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Tigray People
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T.P.L.F Was Created By Tigray People Blood,Sweat, Tears, Scream

Post by Tigray People » 30 Nov 2019, 19:50

The Tigray People Liberation Front is the only military fighters in the world that was created by the Godly Tigray People Blood,Sweat, Tears,Pain, Agony,And Scream to crush and defeat all enemies of Tigray People on the unforgiving battlefield without the support of any foreign countries or foreign Powers.

EPLF was supported by Egypt, Western countries,and Arab countries.

Jebha-Eritrea Liberation Front was supported by Egypt and all Arab countries.

North Vietnam Was supported by China and Russia military fighters and financial assistance.

All the liberation fronts in Ethiopia and else where all are the tools of foreign Powers and getting paid by them.

It's only The Tigray People Liberation Front was a Grass Roots Fighting machine that was supported by the Tigray People Meager resources and captured weapons from the enemies.

Long Live The Tigray People!!

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

The Tigray People Republic!!
Last edited by Tigray People on 02 Dec 2019, 17:22, edited 1 time in total.

Tigray People
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Re: T.P.L.F Was Created By Tigray People Blood,Sweat, Tears, Scream

Post by Tigray People » 30 Nov 2019, 20:16

Long Live The Tigray People!!

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

Eternal Glory To Sematat Tigray People!!

The Tigray People Republic!!

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Re: T.P.L.F Was Created By Tigray People Blood,Sweat, Tears, Scream

Post by Cigar » 30 Nov 2019, 20:37

the coward tplf was created, trained, armed and piggybacked to Addis by the help of EPLF.
What the f**k was your tplf spent his 17 years in Eritrea you scum bag?
Mengistu never let his troops or arms in tigray for tegarus were hiding in the Eritrean trenches and thus said:
" tplf came to Addis riding flood called EPLF"
" tplf surin ena chama yasetekew Shaebia now"

Tsadkan said:
"Had it not with the EPLF mechanized brigades, their leadership and their tegadelties we didn't have a chance to come to addis".
tplf introduced fake struggle history in your schools curriculums and hoodwinked you. And that deceit will eventually do you for good.
Believing that fire won't burn your ugly hand which tplf taught you, one of these days you are going to put your ugly hands in flames and turn to barbequed chicken.

Tigray People
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Re: T.P.L.F Was Created By Tigray People Blood,Sweat, Tears, Scream

Post by Tigray People » 30 Nov 2019, 20:47


Banda Guhafe Wedi Guhafe

Eritreans like you are the laughing stock of Ethiopian and the World.

Amhara and oromos are calling you ascaris evil eritreans dubbing you as the most unrepentant Liars of the world.

Spare your self from being the laughing stock of this forum and the Ethiopia.

What's more closer to eritrea Badma,Zelanbesa or Addis Ababa???

Let's say your lies are true how come you failed to send your tanks,jet fighters,war hilcopters to Badma, Zelanbesa to retake them since they are behind your back yard not far like Addis Ababa!!

How come the Eritreans government spent tens of millions dollars for the past 23 years arming amhara oromos Gurages and Ethiopia opposition but failed to liberate one street in Ethiopia??

Repent ata Guhafe Wedi Guhafe diqala eritreans like you are vanishing from this Earth and eritrea will be a better place once she returned to the original owners the magnificent benevolent Tigray People.

Long Live The Tigray People!!

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

The Tigray People Republic!!

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Re: T.P.L.F Was Created By Tigray People Blood,Sweat, Tears, Scream

Post by Cigar » 30 Nov 2019, 21:10

Like I said you have mastered the lie tplf taught you at your dedebit school.
Soon you will say how did I get hoodwinked by tplf deceits and lies.
2020 i.e.
Gexka tirhak, hasakh agame.
Ane yigedid misakhi zekhudid.
Ask halafi adghi and tell him to tell you the truth.

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Re: T.P.L.F Was Created By Tigray People Blood,Sweat, Tears, Scream

Post by Dahgol » 30 Nov 2019, 22:12

War is not won only in the trenches, look around and see where TPlf is now. Eritrea’s partners in undoing TPlf are back in Menelik palace and you know where TPlf is at :lol:
You might not have realized yet, but the whole Ethiopia is liberated from TPlf and our boys are running the country...wake up dude :lol:
Tigreans are so ashamed of their identity and claiming Eritreans in Addis this day... what a time

Tigray People wrote:
30 Nov 2019, 20:47

Banda Guhafe Wedi Guhafe

Eritreans like you are the laughing stock of Ethiopian and the World.

Amhara and oromos are calling you ascaris evil eritreans dubbing you as the most unrepentant Liars of the world.

Spare your self from being the laughing stock of this forum and the Ethiopia.

What's more closer to eritrea Badma,Zelanbesa or Addis Ababa???

Let's say your lies are true how come you failed to send your tanks,jet fighters,war hilcopters to Badma, Zelanbesa to retake them since they are behind your back yard not far like Addis Ababa!!

How come the Eritreans government spent tens of millions dollars for the past 23 years arming amhara oromos Gurages and Ethiopia opposition but failed to liberate one street in Ethiopia??

Repent ata Guhafe Wedi Guhafe diqala eritreans like you are vanishing from this Earth and eritrea will be a better place once she returned to the original owners the magnificent benevolent Tigray People.

Long Live The Tigray People!!

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

The Tigray People Republic!!

Tigray People
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Re: T.P.L.F Was Created By Tigray People Blood,Sweat, Tears, Scream

Post by Tigray People » 02 Dec 2019, 17:21

Dahgol wrote:
30 Nov 2019, 22:12
War is not won only in the trenches, look around and see where TPlf is now. Eritrea’s partners in undoing TPlf are back in Menelik palace and you know where TPlf is at :lol:
You might not have realized yet, but the whole Ethiopia is liberated from TPlf and our boys are running the country...wake up dude :lol:
Tigreans are so ashamed of their identity and claiming Eritreans in Addis this day... what a time

Tigray People wrote:
30 Nov 2019, 20:47

Banda Guhafe Wedi Guhafe

Eritreans like you are the laughing stock of Ethiopian and the World.

Amhara and oromos are calling you ascaris evil eritreans dubbing you as the most unrepentant Liars of the world.

Spare your self from being the laughing stock of this forum and the Ethiopia.

What's more closer to eritrea Badma,Zelanbesa or Addis Ababa???

Let's say your lies are true how come you failed to send your tanks,jet fighters,war hilcopters to Badma, Zelanbesa to retake them since they are behind your back yard not far like Addis Ababa!!

How come the Eritreans government spent tens of millions dollars for the past 23 years arming amhara oromos Gurages and Ethiopia opposition but failed to liberate one street in Ethiopia??

Repent ata Guhafe Wedi Guhafe diqala eritreans like you are vanishing from this Earth and eritrea will be a better place once she returned to the original owners the magnificent benevolent Tigray People.

Long Live The Tigray People!!

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

The Tigray People Republic!!
You are one foolish idiot that have no Clue of TPLF.

The Tigray People Liberation Front and the Tigray People singlehandedly crushed,oblitrated Ethiopia and eritrea until they begg for Mercy.

TPLF is doing a good job allowing the same country Ethiopia they developed being destroy one day at a time.

Forget eritrea it was crushed on the battlefield by Tigray People Army and defeated for the past 20 years without the Tigray People firing one bullet by applying the military tactics deterrence.

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

Tigray People
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Re: T.P.L.F Was Created By Tigray People Blood,Sweat, Tears, Scream

Post by Tigray People » 02 Dec 2019, 21:54

Every Tigray person must always remember and thank all the selfless Tigray People Fighters and the one millions innocent civilian Tigray People who sacrifced thier precious life for all Tigray People.

Long Live The Tigray People!!

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

Eternal Glory To Sematat Tigray People!!

The Tigray People Republic!!

Tigray People
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Re: T.P.L.F Was Created By Tigray People Blood,Sweat, Tears, Scream

Post by Tigray People » 02 Dec 2019, 23:42

Cigar wrote:
30 Nov 2019, 21:10
Like I said you have mastered the lie tplf taught you at your dedebit school.
Soon you will say how did I get hoodwinked by tplf deceits and lies.
2020 i.e.
Gexka tirhak, hasakh agame.
Ane yigedid misakhi zekhudid.
Ask halafi adghi and tell him to tell you the truth.

You are wrong no TPLF tried to deceive us at all.After all we are strategist, analyst, military strategist, policy Makers, Military doctrine strategist, thinkers and self taught leaders and Fighters of the Tigray People Republic and the Tigray People Liberation Front.As well as insiders of EPLF and TPLF.

We hate Lies,fake people and liars.

Long Live The Tigray People!!

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

The Tigray People Republic!!

Posts: 139
Joined: 01 Nov 2019, 19:27

Re: T.P.L.F Was Created By Tigray People Blood,Sweat, Tears, Scream

Post by aagirmay » 03 Dec 2019, 07:27

Look, it is easy to come to the conclusion that TPLF was mainly home grown and determined to make it. Unlike many groups in the region - especially the ones we see today. If you can say Eritrea supported TPLF against the Derg because it was the common enemy, why aren't you saying OLF, ONLF, and whatever they call themselves these stupid opposition groups are Eritrean. Eritrea strongly supports them. Is Al-Shabaab Eritrean because Asmara strongly supports it.

Tigray People
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Re: T.P.L.F Was Created By Tigray People Blood,Sweat, Tears, Scream

Post by Tigray People » 03 Dec 2019, 18:58

aagirmay wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 07:27
Look, it is easy to come to the conclusion that TPLF was mainly home grown and determined to make it. Unlike many groups in the region - especially the ones we see today. If you can say Eritrea supported TPLF against the Derg because it was the common enemy, why aren't you saying OLF, ONLF, and whatever they call themselves these stupid opposition groups are Eritrean. Eritrea strongly supports them. Is Al-Shabaab Eritrean because Asmara strongly supports it.
You raised a very good question and we have answered all those questions plus more in our past thread.

The Eritreans government spent 10s of millions dollars giving training, arms , financial support to all olf, Only, amhara,ginnot7,Al Shabab, oromos, Gurages etc etc for the past 23 years and they couldn't not liberate one street in thier perspective region because the Tigray People Army crushed them to dust.

We exposed the Eritreans government lies and it's inferior diqala eritreans lies to all people that why they failed to retake all the territories they lost during the war 1998-2000 and why they failed to put all those armed Ethiopia opposition on power for the past 23 years and they have no answer because every lies they fabricated anout TPLF was exposed.

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!

Posts: 139
Joined: 01 Nov 2019, 19:27

Re: T.P.L.F Was Created By Tigray People Blood,Sweat, Tears, Scream

Post by aagirmay » 04 Dec 2019, 01:04

Tigray People wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 18:58
aagirmay wrote:
03 Dec 2019, 07:27
Look, it is easy to come to the conclusion that TPLF was mainly home grown and determined to make it. Unlike many groups in the region - especially the ones we see today. If you can say Eritrea supported TPLF against the Derg because it was the common enemy, why aren't you saying OLF, ONLF, and whatever they call themselves these stupid opposition groups are Eritrean. Eritrea strongly supports them. Is Al-Shabaab Eritrean because Asmara strongly supports it.
You raised a very good question and we have answered all those questions plus more in our past thread.

The Eritreans government spent 10s of millions dollars giving training, arms , financial support to all olf, Only, amhara,ginnot7,Al Shabab, oromos, Gurages etc etc for the past 23 years and they couldn't not liberate one street in thier perspective region because the Tigray People Army crushed them to dust.

We exposed the Eritreans government lies and it's inferior diqala eritreans lies to all people that why they failed to retake all the territories they lost during the war 1998-2000 and why they failed to put all those armed Ethiopia opposition on power for the past 23 years and they have no answer because every lies they fabricated anout TPLF was exposed.

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!!
Very True and Well said. I visited Badme back in 2015, it is clearly ours. My bad that I didn't pick on the past threads and realise it has previously been discussed.

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