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Oromo’s Current Goal: Oromiffà as Primary Working Language of Ethiopia, Replacing Amharigna!

Post by OPFist » Yesterday, 14:26

Oromo’s Current Goal: Oromiffà as Primary Working Language of Ethiopia, Replacing Amharigna!

The Oromo envisioned an independent Oromia as we had low confidence at that dark time of oppression. Now, we opted for democratic federal Union after developing an intermediate confidence to lead Ethiopia as a whole. Surely, in the future, we will have high confidence even to give up borders of Oromia, because democratic Ethiopia definately shall be de facto Oropia (Oromummà led colourful rainbow Ethiopia). The main precondition for this to happen is a promotion of Afàn Oromô to primary working language of Ethiopia, replacing Amarigna. Thus, what Oromo republicans need to do is just take power in Finfinne palace and do the job of this promotion.
Read more: ... oromummaa/

Noble Amhara
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Re: Oromo’s Current Goal: Oromiffà as Primary Working Language of Ethiopia, Replacing Amharigna!

Post by Noble Amhara » Yesterday, 17:39

Even our enemies speak amharic

Or1 even said the tulama children around addis still prefer amharic school than in afaan oromo

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Re: Oromo’s Current Goal: Oromiffà as Primary Working Language of Ethiopia, Replacing Amharigna!

Post by OPFist » Yesterday, 18:59

It is becoming clear that Amara elites and Oromo elites are competing to have a leading power and position in Finfinne palace. Not clear is the position of Dr. Abiy in the competition of the two camps. Till now, he kept or maintained the hitherto domination of Amaranet/Amarigna at the cost of Oromiffà/Oromummà. That is why he lost support of Oromo majority, especially that of Qèrrô. Observing this fact, the [ deleted ] Amhara elites, who manipulated and separated him from his Oromo constituency, are trying to push him away from the palace. Dr. Abiy has now only two choices: either take side of Amaranet or come back to Oromumma. He can not be in between. Ethiopia’s fate is either further domination of Amharanet/ Amharigna or future leadership of Oromiffà/Oromummà. No need of having illusion and try to handel both sides equally. There is no such thing like using both Amharigna and Oromiffà equally. One of the languages should take primary position and be used by all federal institutions. Up to now, Amarigna has got that privilage, but Oromiffà as language of the biggest nation deserves this leading primary position. Then, the communication between regional states of Ethiopia will be by using Oromiffà, replacing Amarigna. Dr. Abiy and his EPP can only survive, if they get support of Oromo mass. To achieve that, there is no other way rather than promoting Oromiffà to this primary leading position, replacing the hitherto domination of Amarigna.

I once listened the hidden speech of Shimelis Abdissa! Interesting point he raised is the fact that Amarinya is losing and Oromiffaa is winning ground in the whole country. Is that realy true? Is Abiy Ahmed’s EPP to realize such Ethiopia led by Oromummà? If true, then Abiy and Fayyis are on the same page. But, I doubt! Abiy is under the strong influence of Neo-naftagnas and he seems to be comfortable in keeping the hitherto dominance of Amharinga and Amharanet in Ethiopia. Such Ethiopia in which Amharigna dominates is de facto Great Amharia. That is why Abiy’s Ethiopia (Amapia = Amaranet dominated country)) is antagonistically opposite to Fayyis’ Ethiopia (Oropia). In free and natural competition of languages in that country, Oromiffà has a demographic advantage to lead. For Amaringa to maintain its dominance, dictatorship should continue. That is why Amara elites are basically anti- democratic authorotarian dictators. On the contrary, Oromiffà benefits in democracy, because it gets chance to be promoted to primary language of the country. Then, it is logical that democratic Ethiopia will be de facto Oropia, whereas for Amaringa’ s further dominance and for Ethiopia to continue as Amapia, dictatorship of Neo-naftagnas should persist. Abiy’s current dictatorial move to crack down on genuine Oromo nationalists is serving this cause of Neo-nftagas. Thus, Abiy’s Ethiopia is now Amapia, whereas Fayyis’ Ethiopia will be eqiivalent to Oropia.

Ethiopia is actually the land of competiton between two blocs of Oromo elites since about 3000 years ago. The two blocs are: 1, those who want to be converted in order to own and serve Abeshanet in general and Amaranet in particular; 2, those who need to conserve and develop Oromummà. This struggle between the two camps was/is going militarily, ideologically and politically; unforunately the Amaranet bloc used to dominate till now. Three years back, the Oromummà camp seemed to get victory, which nowadays could be seen as only mirage in a desert. Actually the Amaranet bloc being led by Abiy Ahmed is still dominating and ruling. Abiy once told his parlament that he used to struggle for freedom of Oromo people. Is this true? Can he serve these two antagonistic masters? It seems that Abiy is serving Amaranet bloc at the cost of Oromummà camp. He is keeping the dominance of Amaranet; that is why he is procrastinating the planed promotion of Afàn Oromo to the working language of the federation. Abiy has yet two options: continue to serve Amaranet and be denounced in history as Oromo foe or correct his attitude and serve Oromummà to be remembered as Oromo friend in the future. But, surely he can not serve these two antagonizing masters at the same time. So, Abiy need to choose whom to serve and how to be remembered in the future

Simply put, every individual and institution promoting Oromo national interest is our friend and those working against it are our foes. In politics there is no permanent foe or permanent friend, but permanent interest. The first question to be answered is, “what is Oromo’s national interest?”. Any thing in favour of our freedom, sovereignty, peace, prosperity and security is serving our interest. Thus, our list of foes and friends vary based on timing.

Right timing is very important for us in general and for pro-independence Oromo in particular when trying to define our foes and friends in order to decide who can work with or against whom at particular time. Then, depending on the right timing, we can be arrab-sadee (have triple tongue) in first phase of our struggle, arrab-lamee (double tongue) during second phase and arrab-tokkee (single tongue) in third phase. I think we need this logical differentiation not only to know the right timing, but also to look at three phases/stations in our liberation journey constructivly:

– first station was the time, where the struggle was between Tigrean hegemonist front and three groups of Oromo freedom fighters (pro-independence, pro-federalism and pro-integration) – i.e three against one. Oromo nationalists were arrab-sadee (pro-independence, -federalism & -integration). Here, only using force was a good solution for the fascist TPLF was not in a position to solve the conflict per consensus or democracy (referendum).

– second station is the time-now after freedom from the hegemonist front, where there is a conflict between the unitarists (pro-integration) and other nationalists (pro-federation and pro-independence) – two gainst one. Thus, we can be arrab-lame (talking federalism and independence). This conflict can be solved through consensus or democracy or force. It is up to the unitarists to choose which way of the solution is better. I hope, they are prefering democracy (election way).

– third station will be the time after getting victory over the unitarists through one of the above three methods, when we will decide on conflict of the objectives: pro-federation forces and pro-independence fronts (through either concensus or referendum, but not using force) – one against one. Then, we can be arrab-tokke (opting for independence or for federation). The decision can be in favour of an own state (Gadaa Oromia) compared to a union state (Oropia, i.e democratic Ethiopia) or the vice versa. It seems consensus on multinational federation will prevail.

If we consider this right timing, it was absurd on side of pro-independence fighters to call or label the pro-federalism and pro-integration forces as enemy. The only enemies now are actually the assimilationist Dergists (some Amara elites), hegemonist Woyanites (the TPLF) and the dictatorial Biltsiginna. Pro-integration unitarists can be enemy of pro-independence forces only at this second station now, if they refuse consensus or referendum as rule of political game and opt for force to achieve their goal. Pro-federalism forces can be enemy to pro-independence forces only at third station, if also they refuse consensus or referendum and try to use force to achieve their objective.

So, let’s have right timing to differentiate our foe and friend at respective stations. The struggle in first phase was yesterday: freedom vs fascisim; now in second phase today: multi-national federation vs multi-regional federation; and tomorrow in third phase: an own Oromo state vs a union Oromia state (Oromia vs Oropia)! My choice is “self rule of Oromia and shared rule of Oropia (i.e Oromia within Oropia)”. May Waaqa help us choose the best for the Oromo! Abiy’s future legacy depends on the choice he makes today: serve Amaranet and be denounced as Oromo foe or serve Oromummà and be remembered as Oromo friend! If he is determined to keep Ethiopia as Amhapia, he is simply the 21st century Menelik, not less. But, if he chooses to foster Ethiopia as Oropia, he will be my hero and that of all Oromos in the walk of life! To transform the present Ethiopia to Oropia, it is mandatory to promote Afàn Oromô to the primary language of the federation. This will be surely done by Oromo republicans, of course not by Abiy’s prosperitans

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