War-ravaged Amara and Tigrey regions can apply for food aid offered by Saudis.
Re: Saudi Food Aid in Ramadan USD 18 million
Arab slave!
They enslaved your mind and soul. You will end up where they end up. Not with virgins but in hell with demon Allah
They enslaved your mind and soul. You will end up where they end up. Not with virgins but in hell with demon Allah

Re: Saudi Food Aid in Ramadan USD 18 million
Starving Odie!
Better run, you neftenya pillaged Ethiopia such that you sucked life out of us. Not any more left to give you. Better wash the saudi Muslims' legs and feed yourself.
Or enter Saudia and join the Ethiopian criminals smuggling drugs. Sure thing you will end up in the suffocating hot prisons of Riyadh.
What choice you have a criminal neftenya: Either beg or commit crimes as your tradition