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Halafi Mengedi
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Joined: 30 May 2010, 23:04

To our brave and concerned Tigrayan Abdelaziz, the real Tembien investment by Adwans leadership is below video

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 31 Jul 2019, 10:54

Remember Adwans when your grandfathers surrendered to the Italians the Tembien people led by Ras Alula, Ras Mengesha, Ras Hagos, Ras Mekonen went to Adwa and smashed him and handed you for your freedom and since then you have been celebrating “Adwa victory” every year but the current Adwa led by Meles and his cadres did everything to destroy Tembien dividing Tembien in to four regions no other Tigray Awraja happened to them even you took Tembien Gerealta my mother region Adi Fitewrari Aleme and Mexlal Gual Dejach Gebrihet the last parliament representative of Tembien Gerealta. Under Meles there was no single help from Woyane rather you sent them filthy foreign religion to destroy Tembein culture. Tembien gave you Ashenda, Astaliley, Awris, Estihina, Hilel Meftel Telhit and Kisad Zagra dance and the Tembien are the founder of Axumite kingdom by the ten priest led by King Selima from Enda Aba Selama tembien.