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Halafi Mengedi
Senior Member+
Posts: 46830
Joined: 30 May 2010, 23:04

Re: U.S has military to military relationship with '53' of the '54' African country BUT not 'ERITREA '!!Proud to be Erit

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 07 Dec 2021, 16:47

There is no such Eritrea military, all are the Diqalu Issayas network mafia fascists Wardiyas. Why you think a great country such as America would mess with gypsy mercenaries of the Arabs and Amhara, time and resources are very important where to deploy them. When your starved soldier carries looted fork, spoon, Galita and Disti with Lit/dough, you are not standard soldiers to anyone let alone America to work with brainless starved so called Diqalu Issayas Wardiyas.

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