም ነይሩ። ኻው ዝሃረሱዎ ብር ተበሉስ ሕልሚ። ዶርሆ እንተሓለመትሲ ጥረምረ።
:roll: :roll:
Aite revolutions aka fiyameta,

If I have understood your blabber by cynically applying the tigray language then I would say that you are a shortsighted higdef cadre. Russia is setting a new precedent. Invading a sovereign country which has a democraticallly elected president and you seem to be mocking the president and hailing the invasion.

Russisa is telling the world that its main intention is to safeguard its russian speaking folks and its historical connection with ukraine.

What about if abi is ousted and a hard core comes to power in ethiopia and declares that the red sea has always been ethiopian and we have to incorporate eritrea into ethiopia.

What would be your reaction aite shortsighted. Are you gonna blabber soverign land this or sovereign land that if ethios invade eritrea?

Dictator putin is setting a new dangerous precedent to the international community. Perhaps china will be the first beneficiary, they have taiwan in mind.

To conclude, putin knows that the west won't be involved in this issue becaue they know russia is a nuclear power. He added that if nato is involved in this war, russia will utilize whatever weapons it owns and there will be no winner in the war, hence we will be committing collective suicide

This reminds me of the famous words of Albert Einstein. Not a direct quote but he said:

"One thing I know, the fourth world war will be fought with sticks and rocks"

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