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Halafi Mengedi
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Tembien should know better, Aregawi Berhe is the killer of Deqi Tembien in 1978 & 1979 in Meda

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 31 Jul 2019, 12:55

Debretsion, where was your brain when you said at meeting in video tapped.... when Aregawi Berhe and Ginay Zer'esytan arrived in Mekelle, you said sorry I did not come to the airport to greet you. You apologized for the enemy of Tigray preaching with ESAT people against Tigray for years yet you were the top security of the country and did not know what was going on around the world by ESAT Tigray haters??? What is your moral ground to accuse kids from Abiy Adi because they supported Aregawi, what about you as a leader acting like a moron to apologize for Aregawi you failed to show up at the air port to greet them, whose crime is bigger considering you are the leader of Tigray, is you or the Abiy Adi kids??? you tell us Debretsion!
I support the action of Mengisti Tigray if they did, the Tembien people should eliminate them. You support Aregawi Berhe the killer of Tembien people. Ask your self Deqi Tembien from your experience if there was something good do you think an Adwa man the killer of Tembien fighters would come to tembien and hand you or he would go to Adwa, where is the Tembien brain???

Aregawi Berhe if you came from your refugee camp in Europe with investment opportunity would you have gone to Adwa with your investment or to Tembien and invest there??? Tell us the truth???

Why Haileselassie Gessesse the son of Fitewrary Gessesse Tegadalay from Tembien Abiy Adi Aregawi gave him a letter to hand it to his killer in another region of Tigray during the struggle, the letter was written by Aregawi Berhe says once you get the letter kill him at the spot. He is not alone many of them were killed by the same action.

Aregawi Berhe why you saved an Adwa Meles Zenawi who run away from the battle field many times but other did the same were killed under your leadership of woyane???

Aregawi Berhe, do you remember Alula from Degua Tembien the grand son of Raesi Alula a fighter who mate his fellow fighter female were killed by you because it was against the law of woyane but Sebhat Nega was sleeping with Tembien women all his stay in struggle and one of them were pregnant and was poisoned to die while she was pregnant to cover up Sebhat Nega crime Alula and the fighter girl were killed for the same crime Sebhat Nega committed???

Aregawi Berhe, do you remember when Seyoum Mesfin got a child/son from Tembien woman the woman was sent to Sudan and killed by the help of Berhane G/kirstos and Seyoum Mesfin son is still enjoying life while his mother was assassinated???