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Re: WFP delivers aid directly to Getachew Reda [PHOTO]

Post by Abere » 02 Jul 2021, 13:46

የማንውቃት ጨዋታ ይች ናት። ቂቂቂቂ

ግን የትግራይ ህዝብ ቁጥር ትንሽ ነው። እስከ አሁን ትግራይ የተጫንው 7 ሚልዮን ኩንታል ስንዴ ነው። ትግራይ ተራበ ይሉናል እንዴ የጦር መሣሪያ እና መገናኛ እየጫኑ።
No truck should enter into Lesotho, Tigray, without search by Fano Force.

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Re: WFP delivers aid directly to Getachew Reda [PHOTO]

Post by Blueshift » 02 Jul 2021, 13:56


Abbiy started the war, he should finish it. Why burden Fanos and Gonderes ? The war started by the central govenment against a rebellious kilil (region). Why does it has to be finished with one region against the other ? For sure, not fair especially to the nearby Gonderes. Perhaps, Abbiy is into something big. :lol: The man is a weasel. :lol: :lol:

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Re: WFP delivers aid directly to Getachew Reda [PHOTO]

Post by Abere » 02 Jul 2021, 14:13


Abiy is not going to cut it. One way or another, it will cost Gonderes lives. The cost benefit analysis , Amhara with Abiy vs. without Abiy, suggests me the later outweighs the former. But Amhara do not have to necessarily run into conflict with him. The Tigres were more like a government for the last 30 years (see their military equipment and fund or capital assets), Amhara has been subject to TPLF and OLF-ODPP, so the fight has been between a civilian unarmed Amhara and an armed government TPLF. This is very detrimental to Amhara. They knew that Amhara can paralyze them so that they have to put their boots on Amhara necks, past (TPLF) and Present (OLF/ODPP). To begin with, Amhara does not want to antagonize Tigres and advised them to respect tradition (stay where their land is don't exploit opportunity to steal ours), but they defy and they are greedy. They have two friends: the West & OLF. Should we care about them? No. The Tigres increasingly become uncultured, lie, treason, worship of White men, etc. They vowed to exterminate Amhara and Eritrea, that is what TPLF recently announced. What option does Amhara have? No option other than recruiting, training, funding and arming its youth to ward off its existential threat. 30 years is more than proof. If the Tigres return to sanity and stop salivating on others territory that is fine, otherwise Amhara has to make them lic.k their on salivation, Abiy can't do that. It takes a strong Amhara to crash inflated Tigres.

Blueshift wrote:
02 Jul 2021, 13:56

Abbiy started the war, he should finish it. Why burden Fanos and Gonderes ? The war started by the central govenment against a rebellious kilil (region). Why does it has to be finished with one region against the other ? For sure, not fair especially to the nearby Gonderes. Perhaps, Abbiy is into something big. :lol: The man is a weasel. :lol: :lol:

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Re: WFP delivers aid directly to Getachew Reda [PHOTO]

Post by Revelations » 02 Jul 2021, 14:33

Ahhh..the UN too!

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Re: WFP delivers aid directly to Getachew Reda [PHOTO]

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 02 Jul 2021, 14:34

Blueshift wrote:
02 Jul 2021, 13:56

Abbiy started the war, he should finish it. Why burden Fanos and Gonderes ? The war started by the central govenment against a rebellious kilil (region). Why does it has to be finished with one region against the other ? For sure, not fair especially to the nearby Gonderes. Perhaps, Abbiy is into something big. :lol: The man is a weasel. :lol: :lol:
You have been huffing and puffing about finishing off the Amhara people from the get go. Now you have it as you desired and the Amhara are cowering :mrgreen: cus the mighty TPLF is marching to the Amhara lands. Go give 'em what they have been waiting for :mrgreen:

Just a lil reminder! TPLF started the war!! no way around it and do not that fact slip your filthy brain for a second. We will keep reminding you incase you are a victim of selected amnesia.

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