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Re: RADIO MOQDISHOO: songs broadcast live from 'Raadonii moqdishoo, damee afaan gaallaa (oromo)' studios, late 1960s & 1

Post by somali-prince » 20 Jul 2019, 07:05


Naked Borana pagan the afaan oromo was deisgned and written in Mogadishu. Ungrateful [deleted] pagan like you should thank every Somali for this. Just imagine being a majority in a country and yet not a single radio will allow your language to be aired? Worse enough, it was also forbidden to write the language in order to ensure that it doesnt compete with the dominant af amxaar.

Now without Somalis, jawar and others would not have been able to convey their messages to qeero and in return tplf would still be in power. At least jawar was grateful to Somalia in a clip i saw last year on twitter for saving afaan oromo from extinction.

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Re: RADIO MOQDISHOO: songs broadcast live from 'Raadonii moqdishoo, damee afaan gaallaa (oromo)' studios, late 1960s & 1

Post by Misraq » 20 Jul 2019, 08:56

Poor galla yabello. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

You praised your masters (somalis) bowing down, yet you are scolded. And then you beg not to be scolded. How low can you get? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

You have this typical slave mentality and now I know giving respect to gallas is a big mistake by itself. You need to be put on your place at every opportunity.

One other bizarre thing I noticed is that you blamed the empire for the lack of a better music amongst your community. To prove that, you posted a somali themed galla music. My friend, for not having your creativity, you blame others which is a typical slave mentality.


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Re: RADIO MOQDISHOO: songs broadcast live from 'Raadonii moqdishoo, damee afaan gaallaa (oromo)' studios, late 1960s & 1

Post by Ethoash » 20 Jul 2019, 11:06


never engaged with those who try to pull u down.... u posted earth shaking music u dont need to lower this historical music with የስድብድብ ምልልስ። it lower the thread...

i dont understand Afan oromia but i download all the music .. it feel like they music have a lot of Somalia and Indian music influence ... to me this is great learning point in democracy... how will tell u why.. if u want Africa to be democracy nation then we need two or five nation union ... not as one country but as block independent nation for example when oromo was oppressed all they have to do is go to Somalia ... in USA when the Southern not abolishing salve the Salve all they have to do is go north where they will be free in Canada ... movement of people and independent nation working together will keep the dictator in check .

for example when Northern Sudan support EPLF, Ethiopia support the Southern Sudan i know everyone have self interest but the out come is the same the South become free and Eritrea become free. the list is long how two neighboring nation check each other power to keep the government honest is great.. because of Somalia government we had this music .. the sad thing is the Afan oromia is banned untill 1970 and never recover up to 1991 ...

someone once told me Ali Birra was never taken to Sudan by king haile or mengistu haile mariam to sing but Derg took the Christian singer ... mohammed Ali doesnt count...anyhow Ali Birra would have make great benefit had Derg took him at that time because the Sudanese thing Ethiopia in Christian Island when they see Ali Birrea singing Arabic they would have change their mind but the Eritrean played the Ethiopian claim that we r Christian nation and the Eritrean told the Arab they r oppressed because they r Muslim even so they r EPLF WERE CHRISTIAN they speak Arabic they know how to reach in to the Arab heart...

in short this historical music should be studied in Amahra school and oromo school and all should know it.. pls those Somalia should be thanked and we should host their artist.. in fact i wish Ethiopia give all artist visa to come and live in Ethiopia give them house give the start up let them produce art .. in USA THEIR major export is film and entertainment or music .... if oromo established Music institution which is state of the art stdio and call it the redio station that allowed the oromo music in Somalia... and allowed all African to come and produce their music for free. the money will come later .. when u distribute the music on internet ..

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Re: RADIO MOQDISHOO: songs broadcast live from 'Raadonii moqdishoo, damee afaan gaallaa (oromo)' studios, late 1960s & 1

Post by somali-prince » 20 Jul 2019, 12:08

Sincere apologies. Theres time for war and time for dance. I have always listened to oromo classical music and since my afaan oromo is 'elementary' i do understand most of it. There was one called warkeysan that used to blow out of my car like wild wild west.


Oromo/ Somali are one coin. We fight we dance we eat together intermarry and above all unite when one is under attack. Your kilil is in a mess and it would be wise if u concentrate on that

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Re: RADIO MOQDISHOO: songs broadcast live from 'Raadonii moqdishoo, damee afaan gaallaa (oromo)' studios, late 1960s & 1

Post by Medo » 20 Jul 2019, 14:33

Good and scholarly post by brother Yaballo. I am always surprised how you dig out the hidden histories and facts. Great man tnx. Keep it up.

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Re: RADIO MOQDISHOO: songs broadcast live from 'Raadonii moqdishoo, damee afaan gaallaa (oromo)' studios, late 1960s & 1

Post by Hawdian » 21 Jul 2019, 00:04

The pagan Galla is reminiscing about the past. Like I said before Galla were nothing we gave them clothes, music, identity and literature.

No point crying about the past you were my slave but I rebranded you as "Abbo Somali" and erased your Galla identity.

Even then you were to report to TPLF and EPLF.

Sudanese music was influenced by Somali music hence Somalis performed in Khartoum, Lagos to Beijing but no Sudanese music came to Somali soil.

The main icon was Mohamed Mooge.



Shanqalla slave Misraq

Stop stirring and leave our Galla boy alone :lol: :lol:

He has no other identity and he is honest about it.

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Re: RADIO MOQDISHOO: songs broadcast live from 'Raadonii moqdishoo, damee afaan gaallaa (oromo)' studios, late 1960s & 1

Post by Hawdian » 21 Jul 2019, 06:42


No there's no such thing. The only armed struggle was the Dervishes and that was led by Sayid Abdulle Hassan.

There was no armed struggle in the south since the Italians were defeated by the British and Allies in WW2.

In 1960s, Warday didn't even speak standard Somali :mrgreen:

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Re: RADIO MOQDISHOO: songs broadcast live from 'Raadonii moqdishoo, damee afaan gaallaa (oromo)' studios, late 1960s & 1

Post by Medo » 21 Jul 2019, 07:53

Yes indeed.Somali claiming Hawzen boy aka Hawdian da agame don't spoil such beautiful posts with your agame qizen. Qizenam agame :lol: It is big shame for great scholars like Yaballo to talk with low life qizenam agames who pretend somali like you. You will ever never be equal with them.

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