The new comer Evangelical church on the other hand, which many parts of our country were exposed to as a mass evangelization campaign over the last couple of decades has literally obliterated the Oromo cultural assets and identity from all the places it got its foot-hold on.
The Oromo people should stand up and defend itself against the cultural genocide that the evangelical church of the lutheran religion has instigated on it.
If you lose your identity, then you are lost for ever, if you lose yourself, then your next generation (son and daughter) will sustain you and you are not lost totaly.
The reason that the so called liberators are Protestants, is because they were recruited by Nazi leftovers who were hiding in wollega
Another reason is that by embracing Western Christianity and rejecting Ethiopian Orthodox, they thought they rebelled against 'amara'.. that's foolish

Actually the Protestant/Evangelical/Pente or whatever you call it the western religious doctrine and its proliferation among Ethiopian society is not commenced in the last two decade or so. Mainly and primarily it was introduced during the the emperor's forty four year reign.
The imperial regime of the Christian Island of Ethiopia was kept itself blindfolded to western missionaries to help converted its poor southern, eastern and western citizens from Islam and traditional religions into sisterly religion of Christianity regardless of whichever sect it is.
As long as those traditional and Islam believers are converted and replaced by any form of Christianity and are diminished in their number, the rest was not concern of the monarch regime.
Sad, generations passed by and here we are the foreign religion that was imported and planted by the leaders of Orthodox Tewahdo believers to harm others fired back and start biting them.
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