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የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Odie » 09 Jan 2025, 17:14

"ብኑድሽ ብኑድሽ ትንክየ አጠፏን"...የጉራጌ አባባል

ተቀራራቢ አማርኛ ትርጉም:-" እየነገርኩሽ! የምግቡ ጣእም ያበላሽው ድስቱ ነው""

ብልፅግና የጥያ ትክል ድንጋይን corridor ለማድረግ 3.5 billion birr በጅቷል ይለናል ደረጄ!

Tiya is an archaeological site in central Ethiopia. It is located in the Soddo woreda, in the Gurage Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region south of Addis Ababa.

ምስራቅ ጉራጌ በተለይም ሶዶ ለ OPDO/PP/OLF ገባር የሆነበት በየቀኑ ብልፅግና የሚያደንቁ የኮሪደር ልማት ቪድዮ እየለጠፈ house ni***ga ሆኖ የሚያስቸግርበት ምክንያት አንዱ ይሄ ነው!

ይህም ያህል በጀት የተያዘው ደቡብ ውስጥ ብዙ አስተማሪዎች ደሞዝ ሳያገኙ ወራት በተቆጠሩበትና በትርፍ ጊዜ መንገድ ዳር ለምግብ በሚለምኑበት ነው ተብሏል :cry: :cry:
እንዲሁም በረሃብ የሚቸገሩ እንዳሉ ነው!!

Now we know Gurage is officially sold to be foot soldier for OPDO!

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Odie » 10 Jan 2025, 23:19

We are divided and dream walking but the guy is corrupting everything Ethiopians value.
Gurage is successfully divided. 7-bet to Hadya, North East Gurage to Oromia. Harare to Oromia, soon!
No joke :mrgreen:

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Joined: 22 Jun 2024, 21:05

Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Dama » 10 Jan 2025, 23:41

Odie wrote:
10 Jan 2025, 23:19
We are divided and dream walking but the guy is corrupting everything Ethiopians value.
Gurage is successfully divided. 7-bet to Hadya, North East Gurage to Oromia. Harare to Oromia, soon!
No joke :mrgreen:
Mesqan and Kistane were promised perks to betray Gurage unity. Especially Kistane has a history of beteaying Gurage. To scavange from Oromos and Amaras. Signed accord with Oromos to call.itself Sodo. Changes its name depending on prizes.

Gurage, to my understanding will hold onto itself. Even worst times such as when Oromo attacked it in the early 1800s, it defended itself and its territories, except the Kebena herdsmen tgemselces driven by Oromo near Arsi, settled near Abeshge, while Gurage was busy fighting the Gallas.

Hadiya is no match for adverserial relationships with Gurage. And the good thing is there is no such movement among the reasonable elites of Hadiya. The Mesmes, one of the founders of 7bet, now included in Hadiya are treated well with their own special wereda. But some wacko underground extremist group exists led by a Hadiya pastor from the US .

They support and supply them with weapons and money. The 1 or 2% minorities such as Kebena in Welkite and Yem Omotic group in Hadiya atracki Qosye in Inor. They hire jobless hooligans in Welkite and Yem to terrorize Gurage residents.
Gov law enforcement is weak, perhaps on purpose. A characteristic phenomena of the Clown Abiy Ahmed.

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Odie » 10 Jan 2025, 23:58

Dama wrote:
10 Jan 2025, 23:41
Odie wrote:
10 Jan 2025, 23:19
We are divided and dream walking but the guy is corrupting everything Ethiopians value.
Gurage is successfully divided. 7-bet to Hadya, North East Gurage to Oromia. Harare to Oromia, soon!
No joke :mrgreen:
Mesqan and Kistane were promised perks to betray Gurage unity. Especially Kistane has a history of beteaying Gurage. To scavange from Oromos and Amaras. Signed accord with Oromos to call.itself Sodo. Changes its name depending on prizes.

Gurage, to my understanding will hold onto itself. Even worst times such as when Oromo attacked it in the early 1800s, it defended itself and its territories, except the Kebena herdmen itself driven by Oromo near Arsi, settled near Abeshge, while Gurage was busy fighting the Gallas.

Hadiya is no match for adverserial relationships but underground extremist group exists led by a Hadiya pastwr from the US .

They suppirt and supply them the 1 or 2% minorities such as Kebena in Welkite and Yem Omotic group in Hadiya numbering only 60, 000 atracking Qosye in Inor to attack Gurage. They hire jobless hooligans in Welkite and Yem to terrorize Gurage residents.
Correct on this. Historically Gurage fought with hadya as well as Oromo. Should the country descend further into chaos, Gurage is in precarious situation because of lack of unity and organization. Like the Amhara, Gurage got wasted in the Ethiopian Nationality agenda in the past. I don't know if there is any one in Gurage now working in Survival mode. This system is effectively corrupting everybody and everything. That is the way it operates. Detentions, ransoms, imprisonment, and all sort of money laundering are allowed as far as obey the system.
Personally, I still believe, we all able Ethiopians should unite to hold this system accountable for all the distortions and unwarranted suffering/changes the country is facing before it is too late. Many, unsuspecting Ethiopians are being deluded.

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Horus » 11 Jan 2025, 00:08

You are 100% wrong. The so-called Tiya Development is merely a computer generated image that was declared and forgotten. To begin with Abiy Ahmed does not any budget to develop Tiya. The so called project was to be built with the sale of Abiy's book Medemer. As you can see, not a single person took the PP propaganda seriously and only blind opponents of Abiy are engaged in fruitless rumor mongering. If you think this would help your purpose you can go on propagating falsehood.

I was born and grew up only 20 minutes from Tiya Emaye! It is my people's cherished legacy. It does not matter if it is marketed or not! It is ours. Folks like you rather than being proud of the past of our people, you choose to engaged in self-hate and self-destruction. Good Luck!

ሌባ ላመሉ ቅቤ ልይሳል እንዲሉ ለወሬ የለውም ፍሬ! ወረኛ ሰው በራሱ ወሬ እራሱን ያምናል ይባል የለ!

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Dama » 11 Jan 2025, 00:21

Odie wrote:
10 Jan 2025, 23:58
Dama wrote:
10 Jan 2025, 23:41
Odie wrote:
10 Jan 2025, 23:19
We are divided and dream walking but the guy is corrupting everything Ethiopians value.
Gurage is successfully divided. 7-bet to Hadya, North East Gurage to Oromia. Harare to Oromia, soon!
No joke :mrgreen:
Mesqan and Kistane were promised perks to betray Gurage unity. Especially Kistane has a history of beteaying Gurage. To scavange from Oromos and Amaras. Signed accord with Oromos to call.itself Sodo. Changes its name depending on prizes.

Gurage, to my understanding will hold onto itself. Even worst times such as when Oromo attacked it in the early 1800s, it defended itself and its territories, except the Kebena herdmen itself driven by Oromo near Arsi, settled near Abeshge, while Gurage was busy fighting the Gallas.

Hadiya is no match for adverserial relationships but underground extremist group exists led by a Hadiya pastwr from the US .

They suppirt and supply them the 1 or 2% minorities such as Kebena in Welkite and Yem Omotic group in Hadiya numbering only 60, 000 atracking Qosye in Inor to attack Gurage. They hire jobless hooligans in Welkite and Yem to terrorize Gurage residents.
Correct on this. Historically Gurage fought with hadya as well as Oromo. Should the country descend further into chaos, Gurage is in precarious situation because of lack of unity and organization. Like the Amhara, Gurage got wasted in the Ethiopian Nationality agenda in the past. I don't know if there is any one in Gurage now working in Survival mode. This system is effectively corrupting everybody and everything. That is the way it operates. Detentions, ransoms, imprisonment, and all sort of money laundering are allowed as far as obey the system.
Personally, I still believe, we all able Ethiopians should unite to hold this system accountable for all the distortions and unwarranted suffering/changes the country is facing before it is too late. Many, unsuspecting Ethiopians are being deluded.
No. No one is working for Gurage survival. You're right Gurage is more wasted than Amara.
Ethiopia is deeply ethnicized now; every group has long organized itself ethnically. Gurage stubbornly refused. I call it negligence. You got to adapt to changing situations when you can't stop it.
It has a reward for it from the federal gov. Those who get huge development funds are those who represent themselves ethnically organized to the federal government. They also get name recognition nationwide. They get their federal regions. If their lands is too small, they are given lands of neighboring ethnic groups.

Harari State, only 8% of the State are Harari out of some 180,000 Oromos, Amaras, Gurages and Argobas. But Harari language is the official language; most of its land comes from Argoba and Oromo.

Oromo because of OLF gobbled up other ethnic territories, perhaps most affected is Gurage: Chebo, Amaya north of Abeshge, Sodo jidas, Zway, etc by sham referendums. Also Somali lands, Gambella lands, Adar lands, Some Sudama lands are annexed by OLF.
Tigrey because of TPLF gobbled up Raya, Tsegede, Tselemt, formerly Amara

If you are ethnically organized federal government rewards you with more lands, money and also forge your population to show a higher number.

Gambella State; 3/4 of Gambella is given to the 'noise-maker', Oromo style victim.nation and armed minority Anuak because majority Nuer is not ethnically organized norbis it armed.
Last edited by Dama on 11 Jan 2025, 00:37, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Dama » 11 Jan 2025, 00:34

Horus wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 00:08
You are 100% wrong. The so-called Tiya Development is merely a computer generated image that was declared and forgotten. To begin with Abiy Ahmed does not any budget to develop Tiya. The so called project was to be built with the sale of Abiy's book Medemer. As you can see, not a single person took the PP propaganda seriously and only blind opponents of Abiy are engaged in fruitless rumor mongering. If you think this would help your purpose you can go on propagating falsehood.

I was born and grew up only 20 minutes from Tiya Emaye! It is my people's cherished legacy. It does not matter if it is marketed or not! It is ours. Folks like you rather than being proud of the past of our people, you choose to engaged in self-hate and self-destruction. Good Luck!

ሌባ ላመሉ ቅቤ ልይሳል እንዲሉ ለወሬ የለውም ፍሬ! ወረኛ ሰው በራሱ ወሬ እራሱን ያምናል ይባል የለ!
You're a pathological liar. You can't be believed. No one can stop you from crying 'fake news'. Everyone knows it is true

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Horus » 11 Jan 2025, 02:20


አንተ ልቃሚ ጉዴላ! ሁሉም ነገር እንዳንተ ክብረ ቢስ ዝቃጭ ይመስልሃል ። አንተ የምትነፋው የአቢይ ፕሮፓጋንዳ አይደለም ክቡሩ ክስታኔ በራሱ በ ፒፒ ሚዲያ ውስጥ አንድ ግዜ እንኳ አልተነሳም! እንተ ልትሰድበው የሚቃጣህ ክስታኔ ሺ ግዜ የኢትዮጵያን ፖለቲካ ጠንቅቆ የሚያውቅ ብልህ ሕዝብ ነው ። አንተ የልመና እና ጥገኛነት ባህል ካለህ ሌላውም አንተን አይመሰልህ!

ክስቶ መመሪያ ብሂል አለው ። ባለነ ንበላው ፣በሌለነ ትኒላ! ካለን እንበላለን ከሌለን አንለምንም!!!

ወራዶች! ጢያን ለቱሪስት መሸጥ ከፈለግን ሺ ግዜ ማልማት የሚችሉ ባለ ሃብቶች አሉን!

ክብራችሁን ጠብቁ! ፒፒን ከላይ እስከ ታች ሞልቶ አቢይ እያገለገለ ያለው 7 ቤት ነው!

ውልቂጤ ስትጨፍሩለት የነበራችሁትኮ እናንተ ናችሁ!


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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Dama » 11 Jan 2025, 10:41

Leba once! Leba twice! Off Gurage. Stop being a hateful burden. You left Gurage. Stay there. Happy life.
AbyssiniaLady, queen of Gurage hate
Christian extremist.Fake news Peddler
Pathological liar
Dishonorable, unrespectable traitor
Leftover seeker
Thats you. That's Kistane.
Keep Off Gurage!

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Horus » 11 Jan 2025, 13:37

Dama wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 10:41
Leba once! Leba twice! Off Gurage. Stop being a hateful burden. You left Gurage. Stay there. Happy life.
AbyssiniaLady, queen of Gurage hate
Christian extremist.Fake news Peddler
Pathological liar
Dishonorable, unrespectable traitor
Leftover seeker
Thats you. That's Kistane.
Keep Off Gurage!
አቢሲኒያሌዲ አሁን ማን እንደ ሆንሽ ተበልተሻል!! ከዚህ በኋላ ያሻሽን መለጠፍ አይደለም የድሮ ጽሁፎቼን ደጋግመሽ ደጋግመሽ ለጥፊ !! አንቺ ያንጎል ሃኪም ነው የሚያስፈልግሽ :lol: :lol:

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Dama » 11 Jan 2025, 13:54

Horus wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 13:37
Dama wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 10:41
Leba once! Leba twice! Off Gurage. Stop being a hateful burden. You left Gurage. Stay there. Happy life.
AbyssiniaLady, queen of Gurage hate
Christian extremist.Fake news Peddler
Pathological liar
Dishonorable, unrespectable traitor
Leftover seeker
Thats you. That's Kistane.
Keep Off Gurage!
አቢሲኒያሌዲ አሁን ማን እንደ ሆንሽ ተበልተሻል!! ከዚህ በኋላ ያሻሽን መለጠፍ አይደለም የድሮ ጽሁፎቼን ደጋግመሽ ደጋግመሽ ለጥፊ !! አንቺ ያንጎል ሃኪም ነው የሚያስፈልግሽ :lol: :lol:
Half-baked, ill-trained trazneteq low IQ stupid
A make-belief word scammer
Leba scoundrel
Gurage hater AbysdiniaLady.
Fake news fabricator. A pathological liar
Leba! Get off Gurage
You're a traitor. Like your ancestors
Leftover seeker
Get lost!

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Odie » 11 Jan 2025, 14:12

Maybe it is blood money for the village full of children, mothers and fathers "galla" slaughtered in barbarism in Sodo Gurage region aka kistane recently :mrgreen:

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Dama » 11 Jan 2025, 14:22

Odie wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 14:12
Maybe it is blood money for the village full of children, mothers and fathers "galla" slaughtered in barbarism in Sodo Gurage region aka kistane recently :mrgreen:
It's possible. Traitors have no qualms, no morals or ethics about the 40 Sodos blood soaked injera they eat.
Or it could be the promised perk by PP for breaking Gurage unity apart.

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Odie » 11 Jan 2025, 14:40

Dama wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 14:22
Odie wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 14:12
Maybe it is blood money for the village full of children, mothers and fathers "galla" slaughtered in barbarism in Sodo Gurage region aka kistane recently :mrgreen:
It's possible. Traitors have no qualms, no morals or ethics about the 40 Sodos blood soaked injera they eat.
Or it could be the promised perk by PP for breaking Gurage unity apart.
That is a joke though :cry:
They should have dealt the community of its loss in a more humanistic way.
However, we know Abiyot jokes on the death of the poor by saying he plants trees for shades on their tomb.
What a time :mrgreen:

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Dama » 11 Jan 2025, 15:12

Odie wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 14:40
Dama wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 14:22
Odie wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 14:12
Maybe it is blood money for the village full of children, mothers and fathers "galla" slaughtered in barbarism in Sodo Gurage region aka kistane recently :mrgreen:
It's possible. Traitors have no qualms, no morals or ethics about the 40 Sodos blood soaked injera they eat.
Or it could be the promised perk by PP for breaking Gurage unity apart.
That is a joke though :cry:
They should have dealt the community of its loss in a more humanistic way.
However, we know Abiyot jokes on the death of the poor by saying he plants trees for shades on their tomb.
What a time :mrgreen:
I think they rather see Abiyot as their liberator from Gurage while he gives them money by one of his hands and kills them by the other. Their response is "Kill more, 40 is not enough"; this number is exaggerated by Gurages.

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Odie » 12 Jan 2025, 18:02

OPDO/OLF/TPLF/PP profiteers howl where there food is!
Imagine, all these so-called parties, freedom fighters have killed and are killing people each day month in month out.

I hate opportunists :mrgreen:

The worst people are people who bend their back and head to whom that feeds them like a hyena that laughs when it found its meal :lol:

These are pigs squeaking 7/24 hours on this forum about corridor glitter and the greatness of Ethnically segregated Ethiopia.

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Dama » 12 Jan 2025, 18:18

Odie, may Christ of this Sunday warm your heart!
Voila! A nail on the head of this laughing hyena!

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Odie » 12 Jan 2025, 20:16

That is what animals do when you feed them. The same true for cadres and paid servants. They do that to their provider.

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Re: የ 3.5 billion bir price tag for sodo gurage submission to ኦፒዲኦ!

Post by Dama » 12 Jan 2025, 20:23

Odie wrote:
12 Jan 2025, 20:16
That is what animals do when you feed them. The same true for cadres and paid servants. They do that to their provider.
Hyenas know they are treading into a dangerous and protected territory only when you chase them away. If not, they will keep feasting at our expense.

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