Case in point
Swiss envoy: Eritrea a pillar of stability in the HoA region.
Case in point
Last edited by Zmeselo on 05 Feb 2025, 11:20, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Swiss envoy: Eritrea a pillar of stability in the HoA region.

Mission to Eritrea by OIV Director Stefano Glinianski ... 1bfb9.html
To evaluate the outcomes of Italian Cooperation activities
(ANSA) ROME - Februari 04, 2025
A mission was carried out by Councilor Stefano Glinianski, head of the Independent Evaluation Body (OIV), accompanied by the Director of the relevant AICS (Italian Development Cooperation Agency) Office, Michele Morana. The OIV is a body that deals with the strategic planning and monitoring of the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
The purpose of the mission was to assess the outcomes of the Italian Cooperation's activities in Eritrea and the level of satisfaction of all stakeholders in the sector. To this end, the delegation, accompanied by the Italian Ambassador Alfonso Di Riso and by the Deputy Head of Mission Paolo Zampella, met the Minister of Agriculture Arefaine Berhe, the Minister of Health Amina Nurhussien and the Commissioner for Culture and Sport Zemede Tecle, authorities of the Eritrean government most involved in the projects financed by AICS.
During the mission, meetings were held with the CSOs operating in Eritrea and a trip was made to Massawa, to the Training Center run by the National Confederation of Eritrean Workers and financed by AICS funds, and to the site of Adulis, where an Eritrean-Italian archaeological mission has been active for several years, engaged in excavation activities in this very week.
Amb. Küçüksakallı had fruitful meetings on enhancing bilateral relations & regional developments with H.E. Saleh, Min.of Foreign Affairs, H.E G.Meskel, Min.of Information, Hon. Gebreab, Presidential Adviser; presented a book by @firatsunel, 1st Turkish Ambassador in Eritrea
Re: Swiss envoy: Eritrea a pillar of stability in the HoA region.
1980: Do you know that the EPLF once proposed a referendum to the Derg regime, suggesting that both sides campaign freely and let the Eritrean people decide their future? However, the Derg dismissed this proposal and continued its military campaign, believing it could crush what it saw as just "a few fighters." Mengistu Hailemariam, the leader of the Derg, arrogantly declared,
የከራማራው ድል በሰሜኑን ይደገማል
He completely ignored the fact that his victory in the Ogaden War was heavily reliant on the support of both the Soviet Union, Cuba and other countries. With the same overconfidence, he turned his attention to Eritrea, failing to realize that the so-called "few fighters" were not just rebels but a determined force fighting for Independence.
The EPLF’s strategy was clear: first to stop the giant army, weaken it piece by piece, and ultimately dismantle it completely. While many battles were fought against the Derg in Eritrea, Operation Fenkil became the final nail in its coffin. This decisive battle not only liberated Massawa, but also marked the beginning of the end for the Derg regime.
Now, imagine for a moment—how many lives could have been saved if the Derg had accepted the proposal? How different could the region’s history have been? Can you imagine the level of development both Eritrea and Ethiopia could have achieved together? Instead of decades of war and destruction, the resources wasted on conflict could have been used for schools, infrastructure, and economic growth.
Eritrea always strives for peace because Eritreans have experienced the bad and the ugly of war. Their desire for stability, is rooted in a deep understanding of the costs of conflict.
Happy Operation Fenkil! A day to remember the resilience and sacrifice of those who fought for Eritrea’s independence!
Re: Swiss envoy: Eritrea a pillar of stability in the HoA region.
Eritrea's Mining Law and associated exploration/exploitation regulations have won accolades from various quarters in the past two decades due to its cogent provisions. These include:
*Diversification of the sector to ensure a fully competitive environment within a level playing field, (Exploration licenses have been granted in the past decades to a plethora of companies from all over the world);
* Ensuring fare return to the country through statutory rights to own up to 40% of the equity (10% free-carried).
*This instrument coupled with appropriate fisical measures (royalty and corporate profit tax) utlimately secure substantial Total Government Take in the exploitation of strategic assets of the country.
*The Government's substantial equity ensures commensurate access and leverage to the host country in all the decision-making bodies of the mining enterprises.
*Furthermore, the Mining Law and the country's Labour Laws contain additional and explicit provisions and safeguards against unfair/opaque practices of transfer pricing; and procurement/subcontracting modalities that do not give precedence to local companies under fully competitive conditions.
* In the event, those who make wild aspersions, (latest article on bne IntelliNews), on the mining sector are either ill-informed or do so to advance other agendas.
Leaving aside the underlying motives, coherence and continuity of the right political vibes on NED/USAID etc. that have gained traction these days, the dragnet of "regime change" outfits is much bigger indeed.
Human Rights Watch, caught red-handed in its subversive acts against Eritrea as early as 2011,belongs to these category of ignominous entities. In this respect, the defamatory and irresponsible "report" it issued last week only accentuates its incorrigble conduct of stoking conflcit as an "errand boy" and in the service of ulterior agendas of certain powers.
Last edited by Zmeselo on 05 Feb 2025, 12:50, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Swiss envoy: Eritrea a pillar of stability in the HoA region.
Skier, Shannon-Ogbani Abeda, headed to 3rd Winter Olympics!
-Another young
Re: Swiss envoy: Eritrea a pillar of stability in the HoA region.
A great THREAD from 2011 by Elias Amare: @EliasAmare, on USAID shenanigans:

The past 6 months, Eritrea Ethiopia & Somalia have been assaulted with a vicious propaganda campaign by the West to manufacture R2P chaos. The Big Lie—genocide & rape in Tigray—has lost traction. Now WFP Chief is claiming famine in Tigray—a total baseless lie!
Ethiopia's PM office, @PMEthiopia, press briefing (in English) today, June 9, provided detailed data that, despite TPLF's attempts at blocking food distribution, so far over 5 million people of Tigray have received food aid.

Meanwhile, also today, June 9, USAID chief, Samantha Power, @PowerUSAID, has been busy drumming up the "famine in Tigray" propaganda construct. Only she's been careful not to call it "famine". She refers to it as "life-threatening hunger" instead, letting others run with famine.

In a move reminiscent of the Save Darfur propaganda construct where celebrities like Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, Mia Farrow…were recruited to hype it up, Samantha Power also attempted to draft renowned Ethio-Canadian artist @theweeknd into her "famine in Tigray" PR campaign.
In a press briefing on June 9, Ethiopia's Health Minister, Dr. Lia Tadesse, @FMoHealth, said 55% of hospitals & 52% percent of health centers in Tigray are currently working; medicines & medical equipment worth 8 million Birr have also been delivered. ( ... -minister/…)
Also, 4 days ago, UN resident coordinator in Ethiopia, Dr Catherine Sozi, @CNSozi, spoke to
press about the good partnership with the Ethiopian government & the regional admin of Tigray to fill in the humanitarian aid gap in Tigray.

But Samantha Power is adamant that famine looms in Tigray province of Ethiopia, the homebase for the now defunct terrorist TPLF, erstwhile puppets of the US. She's drumming up the propaganda for a manufactured crisis. It's not for nothing that they call her "Queen of R2P".

Though the ethnofascist terrorist TPLF is now destroyed with most of its top leadership either killed or apprehended & only a few are still at large, elements within US state security-intel aparat want to resuscitate it by weaponizing famine in Tigray as they did in 1985.…
In a 2010 report titled, "Ethiopia famine aid spent on weapons", former chair of TPLF, Dr Aregawi Berhe, revealed that,

As if on cue, US Senator @ChrisCoons also jumped into the fray on June 9, 2021, to join the "famine in Tigray" propaganda orchestra sponsored by @StateDept & USAID, with Samantha Power as lead conductor. Ethiopia & Eritrea, cannot take this hostile R2P propaganda lightly.
For Eritrea & Ethiopia, the writing on the wall for R2P-type of Humanitarian Intervention by US/EU cannot be any clearer. So-called R2P/humanitarian-intervention has no basis in international law, & UNSC has clearly rejected it. But the masters of war don’t give a damn!

Today, June 10, the high priestess of R2P, having convened a "US-EU High-Level Roundtable on Tigray" with her blessing (Feltman was there for concluding gloom & doom prognostications) declared gleefully,
There's famine in tigray, now!
Pathetic theatrics!

As President Isaias Afwerki said:
The people of Eritrea, Ethiopia & Somalia are united in their resistance against the destabilizing evil forces of conflicts & chaos.
The past 6 months, Eritrea Ethiopia & Somalia have been assaulted with a vicious propaganda campaign by the West to manufacture R2P chaos. The Big Lie—genocide & rape in Tigray—has lost traction. Now WFP Chief is claiming famine in Tigray—a total baseless lie!
Ethiopia's PM office, @PMEthiopia, press briefing (in English) today, June 9, provided detailed data that, despite TPLF's attempts at blocking food distribution, so far over 5 million people of Tigray have received food aid.
Meanwhile, also today, June 9, USAID chief, Samantha Power, @PowerUSAID, has been busy drumming up the "famine in Tigray" propaganda construct. Only she's been careful not to call it "famine". She refers to it as "life-threatening hunger" instead, letting others run with famine.
In a move reminiscent of the Save Darfur propaganda construct where celebrities like Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, Mia Farrow…were recruited to hype it up, Samantha Power also attempted to draft renowned Ethio-Canadian artist @theweeknd into her "famine in Tigray" PR campaign.
In a press briefing on June 9, Ethiopia's Health Minister, Dr. Lia Tadesse, @FMoHealth, said 55% of hospitals & 52% percent of health centers in Tigray are currently working; medicines & medical equipment worth 8 million Birr have also been delivered. ( ... -minister/…)
Also, 4 days ago, UN resident coordinator in Ethiopia, Dr Catherine Sozi, @CNSozi, spoke to
But Samantha Power is adamant that famine looms in Tigray province of Ethiopia, the homebase for the now defunct terrorist TPLF, erstwhile puppets of the US. She's drumming up the propaganda for a manufactured crisis. It's not for nothing that they call her "Queen of R2P".
Though the ethnofascist terrorist TPLF is now destroyed with most of its top leadership either killed or apprehended & only a few are still at large, elements within US state security-intel aparat want to resuscitate it by weaponizing famine in Tigray as they did in 1985.…
In a 2010 report titled, "Ethiopia famine aid spent on weapons", former chair of TPLF, Dr Aregawi Berhe, revealed that,
Millions of dollars in Western aid for victims of the Ethiopian famine of 1984-85 was siphoned off by TPLF rebels to buy weapons…
As if on cue, US Senator @ChrisCoons also jumped into the fray on June 9, 2021, to join the "famine in Tigray" propaganda orchestra sponsored by @StateDept & USAID, with Samantha Power as lead conductor. Ethiopia & Eritrea, cannot take this hostile R2P propaganda lightly.
For Eritrea & Ethiopia, the writing on the wall for R2P-type of Humanitarian Intervention by US/EU cannot be any clearer. So-called R2P/humanitarian-intervention has no basis in international law, & UNSC has clearly rejected it. But the masters of war don’t give a damn!
Today, June 10, the high priestess of R2P, having convened a "US-EU High-Level Roundtable on Tigray" with her blessing (Feltman was there for concluding gloom & doom prognostications) declared gleefully,
There's famine in tigray, now!
Pathetic theatrics!
As President Isaias Afwerki said:
Let them write their fictions…The Eritrean people have never been led astray by their lies & deceptions.
The people of Eritrea, Ethiopia & Somalia are united in their resistance against the destabilizing evil forces of conflicts & chaos.
Re: Swiss envoy: Eritrea a pillar of stability in the HoA region.
Thanks for the unbiased information you keep posting for people who care to know about the political facts on the Horn region. I appreciate it.
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Re: Swiss envoy: Eritrea a pillar of stability in the HoA region.
ዳውን ዳውን ባህር አልባ ስዊዘርላንድ!