Ethiopian News, Current Affairs and Opinion Forum
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by Boxer » 28 Jul 2019, 20:51
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by TGAA » 28 Jul 2019, 21:27
Yaballo ararrsa, you are the most miserable of all ! You are irrelevant though you don't know it -- you can jump up -as useless monkey as -- you are, but the Habeshas have been determining what happens in the country call Ethiopia (ኢትዮጵያ) While you were jumping up down about Minilik's statue in Addis , Abey erected Haile Selasse's- that must have suit you well. you are impotent to do anything . When constipation leads you to do a mischief, the habeshas know how to put you in straitjacket. As fool as you are it wont be long before you push your luck a little more. የየኔታን አርጩሜ አሽተሀት ታውቃለህ?
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by TGAA » 28 Jul 2019, 22:10
You don't have a clue how Habeshas think or act .You are an emotional babel and grown up child . You carry around hate -- that is what drives you, say what you say , Good for you, man. continue to do what you are doing , and we will do what is necessary. then we will see how far that will take you. I will tell you though , you and your bunch are the most inexperienced. Ethiopians are the most accommodating, and willing to work, but when you tamper with integrity of the nation , or come up with your Neanderthal social engineering schemes they will make sure that you die for it. Regarding welkeit-tegne and raya --you know Rome wasn't build in a day. but be assured what went up comes down. As I tried to tell you are not as sophisticated as you think you are . You may be excelled in a mob dancing, in doing things in orderly and systematic ways, you have some evolving to do. The picture you are posting tells a ton about you . Grow up dud.
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by Dawi » 28 Jul 2019, 22:47
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by TGAA » 28 Jul 2019, 23:51
Yabllo ararssa , Ethiopians are devil incarnate who can do no good.This would be an epiphany for you to know that thiese Ethiopians are the one who Spearheaded the fight for equality regardless of the nationality of a particular group and they laid their lief for all . There is no way you can think at that level of sophistication. you are still in your tribal cocoon. Ethiopian are very strong minded , and tolerant to a fault bunch , and they let the tribalist like you dance to a limit--only to a limit, but be assured you pass that limit at your peril. The most pompest tried and the result speak for itself , and they have the burn to show for it. you are pushing the gullible to play with fire -- since mob doesn't think they sure will try ; you are counting on them to deliver your utopian dream of ending Ethiopia, handing you over Addis on silver platter . That is where you will fail flat. The suppose waning Ethiopian nationalism that was talked about , you have witnessed it a year a go how waning it really was. If Abey slid back on that there would be some one who would pick up that flag and what the would unleash you have no the foggiest idea.
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by TGAA » 29 Jul 2019, 01:20
Yabllo ararsa, If I point my case as Amara , you obviously like the mudslinging , but when I come to face you as Ethiopians you become a basket case. Ethiopian nationalism is vibrant, resourceful beyond measure, and a cure to the ills of tribalism you laboring to nurture. Let me state this fact to you -- it is a fact . There is more historical and otherwise Journal written about Ethiopia more than all sub African counties combined. so your anti-Ethiopian scrabble doesn't make a dent let alone change things on ground. The none existence nationalism you pumping to create is so awfully in adequate to challenge the Ethiopian nationalism . so go play with your sand castle , we will see how long its going to hold on. you seems to be good at child play.