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Tigray People
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America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Tigray People » 10 Jan 2022, 19:05

The Magnificent beautiful Tigray People are the oldest civilized people in the world and the number one war fighters in the world and the True children of God.

The Magnificent beautiful Tigray People are the only true indigenous people in the world.

It is also absolutely true the Tigray People are the most beautiful people in the entire world .

Anta garbage Coward Amhara massacring innocent defenslses people is your Savage Amhara culture that you brought from your West Africa home.

The Gallant selfless Tigray People are not finished with thier mortals enemies for God sake they have not lifted one finger to hit thier enemies yet.

Don't worry when the Long awaited wars start those Amhara on the videos and any Amhara Army will be devoured by the selfless Tigray People in few days.Mark Our Words.

The western countries or Arab countries are no match to the Gallant Selfless Tigray People on the unforgiving battlefield where the fierce Tigray People are number one war fighters in the world and they have proved this over and over.

We the Tigray People believe in winning wars by your own people by your own resources and we vehemently reject foreign interference in our internal affairs or military tactics or our Land.

Foreign Powers will not help you develop your country or win wars but a determine society and Gallant Selfless Tigray People who are the pride of All black people around the world with thier Military victory against the most powerful foreign Invaders such as --

Fascist European Army Crushed

Ottoman Empire Army Crushed

Egypt Army Crushed

Arab Armies Crushed

Ethiopia Army Crushed

Eritreans Army Crushed

Arab Emirates



Israel Military Advisors

Soviet Union

East Germany

O.L.F Army Crushed

Jebha-Eritrea Liberation Front Army Crushed

E.D.U Army Crushed

Afar Liberation Army Crushed

E.p.r.p Army Crushed.

Somalian Terrorist Army Crushed

Al-shabab Terrorist Army Crushed

Al-Ithad Arab Terrorist Army Crushed

Ogaden Liberation Front Army Crushed

Ethiopia Patriot Army Crushed

We can list more foreign Invaders Army and domestic armies that were single handedly crushed ans destroyed by the Gallant Selfless Tigray People.

Long Live The Beautiful Tigray People!!

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

The Republic of Tigray People!!

The Independence Of The Tigray People!!

Eternal Glory To Martyrs Of Tigray People!!

Tigray People
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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Tigray People » 10 Jan 2022, 19:16


The Banda traitors Ethiopian, evil Eriteans, Savage Galla, evil Amhara, dirty Gurages , Afar , Etc etc have never never never won a war in their entire miserable history but stolen the Tigray People war victory history, Tigray People history, culture to fool the world but not 🚫 anymore.

Long Live the Beautiful Tigray People!!!

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

The Republic of Tigray People!!

The independence of Tigray People!!

Eternal Glory to Martyrs Of Tigray People!!!

Tigray People
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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Tigray People » 10 Jan 2022, 19:34


The evil Eritreans, evil Amhara, Ethiopian have being doing thier best to cover up their defeat on the battlefield by the Gallant selfless Tigray People who chased them all the way to Amhara region, Afar Region, to the gate of Addis Ababa forcing the invaders to begg for mercy and pulled back the Tigray People Army by choice.

The Heroic Tigray People have killed more than 60 thousands Eritreans soldiers just in Tigray and killed hundreds of thousands Ethiopian, Galla, Afar, Somalian, evil Amhara soldiers that were supported by the evil Arab Emirates, Turks, Russian, China Iran etc.

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!!

Tigray People
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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Tigray People » 10 Jan 2022, 20:09

The Martyrs Of Tigray People Liberation Front are proud of their children the Youth Tigray People repeating the foot steps of their mothers,father's destroying today's Invaders the evil Eritreans, evil Amhara, Savage Galla, Somalian, Afar, Ethiopian, evil Arab Emirates, Turks, Russian,china, Iran etc etc .

Long Live the Beautiful Tigray People!!

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

The Republic of Tigray People!!

The Independence of Tigray People!!

Eternal Glory to Martyrs Of Tigray People!!

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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by TGAA » 10 Jan 2022, 20:36

Tigray People -- since you seems to fall in love a thousand time over with your mirror image , all foolery aside . just don't forget there is another world on the other side of the world as much lovely and herioc . Here enjoy .

Tigray People
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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Tigray People » 11 Jan 2022, 03:02


We the Tigray People did what you suggested for the past 27 years lecturing the entire Ethiopia and Eritrea, Africa the importance of Peace, stability, development.

It is the evil Eritreans, evil Amhara, Savage Galla who begged the evil Arab Emirates, Turks, Russian, China, Iran, Egypt to help them invade Tigray People .

We don't choose to come on this site to Bragg or belittle others but speak the truth about the Heroic Tigray People history.

We hope you find solice and peace so you can see the truth about the Banda traitors Savage Galla, evil Amhara in P.P party.

Take Care .

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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by TGAA » 11 Jan 2022, 03:26

No solaceing required. The helium balloon has been punctured...It was a call to be grounded.

Tigray People
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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Tigray People » 12 Jan 2022, 22:36


Only foolish Tigray People thinks they will have a peace without distroying the evil Eritrea and Evil Ethiopia.

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!!

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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Tigray People » 13 Jan 2022, 21:34


The Heroic Tigray People Army pulled back from all amhara region, Afar Region,the gate of Addis Ababa by its own Choice after forcing the invaders to begg for mercy and consesion.

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!!

Tigray People
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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Tigray People » 14 Jan 2022, 21:37


The Savage coward Amhara , evil Eritrea, Savage Galla are doing thier best to fool their followers as they chose to leave Tigray by choice or they chose not to reinvade Tigray .

But the truth is the Heroic Tigray People Crushed, destroyed the evil Ethiopian, Eritrea, Savage Galla, Afar army, 8 regions special forces, Somalian with their supporters the evil Arab Emirates, Turks, Russian, China, Iran, Egypt Etc etc in Tigray and marched to Amhara region, Afar Region, the gate of Addis Ababa forcing the invaders to begg for mercy and concessions.

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

Tigray People
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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Tigray People » 01 Feb 2022, 18:19

Note :

We have being saying it for decades that the Heroic Tigray People are the world number one War fighters long before Google picked it up.

Long Live the Beautiful Tigray People!!

Tigray People
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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Tigray People » 01 Feb 2022, 18:53


The Heroic Tigray People crushed the entire Ethiopia, evil Eritrea, Somalian, 8 Regions Special Forces, Oromo,the evil Arab Emirates, Turks, Russian, China, Iran by themselves with the help of the God of Tigray People and marched to Amhara region, Afar Region, to the gate of Addis Ababa forcing the invaders to begg for mercy and for concessions but the worst yet to come for the invaders.

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!!

lil kogne
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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by lil kogne » 01 Feb 2022, 19:11

Yes absolutely Chigray people, Thge world and America said Chigray people are Number one Beggars in history !!!!

Tigray People
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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Tigray People » 01 Feb 2022, 19:59


The entire coward Eritreans and Eritrea government never never never never dared to fire one bullet on Tigray border for the past 20 years after the Heroic Tigray People crushed them on the battlefield and forced them to begg for mercy.

The coward Eritreans and Eriteans army waited for the entire Ethiopia, Somalian, evil Arab Emirates, Turks, Russian China, Iran to invade Tigray very well knowing at that time last year Tigray only had few thousands brave militia and the Tigray People defeated them.

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!!

Tigray People
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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Tigray People » 03 Feb 2022, 17:55

Lil kong

Chenawi Banda traitors shut your mouth and keep serving the Agame-EPLF Leaders.

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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Abere » 03 Feb 2022, 18:08

Delusional lair, America and the world ever said Tigray people are the #1 world fighters. ድሃ በህልሙ ቅቤ ባይበላ ይሞት ነበር አሉ።
You really need self-confidence and self-esteem. The reality is Tigray has been persistent food aid recipient of America and the world, in stead of the fake እምበር ተገዳለይ with zero victory help the people how to earn their living working every where in Ethiopia , how to be law abiding and decent citizen. All what you squat here is sh!t. No body knows Tigray, it is only in your head - we call it illusion.

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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Tigray People » 03 Feb 2022, 19:51


The question should be how did a garbage dirty traitors Amhara like you made it this far in life??

You are suffering from severe mental illnesses bipolar, paranoid, depression that you are fabricating lies on this site for a long time to make yourself feel good such as the number of Tigray casualties of war "900 thousands etc etc".

How is it possible for the coward Ethiopia Army, Eritea Army, Amhara army that were fleeing from Tigray Army to save their lives were able to count the dead bodies of Tigray fighters??

The garbage coward Amhara and the Dirty Monkey Gurages are fake orthodox who stood with the garbage Pente p.o.w P.P party , evil Eritrea, Muslims Somalian, Muslims Arab Emirates, Muslims Turks to invade Tigray to commit genocide on the 97% Orthodox Tigray Population.

Now the same garbage coward Banda Amhara and the dirty Monkey Gurages are pretending they care for orthodox church and followers after they stood with the evil Pente and foreign invaders Muslims countries.

The Heroic Tigray People must declare your independence and your ancient Orthodox religion away from the children of the devil amhara, Gurages, hammasien,most galla after destroying them on the battlefield and force them to pay war reparations.

Long Live the Beautiful Tigray People!!

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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Tigray People » 09 Feb 2022, 23:14


The evil Amhara are begging Tigray People to stand with them against Oromo who are chasing and killing Amhara in Oromo region with the blessings of p.o.w p.p party but the Tigray People must tell the evil Amhara to go to hell and support all enemies of Amhara in Ethiopia.

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!!

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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Selam/ » 10 Feb 2022, 00:41

Chigaram woyane - Learn to feed your starving people first. Duketam! KIFFU!
Tigray People wrote:
09 Feb 2022, 23:14

The evil Amhara are begging Tigray People to stand with them against Oromo who are chasing and killing Amhara in Oromo region with the blessings of p.o.w p.p party but the Tigray People must tell the evil Amhara to go to hell and support all enemies of Amhara in Ethiopia.

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!!

Tigray People
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Re: America & The World Said The Tigray People Are The World Number One War Fighters In History:

Post by Tigray People » 02 Mar 2022, 00:02


The Heroic Tigray People defeated the entire Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalian, 8 Regions Special Forces, Afar Region , Galla, Amhara , evil Arab Emirates, Turks, Russian, China by themselves and the God of Tigray People alone.

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!!

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