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Re: Finally Tigray & Amhara understood it: Amhara to hand over all looted lands & Tigray & Amhara to take over Asseb

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 15 Sep 2020, 07:01

Fed_Up wrote:
13 Sep 2020, 21:59
Deqi-Arawit wrote:
13 Sep 2020, 15:38
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
13 Sep 2020, 15:27
Deqi-Arawit wrote:
13 Sep 2020, 14:51
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
13 Sep 2020, 12:55
This approach was over due but finally both ethnics understood what is good for both than distraction each other. Tigray will get its looted lands north of Alowuha Melash river and Angareb river and Amhara and Tigray will secure southern Red Sea and Amhara will have land access to Asseb via wollo. Asseb will be used for both Tigray and Amhara nations and Tigray will open up a new port north of Asseb build by both nation and after the completion of the new port north of Asseb, Amhara will own Asseb as Amhara port and Red Sea. A win win situation and a very smart and shrewd move by both parties.
Keep sucking Amhara ሽልሖ anta Lekbat Agame! The Listro tribe have suxxcked every ሽልሖ available that they should be considered as second hand clothes. people with no self respect or pride!

I told you guys, Meles blocked this scenario for years from Tigray and Amhara brain and eyes and the Eritrea worshipers took Tigray for grant from Europe and America Tigray to safeguard the enemy Eritrea name. Today Tigrayans are wiser who seek their own interests and their interest and legitimate claim is the above scenario to be implemented very soon since no one can stop them. The killers of the slave master cannot be anything but heroes and the dish washers are always Haxebti Disti???
Tigrians suxxcked every ሽልሖ of every ethnic groups in Ethiopia to undo Northern Men and promised Amhara Assab within 3 days, but with the grace of the almighty We are standing tall...Now, If you were unable to deliver Assab when you had state power to undo northern men, Do The listro tribe believe that they can undo us when they are cornered in Axum hotel? ዶንቆሮ ርእሲ ክቦ
Idiot ajejew

He is who you call him proudly “cousin”

ግም ለግም .... አትቦጣረቅ.. ሓሳዊ ለኸባጥ ዘመድ ሓላፊ አድጊ::
Cigarella and 🦆 fxxcked up. He has more integrity than wedi medhin berad annxus sniffers.

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