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Re: የስልጣን ጥመኞቹ ሌላ ጉድ ይዘው መጡ ... የሚኒሊክ ሃውልትን ለማፍረስ ፒቲሽን ማሰባሰብ ጀምረዋል

Post by Ethoash » 14 Jun 2020, 12:34

tlel wrote:
14 Jun 2020, 12:26


I second that. I believe the oomos are moving too slow, they have ample time to unite Ethiopian people just like they did during Menilik era, they need to ally with amaras and bring debub in, because foreigners are advising dr aby to destroy shewa and resurrect aba jiffar castle. Why? To empower and uninoize muslim only power against christians. History is history all statues can build where they belong, even if people accept it in jimma, but this agenda is colonization agenda to attack those who detested colonization and slavery like Menilik.
ጎድ ከወደዋላ ነው የአባ ጅፋርን ቤተመንግስት ጥገና ትቋወማለህ እንዴ። ወቼ ጉድ በዚህ አይነት አውሎሌን ካላፈረስኩ ትላለህ ማለት ነው። እነዚህ ሁለቱ በኦሮሞ ክልል ውስጥ ነው ያሉት አሁን አማራ ክልል ውስጥ የፈለግህውን ሐውልት ብታቆም ማን ይከለክልሀለው።

እንደው በእግዛቤር ይህቺን መልስልኝ ያንተ ዲድቲ ውይም ሎሌሽር ቢረዱህ በጣም ጥሩ ነው አንተ ብቻህን አትችለው ይሆናል ጥያቄን።

ኦሮሞ የሚኒልክን ሐውልት ማፍረሱን ትቃወማለህ አይደለም

ታድያ አማሮች አሎሌን ሐውልት ላፍርስ የሚሉትን ትቃውማለህ ወይ።ወይስ ትደግፋለህ

ታድያ አማሮች የመለስን አፅም ትግሬ እንልካለን የሚሉትን ቡዳዎች ትቃወማለህ ወይ ወይስ ትደግፋለህ

Posts: 1559
Joined: 28 Dec 2019, 14:24

Re: የስልጣን ጥመኞቹ ሌላ ጉድ ይዘው መጡ ... የሚኒሊክ ሃውልትን ለማፍረስ ፒቲሽን ማሰባሰብ ጀምረዋል

Post by tlel » 14 Jun 2020, 12:45

Ethoash wrote:
14 Jun 2020, 10:18
Noble Amhara wrote:
14 Jun 2020, 10:01
Menelik is a Native to Addis Ababa and the whole Shoa area in general. Addis Ababa is Amhara
nonsense Amhara u have no shame posting after my intelligent comment ///

that pest is he is just pest..

what the buda Amhara going to do if the oromo come to remove the king's ሃውልት .. r u going to start house to house war..

or respectfully take your garbage to Gonder .. i know your ego will destroy what the golden build.. i know u r going to answer with smartA$$ answer but this idioticity will not save you what is coming the oromo r not joking they will die first before let the የሚኒሊክ ሃውልት stand...

We know your agenda, we know why you posted this video, you are exposing yourself more of wahabi terrorist. The danger, is you hide within Ethiopian society, you are more dangerous than even tplf. Notice, even your meles, tplf did not touch. The change being talked about after tplf, is another people like you against menilik, against Ethiopian society, like the fanatics women movement working side by side with people like you to shame our Ethiopian men and elderly, is just a new anti Ethiopian movement after tplf, means, there is no change for Ethiopian people. You are just another bought terrorists, with different spice. We know why you say Ethiopia. It is fake.

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Re: የስልጣን ጥመኞቹ ሌላ ጉድ ይዘው መጡ ... የሚኒሊክ ሃውልትን ለማፍረስ ፒቲሽን ማሰባሰብ ጀምረዋል

Post by Ethoash » 14 Jun 2020, 12:57

tlel wrote:
14 Jun 2020, 12:45
Ethoash wrote:
14 Jun 2020, 10:18

We know your agenda, we know why you posted this video, you are exposing yourself more of wahabi terrorist. The danger,
ድህና ስንብት ያንተን ተናግረሀል የኔንም ተናግራለሁ።

Posts: 2627
Joined: 24 Jul 2018, 09:32

Re: የስልጣን ጥመኞቹ ሌላ ጉድ ይዘው መጡ ... የሚኒሊክ ሃውልትን ለማፍረስ ፒቲሽን ማሰባሰብ ጀምረዋል

Post by Lakeshore » 14 Jun 2020, 13:16

ወገኞች ናችሁ ደግሞ you said there is no democracy. You guys also said Abyi is Amhara therefore you carry your machete and terrorize innocent people to impose your false narratives of Oromoness and at the same time, you are trying to use petition. I believe you idiots are confused. A petition is a form of democracy that doesn't need violence. you can't pick and choose. it is good, you can go and get your petition but still, it has to be debated in the parliament where Abyi is the chairman (Amhara by your claim) and I have no objection to that. My objection is that you should put your machete and stick and ask the Oromo peoples, that you are terrorizing 'for their petition and go forward in a civilized manner for debate instead of telling them what you want.

However, you know for sure that your argument doesn't hold water and you resorted to violence instead of debate to appease your Arab masters. You remember Billal on the Quran he was a slave from probably Jimma sold to the Arabs. You supposed to be ashamed and condemn Arabs for that but you are rather proud of him screaming like a roster every morning.

In short, you have no moral ground to use petition for your cause. because you do not represent the great Oromo peoples rather you are trying to Islamize them they didn't elect you therefore yo have no mandate to do anything in the name of OROMO people. After the election, if you be able to get representation then you can say I stand for them.

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Joined: 28 Dec 2019, 14:24

Re: የስልጣን ጥመኞቹ ሌላ ጉድ ይዘው መጡ ... የሚኒሊክ ሃውልትን ለማፍረስ ፒቲሽን ማሰባሰብ ጀምረዋል

Post by tlel » 14 Jun 2020, 13:32

ዒቶኣሽ ወይም ኧሸባሪዋ ወይም እንደ ስምሽ አመዳሟ፣

ተሸነፍሽ እኮ፣ እራሱን በደንብ እንዳልተቀጠቀጠ እባብ አልሞትም አልሽ።

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Posts: 26144
Joined: 20 Apr 2013, 20:24

Re: የስልጣን ጥመኞቹ ሌላ ጉድ ይዘው መጡ ... የሚኒሊክ ሃውልትን ለማፍረስ ፒቲሽን ማሰባሰብ ጀምረዋል

Post by Ethoash » 15 Jun 2020, 01:55

Lakeshore wrote:
14 Jun 2020, 13:16
ወገኞች ናችሁ ደግሞ you said there is no democracy. You guys also said Abyi is Amhara therefore you carry your machete and terrorize innocent people to
አንተ ሌክቶክ

ኤርትራም ልገንጠል ስትል ተረት ተረት ልታወራ ፈልገህ ነበር ። ገርፈውህ አገራቸውን ይዘው ወጡ። አሁን ደግሞ ያንተን ዲሞክራሲ ቀቅለህ ብላው የሚኒሊክ ሐውልት ጎንደር ሄደህ ስቀልው ቢሉህ ምን አባህ ታመጣለህ ነው ጥያቄ ። አገር በጦርነት ታብሳለህ ወይስ የኦሮሞችን ጥያቄ መልሰህ አንተም ሐውልቱን ጥነኝነት ከለላ ስጥተህ አገር ታድናለህ ወይ። giving giving asylum to refugee የሚኒሊክ ሃውልትን in Gonder and save everyone from war.

ይህ እኮ በጣም ቀላል ነው ንጉስ ሐይሌ ራሱ ሽሽቶ እንግሊዝ ሄዶ ጥገኝነት ጠይቆ ለአምስት አመት ተቀምጦ ስላም ሲስፍን ተመልሶ መጥቶ ንግስናውን ቀጠል ። አልሄድም ብሎ አዲስ ውስጥ ቢደበቅ ኖሮ ጋዳፊ የሆነውን አሟሟት ይሞት ነበር። ስለዚህ መሽሹ ጥሩ ነው።

መንጌ ሽሽቶ ዝንባቡዬ መሆዱ የራሱንም ሕይወት አዳነ የቤተስቡንም እንዲሁ ። የአገሪቱንም ስላም አዳነ። እንቢ ብሎ አዲስ ቢቀመጥ አዲስ የጦርነት አውድማ ትሆን ነበር።

ወርቃማዎቹ ንግስናቸውን ግዛታቸውን ፎቃቸውን በሙሉ ትተው ነው የፈረጠጡት። ታድያ አንድ ቆርቆሮ ሐውልት በክፉ ግዜ ጎንደር ሄዶ ቢደበቅ ። ችግሩን ዝቅ ብሎ ቢያሳልፍ ይሻላል ወይ ግትር ብሎ ወደጦርነት መግባት ያዋጣል ። ኦሮሞዎቹ እየቀለዱ አይመስለኝም ሚኒሊክ ገድሎናል ባርያ አርጎናል እያሉ ነው አንተ ደግሞ በፓርላመንት ኑ ትላቸዋለህ አብይ በሚቆጣጠረው ፓርላመንት ። ምርጫ መደረግ ካለበት የኦሮሞ እስተዳደርና የኦሮሞ ነዋሪዎች ባቻ ናቸው መምረጥ ያለባቸው እንጂ አማሮች በኤርትራ ምርጫ እንሳተፍ እንዳሉት ጨዋት ይሆናል።

የኔ ጥይቄ በጣም የቀለለ ነው ። ጋንዲ ተሳደብ ተብሎ ነው ካለበት የሚገነጠለው ። ታድያ የኛው ጉድ ገዳይ ፣ እጅ ቆራጭ ፣ ጡት ቆራጭ፣ የባሪያ ደላላ ሚኒሊክ ሐውልት ይፍረስ ማለታቸው ለምን ይገርማል ። ልብ ያለው አማራ እስቲ ማፈረሱን ይከልክልና ምን እንደሚከተል እናያለን የፈደራል ወታደር እና አብይ ከሩቅ ነው ይህንን ጉድ ማየት ያለበት አማራ ከተጨማለቀ ከኦሮሞ ጋራ ከጥሞ ከተሽነፈ ጎዛቸውን ጠቅልለው ከአዲስባባ ልክ እንድትግሬዎች መውጣት እንዳለባቸው ግልፅ ይሁንላችው ። ለቆርቆሮ ስንል የጭቃ ጎጃችንን አጣነው ለቅሶ ይጀምራል።

ትዝ ይልሀል ቆንጅቶች አዲስባባን ውስዱ ተብለው እንቢ ብለው ገደል እንደገቡ። አሁንም በክብር የቆርቆሮ ሐውልትህን ወስደህ ጎንደር ተከለው ስትባል እንቢ ካልክ ኦሮሞዎቹ የፈረሱን አራት እግሩን ቆርጠው ነው የሚጥሉት ። ሁለተኛ ደግሞ የሚኒልክን አንድ እግርና እጅ ይቆረጣል እስቲ ይህንን የሚከለክል ይምጣና የእርስ በእርስ ጦርነት ይምጣ።

እኔ በፍፁም ኦሮሞዎቹ ትክክል ናቸው ሐውልቱን ማፈረሳቸው እያልኩ አይደለም ግን ደማቸው ግሎዋል ።።ሆ ብለው መምጣታቸው አይቀሬ ነውና ምን አማራ አርጎ ይህንን ክፉ ዘመን ያሳልፍ ነው የኔ ጥይቄ እስኪያልፍ የአባቴ ባርያ ይግዛኝ የሚባል ተረት አለ።

በመጨረሻ ለአማሮች አዝንላቸው ነበር ነገር ግን የመለስ ሐውልት እና በመለስ ስም የተገነቡት ትምህርት ቤቶች ስም ሲቀይሩ እልልልልል ነው አማሮች ያሉት ። የዛን ግዜ ነበር ሁ ሁ ማለት የነበረባቸው ነግ በኔ ብለው ዛሬ በነሱ ደረስባቸው። ትናንት ትግሬዎችን ከጎንደር አባረው አሁን ደግሞ ኦሮሞ ከአዲስ አበባ ሲያባርራቸው ያዙኝ ልቀቁኝ ይላሉ። ወቼ ግድ።
Last edited by Ethoash on 15 Jun 2020, 07:56, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: የስልጣን ጥመኞቹ ሌላ ጉድ ይዘው መጡ ... የሚኒሊክ ሃውልትን ለማፍረስ ፒቲሽን ማሰባሰብ ጀምረዋል

Post by Ethoash » 15 Jun 2020, 07:24

present wrote:
15 Jun 2020, 04:03
ኢቲ አሽ ፈሪ ነች
አንድ ጥይት ሳትተኩስ መከሌ ገብታ አኡአኡአኡ ትላለች ER ላይ

በፈሪው ጀዋር ቁላ ለመፎከር ትፍጨረጨራለች :lol:
አንተ እንዳልከው ነው ጭንቅላቱን የተቀጠቀጠች እባብ ነች

She has no hope she is going to die very soon when her bosses get dragged out of mekele hotel
it is not the same thing Amhara wanting Dr.Abiy to die for their cause...

at least in ጀዋር lose or win ጀዋር will take the out come
in Amhara case they take the win, Dr. Abiy take the lose

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Re: የስልጣን ጥመኞቹ ሌላ ጉድ ይዘው መጡ ... የሚኒሊክ ሃውልትን ለማፍረስ ፒቲሽን ማሰባሰብ ጀምረዋል

Post by Lakeshore » 15 Jun 2020, 09:58


አሺ አንዳንተው ሃሳብ ሁሉም አንደስራው ካልን በተግባር የታየው ጋላን ሲሸጥ ሲለውጥ የነበረው የኣባ ጂፋር ሃወልት ኣድሰህ ደላላ ነው ያልከው አንዳትሸጥ የከለከለውን አምዬ መውቀስ ለስጋህም ለነብስ ህም የማት ሆን ቆሻሻ ጊዜው ያለፈበት ኣጋሜ መሆንህን ያሳያል

He saved humanity actually he deserves Nobel prize. He was a man ahead of his time. He was a man with a vision. he was a man with unusually high IQ.
There is a research in London, it may be released this year about Menilik. He was a genius but stand on the other side of the British that is the title of this paper very soon it will come out.
መሲህ ብ ሃገሩ ኣይከበርም ይላሉ ኣማሮች የጋላ አና የትግሬ ምሳሌ የለም መቼም ሲገድሉ አና ሲሰርቁ ጊዜ ኣልነበራቸውምና
what I am saying here is that Abajifar the actual slave trader. you renovate his statu and you contemplate to remove Menilike's who saved from slavery, who built your school, hospital, railway after 100 years still you and agames can't even maintain it, built you Electricity, telephone, and many many things.
You ungrateful animals. The problem is you and those OLF, OFECO, Querro are not representing Oromo you are petty thief working for pocket money. Now the Oromo people know who you are. Jula the police commissioner will clean yo soon. as he did in Welega then bale and Agame.

As i told you before war has many faces. you do not always carry a machete. Amhara is like a ghost you see him killing but you will never see him shooting. The war is no in the oromo and Agame land not in Amhara. Did yo ever thought about that simple mind Agame.

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Re: የስልጣን ጥመኞቹ ሌላ ጉድ ይዘው መጡ ... የሚኒሊክ ሃውልትን ለማፍረስ ፒቲሽን ማሰባሰብ ጀምረዋል

Post by Ethoash » 15 Jun 2020, 10:26


no body stop you to destory Abajifar ሃውልት
my question is oromo r here in Addis Ababa to remove የሚኒሊክ ሃውልት,,,, my question is what the fk r u going to do .. r u going to asking them polity to come back with parliament vote result or fight them back.. if u fight them back my question is how about if this skirmish turn in to civil war and war start house to house and lose the whole Addis ababa and million Amhara kicked out to Gonder are u calculating all this or still you r in dream land that u shoot Galla die u shoot u kil u shoot u kill ...

this is my last respond .. because u seems u r surprised that the oromo question u r not the one who said remove አሎሌ... if u want to remove what belong to oromo why would u surprised የእጅህን ስታገኝ ። ከግ በኔ የሚሉት ነገር አለ እኮ

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Re: የስልጣን ጥመኞቹ ሌላ ጉድ ይዘው መጡ ... የሚኒሊክ ሃውልትን ለማፍረስ ፒቲሽን ማሰባሰብ ጀምረዋል

Post by Lakeshore » 15 Jun 2020, 12:09

And also tell that old gala on the video to clean his teeth before he opened his filthy mouth like his Botty

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Re: የስልጣን ጥመኞቹ ሌላ ጉድ ይዘው መጡ ... የሚኒሊክ ሃውልትን ለማፍረስ ፒቲሽን ማሰባሰብ ጀምረዋል

Post by DefendTheTruth » 04 Aug 2020, 07:41

Ethoash wrote:
14 Jun 2020, 02:04
present wrote:
14 Jun 2020, 01:47
የሚኒሊክን ሐውልት እንዲፈርስ አትፈልግም ግን የመለስን ሐውልት እና መቃብር ቦታ አፍርሰህ የሬሳውን አጥንት መቀሌ እልካለሁ ብለህ ያዙኝ ልቀቁኝ ስትል ነበር። ታድያ የሚኒሊክ ሐውልት ተነቅሎ ጎንደር ቢተከል ምን ጥፋት አለው።

ሚኒልክ ያጠፋው ጥፋት እስከዛሬ ያስከፍለናል። የአባይን ወንዝ ለግብፅ ፈርሞ አስተላለፈ ። ኤርትራን ሽጣት አስብና ምፅዋን አጣን። ጁቡቲን እጣን ከዚህ በላይ ምን ያጥፋ ይህ ሰው ኦሮሞችን አርዶ በላ ። ኤርትራኖችን ለምን ከኢጣሊያን ጋራ ዘመታቹሁ ብሎ እጅና እግራቸውን ቆረጠ። ዶርዜዎችን ግንባራቸው ላይ መሐተም እያረግ ለባርነት ይሽጣቸው ነበር። ይህ ሁሉ ቂምና ቂም በቀል እሱ የስራው ነው ። አሁን ደግሞ ከግብፅ ጋራ ጦርነት ሊያስገባን ነው ። ይህ ቂጥኛም ንጉስ።

your shame has no boundary but you are a creature without a sense of shame.

If you remove the statue of Emperor Menelik II from Finfinne/Addis Ababa, then there are a lot more out there, who will readily take the same statue and rest it in their own territory with the dignity it deserves (both in Ethiopia and outside of Ethiopia), but you are a certain dumb to understand it.

I told you before that Emperor Menelik is a pioneer of today's global movement of Black Lives Matter and here someone with a better understanding of world history is telling you, yes that is the fact.

The Italo-Ethiopian War may remain an obscure historical event to many Americans. Yet it shocked millions into action and fueled a reckoning with institutionalized racism and fascism — propelling many activists, Black and White, to take to the streets of New York and other cities across the world. Much like today, these activists boldly proclaimed that Black lives mattered.

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Re: የስልጣን ጥመኞቹ ሌላ ጉድ ይዘው መጡ ... የሚኒሊክ ሃውልትን ለማፍረስ ፒቲሽን ማሰባሰብ ጀምረዋል

Post by Lovetarik » 27 Aug 2024, 20:07

DefendTheTruth wrote:
14 Jun 2020, 08:26
present wrote:
14 Jun 2020, 01:47
I, DefendTheTruth, hereby co-sign the statement of this brave man in the video and found nothing logically wrong in his view, declare that Ethoash the Ashtray, another forumer of this site, is an enemy of Ethiopia unless he comes forward and prove the righteousness of his logic to us why Emperor Menelik's Statue should be shipped to Gonder. If Meles' statue may have to be shipped, it is because he built an ethnic enclave of the different people of the country and his enclave is precisely in Tigray, according to his own logic and I don't see any wrong with that. Menelik on the other hand declared divided we fail, united we will get strong and led us to an historic victory over white supremacists that came to colonize us, as such a hero of the black race, a pioneer of today's global "Black Lives Matter" movment.

Our people are fed-up of the none sense of the mob headed by Jaanjoo Mohammed and determined to defend ourselves, as soon as they may take a slightly misstep towards harming our country hence after!

Political actors from Wollega conspired against Tulema Oromo with their counterparts in Tigray and set for themselves the goal to demoralize Showa Oromo and make thme kneeled down before the latter set their footsteps in the central part of the country as liberation fronts. For that purpse alone they tried to create a name called Gobena to mean a traitor, when they are the true traitors.

Now, people are raising the why?

Stop the traitors trying to demonize the true patriots!
Its hard to believe, but I find myself agreeing with Defend on this one. Menelik is not the only one we are dismantling, if we follow Ashtrays advice. Let's not forget the many who effectively thwarted Colonialism. Minilik also represents all Ethiopian heros like the hero Balcha Aba Nefso, Abdisa Aga the magnificent even his holiness Abune Pethros the martyr and the unforgettable poet Tsegaye Gebremedehin. Sometimes, we have to get out of mob mentality and think above the crowd

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