Re: FACT: Zionist Israel Is Always Z Enemy Of Eritrea:--It Funds Z Agamazian! LOOK @ Z Flag Behind Tesfastion!
Z center of agamazian aka agazian 4 tigrai only movement is in Israel as we speak and so did zionist Israel trained z KOMANDIS during derg and Halisellassie Era 2 fight against us Eritreans EPLF and ELF!!! So Zionist Israel is z Enemy of us Eritreans. 

Re: FACT: Zionist Israel Is Always Z Enemy Of Eritrea:--It Funds Z Agamazian! LOOK @ Z Flag Behind Tesfastion!
Zionist Israel wants 2 create a greater israel by stealing lands from Palestine and as such it uses or pays USA 2 do it's job 4 it, it wants 2 always control z Eritrean ports of Massawa and Assab and z Yemen destruction and Iran friction all is z works of z expansionism of Zionism of white ppl from Poland aka Old Russia. I am trying 2 teach u idiots about GEO POLITICS AND ZIONISM IN SHORT, Why do u think my username is tarik z GREAT MORONS!!!!!