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750 Years Ideological Conflict in Ethiopia: Authoritarian Amaranet vs Egalitarian Oromumma!

Post by OPFist » 28 Feb 2025, 13:52

750 Years Ideological Conflict in Ethiopia: Authoritarian Amaranet vs Egalitarian Oromumma!

No question that Amara identity and Amarigna language started to develop in 1270 as Yekuno Amlak took power from the Zagwe Dynasty. Since then, Amaranet/Amarigna grew exponentially mainly at the cost of both Agawinet/Agawigna and Oromiffa/Oromumma. Amaranet being camouflaged as Ethiopiawinet assimilated a lot of people from almost all nations and nationalities in Ethiopia into speaking Amarigna and being slowly converted to Amara. From all the national identities lost by being assimilaed to the Amaranet identity, only Oromumma used to challenge the hitherto dominating Amaranet. Now a days, Amaranet and Oromumma are not only national identities, but also political ideologies. That is why the currently conflicting main political ideologies in Ethiopia are these two Amaranet vs Oromumma. Interestingly, the qedamawi (first) Derg used the ideological devide of capitalism vs communism, whereas the dagimawi (second) Derg aka Woyane was emphasizing the ideological devide of centralism vs separatism. The salisawi (third) Derg, i.e Biltsigina, seems to enjoy the currently crystalizing ideological devide of Amaranet vs Oromumma, just for its tactical devide and rule manipulation. Both Amaranet and Oromumma are not merely ethnic identities, but grown to level of political ideology. Amaranet being camouflaged as Ethiopianism used to dominate the whole country up to now. Thanks to the fearce Oromo struggle, it is demasked in due time and started to assert itself explicetly as Amaranet fighting against Oromumma. That is why the Fanno movement coined Oromumma as its main enemy. Amaranet is a paragon of authoritarian assimilationist ideology trying to get rid of the existing self-adminstration of nations, whereas Oromumma is a symbol for egalitarian emancipatory ideology fighting for and leading the legitimate self-determination and proportional representation of all nations in the colourful multi-lingual Ethiopia. The struggle between these two ideologies is going on and the dictatorial salisawi Derg is trying to use this conflict for its advantage.
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Re: 750 Years Ideological Conflict in Ethiopia: Authoritarian Amaranet vs Egalitarian Oromumma!

Post by OPFist » 28 Feb 2025, 16:39

.Now, it seems that the political struggle in Ethiopia is cristalizing in to the ongoing fighting between the hitherto dominating Amapianists (pro-Amaranet elites striving to maintain the status quo of Amaranet dominated Ethiopia) and the opposing Oropianists (pro-Oromummà elites, who try to foster Oromummà led Ethiopia by promoting Afàn Oromo to primary working language of the federation). All elites in the country consciously or subconsciously support one of the two camps. No one of them is neutral in this respect. The nostalgic Amapianists like Nama and Ezema have little chance to reverse the process, that is why they opted to support the status quo maintained by the Hybrids of EPP in order to inhibit any possible forward move of democratization process. Keeping the hitherto dictatorial system of Naftagnas is the only means for the domination by Amaranet to persist. That is why all the Neo-Naftagnas in Biltsigina, Nama and Ezema are doing their best to hinder the democratization process. Any movement towards freedom and democracy supports possible transformation of the country towards Oromummà led Ethiopia, because of demographic advantage the Oromo have. Both pro-independence forces like the OLF and pro-integration Oromo elites in OFC now support Oromo multinational federalists for pragmatic reason. The Amapianists tell us that there is only one Ethiopian nationalism with the content, of course, being Amharanet. The Oropianists know very well that Ethiopia is multinational country to be led by Oromummà. Any elite trying to maintain the existing domination of Amaranet dictatorially belongs to the Amapianist bloc. Those pushing for democratization of the country are explicitely or implicitly part and parcel of the Oropianists camp. It is interesting to observe the difference of Amarianists’ Ethiopia (dominated by Amaranet) and Oropianists’ Ethiopia (led by Oromummà). Is there a compromise middle ground between these two versions Ethiopia? I don’t think so. As long as Ethiopia exists, it either continue to be dominated by Amarigna/Amaranet or shall be led by Oromiffa/Oromummà. One the day the Hybrids, who are now serving the Amarianists,m lose power, genuine Oropianists will take over power in Finfinne palace and Oropia (Oromummà led Ethiopia) will be the future.

Otherwise, no question that the Derg style Ethiofascist Amara elites and the Woyane type Ethnofascist Tegaru elites have already lost power in Finfinne palace, never to come back again. Simply put, these two authoritarian groups of Abyssinian elites belong to the past. From now on, political competitors are democratic Ethiofederalists and Ethnofederalists led by Oromo elites being influenced by egaliterian Gadaa principle. The known mindset of the Oromo (the OLF) is now leading both federalist groups. Some elites in the ruling party (EPP) of Dr. Abiy are democrat wing of the OLF, whereas the opposition groups are republican wing. The democrat wing is open for Ethiofederation (geography based federation), while for the republican wing, Ethnofederation (language based) is a compromise solution to be accepted as a prelude towards independent Oromia. The two dead groups of fascist Abyssinian elites are trying to bring back their dying Abyssinian empire, whereas the two federalist camps of Oromians are pushing forward to foster democratic Ethiopian (Oropian) union.

Few years back, surprising and “shocking” news came out of the Abyssinian empire, i.e. the handshake of Woyane’s ethno-dictator Mr. Meles Zenawi with Derg’s ethio-dictator Mr. Hailu Shawel. What did these two persons have in common? Why did the handshake happen? Why was it surprising to most Oropians, in general, and “shocking” to the Amara, in particular? Did the “Oromo factor” play a certain role for the handshake to happen? What was the relation of this handshake to the hitherto attempts made to achieve the necessary compromise between Amara democratic forces and Oromo federalist movements in the formation of an inclusive alliances?

Looking back at history of the empire in the last about 150 years, Amara and Tigrai elites used to compete on the issue of who should be the empire’s dominating force. Till 1991, Amara elites were the dominating force whereas Tigrai elites had the junior role of cooperating for common benefit. Both used to oppress and exploit Oromo people, in particular, and all oppressed nations in the empire, in general. Since 1991, they exchanged their roles so that Tigrai elites became the dominating force, and Amara elites adapted to play junior role, and yet both elite groups were prospering at cost of the oppressed nations.

Now, the struggle of oppressed nations is slowly getting momentum, and all nations, including the currently-subjugated Abesha poor, are trying to come together to challenge the ruling EPP elites, and also struggle against the few cooperating Amhara and Oromo elites, who are still benefiting from the system. The main goal of Oromo nation’s struggle, being led by Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), and that of other oppressed nations is to get rid of the Nefxenya system of domination (domination by using Nefx or gun). For the oppressed nations, the 21st-century Nefxenya is not different from the 20th-century Nefxenya.

The 21st-century and modern Nefxenyas have ruled over Ethiopian peoples about 30 years, specially by using divide-and-rule method. They have managed to sow discord among Amhara democratic forces, which are pro unity, and Oromo freedom fighters, which are pro freedom of nations. These two pro-unity and pro-freedom forces have been fighting each other, thus EPP has managed to rule without facing any cooperated and coordinated challenge from the two big nations.

Thanks to the farsighted OLF leaders and some representatives of Amhara democrats, certain discussions have been going on for the last many years on the issue of finding common denominator to forge an alliance and fight against the EPP. They tried to look at two virtues (freedom and democracy) as strong sides of the two nations. Being pro-unity is strong side of Amhara democratic forces, and being pro-liberty is strong side of Oromo liberation fronts. Both tried to reconcile these two important virtues so that it might be possible to achieve both national (Oromian) freedom and regional (Oropian) unity. This effort showed good results by forging AFD (the Alliance for Freedom and Democracy) in 2006, and by forming Medrek as well as ENM. The coming together of Amhara democratic forces and Oromo freedom fronts in these alliances has been very shocking news for the fascists.

Pro-democracy and pro-freedom forces, both at home and in Diaspora, came together for common denominator of struggling for freedom and democracy in the region called Oropia. Amara democrats have started to recognize the God-given right of Oromo nation to self-administration and autonomy; Oromo freedom fighters have started to say: “if there will be no Abesha domination, there will be no necessity of Oromo liberation in a sense of secession.” That is why Medrek was forged as a compromise and good “midpoint” solution based on a predetermination by elites to fix the conflict between Amara and Oromo. Of course, the “endpoint” solution will be the confirmation of Medrek’s position by the self-determination of each concerned nation, which was also the position of PAFD.

Both the above mentioned solutions (that of Medrek and that of PAFD) are anti-dotes against the 20th-century Nefxenya, for which Ato Hailu Shawel’s supporters are nostalgically longing for; Medrek and PAFD solutions are also anti-dotes against the 21st-century Nefxenya led by EPP. So, common view of the two Nefxenyas (apartheid politics of Woyanites and assimilative politics of Dergists) is their anti-democracy and anti-freedom position. We can see that the “shocking” handshake of the two men was a symbol of cooperation of two dictators against emergence of the very constructive pro-democracy and pro-freedom alliances.

Mederek, with its potential, was the good challenge against TPLF fascists, if the “elections” were really free and fair. It is crystal-clear that also EPP will never allow it to be as such, so that the other option would be the struggle by all means as the OLA is trying to do. There is still a probability for Amara democrats in Diaspora to forge a new alliance similar to AFD with freedom fighters like the OLA.

TPLF was under immense pressure for years from Medrek at home, from pro-democracy forces in Diaspora, from famine in Ethiopia, from the international community and, of course, from the Eritrean government. Being under such dire situation, the hegemonist Meles got a saving handshake from the Dergist Hailu Shawel, who seemed to have obsolete mentality. It is fact that Hailu Shawel does have support of many Amaras, who are emotionally attached to him, not based on reason, but just based on the false Ethiopian patriotism. I hoped they will slowly and surely get the true color of such dictators, and that they will opt for the genuine and lasting solution as pro-democracy Amaras in Ezema were trying to do. The lasting solution can be union of all nations in the empire based on self-determination as PAFD put it.

To answer the questions I raised at the beginning:

What did these two persons had in common?
– The two dictators had in common the purpose of opposing any movement for freedom and democracy for they know that realization of these two virtues means an end to both Nefxenya systems.

Why did the handshake happen?
– The handshake happened in order to save the Abyssinian system of domination, in which both Amhara Nefxenya elites and Tigrai Nefxenya elites used to prey on oppressed nations, like the Oromo. They were on their last attempt of saving the system not to be destroyed by all pro-democracy and pro-freedom forces (including Amhara and Tigrai democrats).

Why was it surprising to most Ethiopians, in general, and “shocking” to the Amhara, in particular?
– The handshake was surprising to all Ethiopians because of Mr. Hailu’s and his friends’ hitherto arrogance and their show not to have any relation with the TPLF; it was “shocking” to the Amara for it made them to be seen as boot lickers of the TPLF. The picture of Ato Hailu bowing so low to the feet of Aite Meles is very humiliating for the supporters of Ato Hailu, to say the least.

Did the “Oromo factor” play a certain role for the handshake to happen?
– Of course, the “Oromo factor” played an immense role for the handshake. Conservative Amaras like Ato Hailu used to believe and they still believe that “it is better to be ruled by Tigreans for 100 years than to be ruled by Oromo for 1 day.” They know that true democracy and freedom means appropriate share of power for Oromo people. This group does have more fear from the Oromo in power than from Tigrean in power. So, the handshake can be perceived as that of two Nefxenyas taking vows not to leave Oromia free from their exploitation and oppression. It is a symbolical agreement to continue their system of domination, be it Amhara Nefxenya or Tigrai Nefxenya, in Finfinne palace.

What is the relation of this handshake to the hitherto attempts made to achieve the necessary compromise between Amhara democratic forces and Oromo federalist movements in the formation of alliances like Medrek?
– The handshake was simply put an anti-thesis to cooperation of Amhara democratic forces and Oromo freedom fighters in Medrek and PAFD in order to forge a common home in that region based on democracy, equality, freedom and justice. It seemed that TPLF was trying to lure certain Amara forces away from forging such an alliance with Oromo fronts. If such handshake succeeds in the future, then TPLF’s divide-and-rule tactics between Amara forces and Oromo fronts would have revived again.

The division of political camps in the empire is slowly becoming clear: dictators and fascist Nefxenyas on one side, whereas democrats and freedom fighters on the other side. Ezema being in the first group, while OLF, with its pro-democracy supporters at home and in Diaspora, in the second group. The EPP is Hybrid trying to trade as Amapianist and Oropianist based on the Zeitgeist.

What was the implication of the handshake on the Oromo liberation movement? It depends on the definition we give for the word liberation. If it is “liberation” in a sense of the status quo as EPP people try to convince us, then the handshake was good to keep it. If “liberation” means self-determination in the form of Oromia’s autonomy in Ethiopian context, like what Oromo federalists want to realize, then the handshake was against it. If we mean “liberation” is self-determination leading to Oromia’s independence without union of nations in the empire, the handshake was almost similar to that of Hitler with Mussolini to subjugate the free world. Simply put, such handshake is anti-thesis of the alliances like Medrek, and it helpes the encumbent to secure its power further based on its method of divide-and-rule. The only question to be answered was: did Ato Hailu do this intentionally being the “smart TPLF supporter” or did he do the job unintentionally being the “stu*pid Anti-TPLFite”, who was just naively instrumentalized by the [ deleted ] fox? But now, the struggle is between Amapianist elites and Oropianist elites. Surely, the pro-Oromummàs shall prevail over the grave of pro-Amaranet bloc, who are now camouflaged as pro-Ethiopiawinet

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