Open letter to P/M Abiy Ahemed
A private protest against your speech on one nation not nations and nationalities.
Dear P/M
Today if there is any one who is pleased by your speech on mater of nations and nationalities are Isayas Afawarki and Ezema party members and the whole community of unionist neftenga class. It is obvious your speech may have raised eyebrows with most oppressed peoples of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is unique country that was founded by expansionist feudal Christians who crushed nations like Oromo and multiple nationalities of the South. These peoples who were crushed and forced to melt to one nation agenda of the neftenga class rejected the act and lifted gun to restore their identities with in the empire ( later became republic) while nationalities in Eriteria became independent. Under the feudal rules openly in 1960 the emperial government of Hailesilase declared the importance of crushing other languages and cultures to strengthen the Amhara language and culture and make it a single national identity. That means we all became Amara by declaration.
Of course as you know this move created resistance from all emperial subject and led to 2 revolutions. This current constitution your government is based on recognize all damages done and reinstated the nation nationality concept where cultures and languages were restored to their natural places. We the oppressed people of the republic for first time openly identified with our cultures and languages. It is this identity we upheld when we recognize Ethiopia as home of nations and nationalities. The empire and the republic recognized the existence of nations and nationalities for different reasons. The empire bent in destroying the nation and nationality identities and impose an alien identity on them. The EPRDF republican government brought to light the dark acts and eliminated it. 84 peoples of Ethiopia are now proud Ethiopians.
Recognizing the peoples of Ethiopia as such helped Ethiopia because it helped every culture and language prosper equally. We the peoples of Ethiopia without losing our god given right became Ethiopians by will. No one rejected his citizenship because of his new recognized identity with in the republic. It is not by crushing us and attempt to bake one single loaf of national bread that the future shine but by keeping every seed and plant those nations and nationalities and water them to yield prosperity and national union.
I thank you.
Re: Open letter to PM Abyi we are not a nation but a republic with nation and nationalities
ደደብ ቅራቅንቦ፣፣ ስለ ህዝብ ሳይሆን ስለ ራስህ ሆድ ነው እምታወራ፣፣ አህያ
Bwendimu wrote: ↑24 May 2021, 01:37Open letter to P/M Abiy Ahemed
A private protest against your speech on one nation not nations and nationalities.
Dear P/M
Today if there is any one who is pleased by your speech on mater of nations and nationalities are Isayas Afawarki and Ezema party members and the whole community of unionist neftenga class. It is obvious your speech may have raised eyebrows with most oppressed peoples of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is unique country that was founded by expansionist feudal Christians who crushed nations like Oromo and multiple nationalities of the South. These peoples who were crushed and forced to melt to one nation agenda of the neftenga class rejected the act and lifted gun to restore their identities with in the empire ( later became republic) while nationalities in Eriteria became independent. Under the feudal rules openly in 1960 the emperial government of Hailesilase declared the importance of crushing other languages and cultures to strengthen the Amhara language and culture and make it a single national identity. That means we all became Amara by declaration.
Of course as you know this move created resistance from all emperial subject and led to 2 revolutions. This current constitution your government is based on recognize all damages done and reinstated the nation nationality concept where cultures and languages were restored to their natural places. We the oppressed people of the republic for first time openly identified with our cultures and languages. It is this identity we upheld when we recognize Ethiopia as home of nations and nationalities. The empire and the republic recognized the existence of nations and nationalities for different reasons. The empire bent in destroying the nation and nationality identities and impose an alien identity on them. The EPRDF republican government brought to light the dark acts and eliminated it. 84 peoples of Ethiopia are now proud Ethiopians.
Recognizing the peoples of Ethiopia as such helped Ethiopia because it helped every culture and language prosper equally. We the peoples of Ethiopia without losing our god given right became Ethiopians by will. No one rejected his citizenship because of his new recognized identity with in the republic. It is not by crushing us and attempt to bake one single loaf of national bread that the future shine but by keeping every seed and plant those nations and nationalities and water them to yield prosperity and national union.
I thank you.
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- Joined: 08 Mar 2014, 16:32
Re: Open letter to PM Abyi we are not a nation but a republic with nation and nationalities
Ante Dedeb,Bwendimu wrote: ↑24 May 2021, 01:37Open letter to P/M Abiy Ahemed
A private protest against your speech on one nation not nations and nationalities.
Dear P/M
Today if there is any one who is pleased by your speech on mater of nations and nationalities are Isayas Afawarki and Ezema party members and the whole community of unionist neftenga class. It is obvious your speech may have raised eyebrows with most oppressed peoples of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is unique country that was founded by expansionist feudal Christians who crushed nations like Oromo and multiple nationalities of the South. These peoples who were crushed and forced to melt to one nation agenda of the neftenga class rejected the act and lifted gun to restore their identities with in the empire ( later became republic) while nationalities in Eriteria became independent. Under the feudal rules openly in 1960 the emperial government of Hailesilase declared the importance of crushing other languages and cultures to strengthen the Amhara language and culture and make it a single national identity. That means we all became Amara by declaration.
Of course as you know this move created resistance from all emperial subject and led to 2 revolutions. This current constitution your government is based on recognize all damages done and reinstated the nation nationality concept where cultures and languages were restored to their natural places. We the oppressed people of the republic for first time openly identified with our cultures and languages. It is this identity we upheld when we recognize Ethiopia as home of nations and nationalities. The empire and the republic recognized the existence of nations and nationalities for different reasons. The empire bent in destroying the nation and nationality identities and impose an alien identity on them. The EPRDF republican government brought to light the dark acts and eliminated it. 84 peoples of Ethiopia are now proud Ethiopians.
Recognizing the peoples of Ethiopia as such helped Ethiopia because it helped every culture and language prosper equally. We the peoples of Ethiopia without losing our god given right became Ethiopians by will. No one rejected his citizenship because of his new recognized identity with in the republic. It is not by crushing us and attempt to bake one single loaf of national bread that the future shine but by keeping every seed and plant those nations and nationalities and water them to yield prosperity and national union.
I thank you.
if you think Oromo was crushed, then you have to also tell us who crushed it and who Ras Gobena Dache was, the man who made Ethiopia Great again.
Yes, it is in order to develop your identity and culture in the Mosaic of the Ethiopian diverse people but then you have to also realise your own responsibilities in doing so. It was not before a long time ago that you (your camp) were bragging about "who is going to disarm whom" after being offered an amnesty and the privilege to come back into the fold and carry out catering to your identity and cultural pluralism, but then you abused the chance. You missed the opportunity once again and now don't blame others for your own utter failure.
You use self administration as a pretext to disintegrate the country our forefathers built with their bones and blood and we will not allow that.
If you are given a privilege then realise also that privilege comes with attached major responsibilities. That is where you failed so far.
Re: Open letter to PM Abyi we are not a nation but a republic with nation and nationalities
schizophrenic leadership is by design because the psycho has one and one aim in life. 4 killo's crown! To that end, anything goes as scripted on his personal manifesto written years back before he we knew him!
It is not what he says that is important as much as what these contradictory positions do to the nation and to the one issue that has a national consensus...the 10 year economic plan vs a psychotic personality that is wrecking havoc and eroding PP!
Granted that this mans' psychosis is a threat to the only convergent consensus, his path ala the stolen transitional roadmap has to be halted, election postponed to transition into a new roadmap of the people.
It is not what he says that is important as much as what these contradictory positions do to the nation and to the one issue that has a national consensus...the 10 year economic plan vs a psychotic personality that is wrecking havoc and eroding PP!
Granted that this mans' psychosis is a threat to the only convergent consensus, his path ala the stolen transitional roadmap has to be halted, election postponed to transition into a new roadmap of the people.
Re: Open letter to PM Abyi we are not a nation but a republic with nation and nationalities
Now come reason with me...those of you who are entangled with PP as a consequence of life's trajectory.
You would agree that organizational harmony, members job security, and insurance to generate a plan B ate necessary ore-requisites to maintain a viable organization such as PP!! Right?
You know that history (was, is and will always be) a point of contention in ethiopia.such is the case, men who understand organizational harmony like mengistu and meles skirted around the subject when probed by media and never broached the matter in outlandish self aggrandizing childish speeches; they rather differed the subject to historians.Why then do you give this man-child a care when he is more intent on harmonizing himself with EZEMA than keeping the harmony within PP?
Keep in mind, it is not EZEMA that got hit with the visa restrictions but PP; putting a constraint on your plan B, and a political career with a short life span! The restrictions are going to go wider and deeper, your families affected but not any of the Amhara agenda fanatics on whose behalf that you are going through this crisis.
The only reason that you support this man-child is for what you think is job security but I will come back and refute that argument and suggest a way that you can skirt around that issue.
You would agree that organizational harmony, members job security, and insurance to generate a plan B ate necessary ore-requisites to maintain a viable organization such as PP!! Right?
You know that history (was, is and will always be) a point of contention in ethiopia.such is the case, men who understand organizational harmony like mengistu and meles skirted around the subject when probed by media and never broached the matter in outlandish self aggrandizing childish speeches; they rather differed the subject to historians.Why then do you give this man-child a care when he is more intent on harmonizing himself with EZEMA than keeping the harmony within PP?
Keep in mind, it is not EZEMA that got hit with the visa restrictions but PP; putting a constraint on your plan B, and a political career with a short life span! The restrictions are going to go wider and deeper, your families affected but not any of the Amhara agenda fanatics on whose behalf that you are going through this crisis.
The only reason that you support this man-child is for what you think is job security but I will come back and refute that argument and suggest a way that you can skirt around that issue.
Re: Open letter to PM Abyi we are not a nation but a republic with nation and nationalities
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck! An EZEMA duck w/amhara extremism's backing is what Abiy is!
Do these groups have any place for you,for your children? To Abiy himself? Not at all!! They cant even stand your sight in this forum, all the more you try to bens over backwards to accomidate them by lynching another oromo. Yet, their demand never ends, as you try even more, further isolating yourself from your community and yourself! Your mission is to kill all oromo political spectrum then kill yourself. This applies to every PP, be it oromo, somali, gambella, afar are just self detonating bombs that explode on your communities, time-set to explode in yourselves. Without the spectrum's presence, you have no validity to the empire.
How many of you have the remotest trust in BIRTUKAN, a lady that dares to write a total lie about political representation in the entire south. All is documented and her office will be the item of challenge in the next few days. You should not agree to a fraud election without you having a straddle the fence potential if and/when the rug is pulled from underneath you by your ezema boss abiy ahmed.
Do these groups have any place for you,for your children? To Abiy himself? Not at all!! They cant even stand your sight in this forum, all the more you try to bens over backwards to accomidate them by lynching another oromo. Yet, their demand never ends, as you try even more, further isolating yourself from your community and yourself! Your mission is to kill all oromo political spectrum then kill yourself. This applies to every PP, be it oromo, somali, gambella, afar are just self detonating bombs that explode on your communities, time-set to explode in yourselves. Without the spectrum's presence, you have no validity to the empire.
How many of you have the remotest trust in BIRTUKAN, a lady that dares to write a total lie about political representation in the entire south. All is documented and her office will be the item of challenge in the next few days. You should not agree to a fraud election without you having a straddle the fence potential if and/when the rug is pulled from underneath you by your ezema boss abiy ahmed.
Re: Open letter to PM Abyi we are not a nation but a republic with nation and nationalities
BIRTUKAN Mideksa who had no shame lied about near closure of all offices was instructed to isolate OPP in hopes to pretend a victor while camouflaging a 20percent anti federalist win plus APP which will get this force close to 35 percent of seats. Right after this fraud, PP will start to break, and the lobby will be on for 51 percent of the seats. keep in mind, the anti-federalist force doesnt mind letting all the regions remain except oromia . To that end, it will make concessions, even award these smaller regions oromo lands and dissolve oromia as we know it and eject oromo representation as we know it!
So much for the job security that you crave. The sad truth is that, as you sit an wait, the visa restrictions will expand to the point that you no longer can seek asylum to save your own lives.
So much for the job security that you crave. The sad truth is that, as you sit an wait, the visa restrictions will expand to the point that you no longer can seek asylum to save your own lives.