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Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Axumezana » 22 Feb 2024, 16:35

The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011

Last edited by Axumezana on 22 Feb 2024, 17:05, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Abere » 22 Feb 2024, 16:42

ወያኔ እና ህጻን ልጅ በሰው ገንዘብ ያለቅሳል። :lol: የያዛችሁትን ይባርክላችሁ። ትንሽ ሰላም በላዩላይ ጨምሩበት ይበቃችኋል። :mrgreen:

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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Axumezana » 22 Feb 2024, 17:01

I know you hate Tigrayans and that hate blinds you from facing the facts and the truth . The Bible says the " Truth shall set you free " if you want to set yourself free accept the facts. For Axumezana there is no Tigray without Ethiopia and there is no Ethiopia without Tigray. If you accept this fact, it will help you to cool down and try to solve the real problems rather than trying to despise the people who ruled you for 27 years and still their legacy continues to rule you/ Ethiopia for the years to come. PP is a rebranded EPRDF less TPLF which was established and nourished by TPLF. The economy and infrastructural growth ( including GERD) were initiated and developed by Tigrayan led EPRDF government. Unrealistic Amahara extremists' like you could try to despise Tigrayans but their historic contribution for Ethiopia is a fact on the ground and no one could be able to erase it.

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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Wedi » 22 Feb 2024, 17:14

Abere wrote:
22 Feb 2024, 16:42
ወያኔ እና ህጻን ልጅ በሰው ገንዘብ ያለቅሳል። :lol: የያዛችሁትን ይባርክላችሁ። ትንሽ ሰላም በላዩላይ ጨምሩበት ይበቃችኋል። :mrgreen:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Axumezana ካልኩሌሽን እየሰራ ነው!! የከሰረ ነጋዴ የድሮ የዱቤ ደብተሩን እያገላበጠ እየተመለከተ ይተክስዛል ነው ነገሩ!!

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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Axumezana » 22 Feb 2024, 17:26

Ascari boy,

I hope you understand " History" is the foundation of the future!

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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Abere » 22 Feb 2024, 17:37

I do not have any hate against Tigrayans. I only advise what is good for them so that they can have peace primarily within themselves and secondarily, with the rest of Ethiopians. Tigrayans have no piece of ancestral land in Welqait and Raya as far as I know. That is what I know and that is what I am speaking about. It is immoral to give what is not theirs. As far as the contribution of Tigres to Ethiopian history, every tribe big or small in population contributed the same share as Tigrayans - there is nothing special about Tigre. They are just regular Ethiopians like Wolayta, Gamo, Mursi, Adere etc.
If you are truly about Ethiopia and is your future, you do not have to be obsessed with Welqait and Raya issue, unless you have an ulterior motive. RIP Abay Tigray Republic :mrgreen:

Axumezana wrote:
22 Feb 2024, 17:01
I know you hate Tigrayans and that hate blinds you from facing the facts and the truth . The Bible says the " Truth shall set you free " if you want to set yourself free accept the facts. For Axumezana there is no Tigray without Ethiopia and there is no Ethiopia without Tigray. If you accept this fact, it will help you to cool down and try to solve the real problems rather than trying to despise the people who ruled you for 27 years and still their legacy continues to rule you/ Ethiopia for the years to come. PP is a rebranded EPRDF less TPLF which was established and nourished by TPLF. The economy and infrastructural growth ( including GERD) were initiated and developed by Tigrayan led EPRDF government. Unrealistic Amahara extremists' like you could try to despise Tigrayans but their historic contribution for Ethiopia is a fact on the ground and no one could be able to erase it.

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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Axumezana » 22 Feb 2024, 18:01

You need time for soul searching as you are denying facts!
There are hundreds years of recorded history with maps, Western Tigray was part of Tigray and that is why more than 97% of the people are Tigrayans.

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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Axumezana » 23 Feb 2024, 02:58

Axumezana wrote:
22 Feb 2024, 16:35
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Fed_Up » 23 Feb 2024, 09:15

"ድሮ ነበር እንጂ መጥኖ መደቆስ አሁን ምን ያደርጋል ድስት ጥዶ ማልቀስ"

ተናግረን ነበር በሌብነት ሃብት አጋብቶ በጥጋብ የተወጠረው የአጋሜዎቹ ህ ው ሃ ት ማእከላዊ ኮሚቴ ገለመለ እሚባሉት "አይሰምእን'ዬ" አቀነቀኑብን እንጂ:: ቅንቅናም ሁላ አታለቃቅስብን::

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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 23 Feb 2024, 17:55

Tigray hadn't lost any territory to Afar state, so please, keep Afars out of your poverty-stricken smelly mouth.

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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Axumezana » 23 Feb 2024, 18:08

Ascari boy,

You are intentionally trying to be ignorant!

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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Axumezana » 26 Feb 2024, 15:00

Axumezana wrote:
22 Feb 2024, 16:35
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Axumezana » 19 Mar 2024, 06:25

Axumezana wrote:
22 Feb 2024, 16:35
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Axumezana » 21 Mar 2024, 02:24

Axumezana wrote:
22 Feb 2024, 16:35
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Axumezana » 23 Mar 2024, 01:10

Axumezana wrote:
22 Feb 2024, 16:35
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Axumezana » 13 Jan 2025, 18:38

Axumezana wrote:
22 Feb 2024, 16:35
The old Tigray province lost about 50 % of its lands to Amhara( Agewawi Zone) and to Afar ( to establish the new Afar State)

The New Tigray lost about 50 % of land from the old Tigray province but only gained about 1/4 X of the area of the Old Tigray Province.
. Hence if the old map of Tigray Province area is X:
- X/2 was lost to Amhara and Afar
- X/4 was gained from Western Tigray and Southern Tigray
Therefore the current Tigray map( partially controlled by enemy forces) areas is: (X-X/2) + X/4 = 3/4 X , which is 75 % the Old Tigray province in area. It is also important to note that Tigray lost the mineral resources and thermal power rich and tourist attraction land to the Afar state.

The Way forward: Any future discussion about West and South Tigray should include the holistic picture of what Tigray gained and lost on the new TPLF/ EPRDF Map. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339011


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Re: Does Abiy and those who salivate to take Tigray land know about this fact?

Post by Selam/ » 13 Jan 2025, 19:45

ዓይጠ መጎጡ

ወያኔን ድብን አድርጌ ነው የምጠላው።

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