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Re: @@@ Finally the truth is told! Amhara Communication announced that Amhara people have the highest IQ in Ethiopia!!

Post by Cigar » 15 Aug 2019, 17:55

Leflafi adghi, I believe on that analysis.
The most dumbest people in the horn are tegarus.
Look at you, degnet, ethioarse, adwusha, Etawar, present, Axumawit and the above mentioned agames IQ is lower than the chimps.

Sam Ebalalehu
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Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: @@@ Finally the truth is told! Amhara Communication announced that Amhara people have the highest IQ in Ethiopia!!

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 15 Aug 2019, 22:41

The Amhara communication did not say the “Amhara people have the highest IQ in Ethiopia.” Biruk is not an Amhara people ; he is a young, bright student who is from Amhara ethnic group. But still I do not like the Amhara communication headline either. The highest score registered in Amhara “ killel” implies there is a competition between killels in education. Ethiopian soccer has become a tribalist playground for some time now. Now, even the achievement of abright student seems to not make them pause tribalists from interpreting everything from tribal point of view. That is sad. It is worth to remember Biruk is an Ethiopian of Amhara ethnicity.

Digital Weyane
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Re: @@@ Finally the truth is told! Amhara Communication announced that Amhara people have the highest IQ in Ethiopia!!

Post by Digital Weyane » 16 Aug 2019, 00:05

The student Bruk Zewdu is a Tigraway who was born in the Amhara region from hard working Tegaru parents. He is cento per cento Digital Tigraway who bleeds Yellow and Red colors.

Digital Weyane
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Re: @@@ Finally the truth is told! Amhara Communication announced that Amhara people have the highest IQ in Ethiopia!!

Post by Digital Weyane » 17 Aug 2019, 05:59

Bruk Zewdu is Tigraway just like me, Awash (QB) and eden/kerenite. Our Digital Weyane's higher than high IQ is attributed to the mineral-rich water our Awash River provides us in abundance. Dolphins are the smartest animals and we Digital Weyane are smarter than the dolphins.

Digital Weyane
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Re: @@@ Finally the truth is told! Amhara Communication announced that Amhara people have the highest IQ in Ethiopia!!

Post by Digital Weyane » 17 Aug 2019, 16:04

In the old days, before the invention of loudspeakers, democracy and Human Rights activists from Tigray used to get on top of Amara mountains and hills and scream about democratic values and principles at the top of their lungs. The very lucky Amara people who enjoyed the FREE lectures later named the mountains "የትግሬ መጮህያ" to remind future Amara generations of who brought democracy to their land.

That's why we Weyane won 100% of the vote in the Amara region every year for 27 years.

Digital Weyane
Posts: 9559
Joined: 19 Jun 2019, 21:45

Re: @@@ Finally the truth is told! Amhara Communication announced that Amhara people have the highest IQ in Ethiopia!!

Post by Digital Weyane » 18 Aug 2019, 05:16

One of the reasons we Digital Weyane hold deep seated resentment towards the Amara and Oromo people is because YOU PEOPLE deprived Tigray of much deserved Italian development by waging war against our Italian guests of honor at Adwa. Yes you went to war against our generous Italian guests because you didn't want to see Tigray get modern Italian development, manufacturing companies, art deco architecture, and asphalted roads.

You wanted to keep us poor and underdeveloped like the rest of Ethiopia. But we made you pay a heavy price the last 27 years we were in power, when we diverted all foreign aid and Ethiopian resources for Tigray's development. Justice is served!

We would have punished you more had it not been for the Wesf'aatam Eritreans who overthrew our TPLF government in Ethiopia. Consider yourselves lucky!

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