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Oromo’s Colonial Narrative to Liberate Oromia and Cushitic Narrative to Lead Oropia

Post by OPFist » 05 Feb 2025, 17:03

Oromo’s Colonial Narrative to Liberate Oromia and Cushitic Narrative to Lead Oropia

It is the right time for Oromo elites to shift their rhetoric regarding Oromo movement from Colonial narrative to Cushitic Narrative. Now, Oromia is already free from Abyssinian elites tyrannical rule. The Colonial narrative was very important during the hithrto liberation struggle. That phase of the struggle is over. Oromo elites got good chance not only to liberate Oromia, but also to lead the whole Oropia (Oromummà led Ethiopia) on the grave of Amapia (Amaranet dominated Ethiopia). To fullfil this leadership succesfully, it is important to instrumentalize the Cushitic narrative in order to show that the true Ethiopia is Cushitic, not Solomonic as the past Abyssinian rulers tried to portray. Almost all nations in Ethiopia, including the Habesh are from Cushitic base and we can have this supra-national identity of being Cush (Ethiopian in a true sense).
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Re: Oromo’s Colonial Narrative to Liberate Oromia and Cushitic Narrative to Lead Oropia

Post by OPFist » 06 Feb 2025, 00:39

I once read an article condemning a possible “paradigm shift” in the Oromo liberation struggle. It told us that the suggested paradigm shift was a shift of goal from an independent Oromia to a united Ethiopia. I didn’t say that the suggested shift must be a shift of freedom goal. In one of my last articles, I asked a question: is that paradigm shift of a way to the Oromo goal (self-determination) or shift of goal? I didn’t still get an answer for my question. I also didn’t understand that the suggested “national self-determination with multinational democracy” was a shift of goal.

I think the author still thinks with a “parallel framework” of ‘either-or’ mechanism. To him, there is simply either Oromia’s independence or Ethiopian unity (think in black and white, without grey zone). He didn’t try to think in a “series framework”, which could help him conceive that we, as a nation, can move from the status of occupied Oromia, first to a genuinely autonomous Oromia within Ethiopian union as a prelude to an independent Oromia or an Integrative Oropia within the African union. I didn’t understand why some people like him couldn’t learn to think in a “series framework” in order to support Oromo nationalists, who were emphasizing first to achieve Oromia’s autonomy within union, which is a mid-goal on the way towards the goal, which the author pursues (independent Oromia). Hey do such people think that it is constructive to curse those nationalists who want to move forward half of the way with them?

I have tried to help such people with the following three metaphors, so that they may change their mechanism of thinking. I hoped such people can enjoy it again and try to learn that those whom they do vilify were on the same track moving with them towards an independent Oromia:

1) I hoped that we come slowly, but surely, to the position of clarity as far as the Oromo cause, Oromo goal or the Oromo question in general is concerned. The metaphor I brought here, putting the different terms of Oromo goal in a form of either “parallel circuit” or “series circuit” could make immense difference in our way of thinking and night have made big effect on our contribution to Oromo liberation movement. Putting the three outcomes of Oromo goal (Oromia’s autonomy, Oromia’s independence and union of free peoples) in a “parallel circuit” makes the three terms of the goal to be seen as if they are very contradictory to each other from which we must choose one. Putting them in a “series circuit” as if we can achieve one after another (first achieve autonomy, then independence, and then further a union if we want), makes it clear, so that we could see there is no conflict among the three terms of the only one Oromo goal. I hoped in due time all of the concerned Oromo nationalists may start to think in this form of “series framework” instead of thinking in “parallel framework”.

2) It was also good to remember here again the metaphor I used previously, i.e. the liberation journey from Djibouti (stazus of colony) — through Diredhawa (federation or autonomous Oromia) — and through Adaama (independent Oromia) — to Finfinne (union of free peoples), be it the union will be at the Horn level or at African level. I thought these two metaphors (electric circuit and train journey) may work a wonder to heal the perceived and/or real conflict produced and transmitted by those thinking with “parallel framework”, intentionally to produce a conflict or unintentionally without knowing the consequence of their way of thinking. Unfortunately, there were some who just couldn’t be free from the perceived conflict as we read in the article I mentioned above. That is why I added recently the following third metaphor.

3) We like it or not, all Oromo individuals and Oromo institutions do pass through a certain political evolution process, from the following level one to level five. The author seems to move at the fourth level, and he denounced those who want to move from second level to third (who want to move forward half of the way with him). He and those who move at the fourth level needed to evolve to fifth level in order to think global, even though they should act locally (concentrating on only the interest of Oromo people):

– first level of the evolution is that of those who do support unitary Abyssinian empire as Oromos and others in Habesha dominated organizations like the EPRP do. They deny the existence of Oromia, but cry only about the whole country being dominated by Abyssinians.

– second level of those acting like the ex-OPDOs, who claim to be Oromo and believe in the existence of Oromia, but accept and respect Abyssinian rule over the occupied Oromia.

– third level of those acting like OFC, who claim to be Oromo and demands Oromia’s autonomy at least within a union.

– fourth level of those acting like ONP and do claim the unconditional Oromia’s independence in a form of Gadaa Republic, disregarding the possibility for a union of free peoples.

– fifth level of those searching to foster union of free peoples as planned by the OLF, i.e. union for common economical benefit, which brings all Oromo in the Horn together.

Now, coming to the paradigm shift, was there really any suggestion to shift our move back to the first level of the evolution? If there was such a suggestion, I am with those who condemn it! Was there a suggestion to accept the second level and to give up our liberation struggle? If yes, I am with those who denounce this. Was the suggestion to facilitate a move to the third level, probably with the help of a possible alliance of all forces, which want to support this move, including the Habesha democratic forces? If this is the case, why does this disturb some pro-independence Oromo nationalists? I thought this move disturbs only the dictatorial Amharas, who are moving at the first level and the hegemonist Tigreans, who are moving at the second level. Why couldn’t the intelligent brains of pro-independence nationalists grasp that this move to the third level is a prelude for a move to the fourth level of independent Oromia?

As far as I am concerned, let alone Oromo nationalists, even Abyssinians can not be free from this political evolution, even though it may take them many many years to evolve. The lasting final solution for that cursed empire is, as the authot suggested, a good separation of Abyssinia and Oromia, be it peacefully like the Czech republic and Slovakia or forcefully as that of Serbia and Croatia, but with the last option for a union of independent Abyssinia and independent Oromia within context of union. So, I would like to suggest that we learn to think in a “series framework”, so that we can believe in and live out our tactical goal (Oromia’s autonomy within union, the third level of our political evolution), our core-goal (Oromia’s independence, the fourth level) and our strategical goal (und An du ich I union of free peoples, the fifth level).

On the other hand, the article I mentioned above at that particular time was a gift for TPLF and its cadres. The move of Oromo unionists like the ODF and that of the Amara unitarists like AG7 to forge an alliance against the fascist regime was nightmare for the TPLF. Its cadres were very busy to camouflage like pro-unconditional-Oromia’s independence forces in order to curse Amhara “nefxenyas” and like pro-unconditional-Ethiopian-unity forces in order to blame Oromo “gooxenyas”. Their move was just to polarize Oromo democrats and Amara democrats so that no challenging inclusive opposition against their regime will emerge. Unfortunately, they were getting unexpected help from some genuine nationalists of both camps: certain Oromo nationalists, who mistrust Amhara elites as centeralists and some Amara ethiopianists, who continue to curse Oromo liberators as separatists. TPLF was enjoying this polarized positions of nationalists from both sides for they were doing the job of its cadres. These nationalists simply acted like chimpanzee-politicians who didn’t learn to think and act in a sophisticated way, but always pray the mantra of ‘spade is spade.’

That is why I dared to advise Oromo nationalists, who do tend always to say a ‘spade is spade’ that they learn drinking vodka from water bottle. To understand what I mean, here is the story. I once met two Russians in subway in the city I live. Each of them has got a bottle of drink. One was using bottle named vodka; the other one using bottle named water. Both of them were drinking from their own bottle, respectively. I just observed them and could see that the one using water bottle was more drunk than the other one using vodka bottle. I was surprised and asked them: how can this be?

How can it be that the one using water bottle was drunk? Then they laughed and told me that both were drinking vodka, but the name of the bottles each of them were using differs. This is the difference between Oromo politicians and the [ deleted ] Habesha politicians. Most Oromo politicians like the author use only vodka bottle and always say ‘spade is spade’ (talk about Oromo rights directly), whereas politicians of the two Habesha nations (Tegaru and Amhara) use water bottle (use the name ‘Ethiopia’ to promote the interests of their respective nations indirectly). They play the same game of “ethnicity” (promote Tegaru hegemony and Amhara dominance, respectively), by using the bad deceptive method in comparison to the good direct liberation struggle of Oromo ationalists. Can such Oromo nationalists learn the Habesha way of doing business, having Oromo interest at heart? Time will tell us.

Last but not least, I would like to say: thaks Waaqa that we could kill together the ambition and intention of the TPLF and its cadres, who do try to fool Oromo people by crying about unconditional independent Oromia in Oromo forums, and at the same time try to cheat Amara people by singing about unconditional unitary Ethiopia in Amhara forums, their purpose being to polarize the two camps in order to hinder the needed all-inclusive alliance which might emerge against their fascist regime in Finfinne palace. We didn’t fall into their traps. I know the success of an all-inclusive alliance based on a common good was very painful to them, so that they did every thing under the sun to hinder its formation. Despite all these, the Oromo achieved liberation of Oromia using Colonial narrative, but we need now the Cushitic narrative in our leadership of the country. Waaqa bless us all!.

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